unit ULua; (* * A complete Pascal wrapper for Lua DLL module. * Version 5.1 or 5.2 * * Created by Geo Massar, 2006 * Distributed as free/open source. *) interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$DEFINE HaveCONFIG} {$IFDEF HaveCONFIG} uses UConfig; {$ELSE} const {$IFNDEF lua_VERSION_MAJOR} LUA_VERSION_MAJOR = '5'; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF lua_VERSION_MINOR} LUA_VERSION_MINOR = '1'; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF lua_VERSION_RELEASE} LUA_VERSION_RELEASE = '4'; {$ENDIF} LUA_VERSION_INT = 1000000*(ord(LUA_VERSION_MAJOR) - ord('0')) + 1000*(ord(LUA_VERSION_MINOR) - ord('0')) + lua_VERSION_RELEASE; {$ENDIF} const LUA_VERSION_NUM = 100*(ord(LUA_VERSION_MAJOR) - ord('0')) + ord(LUA_VERSION_MINOR) - ord('0'); {$IFDEF WIN32} LUA_LIB_NAME = 'lua' + LUA_VERSION_MAJOR + '.' + lua_VERSION_MINOR + '.dll'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNIX} {$IFDEF DARWIN} LUA_LIB_NAME = 'liblua.dylib'; {$linklib liblua} {$ELSE} LUA_LIB_NAME = lua_lib_name; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} type size_t = Cardinal; Psize_t = ^size_t; PPointer = ^Pointer; ptrdiff_t = LongInt; lua_State = record end; Plua_State = ^lua_State; (* formats for Lua numbers *) {$IFNDEF LUA_NUMBER_SCAN} const LUA_NUMBER_SCAN = '%lf'; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF LUA_NUMBER_FMT} const LUA_NUMBER_FMT = '%.14g'; {$ENDIF} (*****************************************************************************) (* luaconfig.h *) (*****************************************************************************) (* ** $Id: luaconf.h,v 1.81 2006/02/10 17:44:06 roberto Exp $ ** Configuration file for Lua ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h *) type (* ** ================================================================== @@ LUA_NUMBER is the type of numbers in Lua. ** CHANGE the following definitions only if you want to build Lua ** with a number type different from double. You may also need to ** change lua_number2int & lua_number2integer. ** =================================================================== *) LUA_NUMBER_ = type Double; // ending underscore is needed in Pascal (* @@ LUA_INTEGER is the integral type used by lua_pushinteger/lua_tointeger. ** CHANGE that if ptrdiff_t is not adequate on your machine. (On most ** machines, ptrdiff_t gives a good choice between int or long.) *) LUA_INTEGER_ = type ptrdiff_t; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} (* @@ LUA_UNSIGNED is the integral type used by lua_pushunsigned/lua_tounsigned. ** It must have at least 32 bits. *) LUA_UNSIGNED_ = type Cardinal; {$IFEND} (* @@ LUA_IDSIZE gives the maximum size for the description of the source @* of a function in debug information. ** CHANGE it if you want a different size. *) const LUA_IDSIZE = 60; (* @@ LUAL_BUFFERSIZE is the buffer size used by the lauxlib buffer system. *) const LUAL_BUFFERSIZE = 1024; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} (* @@ LUA_PROMPT is the default prompt used by stand-alone Lua. @@ LUA_PROMPT2 is the default continuation prompt used by stand-alone Lua. ** CHANGE them if you want different prompts. (You can also change the ** prompts dynamically, assigning to globals _PROMPT/_PROMPT2.) *) const LUA_PROMPT = '> '; LUA_PROMPT2 = '>> '; (* @@ lua_readline defines how to show a prompt and then read a line from @* the standard input. @@ lua_saveline defines how to "save" a read line in a "history". @@ lua_freeline defines how to free a line read by lua_readline. ** CHANGE them if you want to improve this functionality (e.g., by using ** GNU readline and history facilities). *) function lua_readline(L : Plua_State; var b : PChar; p : PChar): Boolean; procedure lua_saveline(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer); procedure lua_freeline(L : Plua_State; b : PChar); (* @@ lua_stdin_is_tty detects whether the standard input is a 'tty' (that @* is, whether we're running lua interactively). ** CHANGE it if you have a better definition for non-POSIX/non-Windows ** systems. */ #include #include #define lua_stdin_is_tty() _isatty(_fileno(stdin)) *) const lua_stdin_is_tty = TRUE; {$IFEND} (* @@ LUAI_BITSINT defines the number of bits in an int. ** CHANGE here if Lua cannot automatically detect the number of bits of ** your machine. Probably you do not need to change this. *) (* avoid overflows in comparison *) {$IF MaxInt < 32780} LUAI_BITSINT = 16; {$ELSEIF MaxInt > 2147483640} (* int has at least 32 bits *) LUAI_BITSINT = 32; {$ELSE} {$INFO You must define LUA_BITSINT with number of bits in an integer} {$ENDIF} (* @@ LUA_INT32 is an signed integer with exactly 32 bits. @@ LUAI_UMEM is an unsigned integer big enough to count the total @* memory used by Lua. @@ LUAI_MEM is a signed integer big enough to count the total memory @* used by Lua. ** CHANGE here if for some weird reason the default definitions are not ** good enough for your machine. Probably you do not need to change ** this. *) type {$IF LUAI_BITSINT >= 32} LUA_INT32 = Integer; LUAI_UMEM = Cardinal; LUAI_MEM = ptrdiff_t; {$ELSE} (* 16-bit ints *) LUA_INT32 = long; LUAI_UMEM = unsigned long; LUAI_MEM = long; {$ENDIF} (* @@ LUAI_MAXSTACK limits the size of the Lua stack. ** CHANGE it if you need a different limit. This limit is arbitrary; ** its only purpose is to stop Lua to consume unlimited stack ** space (and to reserve some numbers for pseudo-indices). *) const {$IF LUAI_BITSINT >= 32} LUAI_MAXSTACK = 1000000; {$ELSE} LUAI_MAXSTACK = 15000; {$ENDIF} (* reserve some space for error handling *) LUAI_FIRSTPSEUDOIDX = -LUAI_MAXSTACK - 1000; (*****************************************************************************) (* lua.h *) (*****************************************************************************) (* ** $Id: lua.h,v 1.216 2006/01/10 12:50:13 roberto Exp $ ** Lua - An Extensible Extension Language ** Lua.org, PUC-Rio, Brazil (http://www.lua.org) ** See Copyright Notice at the end of this file *) const LUA_VERSION = 'Lua ' + LUA_VERSION_MAJOR + '.' + LUA_VERSION_MINOR; LUA_RELEASE = LUA_VERSION + '.' + LUA_VERSION_RELEASE; LUA_COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright (C) 1994-2006 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio'; LUA_AUTHORS = 'R. Ierusalimschy, L. H. de Figueiredo & W. Celes'; (* mark for precompiled code ('Lua') *) LUA_SIGNATURE = #27'Lua'; (* option for multiple returns in `lua_pcall' and `lua_call' *) LUA_MULTRET = -1; (* ** pseudo-indices *) {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} LUA_REGISTRYINDEX = -10000; LUA_ENVIRONINDEX = -10001; LUA_GLOBALSINDEX = -10002; {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} LUA_REGISTRYINDEX = LUAI_FIRSTPSEUDOIDX; {$IFEND} function lua_upvalueindex(idx : Integer) : Integer; // a marco const (* thread status; 0 is OK *) {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} LUA_OK = 0; {$IFEND} LUA_YIELD_ = 1; // Note: the ending underscore is needed in Pascal LUA_ERRRUN = 2; LUA_ERRSYNTAX = 3; LUA_ERRMEM = 4; LUA_ERRERR = 5; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} LUA_ERRERR = 6; {$IFEND} type lua_CFunction = function(L : Plua_State) : Integer; cdecl; (* ** functions that read/write blocks when loading/dumping Lua chunks *) lua_Reader = function (L : Plua_State; ud : Pointer; sz : Psize_t) : PChar; cdecl; lua_Writer = function (L : Plua_State; const p : Pointer; sz : size_t; ud : Pointer) : Integer; cdecl; (* ** prototype for memory-allocation functions *) lua_Alloc = function (ud, ptr : Pointer; osize, nsize : size_t) : Pointer; cdecl; const (* ** basic types *) LUA_TNONE = -1; LUA_TNIL = 0; LUA_TBOOLEAN = 1; LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA = 2; LUA_TNUMBER = 3; LUA_TSTRING = 4; LUA_TTABLE = 5; LUA_TFUNCTION = 6; LUA_TUSERDATA = 7; LUA_TTHREAD = 8; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} LUA_NUMTAGS = 9; {$IFEND} (* minimum Lua stack available to a C function *) LUA_MINSTACK = 20; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} (* predefined values in the registry *) LUA_RIDX_MAINTHREAD = 1; LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS = 2; LUA_RIDX_LAST = LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS; {$IFEND} type (* type of numbers in Lua *) lua_Number = LUA_NUMBER_; (* type for integer functions *) lua_Integer = LUA_INTEGER_; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} (* unsigned integer type *) LUA_UNSIGNED = lua_Unsigned_; {$IFEND} (* ** state manipulation *) function lua_newstate(f : lua_Alloc; ud : Pointer) : Plua_State; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_close(L : Plua_State); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_newthread(L : Plua_State) : Plua_State; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_atpanic(L : Plua_State; panicf : lua_CFunction) : lua_CFunction; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} function lua_version(L : Plua_State) : Plua_Number; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} (* ** basic stack manipulation *) {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} function lua_absindex(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} function lua_gettop(L : Plua_State) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_settop(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_pushvalue(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_remove(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_insert(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_replace(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_checkstack(L : Plua_State; sz : Integer) : LongBool; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_xmove(src, dest : Plua_State; n : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; (* ** access functions (stack -> C) *) function lua_isnumber(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : LongBool; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_isstring(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : LongBool; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_iscfunction(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : LongBool; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_isuserdata(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : LongBool; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_type(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_typename(L : Plua_State; tp : Integer) : PChar; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} function lua_equal(L : Plua_State; idx1, idx2 : Integer) : LongBool; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_rawequal(L : Plua_State; idx1, idx2 : Integer) : LongBool; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_lessthan(L : Plua_State; idx1, idx2 : Integer) : LongBool; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_tonumber(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : lua_Number; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_tointeger(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : lua_Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} function lua_tonumberx(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer; isnum: PInteger) : lua_Number; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_tointegerx(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer; isnum: PInteger) : lua_Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_tounsignedx(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer; isnum : PInteger) : lua_Unsigned; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} function lua_toboolean(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : LongBool; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_tolstring(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer; len : Psize_t) : PChar; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} function lua_objlen(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : size_t; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} function lua_rawlen(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : size_t; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} function lua_tocfunction(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : lua_CFunction; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_touserdata(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : Pointer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_tothread(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : Plua_State; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_topointer(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : Pointer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} (* ** Comparison and arithmetic functions *) const LUA_OPADD = 0; (* ORDER TM *) LUA_OPSUB = 1; LUA_OPMUL = 2; LUA_OPDIV = 3; LUA_OPMOD = 4; LUA_OPPOW = 5; LUA_OPUNM = 6; procedure lua_arith(L : Plua_State; op : Integer); cdecl; const LUA_OPEQ = 0; LUA_OPLT = 1; LUA_OPLE = 2, function lua_rawequal (L : Plua_State; idx1 : Integer; idx2 : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_compare (L : Plua_State; idx1 : Integer; idx2 : Integer; op : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} (* ** push functions (C -> stack) *) procedure lua_pushnil(L : Plua_State); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_pushnumber(L : Plua_State; n : lua_Number); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_pushinteger(L : Plua_State; n : lua_Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} procedure lua_pushlstring(L : Plua_State; const s : PChar; ls : size_t); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_pushstring(L : Plua_State; const s : PChar); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure lua_pushunsigned(L : Plua_State; n : lua_Unsigned); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_pushlstring(L : Plua_State; const s : PChar; ls : size_t); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_pushstring(L : Plua_State; const s : PChar); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} function lua_pushvfstring(L : Plua_State; const fmt : PChar; argp : Pointer) : PChar; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_pushfstring(L : Plua_State; const fmt : PChar) : PChar; varargs; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_pushcclosure(L : Plua_State; fn : lua_CFunction; n : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_pushboolean(L : Plua_State; b : LongBool); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_pushlightuserdata(L : Plua_State; p : Pointer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_pushthread(L : Plua_state) : Cardinal; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; (* ** get functions (Lua -> stack) *) {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure lua_getglobal(L : Plua_State; var_: PChar); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} procedure lua_gettable(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_getfield(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer; k : PChar); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_rawget(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_rawgeti(L : Plua_State; idx, n : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure lua_rawgetp(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer; p : Pointer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} procedure lua_createtable(L : Plua_State; narr, nrec : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_newuserdata(L : Plua_State; sz : size_t) : Pointer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_getmetatable(L : Plua_State; objindex : Integer) : LongBool; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} procedure lua_getfenv(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure lua_getuservalue(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} (* ** set functions (stack -> Lua) *) {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure lua_setglobal(L : Plua_State; var_: PChar); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} procedure lua_settable(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_setfield(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer; const k : PChar); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_rawset(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_rawseti(L : Plua_State; idx , n: Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure lua_rawsetp(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer; p : Pointer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} function lua_setmetatable(L : Plua_State; objindex : Integer): LongBool; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} function lua_setfenv(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer): LongBool; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure lua_setuservalue(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} (* ** 'load' and 'call' functions (load and run Lua code) *) {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} procedure lua_call(L : Plua_State; nargs, nresults : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_pcall(L : Plua_State; nargs, nresults, errfunc : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_cpcall(L : Plua_State; func : lua_CFunction; ud : Pointer) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_load(L : Plua_State; reader : lua_Reader; dt : Pointer; const chunkname : PChar) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure lua_callk(L : Plua_State; nargs, nresults, ctx : Integer; k : lua_CFunction); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_call(L : Plua_State; nargs, nresults : Integer); function lua_getctx(L : Plua_State; ctx : PInteger) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_pcallk(L : Plua_State; nargs, nresults, errfunc : Integer; ctx : Integer; k : lua_CFunction) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_pcall(L : Plua_State; nargs, nresults, errfunc : Integer) : Integer; function lua_load(L : Plua_State; reader : lua_Reader; dt : Pointer; const chunkname : PChar; const mode : PChar) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} function lua_dump(L : Plua_State; writer : lua_Writer; data: Pointer) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; (* ** coroutine functions *) {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} function lua_yield(L : Plua_State; nresults : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} function lua_yieldk(L : Plua_State; nresults, ctx : Integer; k : lua_CFunction) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_yield(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Integer;// lua_yieldk(L, (n), 0, NULL) {$IFEND} function lua_resume(L : Plua_State; narg : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_status(L : Plua_State) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; (* ** garbage-collection functions and options *) const LUA_GCSTOP = 0; LUA_GCRESTART = 1; LUA_GCCOLLECT = 2; LUA_GCCOUNT = 3; LUA_GCCOUNTB = 4; LUA_GCSTEP = 5; LUA_GCSETPAUSE = 6; LUA_GCSETSTEPMUL = 7; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} LUA_GCSETMAJORINC = 8; LUA_GCISRUNNING = 9; LUA_GCGEN = 10; LUA_GCINC = 11; {$IFEND} function lua_gc(L : Plua_State; what, data : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; (* ** miscellaneous functions *) function lua_error(L : Plua_State) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_next(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_concat(L : Plua_State; n : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure lua_len(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} function lua_getallocf(L : Plua_State; ud : PPointer) : lua_Alloc; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_setallocf(L : Plua_State; f : lua_Alloc; ud : Pointer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; (* ** =============================================================== ** some useful macros ** =============================================================== *) {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure lua_tonumber(L : Plua_State; i : Integer); // lua_tonumberx(L,i,NULL) procedure lua_tointeger(L : Plua_State; i : Integer); // lua_tointegerx(L,i,NULL) procedure lua_tounsigned(L : Plua_State; i : Integer); // lua_tounsignedx(L,i,NULL) {$IFEND} procedure lua_pop(L : Plua_State; n : Integer); procedure lua_newtable(L : Plua_State); procedure lua_register(L : Plua_State; n : PChar; f : lua_CFunction); procedure lua_pushcfunction(L : Plua_State; f : lua_CFunction); {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} function lua_strlen(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : Integer; {$IFEND} function lua_isfunction(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; function lua_istable(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; function lua_islightuserdata(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; function lua_isnil(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; function lua_isboolean(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; function lua_isthread(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; function lua_isnone(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; function lua_isnoneornil(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; procedure lua_pushliteral(L : Plua_State; s : PChar); procedure lua_setglobal(L : Plua_State; s : PChar); procedure lua_getglobal(L : Plua_State; s : PChar); function lua_tostring(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : PChar; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} (* ** compatibility macros and functions *) function lua_open : Plua_State; procedure lua_getregistry(L : Plua_State); function lua_getgccount(L : Plua_State) : Integer; type lua_Chuckreader = lua_Reader; lua_Chuckwriter = lua_Writer; (* hack *) procedure lua_setlevel(from : Plua_State; to_ : Plua_State); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} (* ====================================================================== *) (* ** ====================================================================== ** Debug API ** ======================================================================= *) (* ** Event codes *) const LUA_HOOKCALL = 0; LUA_HOOKRET = 1; LUA_HOOKLINE = 2; LUA_HOOKCOUNT = 3; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} LUA_HOOKTAILRET = 4; {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} LUA_HOOKTAILCALL = 4; {$IFEND} (* ** Event masks *) LUA_MASKCALL = 1 shl LUA_HOOKCALL; LUA_MASKRET = 1 shl LUA_HOOKRET; LUA_MASKLINE = 1 shl LUA_HOOKLINE; LUA_MASKCOUNT = 1 shl LUA_HOOKCOUNT; type lua_Debug = packed record event : Integer; name : PChar; (* (n) *) namewhat : PChar; (* (n) `global', `local', `field', `method' *) what : PChar; (* (S) `Lua', `C', `main', `tail' *) source : PChar; (* (S) *) currentline : Integer; (* (l) *) {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} nups : Integer; (* (u) number of upvalues *) linedefined : Integer; (* (S) *) lastlinedefined : Integer; (* (S) *) short_src : array [0..LUA_IDSIZE-1] of Char; (* (S) *) (* private part *) i_ci : Integer; (* active function *) {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} linedefined : Integer; (* (S) *) lastlinedefined : Integer; (* (S) *) nups : Byte; (* (u) number of upvalues *) nparams : Byte; (* (u) number of parameters *) isvararg : Char; (* (u) *) istailcall: Char; (* (t) *) short_src : array [0..LUA_IDSIZE-1] of Char; (* (S) *) (* private part *) i_ci : PCallInfo (* active function *) {$IFEND} end; Plua_Debug = ^lua_Debug; (* Functions to be called by the debuger in specific events *) lua_Hook = procedure (L : Plua_State; ar : Plua_Debug); cdecl; function lua_getstack(L : Plua_State; level : Integer; ar : Plua_Debug) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_getinfo(L : Plua_State; const what : PChar; ar: Plua_Debug): Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_getlocal(L : Plua_State; ar : Plua_Debug; n : Integer) : PChar; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_setlocal(L : Plua_State; ar : Plua_Debug; n : Integer) : PChar; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_getupvalue(L : Plua_State; funcindex, n : Integer) : PChar; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_setupvalue(L : Plua_State; funcindex, n : Integer) : PChar; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} function lua_upvalueid (L : Plua_State; fidx, n : Integer): Pointer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_upvaluejoin (L : Plua_State; fidx1, n1, fidx2, n2 : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} function lua_sethook(L : Plua_State; func : lua_Hook; mask, count: Integer): Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_gethook(L : Plua_State) : lua_Hook; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_gethookmask(L : Plua_State) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function lua_gethookcount(L : Plua_State) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; (*****************************************************************************) (* lualib.h *) (*****************************************************************************) (* ** $Id: lualib.h,v 1.36 2005/12/27 17:12:00 roberto Exp $ ** Lua standard libraries ** See Copyright Notice at the end of this file *) const LUA_COLIBNAME = 'coroutine'; LUA_TABLIBNAME = 'table'; LUA_IOLIBNAME = 'io'; LUA_OSLIBNAME = 'os'; LUA_STRLIBNAME = 'string'; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} LUA_MATHLIBNAME = 'bit32'; {$IFEND} LUA_MATHLIBNAME = 'math'; LUA_DBLIBNAME = 'debug'; LUA_LOADLIBNAME = 'package'; function luaopen_base(L : Plua_State) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaopen_table(L : Plua_State) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaopen_io(L : Plua_State) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaopen_os(L : Plua_State) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaopen_string(L : Plua_State) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} function luaopen_bit32(L : Plua_State) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} function luaopen_math(L : Plua_State) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaopen_debug(L : Plua_State) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaopen_package(L : Plua_State) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {* open all previous libraries *} procedure luaL_openlibs(L : Plua_State); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure lua_assert(x : Boolean); // a macro (*****************************************************************************) (* lauxlib.h *) (*****************************************************************************) (* ** $Id: lauxlib.h,v 1.87 2005/12/29 15:32:11 roberto Exp $ ** Auxiliary functions for building Lua libraries ** See Copyright Notice at the end of this file. *) {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} // not compatibility with the behavior of setn/getn in Lua 5.0 function luaL_getn(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : Integer; deprecated; procedure luaL_setn(L : Plua_State; i, j : Integer); deprecated; {$IFEND} (* extra error code for `luaL_load' *) const LUA_ERRFILE = LUA_ERRERR + 1; type luaL_Reg = packed record name : PChar; func : lua_CFunction; end; PluaL_Reg = ^luaL_Reg; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} procedure luaL_openlib(L : Plua_State; const libname : PChar; const lr : PluaL_Reg; nup : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure luaL_register(L : Plua_State; const libname : PChar; const lr : PluaL_Reg); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure luaL_checkversion(L : Plua_State); procedure luaL_checkversion_(L : Plua_State; ver : lua_Number); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} function luaL_getmetafield(L : Plua_State; obj : Integer; const e : PChar) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_callmeta(L : Plua_State; obj : Integer; const e : PChar) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} function luaL_typerror(L : Plua_State; narg : Integer; const tname : PChar) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} function luaL_tolstring(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer; len : Psize_t) : PChar; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} function luaL_argerror(L : Plua_State; numarg : Integer; const extramsg : PChar) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_checklstring(L : Plua_State; numArg : Integer; ls : Psize_t) : PChar; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_optlstring(L : Plua_State; numArg : Integer; const def: PChar; ls: Psize_t) : PChar; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_checknumber(L : Plua_State; numArg : Integer) : lua_Number; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_optnumber(L : Plua_State; nArg : Integer; def : lua_Number) : lua_Number; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_checkinteger(L : Plua_State; numArg : Integer) : lua_Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_optinteger(L : Plua_State; nArg : Integer; def : lua_Integer) : lua_Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} function luaL_checkunsigned(L : Plua_State; numArg : Integer) : lua_Unsigned; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_optunsigned(L : Plua_State; numArg : Integer; def : lua_Unsigned) : lua_Unsigned; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} procedure luaL_checkstack(L : Plua_State; sz : Integer; const msg : PChar); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure luaL_checktype(L : Plua_State; narg, t : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure luaL_checkany(L : Plua_State; narg : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_newmetatable(L : Plua_State; const tname : PChar) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure luaL_setmetatable(L : Plua_State; const tname : PChar); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_testudata(L : Plua_State; ud : Integer; const tname : PChar) : Pointer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} function luaL_checkudata(L : Plua_State; ud : Integer; const tname : PChar) : Pointer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure luaL_where(L : Plua_State; lvl : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_error(L : Plua_State; const fmt : PChar) : Integer; varargs; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_checkoption(L : Plua_State; narg : Integer; const def : PChar; const lst : array of PChar) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} function luaL_fileresult(L : Plua_State; stat : Integer; const fname : PChar) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_execresult(L : Plua_State; stat : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; (* pre-defined references *) const LUA_NOREF = -2; LUA_REFNIL = -1; {$IFEND} function luaL_ref(L : Plua_State; t : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure luaL_unref(L : Plua_State; t, ref : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_loadfile(L : Plua_State; const filename : PChar) : Integer; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} function luaL_loadfilex(L: Plua_State; const filename, mode: PChar): Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} function luaL_loadbuffer(L : Plua_State; const buff : PChar; sz : size_t; const name: PChar) : Integer; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} function luaL_loadbufferx(L : Plua_State; const buff : PChar; sz : size_t; const name: PChar; const mode: PChar) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} function luaL_loadstring(L : Plua_State; const s : Pchar) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_newstate : Plua_State; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} function luaL_len(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} function luaL_gsub(L : Plua_State; const s, p, r : PChar) : PChar; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} function luaL_findtable(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer; const fname : PChar; szhint : Integer) : PChar; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure luaL_setfuncs(L : Plua_State; const l : PluaL_Reg; nup : Integer); overload; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure luaL_setfuncs(L : Plua_State; const l : array of luaL_Reg; nup : Integer); overload; function luaL_getsubtable(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer; const fname : PChar) : Integer; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure luaL_traceback(L : Plua_State; L1 : Plua_State; const msg : PChar; level : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure luaL_requiref(L : Plua_State; const modname : PChar; openf : lua_CFunction; glb : Integer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} (* ** =============================================================== ** some useful macros ** =============================================================== *) {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure luaL_newlibtable(L : Plua_State; l : array of luaL_Reg); overload; procedure luaL_newlibtable(L : Plua_State; l : PluaL_Reg); overload; procedure luaL_newlib(L : Plua_State; l : array of luaL_Reg); overload; procedure luaL_newlib(L : Plua_State; l : PluaL_Reg); overload; {$IFEND} function luaL_argcheck(L : Plua_State; cond : Boolean; numarg : Integer; extramsg : PChar): Integer; function luaL_checkstring(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : PChar; function luaL_optstring(L : Plua_State; n : Integer; d : PChar) : PChar; function luaL_checkint(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Integer; function luaL_optint(L : Plua_State; n, d : Integer): Integer; function luaL_checklong(L : Plua_State; n : LongInt) : LongInt; function luaL_optlong(L : Plua_State; n : Integer; d : LongInt) : LongInt; function luaL_typename(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : PChar; function luaL_dofile(L : Plua_State; fn : PChar) : Integer; function luaL_dostring(L : Plua_State; s : PChar) : Integer; procedure luaL_getmetatable(L : Plua_State; n : PChar); (* not implemented yet #define luaL_opt(L,f,n,d) (lua_isnoneornil(L,(n)) ? (d) : f(L,(n))) *) (* ** ====================================================== ** Generic Buffer manipulation ** ======================================================= *) type luaL_Buffer = packed record {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} p : PChar; (* current position in buffer *) lvl : Integer; (* number of strings in the stack (level) *) L : Plua_State; buffer : array [0..LUAL_BUFFERSIZE-1] of Char; {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} b : PChar; (* buffer address *) size : size_t; (* buffer size *) n : size_t; (* number of characters in buffer *) L : Plua_State; initb : array [0..LUAL_BUFFERSIZE-1] of Char; (* initial buffer *) {$IFEND} end; PluaL_Buffer = ^luaL_Buffer; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} (* compatibility only *) procedure luaL_addchar(B : PluaL_Buffer; c : Char); {$IFEND} (* compatibility only *) procedure luaL_putchar(B : PluaL_Buffer; c : Char); procedure luaL_addsize(B : PluaL_Buffer; n : Integer); procedure luaL_buffinit(L : Plua_State; B : PluaL_Buffer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_prepbuffer(B : PluaL_Buffer) : PChar; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure luaL_addlstring(B : PluaL_Buffer; const s : PChar; ls : size_t); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure luaL_addstring(B : PluaL_Buffer; const s : PChar); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure luaL_addvalue(B : PluaL_Buffer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; procedure luaL_pushresult(B : PluaL_Buffer); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure luaL_pushresultsize(B : PluaL_Buffer; sz : size_t); cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; function luaL_buffinitsize(L : PluaL_Buffer; L : PluaL_Buffer; sz : size_t) : PChar; cdecl; external LUA_LIB_NAME; {$IFEND} (* ====================================================== *) {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} (* compatibility with ref system *) (* pre-defined references *) const LUA_NOREF = -2; LUA_REFNIL = -1; function lua_ref(L : Plua_State; lock : Boolean) : Integer; procedure lua_unref(L : Plua_State; ref : Integer); procedure lua_getref(L : Plua_State; ref : Integer); {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} (* ** ======================================================= ** File handles for IO library ** ======================================================= *) (* ** A file handle is a userdata with metatable 'LUA_FILEHANDLE' and ** initial structure 'luaL_Stream' (it may contain other fields ** after that initial structure). *) const LUA_FILEHANDLE = 'FILE*'; type luaL_Stream = record f: Pointer; (* stream (NULL for incompletely created streams) *) closef: lua_CFunction; (* to close stream (NULL for closed streams) *) end; {$IFEND} (******************************************************************************) (******************************************************************************) (******************************************************************************) implementation uses SysUtils; (*****************************************************************************) (* luaconfig.h *) (*****************************************************************************) function lua_readline(L : Plua_State; var b : PChar; p : PChar): Boolean; var s : AnsiString; begin Write(p); // show prompt ReadLn(s); // get line b := PChar(s); // and return it lua_readline := (b[0] <> #4); // test for ctrl-D end; procedure lua_saveline(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer); begin end; procedure lua_freeline(L : Plua_State; b : PChar); begin end; (*****************************************************************************) (* lua.h *) (*****************************************************************************) function lua_upvalueindex(idx : Integer) : Integer; begin lua_upvalueindex := LUA_GLOBALSINDEX - idx; end; procedure lua_pop(L : Plua_State; n : Integer); begin lua_settop(L, -n - 1); end; procedure lua_newtable(L : Plua_State); begin lua_createtable(L, 0, 0); end; procedure lua_register(L : Plua_State; n : PChar; f : lua_CFunction); begin lua_pushcfunction(L, f); lua_setglobal(L, n); end; procedure lua_pushcfunction(L : Plua_State; f : lua_CFunction); begin lua_pushcclosure(L, f, 0); end; function lua_strlen(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : Integer; begin lua_strlen := lua_objlen(L, idx); end; function lua_isfunction(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; begin lua_isfunction := lua_type(L, n) = LUA_TFUNCTION; end; function lua_istable(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; begin lua_istable := lua_type(L, n) = LUA_TTABLE; end; function lua_islightuserdata(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; begin lua_islightuserdata := lua_type(L, n) = LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA; end; function lua_isnil(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; begin lua_isnil := lua_type(L, n) = LUA_TNIL; end; function lua_isboolean(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; begin lua_isboolean := lua_type(L, n) = LUA_TBOOLEAN; end; function lua_isthread(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; begin lua_isthread := lua_type(L, n) = LUA_TTHREAD; end; function lua_isnone(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; begin lua_isnone := lua_type(L, n) = LUA_TNONE; end; function lua_isnoneornil(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Boolean; begin lua_isnoneornil := lua_type(L, n) <= 0; end; procedure lua_pushliteral(L : Plua_State; s : PChar); begin lua_pushlstring(L, s, StrLen(s)); end; procedure lua_setglobal(L : Plua_State; s : PChar); begin lua_setfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, s); end; procedure lua_getglobal(L: Plua_State; s: PChar); begin lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, s); end; function lua_tostring(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : PChar; begin lua_tostring := lua_tolstring(L, idx, nil); end; function lua_open : Plua_State; begin lua_open := luaL_newstate; end; procedure lua_getregistry(L : Plua_State); begin lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); end; function lua_getgccount(L : Plua_State) : Integer; begin lua_getgccount := lua_gc(L, LUA_GCCOUNT, 0); end; (*****************************************************************************) (* lualib.h *) (*****************************************************************************) procedure lua_assert(x : Boolean); begin end; (*****************************************************************************) (* lauxlib.h n *) (*****************************************************************************) {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} function luaL_getn(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : Integer; begin luaL_getn := lua_objlen(L, idx); end; procedure luaL_setn(L : plua_State; i, j : Integer); begin (* no op *) end; {$ELSEIF LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502} procedure luaL_checkversion(L : Plua_State); begin luaL_checkversion_(L, LUA_VERSION_NUM); end; function luaL_loadfile(L : Plua_State; const filename: PChar): Integer; begin Result := luaL_loadfilex(L, filename, nil); end; function luaL_loadbuffer(L : Plua_State; const buff: PChar; size: size_t; const name: PChar): Integer; begin Result := luaL_loadbufferx(L, buff, size, name, nil); end; procedure luaL_setfuncs(L : Plua_State; const l : array of luaL_Reg; nup : Integer); begin luaL_setfuncs(L, @l, nup); end; procedure luaL_newlibtable(L : Plua_State; l : array of luaL_Reg); begin lua_createtable(L, 0, High(l)); end; procedure luaL_newlibtable(L : Plua_State; l : PluaL_Reg); var n: Integer; begin n := 0; while l^.name <> nil do begin inc(n); inc(l); end; lua_createtable(L, 0, n); end; procedure luaL_newlib(L : Plua_State; l : array of luaL_Reg); begin luaL_newlibtable(L, l); luaL_setfuncs(L, @l, 0); end; procedure luaL_newlib(L : Plua_State; l : PluaL_Reg); begin luaL_newlibtable(L, l); luaL_setfuncs(L, l, 0); end; {$IFEND} function luaL_argcheck(L : Plua_State; cond : Boolean; numarg : Integer; extramsg : PChar): Integer; begin if not cond then luaL_argcheck := luaL_argerror(L, numarg, extramsg) else luaL_argcheck := 0; end; function luaL_checkstring(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : PChar; begin luaL_checkstring := luaL_checklstring(L, n, nil); end; function luaL_optstring(L : Plua_State; n : Integer; d : PChar) : PChar; begin luaL_optstring := luaL_optlstring(L, n, d, nil); end; function luaL_checkint(L : Plua_State; n : Integer) : Integer; begin luaL_checkint := luaL_checkinteger(L, n); end; function luaL_optint(L : Plua_State; n, d : Integer): Integer; begin luaL_optint := luaL_optinteger(L, n, d); end; function luaL_checklong(L : Plua_State; n : LongInt) : LongInt; begin luaL_checklong := luaL_checkinteger(L, n); end; function luaL_optlong(L : Plua_State; n : Integer; d : LongInt) : LongInt; begin luaL_optlong := luaL_optinteger(L, n, d); end; function luaL_typename(L : Plua_State; idx : Integer) : PChar; begin luaL_typename := lua_typename( L, lua_type(L, idx) ); end; function luaL_dofile(L : Plua_State; fn : PChar) : Integer; Var Res : Integer; begin // WC 2007\03\22 - Updated for Delphi Res := luaL_loadfile(L, fn); if Res = 0 then Res := lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0); Result := Res; end; function luaL_dostring(L : Plua_State; s : PChar) : Integer; Var Res : Integer; begin // WC 2007\03\22 - Updated for Delphi Res := luaL_loadstring(L, s); if Res = 0 then Res := lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0); Result := Res; end; procedure luaL_getmetatable(L : Plua_State; n : PChar); begin lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, n); end; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} procedure luaL_addchar(B : PluaL_Buffer; c : Char); begin if not(B^.p < B^.buffer + LUAL_BUFFERSIZE) then luaL_prepbuffer(B); B^.p^ := c; Inc(B^.p); end; {$IFEND} procedure luaL_putchar(B : PluaL_Buffer; c : Char); begin luaL_addchar(B, c); end; procedure luaL_addsize(B : PluaL_Buffer; n : Integer); begin Inc(B^.p, n); end; {$IF LUA_VERSION_NUM = 501} function lua_ref(L : Plua_State; lock : Boolean) : Integer; begin if lock then lua_ref := luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX) else begin lua_pushstring(L, 'unlocked references are obsolete'); lua_error(L); lua_ref := 0; end; end; procedure lua_unref(L : Plua_State; ref : Integer); begin luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref); end; procedure lua_getref(L : Plua_State; ref : Integer); begin lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref); end; {$IFEND} (****************************************************************************** * Original copyright for the lua source and headers: * 1994-2004 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio. * www.lua.org. * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************) end.