unit sdlwindow; { $Id: sdlwindow.pas,v 1.9 2006/10/22 18:55:25 savage Exp $ } {******************************************************************************} { } { JEDI-SDL : Pascal units for SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer } { SDL Window Wrapper } { } { } { The initial developer of this Pascal code was : } { Dominique Louis <Dominique@SavageSoftware.com.au> } { } { Portions created by Dominique Louis are } { Copyright (C) 2004 - 2100 Dominique Louis. } { } { } { Contributor(s) } { -------------- } { Dominique Louis <Dominique@SavageSoftware.com.au> } { } { Obtained through: } { Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators ( Project JEDI ) } { } { You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project } { JEDI home page, located at http://delphi-jedi.org } { } { The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to } { the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may } { not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may } { obtain a copy of the License at } { http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html } { } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on an } { "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or } { implied. See the License for the specific language governing } { rights and limitations under the License. } { } { Description } { ----------- } { SDL Window Wrapper } { } { } { Requires } { -------- } { SDL.dll on Windows platforms } { libSDL-1.1.so.0 on Linux platform } { } { Programming Notes } { ----------------- } { } { } { } { } { Revision History } { ---------------- } { January 31 2003 - DL : Initial creation } { } { $Log: sdlwindow.pas,v $ Revision 1.9 2006/10/22 18:55:25 savage Slight Change to handle OpenGL context Revision 1.8 2005/08/03 18:57:32 savage Various updates and additions. Mainly to handle OpenGL 3D Window support and better cursor support for the mouse class Revision 1.7 2004/09/30 22:35:47 savage Changes, enhancements and additions as required to get SoAoS working. Revision 1.6 2004/09/12 21:52:58 savage Slight changes to fix some issues with the sdl classes. Revision 1.5 2004/05/10 21:11:49 savage changes required to help get SoAoS off the ground. Revision 1.4 2004/05/01 14:59:27 savage Updated code Revision 1.3 2004/04/23 10:45:28 savage Changes made by Dean Ellis to work more modularly. Revision 1.2 2004/03/31 10:06:41 savage Changed so that it now compiles, but is untested. Revision 1.1 2004/02/05 00:08:20 savage Module 1.0 release } {******************************************************************************} interface {$i jedi-sdl.inc} uses Classes, sdl, sdlinput, sdlticks; type TSDLNotifyEvent = procedure {$IFNDEF NOT_OO}of object{$ENDIF}; TSDLUpdateEvent = procedure( aElapsedTime : single ) {$IFNDEF NOT_OO}of object{$ENDIF}; TSDLResizeEvent = procedure( aWidth : integer; aHeight : integer; aBitDepth : integer; aVideoFlags : Uint32 ) {$IFNDEF NOT_OO}of object{$ENDIF}; TSDLUserEvent = procedure( aType : UInt8; aCode : integer; aData1 : Pointer; aData2 : Pointer ) {$IFNDEF NOT_OO}of object{$ENDIF}; TSDLActiveEvent = procedure( aGain: UInt8; aState: UInt8 ) {$IFNDEF NOT_OO}of object{$ENDIF}; TSDLBaseWindow = class( TObject ) private FDisplaySurface : PSDL_Surface; FVideoFlags : Uint32; FOnDestroy: TSDLNotifyEvent; FOnCreate: TSDLNotifyEvent; FOnShow: TSDLNotifyEvent; FOnResize: TSDLResizeEvent; FOnUpdate: TSDLUpdateEvent; FOnRender: TSDLNotifyEvent; FOnClose: TSDLNotifyEvent; FLoaded: Boolean; FRendering: Boolean; FHeight: integer; FBitDepth: integer; FWidth: integer; FInputManager: TSDLInputManager; FCaptionText : PChar; FIconName : PChar; FOnActive: TSDLActiveEvent; FOnQuit: TSDLNotifyEvent; FOnExpose: TSDLNotifyEvent; FOnUser: TSDLUserEvent; FTimer : TSDLTicks; protected procedure DoActive( aGain: UInt8; aState: UInt8 ); procedure DoCreate; procedure DoClose; procedure DoDestroy; procedure DoUpdate( aElapsedTime : single ); procedure DoQuit; procedure DoRender; procedure DoResize( aWidth : integer; aHeight : integer; aBitDepth : integer; aVideoFlags : Uint32 ); procedure DoShow; procedure DoUser( aType : UInt8; aCode : integer; aData1 : Pointer; aData2 : Pointer ); procedure DoExpose; procedure Render; virtual; procedure Update( aElapsedTime : single ); virtual; procedure InitialiseObjects; virtual; procedure RestoreObjects; virtual; procedure DeleteObjects; virtual; function Flip : integer; virtual; property OnActive : TSDLActiveEvent read FOnActive write FOnActive; property OnClose: TSDLNotifyEvent read FOnClose write FOnClose; property OnDestroy : TSDLNotifyEvent read FOnDestroy write FOnDestroy; property OnCreate : TSDLNotifyEvent read FOnCreate write FOnCreate; property OnUpdate: TSDLUpdateEvent read FOnUpdate write FOnUpdate; property OnQuit : TSDLNotifyEvent read FOnQuit write FOnQuit; property OnResize : TSDLResizeEvent read FOnResize write FOnResize; property OnRender: TSDLNotifyEvent read FOnRender write FOnRender; property OnShow : TSDLNotifyEvent read FOnShow write FOnShow; property OnUser : TSDLUserEvent read FOnUser write FOnUser; property OnExpose : TSDLNotifyEvent read FOnExpose write FOnExpose; property DisplaySurface: PSDL_Surface read FDisplaySurface; public property InputManager : TSDLInputManager read FInputManager; property Loaded : Boolean read FLoaded; property Width : integer read FWidth; property Height : integer read FHeight; property BitDepth : integer read FBitDepth; property Rendering : Boolean read FRendering write FRendering; procedure SetCaption( const aCaptionText : string; const aIconName : string ); procedure GetCaption( var aCaptionText : string; var aIconName : string ); procedure SetIcon( aIcon : PSDL_Surface; aMask: UInt8 ); procedure ActivateVideoMode; constructor Create( aWidth : integer; aHeight : integer; aBitDepth : integer; aVideoFlags : Uint32 ); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; procedure InitialiseEnvironment; function Show : Boolean; virtual; end; TSDLCustomWindow = class( TSDLBaseWindow ) public property OnCreate; property OnDestroy; property OnClose; property OnShow; property OnResize; property OnRender; property OnUpdate; property DisplaySurface; end; TSDL2DWindow = class( TSDLCustomWindow ) public constructor Create( aWidth : integer; aHeight : integer; aBitDepth : integer; aVideoFlags : Uint32 = SDL_DOUBLEBUF or SDL_SWSURFACE); override; procedure Render; override; procedure Update( aElapsedTime : single ); override; procedure InitialiseObjects; override; procedure RestoreObjects; override; procedure DeleteObjects; override; function Flip : integer; override; end; TSDL3DWindow = class( TSDLCustomWindow ) public constructor Create( aWidth : integer; aHeight : integer; aBitDepth : integer; aVideoFlags : Uint32 = SDL_OPENGL or SDL_DOUBLEBUF); override; function Flip : integer; override; procedure Render; override; procedure Update( aElapsedTime : single ); override; procedure InitialiseObjects; override; procedure RestoreObjects; override; procedure DeleteObjects; override; end; implementation uses logger, SysUtils; { TSDLBaseWindow } procedure TSDLBaseWindow.ActivateVideoMode; begin FDisplaySurface := SDL_SetVideoMode( FWidth, FHeight, FBitDepth, FVideoFlags); if (FDisplaySurface = nil) then begin Log.LogError( Format('Could not set video mode: %s', [SDL_GetError]), 'Main'); exit; end; SetCaption( 'Made with JEDI-SDL', 'JEDI-SDL Icon' ); end; constructor TSDLBaseWindow.Create( aWidth : integer; aHeight : integer; aBitDepth : integer; aVideoFlags : Uint32 ); begin inherited Create; SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING); FInputManager := TSDLInputManager.Create( [ itJoystick, itKeyBoard, itMouse ]); FTimer := TSDLTicks.Create; FWidth := aWidth; FHeight := aHeight; FBitDepth := aBitDepth; FVideoFlags := aVideoFlags; DoCreate; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.DeleteObjects; begin FLoaded := False; end; destructor TSDLBaseWindow.Destroy; begin DoDestroy; if FLoaded then DeleteObjects; if FInputManager <> nil then FreeAndNil( FInputManager ); if FTimer <> nil then FreeAndNil( FTimer ); if FDisplaySurface <> nil then SDL_FreeSurface( FDisplaySurface ); inherited Destroy; SDL_Quit; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.DoActive(aGain, aState: UInt8); begin if Assigned( FOnActive ) then begin FOnActive( aGain, aState ); end; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.DoClose; begin if Assigned( FOnClose ) then begin FOnClose; end; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.DoCreate; begin if Assigned( FOnCreate ) then begin FOnCreate; end; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.DoDestroy; begin if Assigned( FOnDestroy ) then begin FOnDestroy; end; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.DoExpose; begin if Assigned( FOnExpose ) then begin FOnExpose; end; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.DoUpdate( aElapsedTime : single ); begin if Assigned( FOnUpdate ) then begin FOnUpdate( aElapsedTime ); end; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.DoQuit; begin FRendering := false; if Assigned( FOnQuit ) then begin FOnQuit; end; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.DoRender; begin if Assigned( FOnRender ) then begin FOnRender; end; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.DoResize( aWidth : integer; aHeight : integer; aBitDepth : integer; aVideoFlags : Uint32 ); begin // resize to the new size SDL_FreeSurface(FDisplaySurface); FWidth := aWidth; FHeight := aHeight; FBitDepth := aBitDepth; FVideoFlags := aVideoFlags; FDisplaySurface := SDL_SetVideoMode(aWidth, aHeight, aBitDepth, aVideoFlags); if Assigned( FOnResize ) then begin FOnResize( aWidth, aHeight, aBitDepth, aVideoFlags ); end; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.DoShow; begin if Assigned( FOnShow ) then begin FOnShow; end; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.DoUser(aType: UInt8; aCode: integer; aData1, aData2: Pointer); begin if Assigned( FOnUser ) then begin FOnUser( aType, aCode, aData1, aData2 ); end; end; function TSDLBaseWindow.Flip : integer; begin result := 0; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.GetCaption( var aCaptionText : string; var aIconName : string ); begin aCaptionText := string( FCaptionText ); aIconName := string( FIconName ); end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.InitialiseEnvironment; begin InitialiseObjects; RestoreObjects; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.InitialiseObjects; begin FLoaded := True; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.Update( aElapsedTime : single ); begin DoUpdate( aElapsedTime ); end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.Render; begin DoRender; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.RestoreObjects; begin FLoaded := false; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.SetCaption( const aCaptionText : string; const aIconName : string ); begin if FCaptionText <> aCaptionText then begin FCaptionText := PChar( aCaptionText ); FIconName := PChar( aIconName ); SDL_WM_SetCaption( FCaptionText, FIconName ); end; end; procedure TSDLBaseWindow.SetIcon(aIcon: PSDL_Surface; aMask: UInt8); begin SDL_WM_SetIcon( aIcon, aMask ); end; function TSDLBaseWindow.Show : Boolean; var eBaseWindowEvent : TSDL_Event; begin DoShow; FTimer.Init; FRendering := true; // repeat until we are told not to render while FRendering do begin // wait for an event while SDL_PollEvent( @eBaseWindowEvent ) > 0 do begin // check for a quit event case eBaseWindowEvent.type_ of SDL_ACTIVEEVENT : begin DoActive( eBaseWindowEvent.active.gain, eBaseWindowEvent.active.state ); end; SDL_QUITEV : begin DoQuit; DoClose; end; SDL_USEREVENT : begin DoUser( eBaseWindowEvent.user.type_, eBaseWindowEvent.user.code, eBaseWindowEvent.user.data1, eBaseWindowEvent.user.data2 ); end; SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE : begin DoExpose; end; SDL_VIDEORESIZE : begin DoResize( eBaseWindowEvent.resize.w, eBaseWindowEvent.resize.h, FDisplaySurface.format.BitsPerPixel, FVideoflags ); end; end; InputManager.UpdateInputs( eBaseWindowEvent ); end; // Prepare the Next Frame Update( FTimer.GetElapsedSeconds ); // Display the Next Frame Render; // Flip the surfaces Flip; end; Result := FRendering; end; { TSDL2DWindow } constructor TSDL2DWindow.Create(aWidth, aHeight, aBitDepth: integer; aVideoFlags: Uint32); begin // make sure double buffer is always included in the video flags inherited Create(aWidth,aHeight, aBitDepth, aVideoFlags or SDL_DOUBLEBUF); end; procedure TSDL2DWindow.DeleteObjects; begin inherited; end; function TSDL2DWindow.Flip: integer; begin // let's show the back buffer result := SDL_Flip( FDisplaySurface ); end; procedure TSDL2DWindow.InitialiseObjects; begin inherited; end; procedure TSDL2DWindow.Update( aElapsedTime : single ); begin inherited; end; procedure TSDL2DWindow.Render; begin inherited; end; procedure TSDL2DWindow.RestoreObjects; begin inherited; end; { TSDL3DWindow } constructor TSDL3DWindow.Create(aWidth, aHeight, aBitDepth: integer; aVideoFlags: Uint32); begin // make sure opengl is always included in the video flags inherited Create(aWidth,aHeight, aBitDepth, aVideoFlags or SDL_OPENGL or SDL_DOUBLEBUF); end; procedure TSDL3DWindow.DeleteObjects; begin inherited; end; function TSDL3DWindow.Flip : integer; begin SDL_GL_SwapBuffers; result := 0; end; procedure TSDL3DWindow.InitialiseObjects; begin inherited; end; procedure TSDL3DWindow.Update( aElapsedTime : single ); begin inherited; end; procedure TSDL3DWindow.Render; begin inherited; end; procedure TSDL3DWindow.RestoreObjects; begin inherited; end; end.