unit moduleloader; { $Id: moduleloader.pas,v 1.4 2004/02/20 17:19:10 savage Exp $ } {******************************************************************} { } { Project JEDI } { OS independent Dynamic Loading Helpers } { } { The initial developer of the this code is } { Robert Marquardt <robert_marquardt@gmx.de) } { } { Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Robert Marquardt. } { } { Obtained through: } { Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators (Project JEDI) } { } { You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project } { JEDI home page, located at http://delphi-jedi.org } { } { The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to } { the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may } { not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may } { obtain a copy of the License at } { http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/NPL-1_1Final.html } { } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on an } { "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or } { implied. See the License for the specific language governing } { rights and limitations under the License. } { } {******************************************************************} { $Log: moduleloader.pas,v $ Revision 1.4 2004/02/20 17:19:10 savage Added Calling convention to Win32 functions just in case. Revision 1.3 2004/02/14 22:36:29 savage Fixed inconsistencies of using LoadLibrary and LoadModule. Now all units make use of LoadModule rather than LoadLibrary and other dynamic proc procedures. Revision 1.2 2004/02/14 00:23:39 savage As UNIX is defined in jedi-sdl.inc this will be used to check linux compatability as well. Units have been changed to reflect this change. Revision 1.1 2004/02/14 00:04:50 savage dllfuncs conflicts with FreePascal so it has been renamed back to the moduleloader.pas Revision 1.1 2004/02/05 00:08:19 savage Module 1.0 release } interface {$i jedi-sdl.inc} {$WEAKPACKAGEUNIT ON} // each OS gets its own IFDEFed complete code block to make reading easier {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} uses Windows; type // Handle to a loaded DLL TModuleHandle = HINST; const // Value designating an unassigned TModuleHandle od a failed loading INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE = TModuleHandle(0); function LoadModule(var Module: TModuleHandle; FileName: PChar): Boolean; stdcall; function LoadModuleEx(var Module: TModuleHandle; FileName: PChar; Flags: Cardinal): Boolean; stdcall; procedure UnloadModule(var Module: TModuleHandle); stdcall; function GetModuleSymbol(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar): Pointer; stdcall; function GetModuleSymbolEx(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar; var Accu: Boolean): Pointer; stdcall; function ReadModuleData(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar; var Buffer; Size: Cardinal): Boolean; stdcall; function WriteModuleData(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar; var Buffer; Size: Cardinal): Boolean; stdcall; implementation // load the DLL file FileName // the rules for FileName are those of LoadLibrary // Returns: True = success, False = failure to load // Assigns: the handle of the loaded DLL to Module // Warning: if Module has any other value than INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE // on entry the function will do nothing but returning success. function LoadModule(var Module: TModuleHandle; FileName: PChar): Boolean; begin if Module = INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE then Module := LoadLibrary( FileName ); Result := Module <> INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE; end; // load the DLL file FileName // LoadLibraryEx is used to get better control of the loading // for the allowed values for flags see LoadLibraryEx documentation. function LoadModuleEx(var Module: TModuleHandle; FileName: PChar; Flags: Cardinal): Boolean; begin if Module = INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE then Module := LoadLibraryEx( FileName, 0, Flags); Result := Module <> INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE; end; // unload a DLL loaded with LoadModule or LoadModuleEx // The procedure will not try to unload a handle with // value INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE and assigns this value // to Module after unload. procedure UnloadModule(var Module: TModuleHandle); begin if Module <> INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE then FreeLibrary(Module); Module := INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE; end; // returns the pointer to the symbol named SymbolName // if it is exported from the DLL Module // nil is returned if the symbol is not available function GetModuleSymbol(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar): Pointer; begin Result := nil; if Module <> INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE then Result := GetProcAddress(Module, SymbolName ); end; // returns the pointer to the symbol named SymbolName // if it is exported from the DLL Module // nil is returned if the symbol is not available. // as an extra the boolean variable Accu is updated // by anding in the success of the function. // This is very handy for rendering a global result // when accessing a long list of symbols. function GetModuleSymbolEx(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar; var Accu: Boolean): Pointer; begin Result := nil; if Module <> INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE then Result := GetProcAddress(Module, SymbolName ); Accu := Accu and (Result <> nil); end; // get the value of variables exported from a DLL Module // Delphi cannot access variables in a DLL directly, so // this function allows to copy the data from the DLL. // Beware! You are accessing the DLL memory image directly. // Be sure to access a variable not a function and be sure // to read the correct amount of data. function ReadModuleData(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar; var Buffer; Size: Cardinal): Boolean; var Sym: Pointer; begin Result := True; Sym := GetModuleSymbolEx(Module, SymbolName, Result); if Result then Move(Sym^, Buffer, Size); end; // set the value of variables exported from a DLL Module // Delphi cannot access variables in a DLL directly, so // this function allows to copy the data to the DLL! // BEWARE! You are accessing the DLL memory image directly. // Be sure to access a variable not a function and be sure // to write the correct amount of data. // The changes are not persistent. They get lost when the // DLL is unloaded. function WriteModuleData(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar; var Buffer; Size: Cardinal): Boolean; var Sym: Pointer; begin Result := True; Sym := GetModuleSymbolEx(Module, SymbolName, Result); if Result then Move(Buffer, Sym^, Size); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF Unix} uses {$ifdef FPC} dl, Types, Baseunix, Unix; {$else} Types, Libc; {$endif} type // Handle to a loaded .so TModuleHandle = Pointer; const // Value designating an unassigned TModuleHandle od a failed loading INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE = TModuleHandle(nil); function LoadModule(var Module: TModuleHandle; FileName: PChar): Boolean; function LoadModuleEx(var Module: TModuleHandle; FileName: PChar; Flags: Cardinal): Boolean; procedure UnloadModule(var Module: TModuleHandle); function GetModuleSymbol(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar): Pointer; function GetModuleSymbolEx(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar; var Accu: Boolean): Pointer; function ReadModuleData(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar; var Buffer; Size: Cardinal): Boolean; function WriteModuleData(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar; var Buffer; Size: Cardinal): Boolean; implementation // load the .so file FileName // the rules for FileName are those of dlopen() // Returns: True = success, False = failure to load // Assigns: the handle of the loaded .so to Module // Warning: if Module has any other value than INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE // on entry the function will do nothing but returning success. function LoadModule(var Module: TModuleHandle; FileName: PChar): Boolean; begin if Module = INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE then Module := dlopen( FileName, RTLD_NOW); Result := Module <> INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE; end; // load the .so file FileName // dlopen() with flags is used to get better control of the loading // for the allowed values for flags see "man dlopen". function LoadModuleEx(var Module: TModuleHandle; FileName: PChar; Flags: Cardinal): Boolean; begin if Module = INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE then Module := dlopen( FileName, Flags); Result := Module <> INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE; end; // unload a .so loaded with LoadModule or LoadModuleEx // The procedure will not try to unload a handle with // value INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE and assigns this value // to Module after unload. procedure UnloadModule(var Module: TModuleHandle); begin if Module <> INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE then dlclose(Module); Module := INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE; end; // returns the pointer to the symbol named SymbolName // if it is exported from the .so Module // nil is returned if the symbol is not available function GetModuleSymbol(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar): Pointer; begin Result := nil; if Module <> INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE then Result := dlsym(Module, SymbolName ); end; // returns the pointer to the symbol named SymbolName // if it is exported from the .so Module // nil is returned if the symbol is not available. // as an extra the boolean variable Accu is updated // by anding in the success of the function. // This is very handy for rendering a global result // when accessing a long list of symbols. function GetModuleSymbolEx(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar; var Accu: Boolean): Pointer; begin Result := nil; if Module <> INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE then Result := dlsym(Module, SymbolName ); Accu := Accu and (Result <> nil); end; // get the value of variables exported from a .so Module // Delphi cannot access variables in a .so directly, so // this function allows to copy the data from the .so. // Beware! You are accessing the .so memory image directly. // Be sure to access a variable not a function and be sure // to read the correct amount of data. function ReadModuleData(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar; var Buffer; Size: Cardinal): Boolean; var Sym: Pointer; begin Result := True; Sym := GetModuleSymbolEx(Module, SymbolName, Result); if Result then Move(Sym^, Buffer, Size); end; // set the value of variables exported from a .so Module // Delphi cannot access variables in a .so directly, so // this function allows to copy the data to the .so! // BEWARE! You are accessing the .so memory image directly. // Be sure to access a variable not a function and be sure // to write the correct amount of data. // The changes are not persistent. They get lost when the // .so is unloaded. function WriteModuleData(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: PChar; var Buffer; Size: Cardinal): Boolean; var Sym: Pointer; begin Result := True; Sym := GetModuleSymbolEx(Module, SymbolName, Result); if Result then Move(Buffer, Sym^, Size); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF __MACH__} // Mach definitions go here {$ENDIF} end.