unit glx; { $Id: glx.pas,v 1.3 2006/11/20 21:20:59 savage Exp $ Translation of the Mesa GLX headers for FreePascal Copyright (C) 1999 Sebastian Guenther Mesa 3-D graphics library Version: 3.0 Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Brian Paul This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. } // {$MODE delphi} // objfpc would not work because of direct proc var assignments {You have to enable Macros (compiler switch "-Sm") for compiling this unit! This is necessary for supporting different platforms with different calling conventions via a single unit.} { $Log: glx.pas,v $ Revision 1.3 2006/11/20 21:20:59 savage Updated to work in MacOS X Revision 1.2 2006/04/18 18:38:33 savage fixed boolean test - thanks grudzio Revision 1.1 2004/03/30 21:53:55 savage Moved to it's own folder. Revision 1.5 2004/02/15 22:48:35 savage More FPC and FreeBSD support changes. Revision 1.4 2004/02/14 22:36:29 savage Fixed inconsistencies of using LoadLibrary and LoadModule. Now all units make use of LoadModule rather than LoadLibrary and other dynamic proc procedures. Revision 1.3 2004/02/14 00:23:39 savage As UNIX is defined in jedi-sdl.inc this will be used to check linux compatability as well. Units have been changed to reflect this change. Revision 1.2 2004/02/14 00:09:19 savage Changed uses to now make use of moduleloader.pas rather than dllfuncs.pas Revision 1.1 2004/02/05 00:08:19 savage Module 1.0 release Revision 1.1 2003/05/11 13:18:03 savage Newest OpenGL Headers For Delphi, Kylix and FPC Revision 1.1 2002/10/13 13:57:31 sg * Finally, the new units are available: Match the C headers more closely; support for OpenGL extensions, and much more. Based on the Delphi units by Tom Nuydens of delphi3d.net } interface {$I jedi-sdl.inc} {$IFDEF UNIX} uses {$IFDEF FPC} x, xlib, xutil; {$ELSE} xlib; {$ENDIF} {$DEFINE HasGLX} // Activate GLX stuff {$ELSE} {$MESSAGE Unsupported platform.} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF HasGLX} {$MESSAGE GLX not present on this platform.} {$ENDIF} // ======================================================= // Unit specific extensions // ======================================================= // Note: Requires that the GL library has already been initialized function InitGLX: Boolean; var GLXDumpUnresolvedFunctions, GLXInitialized: Boolean; // ======================================================= // GLX consts, types and functions // ======================================================= // Tokens for glXChooseVisual and glXGetConfig: const GLX_USE_GL = 1; GLX_BUFFER_SIZE = 2; GLX_LEVEL = 3; GLX_RGBA = 4; GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER = 5; GLX_STEREO = 6; GLX_AUX_BUFFERS = 7; GLX_RED_SIZE = 8; GLX_GREEN_SIZE = 9; GLX_BLUE_SIZE = 10; GLX_ALPHA_SIZE = 11; GLX_DEPTH_SIZE = 12; GLX_STENCIL_SIZE = 13; GLX_ACCUM_RED_SIZE = 14; GLX_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE = 15; GLX_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE = 16; GLX_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE = 17; // GLX_EXT_visual_info extension GLX_X_VISUAL_TYPE_EXT = $22; GLX_TRANSPARENT_TYPE_EXT = $23; GLX_TRANSPARENT_INDEX_VALUE_EXT = $24; GLX_TRANSPARENT_RED_VALUE_EXT = $25; GLX_TRANSPARENT_GREEN_VALUE_EXT = $26; GLX_TRANSPARENT_BLUE_VALUE_EXT = $27; GLX_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_VALUE_EXT = $28; // Error codes returned by glXGetConfig: GLX_BAD_SCREEN = 1; GLX_BAD_ATTRIBUTE = 2; GLX_NO_EXTENSION = 3; GLX_BAD_VISUAL = 4; GLX_BAD_CONTEXT = 5; GLX_BAD_VALUE = 6; GLX_BAD_ENUM = 7; // GLX 1.1 and later: GLX_VENDOR = 1; GLX_VERSION = 2; GLX_EXTENSIONS = 3; // GLX_visual_info extension GLX_TRUE_COLOR_EXT = $8002; GLX_DIRECT_COLOR_EXT = $8003; GLX_PSEUDO_COLOR_EXT = $8004; GLX_STATIC_COLOR_EXT = $8005; GLX_GRAY_SCALE_EXT = $8006; GLX_STATIC_GRAY_EXT = $8007; GLX_NONE_EXT = $8000; GLX_TRANSPARENT_RGB_EXT = $8008; GLX_TRANSPARENT_INDEX_EXT = $8009; type // From XLib: {$IFNDEF FPC} TXID = XID; {$ENDIF} XPixmap = TXID; XFont = TXID; XColormap = TXID; GLXContext = Pointer; GLXPixmap = TXID; GLXDrawable = TXID; GLXContextID = TXID; var glXChooseVisual: function(dpy: PDisplay; screen: Integer; var attribList: Integer): PXVisualInfo; cdecl; glXCreateContext: function(dpy: PDisplay; vis: PXVisualInfo; shareList: GLXContext; direct: Boolean): GLXContext; cdecl; glXDestroyContext: procedure(dpy: PDisplay; ctx: GLXContext); cdecl; glXMakeCurrent: function(dpy: PDisplay; drawable: GLXDrawable; ctx: GLXContext): Boolean; cdecl; glXCopyContext: procedure(dpy: PDisplay; src, dst: GLXContext; mask: LongWord); cdecl; glXSwapBuffers: procedure(dpy: PDisplay; drawable: GLXDrawable); cdecl; glXCreateGLXPixmap: function(dpy: PDisplay; visual: PXVisualInfo; pixmap: XPixmap): GLXPixmap; cdecl; glXDestroyGLXPixmap: procedure(dpy: PDisplay; pixmap: GLXPixmap); cdecl; glXQueryExtension: function(dpy: PDisplay; var errorb, event: Integer): Boolean; cdecl; glXQueryVersion: function(dpy: PDisplay; var maj, min: Integer): Boolean; cdecl; glXIsDirect: function(dpy: PDisplay; ctx: GLXContext): Boolean; cdecl; glXGetConfig: function(dpy: PDisplay; visual: PXVisualInfo; attrib: Integer; var value: Integer): Integer; cdecl; glXGetCurrentContext: function: GLXContext; cdecl; glXGetCurrentDrawable: function: GLXDrawable; cdecl; glXWaitGL: procedure; cdecl; glXWaitX: procedure; cdecl; glXUseXFont: procedure(font: XFont; first, count, list: Integer); cdecl; // GLX 1.1 and later glXQueryExtensionsString: function(dpy: PDisplay; screen: Integer): PChar; cdecl; glXQueryServerString: function(dpy: PDisplay; screen, name: Integer): PChar; cdecl; glXGetClientString: function(dpy: PDisplay; name: Integer): PChar; cdecl; // Mesa GLX Extensions glXCreateGLXPixmapMESA: function(dpy: PDisplay; visual: PXVisualInfo; pixmap: XPixmap; cmap: XColormap): GLXPixmap; cdecl; glXReleaseBufferMESA: function(dpy: PDisplay; d: GLXDrawable): Boolean; cdecl; glXCopySubBufferMESA: procedure(dpy: PDisplay; drawbale: GLXDrawable; x, y, width, height: Integer); cdecl; glXGetVideoSyncSGI: function(var counter: LongWord): Integer; cdecl; glXWaitVideoSyncSGI: function(divisor, remainder: Integer; var count: LongWord): Integer; cdecl; // ======================================================= // // ======================================================= implementation uses {$IFNDEF __GPC__} SysUtils, {$ENDIF} moduleloader; (* {$LINKLIB m} *) var libGLX: TModuleHandle; function InitGLXFromLibrary( dll : PChar ): Boolean; begin Result := False; if not LoadModule( libGLX, dll ) then exit; glXChooseVisual := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXChooseVisual'); glXCreateContext := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXCreateContext'); glXDestroyContext := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXDestroyContext'); glXMakeCurrent := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXMakeCurrent'); glXCopyContext := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXCopyContext'); glXSwapBuffers := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXSwapBuffers'); glXCreateGLXPixmap := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXCreateGLXPixmap'); glXDestroyGLXPixmap := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXDestroyGLXPixmap'); glXQueryExtension := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXQueryExtension'); glXQueryVersion := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXQueryVersion'); glXIsDirect := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXIsDirect'); glXGetConfig := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXGetConfig'); glXGetCurrentContext := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXGetCurrentContext'); glXGetCurrentDrawable := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXGetCurrentDrawable'); glXWaitGL := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXWaitGL'); glXWaitX := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXWaitX'); glXUseXFont := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXUseXFont'); // GLX 1.1 and later glXQueryExtensionsString := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXQueryExtensionsString'); glXQueryServerString := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXQueryServerString'); glXGetClientString := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXGetClientString'); // Mesa GLX Extensions glXCreateGLXPixmapMESA := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXCreateGLXPixmapMESA'); glXReleaseBufferMESA := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXReleaseBufferMESA'); glXCopySubBufferMESA := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXCopySubBufferMESA'); glXGetVideoSyncSGI := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXGetVideoSyncSGI'); glXWaitVideoSyncSGI := GetModuleSymbol(libglx, 'glXWaitVideoSyncSGI'); GLXInitialized := True; Result := True; end; function InitGLX: Boolean; begin Result := InitGLXFromLibrary('libGL.so') or InitGLXFromLibrary('libGL.so.1') or InitGLXFromLibrary('libMesaGL.so') or InitGLXFromLibrary('libMesaGL.so.3'); end; initialization InitGLX; finalization UnloadModule(libGLX); end.