{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit UTexture; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses gl, glu, glext, Classes, SysUtils, UCommon, UPath, SDL, SDL_Image; type PTexture = ^TTexture; TTexture = record TexNum: GLuint; X: real; Y: real; Z: real; W: real; H: real; ScaleW: real; // for dynamic scalling while leaving width constant ScaleH: real; // for dynamic scalling while leaving height constant Rot: real; // 0 - 2*pi Int: real; // intensity ColR: real; ColG: real; ColB: real; TexW: real; // percentage of width to use [0..1] TexH: real; // percentage of height to use [0..1] TexX1: real; TexY1: real; TexX2: real; TexY2: real; Alpha: real; Name: IPath; // experimental for handling cache images. maybe it's useful for dynamic skins end; type TTextureType = ( TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, // Plain (alpha = 1) TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, // Alpha is used TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED // Alpha is used; Hue of the HSV color-model will be replaced by a new value ); const TextureTypeStr: array[TTextureType] of string = ( 'Plain', 'Transparent', 'Colorized' ); function TextureTypeToStr(TexType: TTextureType): string; function ParseTextureType(const TypeStr: string; Default: TTextureType): TTextureType; procedure AdjustPixelFormat(var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; Typ: TTextureType); type PTextureEntry = ^TTextureEntry; TTextureEntry = record Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Color: cardinal; // we use normal TTexture, it's easier to implement and if needed - we copy ready data Texture: TTexture; // Full-size texture TextureCache: TTexture; // Thumbnail texture end; TTextureDatabase = class private Texture: array of TTextureEntry; public procedure AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Color: cardinal; Cache: boolean); function FindTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Color: cardinal): integer; end; TTextureUnit = class //private public Limit: integer; procedure AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Cache: boolean = false); overload; procedure AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Color: cardinal; Cache: boolean = false); overload; function GetTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; FromCache: boolean = false): TTexture; overload; function GetTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord; FromCache: boolean = false): TTexture; overload; function LoadTexture(const Identifier: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord): TTexture; overload; function LoadTexture(const Identifier: IPath): TTexture; overload; function CreateTexture(Data: PChar; const Name: IPath; Width, Height: word; BitsPerPixel: byte): TTexture; procedure UnloadTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; FromCache: boolean); overload; procedure UnloadTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Col: cardinal; FromCache: boolean); overload; //procedure FlushTextureDatabase(); constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; var Texture: TTextureUnit; TextureDatabase: TTextureDatabase; implementation uses DateUtils, StrUtils, Math, ULog, UCovers, UThemes, UImage; procedure AdjustPixelFormat(var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; Typ: TTextureType); var TempSurface: PSDL_Surface; NeededPixFmt: PSDL_Pixelformat; begin if (Typ = TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN) then NeededPixFmt := @PixelFmt_RGB else if (Typ = TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT) or (Typ = TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) then NeededPixFmt := @PixelFmt_RGBA else NeededPixFmt := @PixelFmt_RGB; if not PixelformatEquals(TexSurface^.format, NeededPixFmt) then begin TempSurface := TexSurface; TexSurface := SDL_ConvertSurface(TempSurface, NeededPixFmt, SDL_SWSURFACE); SDL_FreeSurface(TempSurface); end; end; { TTextureDatabase } procedure TTextureDatabase.AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Color: cardinal; Cache: boolean); var TextureIndex: integer; begin TextureIndex := FindTexture(Tex.Name, Typ, Color); if (TextureIndex = -1) then begin TextureIndex := Length(Texture); SetLength(Texture, TextureIndex+1); Texture[TextureIndex].Name := Tex.Name; Texture[TextureIndex].Typ := Typ; Texture[TextureIndex].Color := Color; end; if (Cache) then Texture[TextureIndex].TextureCache := Tex else Texture[TextureIndex].Texture := Tex; end; function TTextureDatabase.FindTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Color: cardinal): integer; var TextureIndex: integer; CurrentTexture: PTextureEntry; begin Result := -1; for TextureIndex := 0 to High(Texture) do begin CurrentTexture := @Texture[TextureIndex]; if (CurrentTexture.Name.Equals(Name)) and (CurrentTexture.Typ = Typ) then begin // colorized textures must match in their color too if (CurrentTexture.Typ <> TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) or (CurrentTexture.Color = Color) then begin Result := TextureIndex; Break; end; end; end; end; { TTextureUnit } constructor TTextureUnit.Create; begin inherited Create; TextureDatabase := TTextureDatabase.Create; end; destructor TTextureUnit.Destroy; begin TextureDatabase.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TTextureUnit.AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Cache: boolean); begin TextureDatabase.AddTexture(Tex, Typ, 0, Cache); end; procedure TTextureUnit.AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Color: cardinal; Cache: boolean); begin TextureDatabase.AddTexture(Tex, Typ, Color, Cache); end; function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(const Identifier: IPath): TTexture; begin Result := LoadTexture(Identifier, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, 0); end; function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(const Identifier: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord): TTexture; var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; newWidth, newHeight: integer; oldWidth, oldHeight: integer; ActTex: GLuint; begin // zero texture data FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); // load texture data into memory TexSurface := LoadImage(Identifier); if not assigned(TexSurface) then begin Log.LogError('Could not load texture: "' + Identifier.ToNative +'" with type "'+ TextureTypeToStr(Typ) +'"', 'TTextureUnit.LoadTexture'); Exit; end; // convert pixel format as needed AdjustPixelFormat(TexSurface, Typ); // adjust texture size (scale down, if necessary) newWidth := TexSurface.W; newHeight := TexSurface.H; if (newWidth > Limit) then newWidth := Limit; if (newHeight > Limit) then newHeight := Limit; if (TexSurface.W > newWidth) or (TexSurface.H > newHeight) then ScaleImage(TexSurface, newWidth, newHeight); // now we might colorize the whole thing if (Typ = TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) then ColorizeImage(TexSurface, Col); // save actual dimensions of our texture oldWidth := newWidth; oldHeight := newHeight; // make texture dimensions be powers of 2 newWidth := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(newWidth)))); newHeight := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(newHeight)))); if (newHeight <> oldHeight) or (newWidth <> oldWidth) then FitImage(TexSurface, newWidth, newHeight); // at this point we have the image in memory... // scaled so that dimensions are powers of 2 // and converted to either RGB or RGBA // if we got a Texture of Type Plain, Transparent or Colorized, // then we're done manipulating it // and could now create our openGL texture from it // prepare OpenGL texture glGenTextures(1, @ActTex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ActTex); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); // load data into gl texture if (Typ = TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT) or (Typ = TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) then begin {$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, newWidth, newHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, TexSurface.pixels); {$ELSE} glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, newWidth, newHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, TexSurface.pixels); {$ENDIF} end else //if Typ = TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN then begin {$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, newWidth, newHeight, 0, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, TexSurface.pixels); {$ELSE} glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, newWidth, newHeight, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, TexSurface.pixels); {$ENDIF} end; // setup texture struct with Result do begin X := 0; Y := 0; Z := 0; W := oldWidth; H := oldHeight; ScaleW := 1; ScaleH := 1; Rot := 0; TexNum := ActTex; TexW := oldWidth / newWidth; TexH := oldHeight / newHeight; Int := 1; ColR := 1; ColG := 1; ColB := 1; Alpha := 1; // new test - default use whole texure, taking TexW and TexH as const and changing these TexX1 := 0; TexY1 := 0; TexX2 := 1; TexY2 := 1; Name := Identifier; end; SDL_FreeSurface(TexSurface); end; function TTextureUnit.GetTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; FromCache: boolean): TTexture; begin Result := GetTexture(Name, Typ, 0, FromCache); end; function TTextureUnit.GetTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord; FromCache: boolean): TTexture; var TextureIndex: integer; begin if (Name.IsUnset) then begin // zero texture data FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); Exit; end; if (FromCache) then begin TextureIndex := TextureDatabase.FindTexture(Name, Typ, Col); if (TextureIndex > -1) then Result := TextureDatabase.Texture[TextureIndex].TextureCache; Exit; end; // find texture entry in database TextureIndex := TextureDatabase.FindTexture(Name, Typ, Col); if (TextureIndex = -1) then begin // create texture entry in database TextureIndex := Length(TextureDatabase.Texture); SetLength(TextureDatabase.Texture, TextureIndex+1); TextureDatabase.Texture[TextureIndex].Name := Name; TextureDatabase.Texture[TextureIndex].Typ := Typ; TextureDatabase.Texture[TextureIndex].Color := Col; // inform database that no textures have been loaded into memory TextureDatabase.Texture[TextureIndex].Texture.TexNum := 0; TextureDatabase.Texture[TextureIndex].TextureCache.TexNum := 0; end; // load full texture if (TextureDatabase.Texture[TextureIndex].Texture.TexNum = 0) then TextureDatabase.Texture[TextureIndex].Texture := LoadTexture(Name, Typ, Col); // use texture Result := TextureDatabase.Texture[TextureIndex].Texture; end; function TTextureUnit.CreateTexture(Data: PChar; const Name: IPath; Width, Height: word; BitsPerPixel: byte): TTexture; var //Error: integer; ActTex: GLuint; begin glGenTextures(1, @ActTex); // ActText = new texture number glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ActTex); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); {$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, Width, Height, 0, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, Data); {$ELSE} glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, Width, Height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, Data); {$ENDIF} { if Mipmapping then begin Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 3, W, H, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @Data[0]); // FPC_BIG_ENDIAN Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 3, W, H, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @Data[0]); if Error > 0 then Log.LogError('gluBuild2DMipmaps() failed', 'TTextureUnit.CreateTexture'); end; } Result.X := 0; Result.Y := 0; Result.Z := 0; Result.W := 0; Result.H := 0; Result.ScaleW := 1; Result.ScaleH := 1; Result.Rot := 0; Result.TexNum := ActTex; Result.TexW := 1; Result.TexH := 1; Result.Int := 1; Result.ColR := 1; Result.ColG := 1; Result.ColB := 1; Result.Alpha := 1; // new test - default use whole texure, taking TexW and TexH as const and changing these Result.TexX1 := 0; Result.TexY1 := 0; Result.TexX2 := 1; Result.TexY2 := 1; Result.Name := Name; end; procedure TTextureUnit.UnloadTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; FromCache: boolean); begin UnloadTexture(Name, Typ, 0, FromCache); end; procedure TTextureUnit.UnloadTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Col: cardinal; FromCache: boolean); var T: integer; TexNum: GLuint; begin T := TextureDatabase.FindTexture(Name, Typ, Col); if not FromCache then begin TexNum := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum; if TexNum > 0 then begin glDeleteTextures(1, PGLuint(@TexNum)); TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum := 0; //Log.LogError('Unload texture no '+IntToStr(TexNum)); end; end else begin TexNum := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum; if TexNum > 0 then begin glDeleteTextures(1, @TexNum); TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum := 0; //Log.LogError('Unload texture cache no '+IntToStr(TexNum)); end; end; end; (* This needs some work procedure TTextureUnit.FlushTextureDatabase(); var i: integer; Tex: ^TTexture; begin for i := 0 to High(TextureDatabase.Texture) do begin // only delete non-cached entries if (TextureDatabase.Texture[i].Texture.TexNum > 0) then begin Tex := @TextureDatabase.Texture[i].Texture; glDeleteTextures(1, PGLuint(Tex^.TexNum)); Tex^.TexNum := 0; end; end; end; *) function TextureTypeToStr(TexType: TTextureType): string; begin Result := TextureTypeStr[TexType]; end; function ParseTextureType(const TypeStr: string; Default: TTextureType): TTextureType; var TextureType: TTextureType; UpCaseStr: string; begin UpCaseStr := UpperCase(TypeStr); for TextureType := Low(TextureTypeStr) to High(TextureTypeStr) do begin if (UpCaseStr = UpperCase(TextureTypeStr[TextureType])) then begin Result := TextureType; Exit; end; end; Log.LogInfo('Unknown texture type: "' + TypeStr + '". Using default texture type "' + TextureTypeToStr(Default) + '"', 'UTexture.ParseTextureType'); Result := Default; end; end.