{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit USong; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Windows, {$ELSE} {$IFNDEF DARWIN} syscall, {$ENDIF} baseunix, UnixType, {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Classes, UPlatform, ULog, UTexture, UCommon, {$IFDEF DARWIN} cthreads, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_PSEUDO_THREAD} PseudoThread, {$ENDIF} UCatCovers, UXMLSong, UUnicodeUtils, UTextEncoding, UFilesystem, UPath; type TSingMode = ( smNormal, smPartyMode, smPlaylistRandom ); TBPM = record BPM: real; StartBeat: real; end; TScore = record Name: UTF8String; Score: integer; end; { used to hold header tags that are not supported by this version of usdx (e.g. some tags from ultrastar 0.7.0) when songs are loaded in songeditor. They will be written the end of the song header } TCustomHeaderTag = record Tag: UTF8String; Content: UTF8String; end; TSong = class private FileLineNo : integer; // line, which is read last, for error reporting function DecodeFilename(Filename: RawByteString): IPath; function Solmizate(Note: integer; Type_: integer): string; procedure ParseNote(LineNumber: integer; TypeP: char; StartP, DurationP, NoteP: integer; LyricS: UTF8String); procedure NewSentence(LineNumberP: integer; Param1, Param2: integer); function ParseLyricStringParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): RawByteString; function ParseLyricIntParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): integer; function ParseLyricFloatParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): real; function ParseLyricCharParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): AnsiChar; function ParseLyricText(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): RawByteString; function ReadTXTHeader(SongFile: TTextFileStream; ReadCustomTags: Boolean): boolean; function ReadXMLHeader(const aFileName: IPath): boolean; function GetFolderCategory(const aFileName: IPath): UTF8String; function FindSongFile(Dir: IPath; Mask: UTF8String): IPath; public Path: IPath; // kust path component of file (only set if file was found) Folder: UTF8String; // for sorting by folder (only set if file was found) FileName: IPath; // just name component of file (only set if file was found) // filenames Cover: IPath; Mp3: IPath; Background: IPath; Video: IPath; // sorting methods Genre: UTF8String; Edition: UTF8String; Language: UTF8String; Year: Integer; Title: UTF8String; Artist: UTF8String; Creator: UTF8String; CoverTex: TTexture; VideoGAP: real; NotesGAP: integer; Start: real; // in seconds Finish: integer; // in miliseconds Relative: boolean; Resolution: integer; BPM: array of TBPM; GAP: real; // in miliseconds Encoding: TEncoding; CustomTags: array of TCustomHeaderTag; Score: array[0..2] of array of TScore; // these are used when sorting is enabled Visible: boolean; // false if hidden, true if visible Main: boolean; // false for songs, true for category buttons OrderNum: integer; // has a number of category for category buttons and songs OrderTyp: integer; // type of sorting for this button (0=name) CatNumber: integer; // Count of Songs in Category for Cats and Number of Song in Category for Songs Base : array[0..1] of integer; Rel : array[0..1] of integer; Mult : integer; MultBPM : integer; LastError: AnsiString; function GetErrorLineNo: integer; property ErrorLineNo: integer read GetErrorLineNo; constructor Create(); overload; constructor Create(const aFileName : IPath); overload; function LoadSong: boolean; function LoadXMLSong: boolean; function Analyse(const ReadCustomTags: Boolean = false): boolean; function AnalyseXML(): boolean; procedure Clear(); end; implementation uses StrUtils, TextGL, UIni, UPathUtils, UMusic, //needed for Lines UNote; //needed for Player const DEFAULT_ENCODING = encAuto; constructor TSong.Create(); begin inherited; // to-do : special create for category "songs" //dirty fix to fix folders=on Self.Path := PATH_NONE(); Self.FileName := PATH_NONE(); Self.Cover := PATH_NONE(); Self.Mp3 := PATH_NONE(); Self.Background:= PATH_NONE(); Self.Video := PATH_NONE(); end; // This may be changed, when we rewrite song select code. // it is some kind of dirty, but imho the best possible // solution as we do atm not support nested categorys. // it works like the folder sorting in 1.0.1a // folder is set to the first folder under the songdir // so songs ~/.ultrastardx/songs/punk is in the same // category as songs in shared/ultrastardx/songs are. // note: folder is just the name of a category it has // nothing to do with the path used for file loading function TSong.GetFolderCategory(const aFileName: IPath): UTF8String; var I: Integer; CurSongPath: IPath; CurSongPathRel: IPath; begin Result := 'Unknown'; //default folder category, if we can't locate the song dir for I := 0 to SongPaths.Count-1 do begin CurSongPath := SongPaths[I] as IPath; if (aFileName.IsChildOf(CurSongPath, false)) then begin if (aFileName.IsChildOf(CurSongPath, true)) then begin // songs are in the "root" of the songdir => use songdir for the categorys name Result := CurSongPath.RemovePathDelim.ToUTF8; end else begin // use the first subdirectory below CurSongPath as the category name CurSongPathRel := aFileName.GetRelativePath(CurSongPath.AppendPathDelim); Result := CurSongPathRel.SplitDirs[0].RemovePathDelim.ToUTF8; end; Exit; end; end; end; constructor TSong.Create(const aFileName: IPath); begin inherited Create(); Mult := 1; MultBPM := 4; LastError := ''; Self.Path := aFileName.GetPath; Self.FileName := aFileName.GetName; Self.Folder := GetFolderCategory(aFileName); (* if (aFileName.IsFile) then begin if ReadTXTHeader(aFileName) then begin LoadSong(); end else begin Log.LogError('Error Loading SongHeader, abort Song Loading'); Exit; end; end; *) end; function TSong.FindSongFile(Dir: IPath; Mask: UTF8String): IPath; var Iter: IFileIterator; FileInfo: TFileInfo; FileName: IPath; begin Iter := FileSystem.FileFind(Dir.Append(Mask), faDirectory); if (Iter.HasNext) then Result := Iter.Next.Name else Result := PATH_NONE; end; function TSong.DecodeFilename(Filename: RawByteString): IPath; begin Result := UPath.Path(DecodeStringUTF8(Filename, Encoding)); end; type EUSDXParseException = class(Exception); {** * Parses the Line string starting from LinePos for a parameter. * Leading whitespace is trimmed, same applies to the first trailing whitespace. * After the call LinePos will point to the position after the first trailing * whitespace. * * Raises an EUSDXParseException if no string was found. * * Example: * ParseLyricParam(Line:'Param0 Param1 Param2', LinePos:8, ...) * -> Param:'Param1', LinePos:16 (= start of 'Param2') *} function TSong.ParseLyricStringParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): RawByteString; var Start: integer; OldLinePos: integer; const Whitespace = [#9, ' ']; begin OldLinePos := LinePos; Start := 0; while (LinePos <= Length(Line)) do begin if (Line[LinePos] in Whitespace) then begin // check for end of param if (Start > 0) then Break; end // check for beginning of param else if (Start = 0) then begin Start := LinePos; end; Inc(LinePos); end; // check if param was found if (Start = 0) then begin LinePos := OldLinePos; raise EUSDXParseException.Create('String expected'); end else begin // copy param without trailing whitespace Result := Copy(Line, Start, LinePos-Start); // skip first trailing whitespace (if not at EOL) if (LinePos <= Length(Line)) then Inc(LinePos); end; end; function TSong.ParseLyricIntParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): integer; var Str: RawByteString; OldLinePos: integer; begin OldLinePos := LinePos; Str := ParseLyricStringParam(Line, LinePos); try Result := StrToInt(Str); except // on EConvertError LinePos := OldLinePos; raise EUSDXParseException.Create('Integer expected'); end; end; function TSong.ParseLyricFloatParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): real; var Str: RawByteString; OldLinePos: integer; begin OldLinePos := LinePos; Str := ParseLyricStringParam(Line, LinePos); try Result := StrToFloat(Str); except // on EConvertError LinePos := OldLinePos; raise EUSDXParseException.Create('Float expected'); end; end; function TSong.ParseLyricCharParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): AnsiChar; var Str: RawByteString; OldLinePos: integer; begin OldLinePos := LinePos; Str := ParseLyricStringParam(Line, LinePos); if (Length(Str) <> 1) then begin LinePos := OldLinePos; raise EUSDXParseException.Create('Character expected'); end; Result := Str[1]; end; {** * Returns the rest of the line from LinePos as lyric text. * Leading and trailing whitespace is not trimmed. *} function TSong.ParseLyricText(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): RawByteString; begin if (LinePos > Length(Line)) then Result := '' else begin Result := Copy(Line, LinePos, Length(Line)-LinePos+1); LinePos := Length(Line)+1; end; end; //Load TXT Song function TSong.LoadSong(): boolean; var CurLine: RawByteString; LinePos: integer; Count: integer; Both: boolean; Param0: AnsiChar; Param1: integer; Param2: integer; Param3: integer; ParamLyric: UTF8String; I: integer; NotesFound: boolean; SongFile: TTextFileStream; FileNamePath: IPath; begin Result := false; LastError := ''; FileNamePath := Path.Append(FileName); if not FileNamePath.IsFile() then begin LastError := 'ERROR_CORRUPT_SONG_FILE_NOT_FOUND'; Log.LogError('File not found: "' + FileNamePath.ToNative + '"', 'TSong.LoadSong()'); Exit; end; MultBPM := 4; // multiply beat-count of note by 4 Mult := 1; // accuracy of measurement of note Rel[0] := 0; Both := false; if Length(Player) = 2 then Both := true; try // Open song file for reading..... SongFile := TMemTextFileStream.Create(FileNamePath, fmOpenRead); try //Search for Note Beginning FileLineNo := 0; NotesFound := false; while (SongFile.ReadLine(CurLine)) do begin Inc(FileLineNo); if (Length(CurLine) > 0) and (CurLine[1] in [':', 'F', '*']) then begin NotesFound := true; Break; end; end; if (not NotesFound) then begin //Song File Corrupted - No Notes Log.LogError('Could not load txt File, no notes found: ' + FileNamePath.ToNative); LastError := 'ERROR_CORRUPT_SONG_NO_NOTES'; Exit; end; SetLength(Lines, 2); for Count := 0 to High(Lines) do begin Lines[Count].High := 0; Lines[Count].Number := 1; Lines[Count].Current := 0; Lines[Count].Resolution := self.Resolution; Lines[Count].NotesGAP := self.NotesGAP; Lines[Count].ScoreValue := 0; //Add first line and set some standard values to fields //see procedure NewSentence for further explantation //concerning most of these values SetLength(Lines[Count].Line, 1); Lines[Count].Line[0].HighNote := -1; Lines[Count].Line[0].LastLine := false; Lines[Count].Line[0].BaseNote := High(Integer); Lines[Count].Line[0].TotalNotes := 0; end; while true do begin LinePos := 0; Param0 := ParseLyricCharParam(CurLine, LinePos); if (Param0 = 'E') then begin Break end else if (Param0 in [':', '*', 'F']) then begin // read notes Param1 := ParseLyricIntParam(CurLine, LinePos); Param2 := ParseLyricIntParam(CurLine, LinePos); Param3 := ParseLyricIntParam(CurLine, LinePos); ParamLyric := ParseLyricText(CurLine, LinePos); //Check for ZeroNote if Param2 = 0 then Log.LogError('Found zero-length note at "'+Param0+' '+IntToStr(Param1)+' '+IntToStr(Param2)+' '+IntToStr(Param3)+ParamLyric+'" -> Note ignored!') else begin // add notes if not Both then // P1 ParseNote(0, Param0, (Param1+Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamLyric) else begin // P1 + P2 ParseNote(0, Param0, (Param1+Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamLyric); ParseNote(1, Param0, (Param1+Rel[1]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamLyric); end; end; //Zeronote check end // if else if Param0 = '-' then begin // reads sentence Param1 := ParseLyricIntParam(CurLine, LinePos); if self.Relative then Param2 := ParseLyricIntParam(CurLine, LinePos); // read one more data for relative system // new sentence if not Both then // P1 NewSentence(0, (Param1 + Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2) else begin // P1 + P2 NewSentence(0, (Param1 + Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2); NewSentence(1, (Param1 + Rel[1]) * Mult, Param2); end; end // if else if Param0 = 'B' then begin SetLength(self.BPM, Length(self.BPM) + 1); self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].StartBeat := ParseLyricFloatParam(CurLine, LinePos); self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].StartBeat := self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].StartBeat + Rel[0]; self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].BPM := ParseLyricFloatParam(CurLine, LinePos); self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].BPM := self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].BPM * Mult * MultBPM; end; // Read next line in File if (not SongFile.ReadLine(CurLine)) then Break; Inc(FileLineNo); end; // while finally SongFile.Free; end; except on E: Exception do begin Log.LogError(Format('Error loading file: "%s" in line %d,%d: %s', [FileNamePath.ToNative, FileLineNo, LinePos, E.Message])); Exit; end; end; for I := 0 to High(Lines) do begin if ((Both) or (I = 0)) then begin if (Length(Lines[I].Line) < 2) then begin LastError := 'ERROR_CORRUPT_SONG_NO_BREAKS'; Log.LogError('Error loading file: Can''t find any linebreaks in "' + FileNamePath.ToNative + '"'); exit; end; if (Lines[I].Line[Lines[I].High].HighNote < 0) then begin SetLength(Lines[I].Line, Lines[I].Number - 1); Lines[I].High := Lines[I].High - 1; Lines[I].Number := Lines[I].Number - 1; Log.LogError('Error loading Song, sentence w/o note found in last line before E: ' + FileNamePath.ToNative); end; end; end; for Count := 0 to High(Lines) do begin if (High(Lines[Count].Line) >= 0) then Lines[Count].Line[High(Lines[Count].Line)].LastLine := true; end; Result := true; end; //Load XML Song function TSong.LoadXMLSong(): boolean; var Count: integer; Both: boolean; Param1: integer; Param2: integer; Param3: integer; ParamS: string; I, J: integer; NoteIndex: integer; NoteType: char; SentenceEnd, Rest, Time: integer; Parser: TParser; FileNamePath: IPath; begin Result := false; LastError := ''; FileNamePath := Path.Append(FileName); if not FileNamePath.IsFile() then begin Log.LogError('File not found: "' + FileNamePath.ToNative + '"', 'TSong.LoadSong()'); exit; end; MultBPM := 4; // multiply beat-count of note by 4 Mult := 1; // accuracy of measurement of note Lines[0].ScoreValue := 0; self.Relative := false; Rel[0] := 0; Both := false; if Length(Player) = 2 then Both := true; Parser := TParser.Create; Parser.Settings.DashReplacement := '~'; for Count := 0 to High(Lines) do begin Lines[Count].High := 0; Lines[Count].Number := 1; Lines[Count].Current := 0; Lines[Count].Resolution := self.Resolution; Lines[Count].NotesGAP := self.NotesGAP; Lines[Count].ScoreValue := 0; //Add first line and set some standard values to fields //see procedure NewSentence for further explantation //concerning most of these values SetLength(Lines[Count].Line, 1); Lines[Count].Line[0].HighNote := -1; Lines[Count].Line[0].LastLine := false; Lines[Count].Line[0].BaseNote := High(Integer); Lines[Count].Line[0].TotalNotes := 0; end; //Try to Parse the Song if Parser.ParseSong(FileNamePath) then begin //Writeln('XML Inputfile Parsed succesful'); //Start write parsed information to Song //Notes Part for I := 0 to High(Parser.SongInfo.Sentences) do begin //Add Notes for J := 0 to High(Parser.SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes) do begin case Parser.SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[J].NoteTyp of NT_Normal: NoteType := ':'; NT_Golden: NoteType := '*'; NT_Freestyle: NoteType := 'F'; end; Param1:=Parser.SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[J].Start; //Note Start Param2:=Parser.SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[J].Duration; //Note Duration Param3:=Parser.SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[J].Tone; //Note Tone ParamS:=' ' + Parser.SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[J].Lyric; //Note Lyric if not Both then // P1 ParseNote(0, NoteType, (Param1+Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamS) else begin // P1 + P2 ParseNote(0, NoteType, (Param1+Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamS); ParseNote(1, NoteType, (Param1+Rel[1]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamS); end; end; //J Forloop //Add Sentence break if (I < High(Parser.SongInfo.Sentences)) then begin SentenceEnd := Parser.SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[High(Parser.SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes)].Start + Parser.SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[High(Parser.SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes)].Duration; Rest := Parser.SongInfo.Sentences[I+1].Notes[0].Start - SentenceEnd; //Calculate Time case Rest of 0, 1: Time := Parser.SongInfo.Sentences[I+1].Notes[0].Start; 2: Time := Parser.SongInfo.Sentences[I+1].Notes[0].Start - 1; 3: Time := Parser.SongInfo.Sentences[I+1].Notes[0].Start - 2; else if (Rest >= 4) then Time := SentenceEnd + 2 else //Sentence overlapping :/ Time := Parser.SongInfo.Sentences[I+1].Notes[0].Start; end; // new sentence if not Both then // P1 NewSentence(0, (Time + Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2) else begin // P1 + P2 NewSentence(0, (Time + Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2); NewSentence(1, (Time + Rel[1]) * Mult, Param2); end; end; end; //End write parsed information to Song Parser.Free; end else begin Log.LogError('Could not parse inputfile: ' + FileNamePath.ToNative); exit; end; for Count := 0 to High(Lines) do begin Lines[Count].Line[High(Lines[Count].Line)].LastLine := true; end; Result := true; end; function TSong.ReadXMLHeader(const aFileName : IPath): boolean; var Done : byte; Parser : TParser; FileNamePath: IPath; begin Result := true; Done := 0; //Parse XML Parser := TParser.Create; Parser.Settings.DashReplacement := '~'; FileNamePath := Self.Path.Append(Self.FileName); if Parser.ParseSong(FileNamePath) then begin //----------- //Required Attributes //----------- //Title self.Title := Parser.SongInfo.Header.Title; //Add Title Flag to Done Done := Done or 1; //Artist self.Artist := Parser.SongInfo.Header.Artist; //Add Artist Flag to Done Done := Done or 2; //MP3 File //Test if Exists Self.Mp3 := FindSongFile(Self.Path, '*.mp3'); //Add Mp3 Flag to Done if (Self.Path.Append(Self.Mp3).IsFile()) then Done := Done or 4; //Beats per Minute SetLength(self.BPM, 1); self.BPM[0].StartBeat := 0; self.BPM[0].BPM := (Parser.SongInfo.Header.BPM * Parser.SongInfo.Header.Resolution/4 ) * Mult * MultBPM; //Add BPM Flag to Done if self.BPM[0].BPM <> 0 then Done := Done or 8; //--------- //Additional Header Information //--------- // Gap self.GAP := Parser.SongInfo.Header.Gap; //Cover Picture self.Cover := FindSongFile(Path, '*[CO].jpg'); //Background Picture self.Background := FindSongFile(Path, '*[BG].jpg'); // Video File // self.Video := Value // Video Gap // self.VideoGAP := StrtoFloatI18n( Value ) //Genre Sorting self.Genre := Parser.SongInfo.Header.Genre; //Edition Sorting self.Edition := Parser.SongInfo.Header.Edition; //Year Sorting //Parser.SongInfo.Header.Year //Language Sorting self.Language := Parser.SongInfo.Header.Language; end else Log.LogError('File incomplete or not SingStar XML (A): ' + aFileName.ToNative); Parser.Free; //Check if all Required Values are given if (Done <> 15) then begin Result := false; if (Done and 8) = 0 then //No BPM Flag Log.LogError('BPM tag missing: ' + self.FileName.ToNative) else if (Done and 4) = 0 then //No MP3 Flag Log.LogError('MP3 tag/file missing: ' + self.FileName.ToNative) else if (Done and 2) = 0 then //No Artist Flag Log.LogError('Artist tag missing: ' + self.FileName.ToNative) else if (Done and 1) = 0 then //No Title Flag Log.LogError('Title tag missing: ' + self.FileName.ToNative) else //unknown Error Log.LogError('File incomplete or not SingStar XML (B - '+ inttostr(Done) +'): ' + aFileName.ToNative); end; end; {** * "International" StrToFloat variant. Uses either ',' or '.' as decimal * separator. *} function StrToFloatI18n(const Value: string): extended; var TempValue : string; begin TempValue := Value; if (Pos(',', TempValue) <> 0) then TempValue[Pos(',', TempValue)] := '.'; Result := StrToFloatDef(TempValue, 0); end; function TSong.ReadTXTHeader(SongFile: TTextFileStream; ReadCustomTags: Boolean): boolean; var Line, Identifier: string; Value: string; SepPos: integer; // separator position Done: byte; // bit-vector of mandatory fields EncFile: IPath; // encoded filename FullFileName: string; { adds a custom header tag to the song if there is no ':' in the read line, Tag should be empty and the whole line should be in Content } procedure AddCustomTag(const Tag, Content: String); var Len: Integer; begin if ReadCustomTags then begin Len := Length(CustomTags); SetLength(CustomTags, Len + 1); CustomTags[Len].Tag := DecodeStringUTF8(Tag, Encoding); CustomTags[Len].Content := DecodeStringUTF8(Content, Encoding); end; end; begin Result := true; Done := 0; FullFileName := Path.Append(Filename).ToNative; //Read first Line SongFile.ReadLine(Line); if (Length(Line) <= 0) then begin Log.LogError('File starts with empty line: ' + FullFileName, 'TSong.ReadTXTHeader'); Result := false; Exit; end; // check if file begins with a UTF-8 BOM, if so set encoding to UTF-8 if (CheckReplaceUTF8BOM(Line)) then Encoding := encUTF8; //Read Lines while Line starts with # or its empty while (Length(Line) = 0) or (Line[1] = '#') do begin //Increase Line Number Inc (FileLineNo); SepPos := Pos(':', Line); //Line has no Seperator, ignore non header field if (SepPos = 0) then begin AddCustomTag('', Copy(Line, 2, Length(Line) - 1)); // read next line if (not SongFile.ReadLine(Line)) then begin Result := false; Log.LogError('File incomplete or not Ultrastar txt (A): ' + FullFileName); Break; end; Continue; end; //Read Identifier and Value Identifier := UpperCase(Trim(Copy(Line, 2, SepPos - 2))); //Uppercase is for Case Insensitive Checks Value := Trim(Copy(Line, SepPos + 1, Length(Line) - SepPos)); //Check the Identifier (If Value is given) if (Length(Value) = 0) then begin Log.LogWarn('Empty field "'+Identifier+'" in file ' + FullFileName, 'TSong.ReadTXTHeader'); AddCustomTag(Identifier, ''); end else begin //----------- //Required Attributes //----------- if (Identifier = 'TITLE') then begin DecodeStringUTF8(Value, Title, Encoding); //Add Title Flag to Done Done := Done or 1; end else if (Identifier = 'ARTIST') then begin DecodeStringUTF8(Value, Artist, Encoding); //Add Artist Flag to Done Done := Done or 2; end //MP3 File else if (Identifier = 'MP3') then begin EncFile := DecodeFilename(Value); if (Self.Path.Append(EncFile).IsFile) then begin self.Mp3 := EncFile; //Add Mp3 Flag to Done Done := Done or 4; end; end //Beats per Minute else if (Identifier = 'BPM') then begin SetLength(self.BPM, 1); self.BPM[0].StartBeat := 0; self.BPM[0].BPM := StrToFloatI18n( Value ) * Mult * MultBPM; if self.BPM[0].BPM <> 0 then begin //Add BPM Flag to Done Done := Done or 8; end; end //--------- //Additional Header Information //--------- // Gap else if (Identifier = 'GAP') then begin self.GAP := StrToFloatI18n(Value); end //Cover Picture else if (Identifier = 'COVER') then begin self.Cover := DecodeFilename(Value); end //Background Picture else if (Identifier = 'BACKGROUND') then begin self.Background := DecodeFilename(Value); end // Video File else if (Identifier = 'VIDEO') then begin EncFile := DecodeFilename(Value); if (self.Path.Append(EncFile).IsFile) then self.Video := EncFile else Log.LogError('Can''t find video file in song: ' + FullFileName); end // Video Gap else if (Identifier = 'VIDEOGAP') then begin self.VideoGAP := StrToFloatI18n( Value ) end //Genre Sorting else if (Identifier = 'GENRE') then begin DecodeStringUTF8(Value, Genre, Encoding) end //Edition Sorting else if (Identifier = 'EDITION') then begin DecodeStringUTF8(Value, Edition, Encoding) end //Creator Tag else if (Identifier = 'CREATOR') then begin DecodeStringUTF8(Value, Creator, Encoding) end //Language Sorting else if (Identifier = 'LANGUAGE') then begin DecodeStringUTF8(Value, Language, Encoding) end //Language Sorting else if (Identifier = 'YEAR') then begin TryStrtoInt(Value, self.Year) end // Song Start else if (Identifier = 'START') then begin self.Start := StrToFloatI18n( Value ) end // Song Ending else if (Identifier = 'END') then begin TryStrtoInt(Value, self.Finish) end // Resolution else if (Identifier = 'RESOLUTION') then begin TryStrtoInt(Value, self.Resolution) end // Notes Gap else if (Identifier = 'NOTESGAP') then begin TryStrtoInt(Value, self.NotesGAP) end // Relative Notes else if (Identifier = 'RELATIVE') then begin if (UpperCase(Value) = 'YES') then self.Relative := true; end // File encoding else if (Identifier = 'ENCODING') then begin self.Encoding := ParseEncoding(Value, DEFAULT_ENCODING); end // unsupported tag else begin AddCustomTag(Identifier, Value); end; end; // End check for non-empty Value // read next line if (not SongFile.ReadLine(Line)) then begin Result := false; Log.LogError('File incomplete or not Ultrastar txt (A): ' + FullFileName); Break; end; end; // while if self.Cover.IsUnset then self.Cover := FindSongFile(Path, '*[CO].jpg'); //Check if all Required Values are given if (Done <> 15) then begin Result := false; if (Done and 8) = 0 then //No BPM Flag Log.LogError('BPM tag missing: ' + FullFileName) else if (Done and 4) = 0 then //No MP3 Flag Log.LogError('MP3 tag/file missing: ' + FullFileName) else if (Done and 2) = 0 then //No Artist Flag Log.LogError('Artist tag missing: ' + FullFileName) else if (Done and 1) = 0 then //No Title Flag Log.LogError('Title tag missing: ' + FullFileName) else //unknown Error Log.LogError('File incomplete or not Ultrastar txt (B - '+ inttostr(Done) +'): ' + FullFileName); end; end; function TSong.GetErrorLineNo: integer; begin if (LastError='ERROR_CORRUPT_SONG_ERROR_IN_LINE') then Result := FileLineNo else Result := -1; end; function TSong.Solmizate(Note: integer; Type_: integer): string; begin case (Type_) of 1: // european begin case (Note mod 12) of 0..1: Result := ' do '; 2..3: Result := ' re '; 4: Result := ' mi '; 5..6: Result := ' fa '; 7..8: Result := ' sol '; 9..10: Result := ' la '; 11: Result := ' si '; end; end; 2: // japanese begin case (Note mod 12) of 0..1: Result := ' do '; 2..3: Result := ' re '; 4: Result := ' mi '; 5..6: Result := ' fa '; 7..8: Result := ' so '; 9..10: Result := ' la '; 11: Result := ' shi '; end; end; 3: // american begin case (Note mod 12) of 0..1: Result := ' do '; 2..3: Result := ' re '; 4: Result := ' mi '; 5..6: Result := ' fa '; 7..8: Result := ' sol '; 9..10: Result := ' la '; 11: Result := ' ti '; end; end; end; // case end; procedure TSong.ParseNote(LineNumber: integer; TypeP: char; StartP, DurationP, NoteP: integer; LyricS: UTF8String); begin if (Ini.Solmization <> 0) then LyricS := Solmizate(NoteP, Ini.Solmization); with Lines[LineNumber].Line[Lines[LineNumber].High] do begin SetLength(Note, Length(Note) + 1); HighNote := High(Note); Note[HighNote].Start := StartP; if HighNote = 0 then begin if Lines[LineNumber].Number = 1 then Start := -100; //Start := Note[HighNote].Start; end; Note[HighNote].Length := DurationP; // back to the normal system with normal, golden and now freestyle notes case TypeP of 'F': Note[HighNote].NoteType := ntFreestyle; ':': Note[HighNote].NoteType := ntNormal; '*': Note[HighNote].NoteType := ntGolden; end; //add this notes value ("notes length" * "notes scorefactor") to the current songs entire value Inc(Lines[LineNumber].ScoreValue, Note[HighNote].Length * ScoreFactor[Note[HighNote].NoteType]); //and to the current lines entire value Inc(TotalNotes, Note[HighNote].Length * ScoreFactor[Note[HighNote].NoteType]); Note[HighNote].Tone := NoteP; //if a note w/ a deeper pitch then the current basenote is found //we replace the basenote w/ the current notes pitch if Note[HighNote].Tone < BaseNote then BaseNote := Note[HighNote].Tone; Note[HighNote].Color := 1; // default color to 1 for editor DecodeStringUTF8(LyricS, Note[HighNote].Text, Encoding); Lyric := Lyric + Note[HighNote].Text; End_ := Note[HighNote].Start + Note[HighNote].Length; end; // with end; procedure TSong.NewSentence(LineNumberP: integer; Param1, Param2: integer); var I: integer; begin if (Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].HighNote <> -1) then begin //create a new line SetLength(Lines[LineNumberP].Line, Lines[LineNumberP].Number + 1); Inc(Lines[LineNumberP].High); Inc(Lines[LineNumberP].Number); end else begin //use old line if it there were no notes added since last call of NewSentence Log.LogError('Error loading Song, sentence w/o note found in line ' + InttoStr(FileLineNo) + ': ' + Filename.ToNative); end; Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].HighNote := -1; //set the current lines value to zero //it will be incremented w/ the value of every added note Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].TotalNotes := 0; //basenote is the pitch of the deepest note, it is used for note drawing. //if a note with a less value than the current sentences basenote is found, //basenote will be set to this notes pitch. Therefore the initial value of //this field has to be very high. Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].BaseNote := High(Integer); if self.Relative then begin Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Start := Param1; Rel[LineNumberP] := Rel[LineNumberP] + Param2; end else Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Start := Param1; Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].LastLine := false; end; procedure TSong.Clear(); begin //Main Information Title := ''; Artist := ''; //Sortings: Genre := 'Unknown'; Edition := 'Unknown'; Language := 'Unknown'; Year := 0; // set to default encoding Encoding := DEFAULT_ENCODING; // clear custom header tags SetLength(CustomTags, 0); //Required Information Mp3 := PATH_NONE; SetLength(BPM, 0); GAP := 0; Start := 0; Finish := 0; //Additional Information Background := PATH_NONE; Cover := PATH_NONE; Video := PATH_NONE; VideoGAP := 0; NotesGAP := 0; Resolution := 4; Creator := ''; Relative := false; end; function TSong.Analyse(const ReadCustomTags: Boolean): boolean; var SongFile: TTextFileStream; begin Result := false; //Reset LineNo FileLineNo := 0; //Open File and set File Pointer to the beginning SongFile := TMemTextFileStream.Create(Self.Path.Append(Self.FileName), fmOpenRead); try //Clear old Song Header Self.clear; //Read Header Result := Self.ReadTxTHeader(SongFile, ReadCustomTags) finally SongFile.Free; end; end; function TSong.AnalyseXML(): boolean; begin Result := false; //Reset LineNo FileLineNo := 0; //Clear old Song Header self.clear; //Read Header Result := self.ReadXMLHeader( FileName ); end; end.