unit UPlatformMacOSX; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses Classes, ULog, UPlatform; type {** * @abstract(Provides Mac OS X specific details.) * @lastmod(August 1, 2008) * The UPlatformMacOSX unit takes care of setting paths to resource folders. * * (Note for non-Maccies: "folder" is the Mac name for directory.) * * Note on the resource folders: * 1. Installation of an application on the mac works as follows: Extract and copy an application * and if you don't like or need the application anymore you move the folder * to the trash - and you're done. * 2. The use folders in the user's home directory is against Apple's guidelines * and strange to an average user. * 3. Even worse is using /usr/local/... since all lowercase folders in / are * not visible to an average user in the Finder, at least not without some "tricks". * * The best way would be to store everything within the application bundle. However, this * requires USDX to offer the handling of the resources. Until this is implemented, the * second best solution is as follows: * * According to Aple guidelines handling of resources and folders should follow these lines: * * Acceptable places for files are folders named UltraStarDeluxe either in * /Library/Application Support/ * or * ~/Library/Application Support/ * * So * GetGameSharedPath could return * /Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources/. * GetGameUserPath could return * ~/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources/. * * Right now, only $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources * is used. So every user needs the complete set of files and folders. * Future versions may also use shared resources in * /Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources. However, this is not * treated yet in the code outside this unit. * * USDX checks, whether GetGameUserPath exists. If not, USDX creates it. * The existence of needed files is then checked and if a file is missing * it is copied to there from within the Resources folder in the Application * bundle, which contains the default files. USDX should not delete files or * folders in Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe automatically or without * user confirmation. *} TPlatformMacOSX = class(TPlatform) private {** * GetBundlePath returns the path to the application bundle UltraStarDeluxe.app. *} function GetBundlePath: WideString; {** * GetApplicationSupportPath returns the path to * $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources. *} function GetApplicationSupportPath: WideString; {** * see the description of @link(Init). *} procedure CreateUserFolders(); public {** * Init simply calls @link(CreateUserFolders), which in turn scans the folder * UltraStarDeluxe.app/Contents/Resources for all files and folders. * $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources is then checked * for their presence and missing ones are copied. *} procedure Init; override; {** * DirectoryFindFiles returns all entries of a folder with names and booleans * about their type, i.e. file or directory. *} function DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter: WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs: boolean): TDirectoryEntryArray; override; {** * GetLogPath returns the path for log messages. Currently it is set to * $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources/Log. *} function GetLogPath : WideString; override; {** * GetGameSharedPath returns the path for shared resources. Currently it is set to * /Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources. * However it is not used. *} function GetGameSharedPath : WideString; override; {** * GetGameUserPath returns the path for user resources. Currently it is set to * $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources. * This is where a user can add songs, themes, .... *} function GetGameUserPath : WideString; override; end; implementation uses SysUtils, BaseUnix; procedure TPlatformMacOSX.Init; begin CreateUserFolders(); end; procedure TPlatformMacOSX.CreateUserFolders(); var RelativePath: string; // BaseDir contains the path to the folder, where a search is performed. // It is set to the entries in @link(DirectoryList) one after the other. BaseDir: string; // OldBaseDir contains the path to the folder, where the search started. // It is used to return to it, when the search is completed in all folders. OldBaseDir: string; // This record contains the result of a file search with FindFirst or FindNext SearchInfo: TSearchRec; // These two lists contain all folder and file names found // within the folder @link(BaseDir). DirectoryList, FileList: TStringList; // DirectoryIsFinished contains the index of the folder in @link(DirectoryList), // which is the last one completely searched. Later folders are still to be // searched for additional files and folders. DirectoryIsFinished: longint; Counter: longint; UserPathName: string; const // used to construct the @link(UserPathName) PathName: string = '/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources'; begin // Get the current folder and save it in OldBaseDir for returning to it, when // finished. GetDir(0, OldBaseDir); // UltraStarDeluxe.app/Contents/Resources contains all the default files and // folders. BaseDir := OldBaseDir + '/UltraStarDeluxe.app/Contents/Resources'; ChDir(BaseDir); // Right now, only $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources // is used. UserPathName := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME') + PathName; DirectoryIsFinished := 0; DirectoryList := TStringList.Create(); FileList := TStringList.Create(); DirectoryList.Add('.'); // create the folder and file lists repeat RelativePath := DirectoryList[DirectoryIsFinished]; ChDir(BaseDir + '/' + RelativePath); if (FindFirst('*', faAnyFile, SearchInfo) = 0) then begin repeat if DirectoryExists(SearchInfo.Name) then begin if (SearchInfo.Name <> '.') and (SearchInfo.Name <> '..') then DirectoryList.Add(RelativePath + '/' + SearchInfo.Name); end else Filelist.Add(RelativePath + '/' + SearchInfo.Name); until (FindNext(SearchInfo) <> 0); end; FindClose(SearchInfo); Inc(DirectoryIsFinished); until (DirectoryIsFinished = DirectoryList.Count); // create missing folders for Counter := 0 to DirectoryList.Count-1 do begin if not ForceDirectories(UserPathName + '/' + DirectoryList[Counter]) then Log.LogError('Failed to create the folder "'+ UserPathName + '/' + DirectoryList[Counter] +'"', 'TPlatformMacOSX.CreateUserFolders'); end; DirectoryList.Free(); // copy missing files for Counter := 0 to Filelist.Count-1 do begin CopyFile(BaseDir + '/' + Filelist[Counter], UserPathName + '/' + Filelist[Counter], true); end; FileList.Free(); // go back to the initial folder ChDir(OldBaseDir); end; function TPlatformMacOSX.GetBundlePath: WideString; var i, pos : integer; begin // Mac applications are packaged in folders. // We have to cut the last two folders // to get the application folder. Result := GetExecutionDir(); for i := 1 to 2 do begin pos := Length(Result); repeat Delete(Result, pos, 1); pos := Length(Result); until (pos = 0) or (Result[pos] = '/'); end; end; function TPlatformMacOSX.GetApplicationSupportPath: WideString; const PathName : string = '/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources'; begin Result := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME') + PathName + '/'; end; function TPlatformMacOSX.GetLogPath: WideString; begin Result := GetApplicationSupportPath + 'Logs'; end; function TPlatformMacOSX.GetGameSharedPath: WideString; begin Result := GetApplicationSupportPath; end; function TPlatformMacOSX.GetGameUserPath: WideString; begin Result := GetApplicationSupportPath; end; function TPlatformMacOSX.DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter: WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs: boolean): TDirectoryEntryArray; var i : integer; TheDir : pdir; ADirent : pDirent; lAttrib : integer; begin i := 0; Filter := LowerCase(Filter); TheDir := FPOpenDir(Dir); if Assigned(TheDir) then repeat ADirent := FPReadDir(TheDir); if Assigned(ADirent) and (ADirent^.d_name <> '.') and (ADirent^.d_name <> '..') then begin lAttrib := FileGetAttr(Dir + ADirent^.d_name); if ReturnAllSubDirs and ((lAttrib and faDirectory) <> 0) then begin SetLength(Result, i + 1); Result[i].Name := ADirent^.d_name; Result[i].IsDirectory := true; Result[i].IsFile := false; i := i + 1; end else if (Length(Filter) = 0) or (Pos( Filter, LowerCase(ADirent^.d_name)) > 0) then begin SetLength(Result, i + 1); Result[i].Name := ADirent^.d_name; Result[i].IsDirectory := false; Result[i].IsFile := true; i := i + 1; end; end; until ADirent = nil; FPCloseDir(TheDir); end; end.