{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit UPlatform; // Comment by Eddie: // This unit defines an interface for platform specific utility functions. // The Interface is implemented in separate files for each platform: // UPlatformWindows, UPlatformLinux and UPlatformMacOSX. interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses Classes; type TDirectoryEntry = record Name: WideString; IsDirectory: boolean; IsFile: boolean; end; TDirectoryEntryArray = array of TDirectoryEntry; TPlatform = class function GetExecutionDir(): string; procedure Init; virtual; function DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter: WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs: boolean): TDirectoryEntryArray; virtual; abstract; function TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(var WndTitle: string): boolean; virtual; function FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: WideString): WideString; virtual; procedure Halt; virtual; function GetLogPath: WideString; virtual; abstract; function GetGameSharedPath: WideString; virtual; abstract; function GetGameUserPath: WideString; virtual; abstract; function CopyFile(const Source, Target: WideString; FailIfExists: boolean): boolean; virtual; end; function Platform(): TPlatform; implementation uses SysUtils, {$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)} UPlatformWindows, {$ELSEIF Defined(DARWIN)} UPlatformMacOSX, {$ELSEIF Defined(UNIX)} UPlatformLinux, {$IFEND} ULog; // I modified it to use the Platform_singleton in this location (in the implementation) // so that this variable can NOT be overwritten from anywhere else in the application. // the accessor function platform, emulates all previous calls to work the same way. var Platform_singleton: TPlatform; function Platform: TPlatform; begin Result := Platform_singleton; end; (** * Default Init() implementation *) procedure TPlatform.Init; begin end; (** * Default Halt() implementation *) procedure TPlatform.Halt; begin // Note: Application.terminate is NOT the same System.Halt; end; {** * Returns the directory of the executable *} function TPlatform.GetExecutionDir(): string; begin Result := ExpandFileName(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))); end; (** * Default TerminateIfAlreadyRunning() implementation *) function TPlatform.TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(var WndTitle: string): boolean; begin Result := false; end; (** * Default FindSongFile() implementation *) function TPlatform.FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: WideString): WideString; var SR: TSearchRec; // for parsing song directory begin Result := ''; if SysUtils.FindFirst(Dir + Mask, faDirectory, SR) = 0 then begin Result := SR.Name; end; SysUtils.FindClose(SR); end; function TPlatform.CopyFile(const Source, Target: WideString; FailIfExists: boolean): boolean; const COPY_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; // a good tradeoff between speed and memory consumption var SourceFile, TargetFile: TFileStream; FileCopyBuffer: array [0..COPY_BUFFER_SIZE-1] of byte; // temporary copy-buffer. NumberOfBytes: integer; // number of bytes read from SourceFile begin Result := false; SourceFile := nil; TargetFile := nil; // if overwrite is disabled return if the target file already exists if (FailIfExists and FileExists(Target)) then Exit; try try // open source and target file (might throw an exception on error) SourceFile := TFileStream.Create(Source, fmOpenRead); TargetFile := TFileStream.Create(Target, fmCreate or fmOpenWrite); while true do begin // read a block from the source file and check for errors or EOF NumberOfBytes := SourceFile.Read(FileCopyBuffer, SizeOf(FileCopyBuffer)); if (NumberOfBytes <= 0) then Break; // write block to target file and check if everything was written if (TargetFile.Write(FileCopyBuffer, NumberOfBytes) <> NumberOfBytes) then Exit; end; except Exit; end; finally SourceFile.Free; TargetFile.Free; end; Result := true; end; initialization {$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)} Platform_singleton := TPlatformWindows.Create; {$ELSEIF Defined(DARWIN)} Platform_singleton := TPlatformMacOSX.Create; {$ELSEIF Defined(UNIX)} Platform_singleton := TPlatformLinux.Create; {$IFEND} finalization Platform_singleton.Free; end.