{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit UMain; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses SysUtils, SDL; var Done: boolean; Restart: boolean; procedure Main; procedure MainLoop; procedure CheckEvents; type TMainThreadExecProc = procedure(Data: Pointer); const MAINTHREAD_EXEC_EVENT = SDL_USEREVENT + 2; {* * Delegates execution of procedure Proc to the main thread. * The Data pointer is passed to the procedure when it is called. * The main thread is notified by signaling a MAINTHREAD_EXEC_EVENT which * is handled in CheckEvents. * Note that Data must not be a pointer to local data. If you want to pass local * data, use Getmem() or New() or create a temporary object. *} procedure MainThreadExec(Proc: TMainThreadExecProc; Data: Pointer); implementation uses Math, gl, UCatCovers, UCommandLine, UCommon, UConfig, UCovers, UDataBase, UDisplay, UDLLManager, UGraphic, UGraphicClasses, UIni, UJoystick, ULanguage, ULog, UPathUtils, UPlaylist, UMusic, UBeatTimer, UPlatform, USkins, USongs, UThemes, UParty, UTime; procedure Main; var WindowTitle: string; begin {$IFNDEF Debug} try {$ENDIF} WindowTitle := USDXVersionStr; Platform.Init; if Platform.TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(WindowTitle) then Exit; // fix floating-point exceptions (FPE) DisableFloatingPointExceptions(); // fix the locale for string-to-float parsing in C-libs SetDefaultNumericLocale(); // setup separators for parsing // Note: ThousandSeparator must be set because of a bug in TIniFile.ReadFloat ThousandSeparator := ','; DecimalSeparator := '.'; //------------------------------ // StartUp - create classes and load files //------------------------------ // initialize SDL // without SDL_INIT_TIMER SDL_GetTicks() might return strange values SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO or SDL_INIT_TIMER); SDL_EnableUnicode(1); USTime := TTime.Create; VideoBGTimer := TRelativeTimer.Create; // Commandline Parameter Parser Params := TCMDParams.Create; // Log + Benchmark Log := TLog.Create; Log.Title := WindowTitle; Log.FileOutputEnabled := not Params.NoLog; Log.BenchmarkStart(0); // Language Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Initialize Paths', 'Initialization'); InitializePaths; Log.LogStatus('Load Language', 'Initialization'); Language := TLanguage.Create; // add const values: Language.AddConst('US_VERSION', USDXVersionStr); Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Language', 1); { // SDL_ttf (Not used yet, maybe in version 1.5) Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Initialize SDL_ttf', 'Initialization'); TTF_Init(); Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing SDL_ttf', 1); } // Skin Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Loading Skin List', 'Initialization'); Skin := TSkin.Create; Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Skin List', 1); // Ini + Paths Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Load Ini', 'Initialization'); Ini := TIni.Create; Ini.Load; // it is possible that this is the first run, create a .ini file if neccessary Log.LogStatus('Write Ini', 'Initialization'); Ini.Save; Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Ini', 1); // Sound Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Initialize Sound', 'Initialization'); InitializeSound(); Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing Sound', 1); // Lyrics-engine with media reference timer LyricsState := TLyricsState.Create(); // Theme Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Load Themes', 'Initialization'); Theme := TTheme.Create(ThemePath.Append(ITheme[Ini.Theme] + '.ini'), Ini.Color); Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Themes', 1); // Covers Cache Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Creating Covers Cache', 'Initialization'); Covers := TCoverDatabase.Create; Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Covers Cache Array', 1); Log.BenchmarkStart(1); // Category Covers Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Creating Category Covers Array', 'Initialization'); CatCovers:= TCatCovers.Create; Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Category Covers Array', 1); // Songs //Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Creating Song Array', 'Initialization'); Songs := TSongs.Create; //Songs.LoadSongList; Log.LogStatus('Creating 2nd Song Array', 'Initialization'); CatSongs := TCatSongs.Create; Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Songs', 1); // PluginManager Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('PluginManager', 'Initialization'); DLLMan := TDLLMan.Create; // Load PluginList Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading PluginManager', 1); // Party Mode Manager Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('PartySession Manager', 'Initialization'); PartySession := TPartySession.Create; //Load PartySession Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading PartySession Manager', 1); // Graphics Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Initialize 3D', 'Initialization'); Initialize3D(WindowTitle); Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing 3D', 1); // Score Saving System Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('DataBase System', 'Initialization'); DataBase := TDataBaseSystem.Create; if (Params.ScoreFile.IsUnset) then DataBase.Init(Platform.GetGameUserPath.Append('Ultrastar.db')) else DataBase.Init(Params.ScoreFile); Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading DataBase System', 1); // Playlist Manager Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Playlist Manager', 'Initialization'); PlaylistMan := TPlaylistManager.Create; Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Playlist Manager', 1); // GoldenStarsTwinkleMod Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Effect Manager', 'Initialization'); GoldenRec := TEffectManager.Create; Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Particle System', 1); // Joypad if (Ini.Joypad = 1) or (Params.Joypad) then begin Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Initialize Joystick', 'Initialization'); Joy := TJoy.Create; Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing Joystick', 1); end; Log.BenchmarkEnd(0); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Time', 0); Log.LogStatus('Creating Core', 'Initialization'); { Core := TCore.Create( USDXShortVersionStr, MakeVersion(USDX_VERSION_MAJOR, USDX_VERSION_MINOR, USDX_VERSION_RELEASE, chr(0)) ); } Log.LogStatus('Running Core', 'Initialization'); //Core.Run; //------------------------------ // Start Mainloop //------------------------------ Log.LogStatus('Main Loop', 'Initialization'); MainLoop; {$IFNDEF Debug} finally {$ENDIF} //------------------------------ // Finish Application //------------------------------ // TODO: // call an uninitialize routine for every initialize step // or at least use the corresponding Free methods FinalizeMedia(); //TTF_Quit(); SDL_Quit(); if assigned(Log) then begin Log.LogStatus('Main Loop', 'Finished'); Log.Free; end; {$IFNDEF Debug} end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure MainLoop; var Delay: integer; const MAX_FPS = 100; begin SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(125, 125); CountSkipTime(); // JB - for some reason this seems to be needed when we use the SDL Timer functions. while not Done do begin // joypad if (Ini.Joypad = 1) or (Params.Joypad) then Joy.Update; // keyboard events CheckEvents; // display Done := not Display.Draw; SwapBuffers; // delay CountMidTime; Delay := Floor(1000 / MAX_FPS - 1000 * TimeMid); if Delay >= 1 then SDL_Delay(Delay); // dynamic, maximum is 100 fps CountSkipTime; // reinitialization of graphics if Restart then begin Reinitialize3D; Restart := false; end; end; end; procedure DoQuit; begin // if question option is enabled then show exit popup if (Ini.AskbeforeDel = 1) then begin Display.CurrentScreen^.CheckFadeTo(nil,'MSG_QUIT_USDX'); end else // if ask-for-exit is disabled then simply exit begin Display.Fade := 0; Display.NextScreenWithCheck := nil; Display.CheckOK := true; end; end; procedure CheckEvents; var Event: TSDL_event; mouseDown: boolean; mouseBtn: integer; begin if Assigned(Display.NextScreen) then Exit; while (SDL_PollEvent(@Event) <> 0) do begin case Event.type_ of SDL_QUITEV: begin Display.Fade := 0; Display.NextScreenWithCheck := nil; Display.CheckOK := true; end; SDL_MOUSEMOTION, SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: begin if (Ini.Mouse > 0) then begin case Event.type_ of SDL_MOUSEMOTION: begin mouseDown := false; mouseBtn := 0; end; SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: begin mouseDown := true; mouseBtn := Event.button.button; end; SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: begin mouseDown := false; mouseBtn := Event.button.button; end; end; Display.MoveCursor(Event.button.X * 800 / Screen.w, Event.button.Y * 600 / Screen.h, mouseDown and ((mouseBtn <> SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) or (mouseBtn <> SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP))); if (ScreenPopupError <> nil) and (ScreenPopupError.Visible) then done := not ScreenPopupError.ParseMouse(mouseBtn, mouseDown, Event.button.x, Event.button.y) else if (ScreenPopupInfo <> nil) and (ScreenPopupInfo.Visible) then done := not ScreenPopupInfo.ParseMouse(mouseBtn, mouseDown, Event.button.x, Event.button.y) else if (ScreenPopupCheck <> nil) and (ScreenPopupCheck.Visible) then done := not ScreenPopupCheck.ParseMouse(mouseBtn, mouseDown, Event.button.x, Event.button.y) else begin done := not Display.CurrentScreen^.ParseMouse(mouseBtn, mouseDown, Event.button.x, Event.button.y); // if screen wants to exit if done then DoQuit; end; end; end; SDL_VIDEORESIZE: begin ScreenW := Event.resize.w; ScreenH := Event.resize.h; // Note: do NOT call SDL_SetVideoMode on Windows and MacOSX here. // This would create a new OpenGL render-context and all texture data // would be invalidated. // On Linux the mode MUST be reset, otherwise graphics will be corrupted. {$IF Defined(Linux) or Defined(FreeBSD)} if boolean( Ini.FullScreen ) then SDL_SetVideoMode(ScreenW, ScreenH, (Ini.Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_FULLSCREEN) else SDL_SetVideoMode(ScreenW, ScreenH, (Ini.Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_RESIZABLE); {$IFEND} end; SDL_KEYDOWN: begin // translate CTRL-A (ASCII 1) - CTRL-Z (ASCII 26) to correct charcodes. // keysyms (SDLK_A, ...) could be used instead but they ignore the // current key mapping (if 'a' is pressed on a French keyboard the // .unicode field will be 'a' and .sym SDLK_Q). // IMPORTANT: if CTRL is pressed with a key different than 'A'-'Z' SDL // will set .unicode to 0. There is no possibility to obtain a // translated charcode. Use keysyms instead. //if (Event.key.keysym.unicode in [1 .. 26]) then // Event.key.keysym.unicode := Ord('A') + Event.key.keysym.unicode - 1; // remap the "keypad enter" key to the "standard enter" key if (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_KP_ENTER) then Event.key.keysym.sym := SDLK_RETURN; if (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_F11) or ((Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_RETURN) and ((Event.key.keysym.modifier and KMOD_ALT) <> 0)) then // toggle full screen begin Ini.FullScreen := integer( not boolean( Ini.FullScreen ) ); // FIXME: SDL_SetVideoMode creates a new OpenGL RC so we have to // reload all texture data (-> whitescreen bug). // Only Linux and FreeBSD are able to handle screen-switching this way. {$IF Defined(Linux) or Defined(FreeBSD)} if boolean( Ini.FullScreen ) then begin SDL_SetVideoMode(ScreenW, ScreenH, (Ini.Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_FULLSCREEN); end else begin SDL_SetVideoMode(ScreenW, ScreenH, (Ini.Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_RESIZABLE); end; Display.SetCursor; glViewPort(0, 0, ScreenW, ScreenH); {$IFEND} end // if print is pressed -> make screenshot and save to screenshot path else if (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_SYSREQ) or (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_PRINT) then Display.SaveScreenShot // if there is a visible popup then let it handle input instead of underlying screen // shoud be done in a way to be sure the topmost popup has preference (maybe error, then check) else if (ScreenPopupError <> nil) and (ScreenPopupError.Visible) then Done := not ScreenPopupError.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, Event.key.keysym.unicode, true) else if (ScreenPopupInfo <> nil) and (ScreenPopupInfo.Visible) then Done := not ScreenPopupInfo.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, Event.key.keysym.unicode, true) else if (ScreenPopupCheck <> nil) and (ScreenPopupCheck.Visible) then Done := not ScreenPopupCheck.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, Event.key.keysym.unicode, true) else begin // check if screen wants to exit Done := not Display.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, Event.key.keysym.unicode, true); // if screen wants to exit if Done then DoQuit; end; end; SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: begin // not implemented end; SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: begin // not implemented end; MAINTHREAD_EXEC_EVENT: with Event.user do begin TMainThreadExecProc(data1)(data2); end; end; // case end; // while end; procedure MainThreadExec(Proc: TMainThreadExecProc; Data: Pointer); var Event: TSDL_Event; begin with Event.user do begin type_ := MAINTHREAD_EXEC_EVENT; code := 0; // not used at the moment data1 := @Proc; data2 := Data; end; SDL_PushEvent(@Event); end; end.