{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit ULCD; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} type TLCD = class private Enabled: boolean; Text: array[1..6] of string; StartPos: integer; LineBR: integer; Position: integer; procedure WriteCommand(B: byte); procedure WriteData(B: byte); procedure WriteString(S: string); public HalfInterface: boolean; constructor Create; procedure Enable; procedure Clear; procedure WriteText(Line: integer; S: string); procedure MoveCursor(Line, Pos: integer); procedure ShowCursor; procedure HideCursor; // for 2x16 procedure AddTextBR(S: string); procedure MoveCursorBR(Pos: integer); procedure ScrollUpBR; procedure AddTextArray(Line:integer; S: string); end; var LCD: TLCD; const Data = $378; // domyślny adres portu Status = Data + 1; Control = Data + 2; implementation uses SysUtils, {$IFDEF UseSerialPort} zlportio, {$ENDIF} SDL, UTime; procedure TLCD.WriteCommand(B: Byte); // Wysylanie komend sterujacych begin {$IFDEF UseSerialPort} if not HalfInterface then begin zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $02); zlioportwrite(Data, 0, B); zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $03); end else begin zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $02); zlioportwrite(Data, 0, B and $F0); zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $03); SDL_Delay( 100 ); zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $02); zlioportwrite(Data, 0, (B * 16) and $F0); zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $03); end; if (B=1) or (B=2) then Sleep(2) else SDL_Delay( 100 ); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TLCD.WriteData(B: Byte); // Wysylanie danych begin {$IFDEF UseSerialPort} if not HalfInterface then begin zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $06); zlioportwrite(Data, 0, B); zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $07); end else begin zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $06); zlioportwrite(Data, 0, B and $F0); zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $07); SDL_Delay( 100 ); zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $06); zlioportwrite(Data, 0, (B * 16) and $F0); zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $07); end; SDL_Delay( 100 ); Inc(Position); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TLCD.WriteString(S: string); // Wysylanie slow var I: integer; begin for I := 1 to Length(S) do WriteData(Ord(S[I])); end; constructor TLCD.Create; begin inherited; end; procedure TLCD.Enable; {var A: byte; B: byte;} begin Enabled := true; if not HalfInterface then WriteCommand($38) else begin WriteCommand($33); WriteCommand($32); WriteCommand($28); end; // WriteCommand($06); // WriteCommand($0C); // sleep(10); end; procedure TLCD.Clear; begin if Enabled then begin WriteCommand(1); WriteCommand(2); Text[1] := ''; Text[2] := ''; Text[3] := ''; Text[4] := ''; Text[5] := ''; Text[6] := ''; StartPos := 1; LineBR := 1; end; end; procedure TLCD.WriteText(Line: integer; S: string); begin if Enabled then begin if Line <= 2 then begin MoveCursor(Line, 1); WriteString(S); end; Text[Line] := ''; AddTextArray(Line, S); end; end; procedure TLCD.MoveCursor(Line, Pos: integer); var I: integer; begin if Enabled then begin Pos := Pos + (Line-1) * 40; if Position > Pos then begin WriteCommand(2); for I := 1 to Pos-1 do WriteCommand(20); end; if Position < Pos then for I := 1 to Pos - Position do WriteCommand(20); Position := Pos; end; end; procedure TLCD.ShowCursor; begin if Enabled then begin WriteCommand(14); end; end; procedure TLCD.HideCursor; begin if Enabled then begin WriteCommand(12); end; end; procedure TLCD.AddTextBR(S: string); var Word: string; // W: integer; P: integer; L: integer; begin if Enabled then begin if LineBR <= 6 then begin L := LineBR; P := Pos(' ', S); if L <= 2 then MoveCursor(L, 1); while (L <= 6) and (P > 0) do begin Word := Copy(S, 1, P); if (Length(Text[L]) + Length(Word)-1) > 16 then begin L := L + 1; if L <= 2 then MoveCursor(L, 1); end; if L <= 6 then begin if L <= 2 then WriteString(Word); AddTextArray(L, Word); end; Delete(S, 1, P); P := Pos(' ', S) end; LineBR := L + 1; end; end; end; procedure TLCD.MoveCursorBR(Pos: integer); {var I: integer; L: integer;} begin if Enabled then begin Pos := Pos - (StartPos-1); if Pos <= Length(Text[1]) then MoveCursor(1, Pos); if Pos > Length(Text[1]) then begin // bez zawijania // Pos := Pos - Length(Text[1]); // MoveCursor(2, Pos); // z zawijaniem Pos := Pos - Length(Text[1]); ScrollUpBR; MoveCursor(1, Pos); end; end; end; procedure TLCD.ScrollUpBR; var T: array[1..5] of string; SP: integer; LBR: integer; begin if Enabled then begin T[1] := Text[2]; T[2] := Text[3]; T[3] := Text[4]; T[4] := Text[5]; T[5] := Text[6]; SP := StartPos + Length(Text[1]); LBR := LineBR; Clear; StartPos := SP; WriteText(1, T[1]); WriteText(2, T[2]); WriteText(3, T[3]); WriteText(4, T[4]); WriteText(5, T[5]); LineBR := LBR-1; end; end; procedure TLCD.AddTextArray(Line: integer; S: string); begin if Enabled then begin Text[Line] := Text[Line] + S; end; end; end.