{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit UGraphicClasses; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses UTexture, SDL; const DelayBetweenFrames : cardinal = 60; type TParticleType = (GoldenNote, PerfectNote, NoteHitTwinkle, PerfectLineTwinkle, ColoredStar, Flare); TColour3f = record r, g, b: real; end; TParticle = class X, Y : real; //Position Screen : integer; W, H : cardinal; //dimensions of particle Col : array of TColour3f; // Colour(s) of particle Scale : array of real; // Scaling factors of particle layers Frame : byte; //act. Frame Tex : cardinal; //Tex num from Textur Manager Live : byte; //How many Cycles before Kill RecIndex : integer; //To which rectangle this particle belongs (only GoldenNote) StarType : TParticleType; // GoldenNote | PerfectNote | NoteHitTwinkle | PerfectLineTwinkle Alpha : real; // used for fading... mX, mY : real; // movement-vector for PerfectLineTwinkle SizeMod : real; // experimental size modifier SurviveSentenceChange : Boolean; constructor Create(cX, cY : real; cScreen : integer; cLive : byte; cFrame : integer; cRecArrayIndex : integer; cStarType : TParticleType; Player : cardinal); destructor Destroy(); override; procedure Draw; procedure LiveOn; end; RectanglePositions = record xTop, yTop, xBottom, yBottom : real; TotalStarCount : integer; CurrentStarCount : integer; Screen : integer; end; PerfectNotePositions = record xPos, yPos : real; Screen : integer; end; TEffectManager = class Particle : array of TParticle; LastTime : cardinal; RecArray : array of RectanglePositions; TwinkleArray : array[0..5] of real; // store x-position of last twinkle for every player PerfNoteArray : array of PerfectNotePositions; FlareTex: TTexture; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Draw; function Spawn(X, Y: real; Screen: integer; Live: byte; StartFrame: integer; RecArrayIndex: integer; // this is only used with GoldenNotes StarType: TParticleType; Player: cardinal // for PerfectLineTwinkle ): cardinal; procedure SpawnRec(); procedure Kill(index: cardinal); procedure KillAll(); procedure SentenceChange(); procedure SaveGoldenStarsRec(Xtop, Ytop, Xbottom, Ybottom: real); procedure SavePerfectNotePos(Xtop, Ytop: real); procedure GoldenNoteTwinkle(Top, Bottom, Right: real; Player: integer); procedure SpawnPerfectLineTwinkle(); end; var GoldenRec : TEffectManager; implementation uses SysUtils, Math, gl, UCommon, UDrawTexture, UGraphic, UIni, UNote, USkins, UThemes; //TParticle constructor TParticle.Create(cX, cY : real; cScreen : integer; cLive : byte; cFrame : integer; cRecArrayIndex : integer; cStarType : TParticleType; Player : cardinal); begin inherited Create; // in this constructor we set all initial values for our particle X := cX; Y := cY; Screen := cScreen; Live := cLive; Frame := cFrame; RecIndex := cRecArrayIndex; StarType := cStarType; Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out SetLength(Scale,1); Scale[0] := 1; SurviveSentenceChange := False; SizeMod := 1; case cStarType of GoldenNote: begin Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum; W := 20; H := 20; SetLength(Scale,4); Scale[1] := 0.8; Scale[2] := 0.4; Scale[3] := 0.3; SetLength(Col,4); Col[0].r := 1; Col[0].g := 0.7; Col[0].b := 0.1; Col[1].r := 1; Col[1].g := 1; Col[1].b := 0.4; Col[2].r := 1; Col[2].g := 1; Col[2].b := 1; Col[3].r := 1; Col[3].g := 1; Col[3].b := 1; end; PerfectNote: begin Tex := Tex_Note_Perfect_Star.TexNum; W := 30; H := 30; SetLength(Col,1); Col[0].r := 1; Col[0].g := 1; Col[0].b := 0.95; end; NoteHitTwinkle: begin Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum; Alpha := (Live/16); // linear fade-out W := 15; H := 15; Setlength(Col,1); Col[0].r := 1; Col[0].g := 1; Col[0].b := RandomRange(10*Live,100)/90; //0.9; end; PerfectLineTwinkle: begin Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum; W := RandomRange(10,20); H := W; SizeMod := (-cos((Frame+1)*5*2*pi/16)*0.5+1.1); SurviveSentenceChange := True; // assign colours according to player given SetLength(Scale,3); Scale[1] := 0.3; Scale[2] := 0.2; SetLength(Col,3); case Player of 0: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P1Light'); 1: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P2Light'); 2: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P3Light'); 3: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P4Light'); 4: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P5Light'); 5: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P6Light'); else LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P1Light'); end; Col[1].r := 1; Col[1].g := 1; Col[1].b := 0.4; Col[2].r := Col[0].r+0.5; Col[2].g := Col[0].g+0.5; Col[2].b := Col[0].b+0.5; mX := RandomRange(-5,5); mY := RandomRange(-5,5); end; ColoredStar: begin Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum; W := RandomRange(10,20); H := W; SizeMod := (-cos((Frame+1)*5*2*pi/16)*0.5+1.1); SurviveSentenceChange := True; // assign colours according to player given SetLength(Scale,1); SetLength(Col,1); Col[0].b := (Player and $ff)/255; Col[0].g := ((Player shr 8) and $ff)/255; Col[0].r := ((Player shr 16) and $ff)/255; mX := 0; mY := 0; end; Flare: begin Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum; W := 7; H := 7; SizeMod := (-cos((Frame+1)*5*2*pi/16)*0.5+1.1); mX := RandomRange(-5,5); mY := RandomRange(-5,5); SetLength(Scale,4); Scale[1] := 0.8; Scale[2] := 0.4; Scale[3] := 0.3; SetLength(Col,4); Col[0].r := 1; Col[0].g := 0.7; Col[0].b := 0.1; Col[1].r := 1; Col[1].g := 1; Col[1].b := 0.4; Col[2].r := 1; Col[2].g := 1; Col[2].b := 1; Col[3].r := 1; Col[3].g := 1; Col[3].b := 1; end; else // just some random default values begin Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum; Alpha := 1; W := 20; H := 20; SetLength(Col,1); Col[0].r := 1; Col[0].g := 1; Col[0].b := 1; end; end; end; destructor TParticle.Destroy(); begin SetLength(Scale,0); SetLength(Col,0); inherited; end; procedure TParticle.LiveOn; begin //Live = 0 => Live forever <blindy> ?? but if this is 0 they would be killed in the Manager at Draw if (Live > 0) then Dec(Live); // animate frames Frame := ( Frame + 1 ) mod 16; // make our particles do funny stuff (besides being animated) // changes of any particle-values throughout its life are done here case StarType of GoldenNote: begin Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out end; PerfectNote: begin Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out end; NoteHitTwinkle: begin Alpha := (Live/10); // linear fade-out end; PerfectLineTwinkle: begin Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out SizeMod := (-cos((Frame+1)*5*2*pi/16)*0.5+1.1); // move around X := X + mX; Y := Y + mY; end; ColoredStar: begin Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out end; Flare: begin Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)/16*1.7*pi+0.3*pi)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out SizeMod := (-cos((Frame+1)*5*2*pi/16)*0.5+1.1); // move around X := X + mX; Y := Y + mY; mY := mY+1.8; // mX := mX/2; end; end; end; procedure TParticle.Draw; var L: cardinal; begin if (ScreenAct = Screen) then begin glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); // this draws (multiple) texture(s) of our particle for L := 0 to High(Col) do begin glColor4f(Col[L].r, Col[L].g, Col[L].b, Alpha); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame, 0); glVertex2f(X-W*Scale[L]*SizeMod, Y-H*Scale[L]*SizeMod); glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame + (1/16), 0); glVertex2f(X-W*Scale[L]*SizeMod, Y+H*Scale[L]*SizeMod); glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame + (1/16), 1); glVertex2f(X+W*Scale[L]*SizeMod, Y+H*Scale[L]*SizeMod); glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame, 1); glVertex2f(X+W*Scale[L]*SizeMod, Y-H*Scale[L]*SizeMod); glEnd; end; glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); glcolor4f(1,1,1,1); end; end; // end of TParticle // TEffectManager constructor TEffectManager.Create; var c: cardinal; begin inherited; LastTime := SDL_GetTicks(); for c := 0 to 5 do begin TwinkleArray[c] := 0; end; end; destructor TEffectManager.Destroy; begin Killall; inherited; end; procedure TEffectManager.Draw; var I: integer; CurrentTime: cardinal; //const // DelayBetweenFrames : cardinal = 100; begin CurrentTime := SDL_GetTicks(); //Manage particle life if (CurrentTime - LastTime) > DelayBetweenFrames then begin LastTime := CurrentTime; for I := 0 to high(Particle) do Particle[I].LiveOn; end; I := 0; //Kill dead particles while (I <= High(Particle)) do begin if (Particle[I].Live <= 0) then begin kill(I); end else begin inc(I); end; end; //Draw for I := 0 to high(Particle) do begin Particle[I].Draw; end; end; // this method creates just one particle function TEffectManager.Spawn(X, Y: real; Screen: integer; Live: byte; StartFrame : integer; RecArrayIndex : integer; StarType : TParticleType; Player: cardinal): cardinal; begin Result := Length(Particle); SetLength(Particle, (Result + 1)); Particle[Result] := TParticle.Create(X, Y, Screen, Live, StartFrame, RecArrayIndex, StarType, Player); end; // manage Sparkling of GoldenNote Bars procedure TEffectManager.SpawnRec(); var Xkatze, Ykatze : real; RandomFrame : integer; P : integer; // P as seen on TV as Positionman begin //Spawn a random amount of stars within the given coordinates //RandomRange(0,14) <- this one starts at a random frame, 16 is our last frame - would be senseless to start a particle with 16, cause it would be dead at the next frame for P := 0 to high(RecArray) do begin while (RecArray[P].TotalStarCount > RecArray[P].CurrentStarCount) do begin Xkatze := RandomRange(Ceil(RecArray[P].xTop), Ceil(RecArray[P].xBottom)); Ykatze := RandomRange(Ceil(RecArray[P].yTop), Ceil(RecArray[P].yBottom)); RandomFrame := RandomRange(0,14); // Spawn a GoldenNote Particle Spawn(Xkatze, Ykatze, RecArray[P].Screen, 16 - RandomFrame, RandomFrame, P, GoldenNote, 0); inc(RecArray[P].CurrentStarCount); end; end; draw; end; // kill one particle (with given index in our particle array) procedure TEffectManager.Kill(Index: cardinal); var LastParticleIndex : integer; begin // delete particle indexed by Index, // overwrite it's place in our particle-array with the particle stored at the last array index, // shorten array LastParticleIndex := high(Particle); if not(LastParticleIndex = -1) then // is there still a particle to delete? begin if not(Particle[Index].RecIndex = -1) then // if it is a GoldenNote particle... dec(RecArray[Particle[Index].RecIndex].CurrentStarCount); // take care of its associated GoldenRec // now get rid of that particle Particle[Index].Destroy; Particle[Index] := Particle[LastParticleIndex]; SetLength(Particle, LastParticleIndex); end; end; // clean up all particles and management structures procedure TEffectManager.KillAll(); var c: cardinal; begin //It's the kill all kennies rotuine while Length(Particle) > 0 do // kill all existing particles Kill(0); SetLength(RecArray,0); // remove GoldenRec positions SetLength(PerfNoteArray,0); // remove PerfectNote positions for c := 0 to 5 do begin TwinkleArray[c] := 0; // reset GoldenNoteHit memory end; end; procedure TEffectManager.SentenceChange(); var c: cardinal; begin c := 0; while c <= High(Particle) do begin if Particle[c].SurviveSentenceChange then inc(c) else Kill(c); end; SetLength(RecArray,0); // remove GoldenRec positions SetLength(PerfNoteArray,0); // remove PerfectNote positions for c := 0 to 5 do begin TwinkleArray[c] := 0; // reset GoldenNoteHit memory end; end; procedure TeffectManager.GoldenNoteTwinkle(Top, Bottom, Right: real; Player: integer); //Twinkle stars while golden note hit // this is called from UDraw.pas, SingDrawPlayerCzesc var C, P, XKatze, YKatze, LKatze: integer; H: real; begin // make sure we spawn only one time at one position if (TwinkleArray[Player] < Right) then for P := 0 to high(RecArray) do // Are we inside a GoldenNoteRectangle? begin H := (Top+Bottom)/2; // helper... with RecArray[P] do if ((xBottom >= Right) and (xTop <= Right) and (yTop <= H) and (yBottom >= H)) and (Screen = ScreenAct) then begin TwinkleArray[Player] := Right; // remember twinkle position for this player for C := 1 to 10 do begin Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Top) , ceil(Bottom)); XKatze := RandomRange(-7,3); LKatze := RandomRange(7,13); Spawn(Ceil(Right)+XKatze, YKatze, ScreenAct, LKatze, 0, -1, NoteHitTwinkle, 0); end; for C := 1 to 3 do begin Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Top)-6 , ceil(Top)); XKatze := RandomRange(-5,1); LKatze := RandomRange(4,7); Spawn(Ceil(Right)+XKatze, YKatze, ScreenAct, LKatze, 0, -1, NoteHitTwinkle, 0); end; for C := 1 to 3 do begin Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Bottom), ceil(Bottom)+6); XKatze := RandomRange(-5,1); LKatze := RandomRange(4,7); Spawn(Ceil(Right)+XKatze, YKatze, ScreenAct, LKatze, 0, -1, NoteHitTwinkle, 0); end; for C := 1 to 3 do begin Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Top)-10 , ceil(Top)-6); XKatze := RandomRange(-5,1); LKatze := RandomRange(1,4); Spawn(Ceil(Right)+XKatze, YKatze, ScreenAct, LKatze, 0, -1, NoteHitTwinkle, 0); end; for C := 1 to 3 do begin Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Bottom)+6 , ceil(Bottom)+10); XKatze := RandomRange(-5,1); LKatze := RandomRange(1,4); Spawn(Ceil(Right)+XKatze, YKatze, ScreenAct, LKatze, 0, -1, NoteHitTwinkle, 0); end; exit; // found a matching GoldenRec, did spawning stuff... done end; end; end; procedure TEffectManager.SaveGoldenStarsRec(Xtop, Ytop, Xbottom, Ybottom: real); var P : integer; // P like used in Positions NewIndex : integer; begin for P := 0 to high(RecArray) do // Do we already have that "new" position? begin if (ceil(RecArray[P].xTop) = ceil(Xtop)) and (ceil(RecArray[P].yTop) = ceil(Ytop)) and (ScreenAct = RecArray[p].Screen) then exit; // it's already in the array, so we don't have to create a new one end; // we got a new position, add the new positions to our array NewIndex := Length(RecArray); SetLength(RecArray, NewIndex + 1); RecArray[NewIndex].xTop := Xtop; RecArray[NewIndex].yTop := Ytop; RecArray[NewIndex].xBottom := Xbottom; RecArray[NewIndex].yBottom := Ybottom; RecArray[NewIndex].TotalStarCount := ceil(Xbottom - Xtop) div 12 + 3; RecArray[NewIndex].CurrentStarCount := 0; RecArray[NewIndex].Screen := ScreenAct; end; procedure TEffectManager.SavePerfectNotePos(Xtop, Ytop: real); var P : integer; // P like used in Positions NewIndex : integer; RandomFrame : integer; Xkatze, Ykatze : integer; begin for P := 0 to high(PerfNoteArray) do // Do we already have that "new" position? begin with PerfNoteArray[P] do if (ceil(xPos) = ceil(Xtop)) and (ceil(yPos) = ceil(Ytop)) and (Screen = ScreenAct) then exit; // it's already in the array, so we don't have to create a new one end; //for // we got a new position, add the new positions to our array NewIndex := Length(PerfNoteArray); SetLength(PerfNoteArray, NewIndex + 1); PerfNoteArray[NewIndex].xPos := Xtop; PerfNoteArray[NewIndex].yPos := Ytop; PerfNoteArray[NewIndex].Screen := ScreenAct; for P := 0 to 2 do begin Xkatze := RandomRange(ceil(Xtop) - 5 , ceil(Xtop) + 10); Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Ytop) - 5 , ceil(Ytop) + 10); RandomFrame := RandomRange(0,14); Spawn(Xkatze, Ykatze, ScreenAct, 16 - RandomFrame, RandomFrame, -1, PerfectNote, 0); end; //for end; procedure TEffectManager.SpawnPerfectLineTwinkle(); var P, I, Life: cardinal; Left, Right, Top, Bottom: cardinal; cScreen: integer; begin // calculation of coordinates done with hardcoded values like in UDraw.pas // might need to be adjusted if drawing of SingScreen is modified // coordinates may still be a bit weird and need adjustment if Ini.SingWindow = 0 then begin Left := 130; end else begin Left := 30; end; Right := 770; // spawn effect for every player with a perfect line for P := 0 to PlayersPlay-1 do if Player[P].LastSentencePerfect then begin // calculate area where notes of this player are drawn case PlayersPlay of 1: begin Bottom := Skin_P2_NotesB+10; Top := Bottom-105; cScreen := 1; end; 2,4: begin case P of 0,2: begin Bottom := Skin_P1_NotesB+10; Top := Bottom-105; end; else begin Bottom := Skin_P2_NotesB+10; Top := Bottom-105; end; end; case P of 0,1: cScreen := 1; else cScreen := 2; end; end; 3,6: begin case P of 0,3: begin Top := 130; Bottom := Top+85; end; 1,4: begin Top := 255; Bottom := Top+85; end; 2,5: begin Top := 380; Bottom := Top+85; end; end; case P of 0,1,2: cScreen := 1; else cScreen := 2; end; end; end; // spawn Sparkling Stars inside calculated coordinates for I := 0 to 80 do begin Life := RandomRange(8,16); Spawn(RandomRange(Left,Right), RandomRange(Top,Bottom), cScreen, Life, 16-Life, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, P); end; end; end; end.