library TeamDuell ; uses ModiSDK in '..\SDK\ModiSDK.pas', StrUtils in '..\SDK\StrUtils.pas', sdl in '..\..\src\lib\JEDI-SDL\SDL\Pas\sdl.pas', moduleloader in '..\..\src\lib\JEDI-SDL\SDL\Pas\moduleloader.pas', gl in '..\..\src\lib\JEDI-SDL\OpenGL\Pas\gl.pas', sysutils; var TeamPlayer: array of array of String; StartPoints: array of integer; CurSinger, NextSinger: array[0..2] of Integer; MethodRec: TMethodRec; SPT, PlayerSelected: array[0..2] of Integer; TtoNextChange, starttick, endtick, ChangeOnSentence : Cardinal; bps, RTtoNextChange: Double; firsttime, secondtime: boolean; //Gave the Plugins Info procedure PluginInfo (var Info: TPluginInfo); stdcall; begin Info.Name := 'PLUGIN_TEAMDUELL_NAME'; Info.Creator := 'jekatt'; Info.PluginDesc := 'PLUGIN_TEAMDUELL_DESC'; Info.Typ := 8; Info.NumPlayers := 31; //Options Info.LoadSong := True; //Whether or not a Song should be Loaded //Only When Song is Loaded: Info.ShowScore := True; //Whether or not the Score should be shown Info.ShowNotes := True; //Whether the Note Lines should be displayed Info.LoadVideo := True; //Should the Video be loaded ? Info.LoadBack := True; //Should the Background be loaded ? Info.BGShowFull := False; //Whether the Background or the Video should be shown Fullsize Info.BGShowFull_O := True; //Whether the Background or the Video should be shown Fullsize Info.ShowRateBar:= True; //Whether the Bar that shows how good the player was sould be displayed Info.ShowRateBar_O := false; //Load from Ini whether the Bar should be Displayed Info.EnLineBonus := False; //Whether LineBonus Should be enabled Info.EnLineBonus_O := True; //Load from Ini whether LineBonus Should be enabled //Options even when song is Not loaded Info.ShowBars := False; //Whether the White Bars on Top and Bottom should be Drawn Info.TeamModeOnly := True; //If True the Plugin can only be Played in Team Mode Info.GetSoundData := False; //If True the RData Procedure is called when new SoundData is available Info.Dummy := False; //Should be Set to False... for Updateing Plugin Interface end; //Executed on Game Start //If True Game begins, else Failure function Init (const TeamInfo: TTeamInfo; var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo; const Sentences: TSentences; const Methods: TMethodRec): boolean; stdcall; var I,J: Integer; begin // Get beginning of sentences for I := 0 to Sentences.High do begin SetLength(Startpoints, I+1); Startpoints[I]:=Sentences.Sentence[I].Start; end; // Get Teams and Players for I := 0 to TeamInfo.NumTeams-1 do begin SetLength(TeamPlayer, I+1); for J := 0 to TeamInfo.Teaminfo[I].NumPlayers-1 do begin SetLength(TeamPlayer[I], J+1); TeamPlayer[I,J] := Copy(String(TeamInfo.Teaminfo[I].Playerinfo[J].Name),1,8); If (NOT(TeamPlayer[I,J] = (String(TeamInfo.Teaminfo[I].Playerinfo[J].Name)))) THEN TeamPlayer[I,J] := TeamPlayer[I,J]+'.'; SPT[I]:=J+1; end; CurSinger[I] := TeamInfo.Teaminfo[I].CurPlayer; repeat NextSinger[I] := random(SPT[I]); until NOT(NextSinger[I] = CurSinger[I]) OR (SPT[I] = 1) ; end; ChangeOnSentence := 8; starttick := SDL_GetTicks(); firsttime := true; secondtime := true; bps := 1; MethodRec := Methods; Result := True; end; //Executed everytime the Screen is Drawed //If False The Game finishes function Draw (var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo; const CurSentence: Cardinal): boolean; stdcall; var I,timeline,x,y: Integer; display: PChar; start: boolean; begin // TickCount(firstSentence) (not zero!) If (CurSentence = ChangeOnSentence - 7) AND (firsttime) then begin firsttime := false; starttick := SDL_GetTicks(); end; start := false; // show first singers for 5sec if (CurSentence < 1) AND ((starttick + 5000) > SDL_GetTicks()) then begin start := true; end; // TickCount(thirdSentence) If (CurSentence = 3) AND (secondtime) then begin secondtime := false; firsttime := true; endtick := SDL_GetTicks(); bps := (Startpoints[3]-Startpoints[1]) * 1000 / (endtick-starttick); // BeatsPerSecond end; // Time to next Change RTtoNextChange := ((Startpoints[ChangeOnSentence]-Startpoints[ChangeOnSentence - 7]) / bps) - ((SDL_GetTicks() - starttick) / 1000); TtoNextChange := Trunc(RTtoNextChange) +1; // Next Singer for Team I for I := 0 to High(TeamPlayer) do begin if (CurSentence = ChangeOnSentence) AND NOT(PlayerSelected[I] = CurSentence) then begin PlayerSelected[I] := CurSentence; CurSinger[I] := NextSinger[I]; repeat NextSinger[I] := random(SPT[I]); until NOT(NextSinger[I] = CurSinger[I]) OR (SPT[I] = 1) ; end; // display bg glColor4f (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1); display := PChar(TeamPlayer[I,CurSinger[I]]); if (TtoNextChange <= 11) OR (start = true) Then begin glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glColor4f (0, 0, 0, 1); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2f(PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].PosX, PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].PosY+8); glVertex2f(PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].PosX, PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].PosY + 30); glVertex2f(PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].PosX + 100, PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].PosY + 30); glVertex2f(PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].PosX + 100, PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].PosY+8); glEnd; display := 'Next Singer'; // timeline x:= 270; y:= 472; if (TtoNextChange <= 5) AND (RTtoNextChange > 0) then begin timeline := Trunc(RTtoNextChange*50); glColor3f (0, 0, 0); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2f(x, y); glVertex2f(x, y+18); glVertex2f(x+6+250, y+18); glVertex2f(x+6+250, y); glEnd; glColor3f (0.2, 0.2, 0.2); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2f(x+3, y+3); glVertex2f(x+3, y+15); glVertex2f(x+3+250, y+15); glVertex2f(x+3+250, y+3); glEnd; glColor3f (0.8, 0.2, 0.2); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glColor3f (0.9, 0, 0); glVertex2f(x+3, y+3); glColor3f (0.8, 0.3, 0.3); glVertex2f(x+3, y+15); glColor3f (0.8, 0.3, 0.3); glVertex2f(x+3+timeline, y+15); glColor3f (0.9, 0, 0); glVertex2f(x+3+timeline, y+3); glEnd; end; glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); end; // Names, Timer if (TtoNextChange <= 9) Then begin display := PChar(TeamPlayer[I,NextSinger[I]]); glColor4f (0.8, 0.1, 0.2, 1); MethodRec.Print (1, 6, PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].PosX+85, PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].PosY+10, CreateStr(PChar(IntToStr(Trunc(TtoNextChange))))); end; glColor4f (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1); if (CurSentence = 0) then display := PChar(TeamPlayer[I,CurSinger[I]]); if (TtoNextChange <= 11) OR (start) Then MethodRec.Print (1, 6, PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].PosX+5, PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].PosY+10, display); end; if (CurSentence = ChangeOnSentence) then begin ChangeOnSentence := CurSentence + 7; firsttime := true; end; Result := True; end; //Is Executed on Finish, Returns the Playernum of the Winner function Finish (var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo): byte; stdcall; var I:Integer; MaxScore: Word; begin Result := 0; MaxScore := 0; for I := 0 to PlayerInfo.NumPlayers-1 do begin PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Percentage := PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score div 9999; if (PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score > MaxScore) then begin MaxScore := PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score; Case I of 0: Result := 1; 1: Result := 2; 2: Result := 4; 3: Result := 8; 4: Result := 16; 5: Result := 32; end; end else if (PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score = MaxScore) AND (PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score <> 0) then begin Case I of 0: Result := Result OR 1; 1: Result := Result OR 2; 2: Result := Result OR 4; 3: Result := Result OR 8; 4: Result := Result OR 16; 5: Result := Result OR 32; end; end; end; //When nobody has Points -> Everybody loose if (MaxScore = 0) then Result := 0; end; exports PluginInfo, Init, Draw, Finish; begin end.