{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit UMusic; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses SysUtils, Classes, UTime, UBeatTimer, UPath; type TNoteType = (ntFreestyle, ntNormal, ntGolden); {** * acoStretch: Stretch to screen width and height * - ignores aspect * + no borders * + no image data loss * acoCrop: Stretch to screen width or height, crop the other dimension * + keeps aspect * + no borders * - frame borders are cropped (image data loss) * acoLetterBox: Stretch to screen width, add bars at or crop top and bottom * + keeps aspect * - borders at top and bottom * o top/bottom is cropped if width < height (unusual) *} TAspectCorrection = (acoStretch, acoCrop, acoLetterBox); TRectCoords = record Left, Right: double; Upper, Lower: double; end; const // ScoreFactor defines how a notehit of a specified notetype is // measured in comparison to the other types // 0 means this notetype is not rated at all // 2 means a hit of this notetype will be rated w/ twice as much // points as a hit of a notetype w/ ScoreFactor 1 ScoreFactor: array[TNoteType] of integer = (0, 1, 2); type (** * TLineFragment represents a fragment of a lyrics line. * This is a text-fragment (e.g. a syllable) assigned to a note pitch, * represented by a bar in the sing-screen. *) PLineFragment = ^TLineFragment; TLineFragment = record Color: integer; Start: integer; // beat the fragment starts at Length: integer; // length in beats Tone: integer; // full range tone Text: UTF8String; // text assigned to this fragment (a syllable, word, etc.) NoteType: TNoteType; // note-type: golden-note/freestyle etc. end; (** * TLine represents one lyrics line and consists of multiple * notes. *) PLine = ^TLine; TLine = record Start: integer; // the start beat of this line (<> start beat of the first note of this line) Lyric: UTF8String; //LyricWidth: real; // @deprecated: width of the line in pixels. // Do not use this as the width is not correct. // Use TLyricsEngine.GetUpperLine().Width instead. End_: integer; BaseNote: integer; HighNote: integer; // index of last note in line (= High(Note)?) TotalNotes: integer; // value of all notes in the line LastLine: boolean; Note: array of TLineFragment; end; (** * TLines stores sets of lyric lines and information on them. * Normally just one set is defined but in duet mode it might for example * contain two sets. *) TLines = record Current: integer; // for drawing of current line High: integer; // = High(Line)! Number: integer; Resolution: integer; NotesGAP: integer; ScoreValue: integer; Line: array of TLine; end; const FFTSize = 512; // size of FFT data (output: FFTSize/2 values) type TFFTData = array[0..(FFTSize div 2)-1] of Single; type PPCMStereoSample = ^TPCMStereoSample; TPCMStereoSample = array[0..1] of SmallInt; TPCMData = array[0..511] of TPCMStereoSample; type TStreamStatus = (ssStopped, ssPlaying, ssPaused); const StreamStatusStr: array[TStreamStatus] of string = ('Stopped', 'Playing', 'Paused'); type TAudioSampleFormat = ( asfUnknown, // unknown format asfU8, asfS8, // unsigned/signed 8 bits asfU16LSB, asfS16LSB, // unsigned/signed 16 bits (endianness: LSB) asfU16MSB, asfS16MSB, // unsigned/signed 16 bits (endianness: MSB) asfU16, asfS16, // unsigned/signed 16 bits (endianness: System) asfS32, // signed 32 bits (endianness: System) asfFloat, // float asfDouble // double ); const // Size of one sample (one channel only) in bytes AudioSampleSize: array[TAudioSampleFormat] of integer = ( 0, // asfUnknown 1, 1, // asfU8, asfS8 2, 2, // asfU16LSB, asfS16LSB 2, 2, // asfU16MSB, asfS16MSB 2, 2, // asfU16, asfS16 3, // asfS24 4, // asfS32 4 // asfFloat ); const CHANNELMAP_LEFT = 1; CHANNELMAP_RIGHT = 2; CHANNELMAP_FRONT = CHANNELMAP_LEFT or CHANNELMAP_RIGHT; type TAudioFormatInfo = class private fSampleRate : double; fChannels : byte; fFormat : TAudioSampleFormat; fFrameSize : integer; procedure SetChannels(Channels: byte); procedure SetFormat(Format: TAudioSampleFormat); procedure UpdateFrameSize(); function GetBytesPerSec(): double; public constructor Create(Channels: byte; SampleRate: double; Format: TAudioSampleFormat); function Copy(): TAudioFormatInfo; (** * Returns the inverse ratio of the size of data in this format to its * size in a given target format. * Example: SrcSize*SrcInfo.GetRatio(TgtInfo) = TgtSize *) function GetRatio(TargetInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): double; property SampleRate: double read fSampleRate write fSampleRate; property Channels: byte read fChannels write SetChannels; property Format: TAudioSampleFormat read fFormat write SetFormat; property FrameSize: integer read fFrameSize; property BytesPerSec: double read GetBytesPerSec; end; type TSoundEffect = class public EngineData: Pointer; // can be used for engine-specific data procedure Callback(Buffer: PByteArray; BufSize: integer); virtual; abstract; end; TVoiceRemoval = class(TSoundEffect) public procedure Callback(Buffer: PByteArray; BufSize: integer); override; end; type TAudioProcessingStream = class; TOnCloseHandler = procedure(Stream: TAudioProcessingStream); TAudioProcessingStream = class protected OnCloseHandlers: array of TOnCloseHandler; function GetLength(): real; virtual; abstract; function GetPosition(): real; virtual; abstract; procedure SetPosition(Time: real); virtual; abstract; function GetLoop(): boolean; virtual; abstract; procedure SetLoop(Enabled: boolean); virtual; abstract; procedure PerformOnClose(); public function GetAudioFormatInfo(): TAudioFormatInfo; virtual; abstract; procedure Close(); virtual; abstract; (** * Adds a new OnClose action handler. * The handlers are performed in the order they were added. * If not stated explicitely, member-variables might have been invalidated * already. So do not use any member (variable/method/...) if you are not * sure it is valid. *) procedure AddOnCloseHandler(Handler: TOnCloseHandler); property Length: real read GetLength; property Position: real read GetPosition write SetPosition; property Loop: boolean read GetLoop write SetLoop; end; TAudioSourceStream = class(TAudioProcessingStream) protected function IsEOF(): boolean; virtual; abstract; function IsError(): boolean; virtual; abstract; public function ReadData(Buffer: PByteArray; BufferSize: integer): integer; virtual; abstract; property EOF: boolean read IsEOF; property Error: boolean read IsError; end; (* * State-Chart for playback-stream state transitions * []: Transition, (): State * * /---[Play/FadeIn]--->-\ /-------[Pause]----->-\ * -[Create]->(Stop) (Play) (Pause) * \\-<-[Stop/EOF*/Error]-/ \-<---[Play/FadeIn]--// * \-<------------[Stop/EOF*/Error]--------------/ * * *: if not looped, otherwise stream is repeated * Note: SetPosition() does not change the state. *) TAudioPlaybackStream = class(TAudioProcessingStream) protected AvgSyncDiff: double; //** average difference between stream and sync clock SyncSource: TSyncSource; SourceStream: TAudioSourceStream; function GetLatency(): double; virtual; abstract; function GetStatus(): TStreamStatus; virtual; abstract; function GetVolume(): single; virtual; abstract; procedure SetVolume(Volume: single); virtual; abstract; function Synchronize(BufferSize: integer; FormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): integer; procedure FillBufferWithFrame(Buffer: PByteArray; BufferSize: integer; Frame: PByteArray; FrameSize: integer); public (** * Opens a SourceStream for playback. * Note that the caller (not the TAudioPlaybackStream) is responsible to * free the SourceStream after the Playback-Stream is closed. * You may use an OnClose-handler to achieve this. GetSourceStream() * guarantees to deliver this method's SourceStream parameter to * the OnClose-handler. Freeing SourceStream at OnClose is allowed. *) function Open(SourceStream: TAudioSourceStream): boolean; virtual; abstract; procedure Play(); virtual; abstract; procedure Pause(); virtual; abstract; procedure Stop(); virtual; abstract; procedure FadeIn(Time: real; TargetVolume: single); virtual; abstract; procedure GetFFTData(var data: TFFTData); virtual; abstract; function GetPCMData(var data: TPCMData): Cardinal; virtual; abstract; procedure AddSoundEffect(Effect: TSoundEffect); virtual; abstract; procedure RemoveSoundEffect(Effect: TSoundEffect); virtual; abstract; procedure SetSyncSource(SyncSource: TSyncSource); function GetSourceStream(): TAudioSourceStream; property Status: TStreamStatus read GetStatus; property Volume: single read GetVolume write SetVolume; end; TAudioDecodeStream = class(TAudioSourceStream) end; TAudioVoiceStream = class(TAudioSourceStream) protected FormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo; ChannelMap: integer; public destructor Destroy; override; function Open(ChannelMap: integer; FormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): boolean; virtual; procedure Close(); override; procedure WriteData(Buffer: PByteArray; BufferSize: integer); virtual; abstract; function GetAudioFormatInfo(): TAudioFormatInfo; override; function GetLength(): real; override; function GetPosition(): real; override; procedure SetPosition(Time: real); override; function GetLoop(): boolean; override; procedure SetLoop(Enabled: boolean); override; end; type // soundcard output-devices information TAudioOutputDevice = class public Name: UTF8String; // soundcard name end; TAudioOutputDeviceList = array of TAudioOutputDevice; type IGenericPlayback = Interface ['{63A5EBC3-3F4D-4F23-8DFB-B5165FCE33DD}'] function GetName: String; end; IVideo = interface ['{58DFC674-9168-41EA-B59D-A61307242B80}'] procedure Play; procedure Pause; procedure Stop; procedure SetLoop(Enable: boolean); function GetLoop(): boolean; procedure SetPosition(Time: real); function GetPosition: real; procedure SetScreen(Screen: integer); function GetScreen(): integer; procedure SetScreenPosition(X, Y: double; Z: double = 0.0); procedure GetScreenPosition(var X, Y, Z: double); procedure SetWidth(Width: double); function GetWidth(): double; procedure SetHeight(Height: double); function GetHeight(): double; {** * Sub-image of the video frame to draw. * This can be used for zooming or similar purposes. *} procedure SetFrameRange(Range: TRectCoords); function GetFrameRange(): TRectCoords; function GetFrameAspect(): real; procedure SetAspectCorrection(AspectCorrection: TAspectCorrection); function GetAspectCorrection(): TAspectCorrection; procedure SetAlpha(Alpha: double); function GetAlpha(): double; procedure SetReflectionSpacing(Spacing: double); function GetReflectionSpacing(): double; procedure GetFrame(Time: Extended); procedure Draw(); procedure DrawReflection(); property Screen: integer read GetScreen; property Width: double read GetWidth write SetWidth; property Height: double read GetHeight write SetHeight; property Alpha: double read GetAlpha write SetAlpha; property ReflectionSpacing: double read GetReflectionSpacing write SetReflectionSpacing; property FrameAspect: real read GetFrameAspect; property AspectCorrection: TAspectCorrection read GetAspectCorrection write SetAspectCorrection; property Loop: boolean read GetLoop write SetLoop; property Position: real read GetPosition write SetPosition; end; IVideoPlayback = Interface( IGenericPlayback ) ['{3574C40C-28AE-4201-B3D1-3D1F0759B131}'] function Init(): boolean; function Finalize: boolean; function Open(const FileName : IPath): IVideo; end; IVideoVisualization = Interface( IVideoPlayback ) ['{5AC17D60-B34D-478D-B632-EB00D4078017}'] end; IAudioPlayback = Interface( IGenericPlayback ) ['{E4AE0B40-3C21-4DC5-847C-20A87E0DFB96}'] function InitializePlayback: boolean; function FinalizePlayback: boolean; function GetOutputDeviceList(): TAudioOutputDeviceList; procedure SetAppVolume(Volume: single); procedure SetVolume(Volume: single); procedure SetLoop(Enabled: boolean); procedure FadeIn(Time: real; TargetVolume: single); procedure SetSyncSource(SyncSource: TSyncSource); procedure Rewind; function Finished: boolean; function Length: real; function Open(const Filename: IPath): boolean; // true if succeed procedure Close; procedure Play; procedure Pause; procedure Stop; procedure SetPosition(Time: real); function GetPosition: real; property Position: real read GetPosition write SetPosition; // Sounds // TODO: // add a TMediaDummyPlaybackStream implementation that will // be used by the TSoundLib whenever OpenSound() fails, so checking for // nil-pointers is not neccessary anymore. // PlaySound/StopSound will be removed then, OpenSound will be renamed to // CreateSound. function OpenSound(const Filename: IPath): TAudioPlaybackStream; procedure PlaySound(Stream: TAudioPlaybackStream); procedure StopSound(Stream: TAudioPlaybackStream); // Equalizer procedure GetFFTData(var Data: TFFTData); // Interface for Visualizer function GetPCMData(var Data: TPCMData): Cardinal; function CreateVoiceStream(ChannelMap: integer; FormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): TAudioVoiceStream; end; IGenericDecoder = Interface ['{557B0E9A-604D-47E4-B826-13769F3E10B7}'] function GetName(): string; function InitializeDecoder(): boolean; function FinalizeDecoder(): boolean; //function IsSupported(const Filename: string): boolean; end; (* IVideoDecoder = Interface( IGenericDecoder ) ['{2F184B2B-FE69-44D5-9031-0A2462391DCA}'] function Open(const Filename: IPath): TVideoDecodeStream; procedure SetPosition(Time: real); function GetPosition: real; procedure UpdateTexture(Texture: glUint); property Loop: boolean read GetLoop write SetLoop; property Position: real read GetPosition write SetPosition; end; *) IAudioDecoder = Interface( IGenericDecoder ) ['{AB47B1B6-2AA9-4410-BF8C-EC79561B5478}'] function Open(const Filename: IPath): TAudioDecodeStream; end; IAudioInput = Interface ['{A5C8DA92-2A0C-4AB2-849B-2F7448C6003A}'] function GetName: String; function InitializeRecord: boolean; function FinalizeRecord(): boolean; procedure CaptureStart; procedure CaptureStop; end; type TAudioConverter = class protected fSrcFormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo; fDstFormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo; public function Init(SrcFormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo; DstFormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): boolean; virtual; destructor Destroy(); override; (** * Converts the InputBuffer and stores the result in OutputBuffer. * If the result is not -1, InputSize will be set to the actual number of * input-buffer bytes used. * Returns the number of bytes written to the output-buffer or -1 if an error occured. *) function Convert(InputBuffer: PByteArray; OutputBuffer: PByteArray; var InputSize: integer): integer; virtual; abstract; (** * Destination/Source size ratio *) function GetRatio(): double; virtual; abstract; function GetOutputBufferSize(InputSize: integer): integer; virtual; abstract; property SrcFormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo read fSrcFormatInfo; property DstFormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo read fDstFormatInfo; end; (* TODO const SOUNDID_START = 0; SOUNDID_BACK = 1; SOUNDID_SWOOSH = 2; SOUNDID_CHANGE = 3; SOUNDID_OPTION = 4; SOUNDID_CLICK = 5; LAST_SOUNDID = SOUNDID_CLICK; BaseSoundFilenames: array[0..LAST_SOUNDID] of IPath = ( '%SOUNDPATH%/Common start.mp3', // Start '%SOUNDPATH%/Common back.mp3', // Back '%SOUNDPATH%/menu swoosh.mp3', // Swoosh '%SOUNDPATH%/select music change music 50.mp3', // Change '%SOUNDPATH%/option change col.mp3', // Option '%SOUNDPATH%/rimshot022b.mp3' // Click { '%SOUNDPATH%/bassdrumhard076b.mp3', // Drum (unused) '%SOUNDPATH%/hihatclosed068b.mp3', // Hihat (unused) '%SOUNDPATH%/claps050b.mp3', // Clap (unused) '%SOUNDPATH%/Shuffle.mp3' // Shuffle (unused) } ); *) type TSoundLibrary = class private // TODO //Sounds: array of TAudioPlaybackStream; public // TODO: move sounds to the private section // and provide IDs instead. Start: TAudioPlaybackStream; Back: TAudioPlaybackStream; Swoosh: TAudioPlaybackStream; Change: TAudioPlaybackStream; Option: TAudioPlaybackStream; Click: TAudioPlaybackStream; BGMusic: TAudioPlaybackStream; constructor Create(); destructor Destroy(); override; procedure LoadSounds(); procedure UnloadSounds(); procedure StartBgMusic(); procedure PauseBgMusic(); // TODO //function AddSound(Filename: IPath): integer; //procedure RemoveSound(ID: integer); //function GetSound(ID: integer): TAudioPlaybackStream; //property Sound[ID: integer]: TAudioPlaybackStream read GetSound; default; end; var // TODO: JB --- THESE SHOULD NOT BE GLOBAL Lines: array of TLines; LyricsState: TLyricsState; SoundLib: TSoundLibrary; procedure InitializeSound; procedure InitializeVideo; procedure FinalizeMedia; function Visualization(): IVideoPlayback; function VideoPlayback(): IVideoPlayback; function AudioPlayback(): IAudioPlayback; function AudioInput(): IAudioInput; function AudioDecoders(): TInterfaceList; function MediaManager: TInterfaceList; procedure DumpMediaInterfaces(); implementation uses math, UIni, UNote, UCommandLine, URecord, ULog, UPathUtils; var DefaultVideoPlayback : IVideoPlayback; DefaultVisualization : IVideoPlayback; DefaultAudioPlayback : IAudioPlayback; DefaultAudioInput : IAudioInput; AudioDecoderList : TInterfaceList; MediaInterfaceList : TInterfaceList; constructor TAudioFormatInfo.Create(Channels: byte; SampleRate: double; Format: TAudioSampleFormat); begin inherited Create(); fChannels := Channels; fSampleRate := SampleRate; fFormat := Format; UpdateFrameSize(); end; procedure TAudioFormatInfo.SetChannels(Channels: byte); begin fChannels := Channels; UpdateFrameSize(); end; procedure TAudioFormatInfo.SetFormat(Format: TAudioSampleFormat); begin fFormat := Format; UpdateFrameSize(); end; function TAudioFormatInfo.GetBytesPerSec(): double; begin Result := FrameSize * SampleRate; end; procedure TAudioFormatInfo.UpdateFrameSize(); begin fFrameSize := AudioSampleSize[fFormat] * fChannels; end; function TAudioFormatInfo.Copy(): TAudioFormatInfo; begin Result := TAudioFormatInfo.Create(Self.Channels, Self.SampleRate, Self.Format); end; function TAudioFormatInfo.GetRatio(TargetInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): double; begin Result := (TargetInfo.FrameSize / Self.FrameSize) * (TargetInfo.SampleRate / Self.SampleRate) end; function MediaManager: TInterfaceList; begin if (not assigned(MediaInterfaceList)) then MediaInterfaceList := TInterfaceList.Create(); Result := MediaInterfaceList; end; function VideoPlayback(): IVideoPlayback; begin Result := DefaultVideoPlayback; end; function Visualization(): IVideoPlayback; begin Result := DefaultVisualization; end; function AudioPlayback(): IAudioPlayback; begin Result := DefaultAudioPlayback; end; function AudioInput(): IAudioInput; begin Result := DefaultAudioInput; end; function AudioDecoders(): TInterfaceList; begin Result := AudioDecoderList; end; procedure FilterInterfaceList(const IID: TGUID; InList, OutList: TInterfaceList); var i: integer; obj: IInterface; begin if (not assigned(OutList)) then Exit; OutList.Clear; for i := 0 to InList.Count-1 do begin if assigned(InList[i]) then begin // add object to list if it implements the interface searched for if (InList[i].QueryInterface(IID, obj) = 0) then OutList.Add(obj); end; end; end; procedure InitializeSound; var i: integer; InterfaceList: TInterfaceList; CurrentAudioDecoder: IAudioDecoder; CurrentAudioPlayback: IAudioPlayback; CurrentAudioInput: IAudioInput; begin // create a temporary list for interface enumeration InterfaceList := TInterfaceList.Create(); // initialize all audio-decoders first FilterInterfaceList(IAudioDecoder, MediaManager, InterfaceList); for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do begin CurrentAudioDecoder := InterfaceList[i] as IAudioDecoder; if (not CurrentAudioDecoder.InitializeDecoder()) then begin Log.LogError('Initialize failed, Removing - '+ CurrentAudioDecoder.GetName); MediaManager.Remove(CurrentAudioDecoder); end; end; // create and setup decoder-list (see AudioDecoders()) AudioDecoderList := TInterfaceList.Create; FilterInterfaceList(IAudioDecoder, MediaManager, AudioDecoders); // find and initialize playback interface DefaultAudioPlayback := nil; FilterInterfaceList(IAudioPlayback, MediaManager, InterfaceList); for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do begin CurrentAudioPlayback := InterfaceList[i] as IAudioPlayback; if (CurrentAudioPlayback.InitializePlayback()) then begin DefaultAudioPlayback := CurrentAudioPlayback; break; end; Log.LogError('Initialize failed, Removing - '+ CurrentAudioPlayback.GetName); MediaManager.Remove(CurrentAudioPlayback); end; // find and initialize input interface DefaultAudioInput := nil; FilterInterfaceList(IAudioInput, MediaManager, InterfaceList); for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do begin CurrentAudioInput := InterfaceList[i] as IAudioInput; if (CurrentAudioInput.InitializeRecord()) then begin DefaultAudioInput := CurrentAudioInput; break; end; Log.LogError('Initialize failed, Removing - '+ CurrentAudioInput.GetName); MediaManager.Remove(CurrentAudioInput); end; InterfaceList.Free; // Update input-device list with registered devices AudioInputProcessor.UpdateInputDeviceConfig(); // Load in-game sounds SoundLib := TSoundLibrary.Create; end; procedure InitializeVideo(); var i: integer; InterfaceList: TInterfaceList; VideoInterface: IVideoPlayback; VisualInterface: IVideoVisualization; begin InterfaceList := TInterfaceList.Create; // initialize and set video-playback singleton DefaultVideoPlayback := nil; FilterInterfaceList(IVideoPlayback, MediaManager, InterfaceList); for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do begin VideoInterface := InterfaceList[i] as IVideoPlayback; if (VideoInterface.Init()) then begin DefaultVideoPlayback := VideoInterface; break; end; Log.LogError('Initialize failed, Removing - '+ VideoInterface.GetName); MediaManager.Remove(VideoInterface); end; // initialize and set visualization singleton DefaultVisualization := nil; FilterInterfaceList(IVideoVisualization, MediaManager, InterfaceList); for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do begin VisualInterface := InterfaceList[i] as IVideoVisualization; if (VisualInterface.Init()) then begin DefaultVisualization := VisualInterface; break; end; Log.LogError('Initialize failed, Removing - '+ VisualInterface.GetName); MediaManager.Remove(VisualInterface); end; InterfaceList.Free; // now that we have all interfaces, we can dump them // TODO: move this to another place if FindCmdLineSwitch(cMediaInterfaces) then begin DumpMediaInterfaces(); halt; end; end; procedure UnloadMediaModules; var i: integer; InterfaceList: TInterfaceList; begin FreeAndNil(AudioDecoderList); DefaultAudioPlayback := nil; DefaultAudioInput := nil; DefaultVideoPlayback := nil; DefaultVisualization := nil; // create temporary interface list InterfaceList := TInterfaceList.Create(); // finalize audio playback interfaces (should be done before the decoders) FilterInterfaceList(IAudioPlayback, MediaManager, InterfaceList); for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do (InterfaceList[i] as IAudioPlayback).FinalizePlayback(); // finalize audio input interfaces FilterInterfaceList(IAudioInput, MediaManager, InterfaceList); for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do (InterfaceList[i] as IAudioInput).FinalizeRecord(); // finalize audio decoder interfaces FilterInterfaceList(IAudioDecoder, MediaManager, InterfaceList); for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do (InterfaceList[i] as IAudioDecoder).FinalizeDecoder(); // finalize video interfaces FilterInterfaceList(IVideoPlayback, MediaManager, InterfaceList); for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do (InterfaceList[i] as IVideoPlayback).Finalize(); // finalize audio decoder interfaces FilterInterfaceList(IVideoVisualization, MediaManager, InterfaceList); for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do (InterfaceList[i] as IVideoVisualization).Finalize(); InterfaceList.Free; // finally free interfaces (by removing all references to them) FreeAndNil(MediaInterfaceList); end; procedure FinalizeMedia; begin // stop, close and free sounds SoundLib.Free; // stop and close music stream if (AudioPlayback <> nil) then AudioPlayback.Close; // stop any active captures if (AudioInput <> nil) then AudioInput.CaptureStop; UnloadMediaModules(); end; procedure DumpMediaInterfaces(); begin writeln( '' ); writeln( '--------------------------------------------------------------' ); writeln( ' In-use Media Interfaces ' ); writeln( '--------------------------------------------------------------' ); writeln( 'Registered Audio Playback Interface : ' + AudioPlayback.GetName ); writeln( 'Registered Audio Input Interface : ' + AudioInput.GetName ); writeln( 'Registered Video Playback Interface : ' + VideoPlayback.GetName ); writeln( 'Registered Visualization Interface : ' + Visualization.GetName ); writeln( '--------------------------------------------------------------' ); writeln( '' ); end; { TSoundLibrary } constructor TSoundLibrary.Create(); begin inherited; LoadSounds(); end; destructor TSoundLibrary.Destroy(); begin UnloadSounds(); inherited; end; procedure TSoundLibrary.LoadSounds(); begin UnloadSounds(); Start := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath.Append('Common start.mp3')); Back := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath.Append('Common back.mp3')); Swoosh := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath.Append('menu swoosh.mp3')); Change := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath.Append('select music change music 50.mp3')); Option := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath.Append('option change col.mp3')); Click := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath.Append('rimshot022b.mp3')); BGMusic := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath.Append('background track.mp3')); if (BGMusic <> nil) then BGMusic.Loop := True; end; procedure TSoundLibrary.UnloadSounds(); begin FreeAndNil(Start); FreeAndNil(Back); FreeAndNil(Swoosh); FreeAndNil(Change); FreeAndNil(Option); FreeAndNil(Click); FreeAndNil(BGMusic); end; (* TODO function TSoundLibrary.GetSound(ID: integer): TAudioPlaybackStream; begin if ((ID >= 0) and (ID < Length(Sounds))) then Result := Sounds[ID] else Result := nil; end; *) procedure TSoundLibrary.StartBgMusic(); begin if (TBackgroundMusicOption(Ini.BackgroundMusicOption) = bmoOn) and (Soundlib.BGMusic <> nil) and not (Soundlib.BGMusic.Status = ssPlaying) then begin AudioPlayback.PlaySound(Soundlib.BGMusic); end; end; procedure TSoundLibrary.PauseBgMusic(); begin If (Soundlib.BGMusic <> nil) then begin Soundlib.BGMusic.Pause; end; end; { TVoiceRemoval } procedure TVoiceRemoval.Callback(Buffer: PByteArray; BufSize: integer); var FrameIndex, FrameSize: integer; Value: integer; Sample: PPCMStereoSample; begin FrameSize := 2 * SizeOf(SmallInt); for FrameIndex := 0 to (BufSize div FrameSize)-1 do begin Sample := PPCMStereoSample(Buffer); // channel difference Value := Sample[0] - Sample[1]; // clip if (Value > High(SmallInt)) then Value := High(SmallInt) else if (Value < Low(SmallInt)) then Value := Low(SmallInt); // assign result Sample[0] := Value; Sample[1] := Value; // increase to next frame Inc(PByte(Buffer), FrameSize); end; end; { TAudioConverter } function TAudioConverter.Init(SrcFormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo; DstFormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): boolean; begin fSrcFormatInfo := SrcFormatInfo.Copy(); fDstFormatInfo := DstFormatInfo.Copy(); Result := true; end; destructor TAudioConverter.Destroy(); begin FreeAndNil(fSrcFormatInfo); FreeAndNil(fDstFormatInfo); end; { TAudioProcessingStream } procedure TAudioProcessingStream.AddOnCloseHandler(Handler: TOnCloseHandler); begin if (@Handler <> nil) then begin SetLength(OnCloseHandlers, System.Length(OnCloseHandlers)+1); OnCloseHandlers[High(OnCloseHandlers)] := @Handler; end; end; procedure TAudioProcessingStream.PerformOnClose(); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to High(OnCloseHandlers) do begin OnCloseHandlers[i](Self); end; end; { TAudioPlaybackStream } function TAudioPlaybackStream.GetSourceStream(): TAudioSourceStream; begin Result := SourceStream; end; procedure TAudioPlaybackStream.SetSyncSource(SyncSource: TSyncSource); begin Self.SyncSource := SyncSource; AvgSyncDiff := -1; end; {.$DEFINE LOG_SYNC} (* * Results an adjusted size of the input buffer size to keep the stream in sync * with the SyncSource. If no SyncSource was assigned to this stream, the * input buffer size will be returned, so this method will have no effect. * * These are the possible cases: * - Result > BufferSize: stream is behind the sync-source (stream is too slow), * (Result-BufferSize) bytes of the buffer must be skipped. * - Result = BufferSize: stream is in sync, * there is nothing to do. * - Result < BufferSize: stream is ahead of the sync-source (stream is too fast), * (BufferSize-Result) bytes of the buffer must be padded. *) function TAudioPlaybackStream.Synchronize(BufferSize: integer; FormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): integer; var TimeDiff: double; FrameDiff: double; FrameSkip: integer; ReqFrames: integer; MasterClock: real; CurPosition: real; const AVG_HISTORY_FACTOR = 0.7; SYNC_REPOS_THRESHOLD = 5.000; SYNC_SOFT_THRESHOLD = 0.010; begin Result := BufferSize; if (not assigned(SyncSource)) then Exit; if (BufferSize <= 0) then Exit; CurPosition := Position; MasterClock := SyncSource.GetClock(); // difference between sync-source and stream position // (negative if the music-stream's position is ahead of the master clock) TimeDiff := MasterClock - CurPosition; // calculate average time difference (some sort of weighted mean). // The bigger AVG_HISTORY_FACTOR is, the smoother is the average diff. // This means that older diffs are weighted more with a higher history factor // than with a lower. Do not use a too low history factor. FFmpeg produces // very instable timestamps (pts) for ogg due to some bugs. They may differ // +-50ms from the real stream position. Without filtering those glitches we // would synch without any need, resulting in ugly plopping sounds. if (AvgSyncDiff = -1) then AvgSyncDiff := TimeDiff else AvgSyncDiff := TimeDiff * (1-AVG_HISTORY_FACTOR) + AvgSyncDiff * AVG_HISTORY_FACTOR; {$IFDEF LOG_SYNC} //Log.LogError(Format('c:%.3f | p:%.3f | d:%.3f | a:%.3f', // [MasterClock, CurPosition, TimeDiff, AvgSyncDiff]), 'Synch'); {$ENDIF} // check if we are out of sync if (Abs(AvgSyncDiff) >= SYNC_REPOS_THRESHOLD) then begin {$IFDEF LOG_SYNC} Log.LogError(Format('ReposSynch: %.3f > %.3f', [Abs(AvgSyncDiff), SYNC_REPOS_THRESHOLD]), 'Synch'); {$ENDIF} // diff far is too large -> reposition stream // (resulting position might still be out of sync) SetPosition(CurPosition + AvgSyncDiff); // reset sync info AvgSyncDiff := -1; end else if (Abs(AvgSyncDiff) >= SYNC_SOFT_THRESHOLD) then begin {$IFDEF LOG_SYNC} Log.LogError(Format('SoftSynch: %.3f > %.3f', [Abs(AvgSyncDiff), SYNC_SOFT_THRESHOLD]), 'Synch'); {$ENDIF} // hard sync: directly jump to the current position FrameSkip := Round(AvgSyncDiff * FormatInfo.SampleRate); Result := BufferSize + FrameSkip * FormatInfo.FrameSize; if (Result < 0) then Result := 0; // reset sync info AvgSyncDiff := -1; end; end; (* * Fills a buffer with copies of the given Frame or with 0 if Frame is nil. *) procedure TAudioPlaybackStream.FillBufferWithFrame(Buffer: PByteArray; BufferSize: integer; Frame: PByteArray; FrameSize: integer); var i: integer; FrameCopyCount: integer; begin // the buffer must at least contain place for one copy of the frame. if ((Buffer = nil) or (BufferSize <= 0) or (BufferSize < FrameSize)) then Exit; // no valid frame -> fill with 0 if ((Frame = nil) or (FrameSize <= 0)) then begin FillChar(Buffer[0], BufferSize, 0); Exit; end; // number of frames to copy FrameCopyCount := BufferSize div FrameSize; // insert as many copies of frame into the buffer as possible for i := 0 to FrameCopyCount-1 do Move(Frame[0], Buffer[i*FrameSize], FrameSize); end; { TAudioVoiceStream } function TAudioVoiceStream.Open(ChannelMap: integer; FormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): boolean; begin Self.ChannelMap := ChannelMap; Self.FormatInfo := FormatInfo.Copy(); // a voice stream is always mono, reassure the the format is correct Self.FormatInfo.Channels := 1; Result := true; end; destructor TAudioVoiceStream.Destroy; begin Close(); inherited; end; procedure TAudioVoiceStream.Close(); begin PerformOnClose(); FreeAndNil(FormatInfo); end; function TAudioVoiceStream.GetAudioFormatInfo(): TAudioFormatInfo; begin Result := FormatInfo; end; function TAudioVoiceStream.GetLength(): real; begin Result := -1; end; function TAudioVoiceStream.GetPosition(): real; begin Result := -1; end; procedure TAudioVoiceStream.SetPosition(Time: real); begin end; function TAudioVoiceStream.GetLoop(): boolean; begin Result := false; end; procedure TAudioVoiceStream.SetLoop(Enabled: boolean); begin end; end.