.o0 Ultrastar Deluxe in your language 0o. ----------------------- Table of Contents ----------------------- 1. Introduction 2. Statistic wildcards 3. Texts to add ----------------------- 1. Introduction: ----------------------- To translate USD to a new language, copy the English.ini language file and edit the texts behind the equal mark(=). Send the resulting file to our bug-tracker. ----------------------- 2. Statistic Wild-Cards: ----------------------- Here are some informations about the wildcards in the language texts for the statistic screens (STAT_...): Information that will replace the wildcards: STAT_OVERVIEW_INTRO: Format: %0:d Ultrastar Version %1:d Day of Reset (A1) %2:d Month of Reset (A2) %3:d Year of Reset (A3) STAT_OVERVIEW_SONG: Format: %0:d Count Songs (A1) %1:d Count of Sung Songs (A2) %2:d Count of UnSung Songs %3:d Count of Songs with Video (A3) %4:s Name of the most popular Song STAT_OVERVIEW_PLAYER: Format: %0:d Count Players (A1) %1:s Best Player (Result) %2:d Best Players Score %3:s Best Score Player (Result2) %4:d Best Score STAT_FORMAT_SCORES: Format: %0:s Singer %1:d Score %2:s Difficulty %3:s Song Artist %4:s Song Title STAT_FORMAT_SINGERS: Format: %0:s Singer %1:d Average Score STAT_FORMAT_SONGS: Format: %0:s Artist %1:s Title %2:d Times Sung STAT_FORMAT_BANDS: Format: %0:s Artist Name %1:d Times Sung Some further explanations about the wildcards: %x:[.y]z Where X is the number of the wildcard, Y is optional, it is the number of digits for deciaml numbers (Z=d). So, if y is 2 there and the number is only 0 to 9 there will be a zero added in front of the number. z can be d for numbers and s for texts For the date thing in STAT_OVERVIEW_INTRO you may use %1:.2d for the day and %2:.2d for the month. ----------------------- 3. Texts to Add: ----------------------- Compare your language file with English.ini and add the missing entries.