;0.5.1 Mod ;experimental version ;if you are using this as a sample for your theme ;don't be suprised it doesn't work good with newer releases [Theme] Name=Deluxe Creator=Ultrastar Deluxe Team [Colors] White = 255 255 255 LightBlue = 119 187 210 DarkBlue = 28 126 171 LightRed = 170 146 146 DarkRed = 155 113 113 LightGreen = 136 168 136 DarkGreen = 106 152 104 LightPurple = 155 136 168 DarkPurple = 145 104 152 LightOrange = 168 155 136 DarkOrange = 151 131 76 LightYellow = 168 168 136 DarkYellow = 150 151 76 Turkis = 13 186 167 GrayLightest = 223 223 223 GrayLight = 191 191 191 Gray = 127 127 127 GrayDark = 63 63 63 Black = 0 0 0 AquaLightGreen = 0 180 140 [Loading] Texts =2 Fade = 1 [LoadingBackground] Tex=LoadingBG [LoadingText1] X =30 Y =550 Color =White Font =1 Align =0 Size =10 Text =SING_LOADING [LoadingText2] X =590 Y =556 Color=White Font =0 Size =6 Align=0 Text=US_VERSION [Main] Texts =1 Statics=2 [MainBackground] Tex=MainBG [MainText1] X =120 Y =552 Color=Black Font =0 Size =7 Align=0 Text=SING_MENU [MainTextDescriptionLong] X =300 Y =552 Color=Black Font =0 Size =7 Align=0 Text= [MainStatic1] X =0 Y =549 W =255 H =28 Tex=Leiste1 Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [MainStatic2] X =254 Y =549 W =548 H =28 Tex=Leiste2 Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [MainStatic3] X =600 Y =553 W =22 H =22 Tex=ButtonM Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [MainText2] X =625 Y =552 Color=Black Font =0 Size =7 Align=0 Text=PARTY_OPTIONS_DESC [MainButtonSolo] X =180 Y =270 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Texts=1 Reflection=1 [MainButtonSoloText1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Text=SING_SING Color=White [MainButtonEditor] X =335 Y =270 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Texts=1 Reflection=1 [MainButtonEditorText1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Text=SING_EDITOR Color=White [MainButtonOptions] X =490 Y =270 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Texts=1 Reflection=1 [MainButtonOptionsText1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Text=SING_OPTIONS Color=White [MainButtonExit] X =645 Y =270 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Texts=1 Reflection=1 [MainButtonExitText1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Text=SING_EXIT Color=White [Song] Texts =3 [SongBackground] Tex=SongBG [SongCover] X=252 Y=125 W=320 H=190 Style=5 Reflections=1 [SongEqualizer] Visible=1 Direction=1 Color= White Alpha=1 X=205 Y=514 Z=1 PieceW=6 PieceH=6 Space=1 Bands=5 Length=26 [SongText1] X =70 Y =6 Color=White Font =0 Size =20 Text=SING_SONG_SELECTION Align=0 [SongTextCat] X =70 Y =53 Color=White Font =0 Size =10 Align =0 Text=SING_CHOOSE_SONG [SongStatic1] X =40 Y =22 W =27 H =27 Color =White Tex =SongCD Type=Font Black [SongText2] X =120 Y =552 Color=Black Font =0 Size =7 Align=0 Text=SING_SONGSELECTION [SongStatic2] X =248 Y =320 W =200 H =200 Z=0.98 Color =LightBlue Tex =SongSelection2 Type=Font Black [SongStatic3] X =0 Y =549 W =255 H =28 Tex=Leiste1 Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [SongStatic4] X =254 Y =549 W =548 H =28 Tex=Leiste2 Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [SongStatic8] #X =295 X =260 Y =553 W =26 H =22 Tex=ButtonAlt Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [SongText5] X =288 Y =556 Color=Black Font =1 Size =5 Align=0 Text=+ [SongStatic9] X =300 Y =553 W =26 H =22 Tex=ButtonAZ Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [SongText6] X =330 Y =552 Color=Black Font =0 Size =7 Align=0 Text=Jump to .. [SongStatic6] X =425 Y =553 W =22 H =22 Tex=ButtonM Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [SongText3] X =450 Y =552 Color=Black Font =0 Size =7 Align=0 Text=SONG_MENU_NAME_MAIN [SongStatic7] X =515 Y =553 W =22 H =22 Tex=ButtonJ Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [SongText4] X =540 Y =552 Color=Black Font =0 Size =7 Align=0 Text=SONG_JUMPTO_DESC [SongStatic10] X =679 Y =553 W =22 H =22 Tex=ButtonP Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [SongText7] X =705 Y =552 Color=Black Font =0 Size =7 Align=0 Text=Playlist [SongStatic5] X =200 Y =120 W =300 H =200 Color =LightBlue Tex =SongSelection1 Type=Font Black [SongTextArtist] X =350 Y =320 Color=White Font =1 Size =9 Align =1 Text= [SongTextTitle] X =350 Y =345 W = 190 Color=White Font =0 Size =9 Align =1 Text= [SongTextNumber] X =350 Y =380 Color=White Font =0 Size =8 Align =1 Text= [SongStaticTeam1Joker1] Tex =P X =10 Y =10 W =50 H =50 Color=P1Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SongStaticTeam1Joker2] Tex =P X =70 Y =10 W =50 H =50 Color=P1Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SongStaticTeam1Joker3] Tex =P X =130 Y =10 W =50 H =50 Color=P1Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SongStaticTeam1Joker4] Tex =P X =190 Y =10 W =50 H =50 Color=P1Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SongStaticTeam1Joker5] Tex =P X =250 Y =10 W =50 H =50 Color=P1Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SongStaticTeam2Joker1] Tex =P X =10 Y =70 W =50 H =50 Color=P2Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SongStaticTeam2Joker2] Tex =P X =70 Y =70 W =50 H =50 Color=P2Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SongStaticTeam2Joker3] Tex =P X =130 Y =70 W =50 H =50 Color=P2Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SongStaticTeam2Joker4] Tex =P X =190 Y =70 W =50 H =50 Color=P2Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SongStaticTeam2Joker5] Tex =P X =250 Y =70 W =50 H =50 Color=P2Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SongStaticTeam3Joker1] Tex =P X =10 Y =130 W =50 H =50 Color=P3Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SongStaticTeam3Joker2] Tex =P X =70 Y =130 W =50 H =50 Color=P3Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SongStaticTeam3Joker3] Tex =P X =130 Y =130 W =50 H =50 Color=P3Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SongStaticTeam3Joker4] Tex =P X =190 Y =130 W =50 H =50 Color=P3Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SongStaticTeam3Joker5] Tex =P X =250 Y =130 W =50 H =50 Color=P3Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [Sing] Texts =1 [SingText1] Text =SING_TIME X =43 Y =17 Font =1 Size =6 Color =White Align=1 [SingStatic1] ;TextBG Tex =LyricBar X =10 Y =490 W =780 H =105 Color =GrayLightest Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SingStatic2] ;Time BG Tex =LyricBar X =12 Y =5 W =328 H =42 Color =GrayLightest Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SingStatic3] Tex =Bar X =20 Y =10 W =46 H =30 Color =Black Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SingP1Static] Tex =P X =16 Y =55 W =45 H =50 Color =P1Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SingP1Static2] Tex =ScoreBG X =75 Y =55 W =100 H =40 Color =P1Dark Type=Transparent TexX1=0.02 TexY1=0.05 TexX2=0.98 TexY2=0.98 [SingP1Text] Text =P1 X =27 Y =65 Font =1 Size =8 Color =White Align=0 [SingP1TextScore] Text =00000 X =90 Y =60 Font =0 Size =10 Color =White Align=0 [SingP2RStatic] Tex =P X =739 Y =55 W =45 H =50 Color =P2Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SingP2RStatic2] Tex =ScoreBG X =620 Y =55 W =100 H =40 Color =P2Dark Type=Transparent TexX1=0.02 TexY1=0.05 TexX2=0.98 TexY2=0.98 [SingP2RText] Text =P2 X =750 Y =65 Font =1 Size =8 Color =White Align=0 [SingP2RTextScore] Text =00000 X =635 Y =60 Font =0 Size =10 Color =White Align=0 [SingP2MStatic] Tex =P X =311 Y =55 W =45 H =50 Color =P2Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SingP2MStatic2] Tex =ScoreBG X =370 Y =55 W =100 H =40 Color =P2Dark Type=Transparent TexX1=0.02 TexY1=0.05 TexX2=0.98 TexY2=0.98 [SingP2MText] Text =P2 X =321 Y =65 Font =1 Size =8 Color =White Align=0 [SingP2MTextScore] Text =00000 X =385 Y =60 Font =0 Size =10 Color =White Align=0 [SingP3RStatic] Tex =P X =611 Y =55 W =45 H =50 Color =P3Dark Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [SingP3RStatic2] Tex =ScoreBG X =670 Y =55 W =100 H =40 Color =P3Dark Type=Transparent TexX1=0.02 TexY1=0.05 TexX2=0.98 TexY2=0.98 [SingP3RText] Text =P3 X =621 Y =65 Font =1 Size =8 Color =White Align=0 [SingP3RTextScore] Text =00000 X =685 Y =60 Font =0 Size =10 Color =White Align=0 [Score] Texts =1 [ScoreBackground] Tex=ScoreScreenBG [ScoreText1] X =90 Y =500 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Text =song score Align=0 [ScoreTextArtist] X =450 Y =500 Color=GrayDark Font =0 Size =9 Text =Artist Align=0 [ScoreTextTitle] X =450 Y =525 Font =0 Size =9 Text =Title Align=0 Color=Gray [ScoreTextName1] X =200 Y =160 Font =1 Size =12 Text =P1 Color =P1Dark Align=0 [ScoreTextName2] X =50 Y =160 Font =1 Size =12 Text =P1 Color =P1Dark Align=0 [ScoreTextName3] X =510 Y =160 Font =1 Size =12 Text =P2 Color =P2Dark Align=0 [ScoreTextScore1] X =250 Y =110 Color=GrayDark Font =1 Size =9 Text =Tone Deaf Align=0 [ScoreTextScore2] X =100 Y =110 Color=GrayDark Font =1 Size =9 Text =Tone Deaf Align=0 [ScoreTextScore3] X =560 Y =110 Color=GrayDark Font =1 Size =9 Text =Tone Deaf Align=0 [ScoreTextNotes1] X =235 Y =220 Color=GrayDark Font =0 Size =9 Text=SING_NOTES Align=0 [ScoreTextNotes2] X =85 Y =220 Color=GrayDark Font =0 Size =9 Text=SING_NOTES Align=0 [ScoreTextNotes3] X =545 Y =220 Color=GrayDark Font =0 Size =9 Text =SING_NOTES Align=0 [ScoreTextNotesScore1] X =440 Y =220 Color=GrayDark Font =1 Size =10 Align =2 Text =0000 [ScoreTextNotesScore2] X =290 Y =220 Color=GrayDark Font =1 Size =10 Align =2 Text =0000 [ScoreTextNotesScore3] X =750 Y =220 Color=GrayDark Font =1 Size =10 Align =2 Text =0000 [ScoreTextLineBonus1] X =235 Y =260 Color=GrayDark Font =0 Size =9 Text =SING_PHRASE_BONUS Align=0 [ScoreTextLineBonus2] X =85 Y =260 Color=GrayDark Font =0 Size =9 Text =SING_PHRASE_BONUS Align=0 [ScoreTextLineBonus3] X =545 Y =260 Color=GrayDark Font =0 Size =9 Text =SING_PHRASE_BONUS Align=0 [ScoreTextLineBonusScore1] X =440 Y =260 Color=GrayDark Font =1 Size =10 Align =2 Text =0000 [ScoreTextLineBonusScore2] X =290 Y =260 Color=GrayDark Font =1 Size =10 Align =2 Text =0000 [ScoreTextLineBonusScore3] X =750 Y =260 Color=GrayDark Font =1 Size =10 Align =2 Text =0000 [ScoreTextGoldenNotes1] X =235 Y =300 Color=GrayDark Font =0 Size =9 Text =SING_GOLDEN_NOTES Align=0 [ScoreTextGoldenNotes2] X =85 Y =300 Color=GrayDark Font =0 Size =9 Text =SING_GOLDEN_NOTES Align=0 [ScoreTextGoldenNotes3] X =545 Y =300 Color=GrayDark Font =0 Size =9 Text =SING_GOLDEN_NOTES Align=0 [ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore1] X =440 Y =300 Color=GrayDark Font =1 Size =10 Align =2 Text =0000 [ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore2] X =290 Y =300 Color=GrayDark Font =1 Size =10 Align =2 Text =0000 [ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore3] X =750 Y =300 Color=GrayDark Font =1 Size =10 Align =2 Text =0000 [ScoreTextTotal1] X =200 Y =370 Color=GrayDark Font =0 Size =9 Text=SING_TOTAL Align=0 [ScoreTextTotal2] X =50 Y =370 Color=GrayDark Font =0 Size =9 Text =SING_TOTAL Align=0 [ScoreTextTotal3] X =510 Y =370 Color=GrayDark Font =0 Size =9 Text =SING_TOTAL Align=0 [ScoreTextTotalSCore1] X =440 Y =360 Color=GrayDark Font =1 Size =15 Align =2 Text =00000 [ScoreTextTotalSCore2] X =290 Y =360 Color=GrayDark Font =1 Size =15 Align =2 Text =00000 [ScoreTextTotalScore3] X =750 Y =360 Color=GrayDark Font =1 Size =15 Align =2 Text =00000 [ScorePlayer1Static1] Tex =ScoreLine X =200 Y =205 W =240 H =6 Color =GrayDark Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer1Static2] Tex =ScoreLine X =200 Y =345 W =240 H =6 Type =Font Black Color =GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer1Static3] Tex =ScoreLine X =200 Y =410 W =240 H =6 Type =Font Black Color =GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxLightest1] Tex =ScoreBox X =200 Y =220 W =30 H =30 Color =P1Lightest Type= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxLight1] Tex =ScoreBox X =200 Y =260 W =30 H =30 Color =P1Light Type= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxDark1] Tex =ScoreBox X =200 Y =300 W =30 H =30 Color =P1Dark Type= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer2Static1] Tex =ScoreLine X =50 Y =205 W =240 H =6 Type =Font Black Color =GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer2Static2] Tex =ScoreLine X =50 Y =345 W =240 H =6 Type =Font Black Color =GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer2Static3] Tex =ScoreLine X =50 Y =410 W =240 H =6 Type =Font Black Color =GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxLightest2] Tex =ScoreBox X =50 Y =220 W =30 H =30 Color =P1Lightest Type= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxLight2] Tex =ScoreBox X =50 Y =260 W =30 H =30 Color =P1Light Type= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxDark2] Tex =ScoreBox X =50 Y =300 W =30 H =30 Color =P1Dark Type= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer3Static1] Tex =ScoreLine X =510 Y =205 W =240 H =6 Type =Font Black Color =GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer3Static2] Tex =ScoreLine X =510 Y =345 W =240 H =6 Type =Font Black Color =GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer3Static3] Tex =ScoreLine X =510 Y =410 W =240 H =6 Type =Font Black Color =GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxLightest3] Tex =ScoreBox X =510 Y =220 W =30 H =30 Color =P2Lightest Type= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxLight3] Tex =ScoreBox X =510 Y =260 W =30 H =30 Color =P2Light Type= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxDark3] Tex =ScoreBox X =510 Y =300 W =30 H =30 Color =P2Dark Type= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBackLevel1] Tex =ScoreLevel X =460 Y =140 W =120 H =300 Color =P1Lightest Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0.1 TexX2=1 TexY2=0.9 [ScoreStaticBackLevelRound1] Tex =ScoreLevelRound X =460 Y =110 W =120 H =30 Color =P1Lightest Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=0.5 [ScoreStaticLevel1] Tex =ScoreLevel X =460 Y =410 W =120 H =30 Color =P1Light Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0.1 TexX2=1 TexY2=0.9 [ScoreStaticLevelRound1] Tex =ScoreLevelRound X =460 Y =380 W =120 H =30 Color =P1Light Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=0.5 [ScoreStaticBackLevel2] Tex =ScoreLevel X =290 Y =140 W =120 H =300 Color =P1Lightest Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0.1 TexX2=1 TexY2=0.9 [ScoreStaticBackLevelRound2] Tex =ScoreLevelRound X =290 Y =110 W =120 H =30 Color =P1Lightest Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=0.5 [ScoreStaticLevel2] Tex =ScoreLevel X =290 Y =410 W =120 H =30 Color =P1Light Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0.1 TexX2=1 TexY2=0.9 [ScoreStaticLevelRound2] Tex =ScoreLevelRound X =290 Y =380 W =120 H =30 Color =P1Light Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=0.5 [ScoreStaticBackLevel3] Tex =ScoreLevel X =390 Y =140 W =120 H =300 Color =P2Lightest Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0.1 TexX2=1 TexY2=0.9 [ScoreStaticBackLevelRound3] Tex =ScoreLevelRound X =390 Y =110 W =120 H =30 Color =P2Lightest Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=0.5 [ScoreStaticLevel3] Tex =ScoreLevel X =390 Y =410 W =120 H =30 Color =P2Light Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0.1 TexX2=1 TexY2=0.9 [ScoreStaticLevelRound3] Tex =ScoreLevelRound X =390 Y =380 W =120 H =30 Color =P2Light Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=0.5 [ScorePlayer4Static1] X=20 Y=205 W=240 H=6 Tex=ScoreLine Type=Font Black Color=GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer4Static2] X=20 Y=345 W=240 H=6 Tex=ScoreLine Type=Font Black Color=GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer4Static3] X=20 Y=410 W=240 H=6 Tex=ScoreLine Type=Font Black Color=GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxLightest4] X=20 Y=220 W=30 H=30 Tex=ScoreBox Type= Color=P1Lightest TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxLight4] X=20 Y=260 W=30 H=30 Tex=ScoreBox Type= Color=P1Light TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxDark4] X=20 Y=300 W=30 H=30 Tex=ScoreBox Type= Color=P1Dark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreTextName4] X=20 Y=160 Font=1 Size=12 Align=0 Text=P1 Color=P1Dark [ScoreTextScore4] X=70 Y=110 Font=1 Size=9 Align=0 Text=Tone Deaf Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextNotes4] X=55 Y=220 Font=0 Size=9 Align=0 Text=SING_NOTES Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextNotesScore4] X=260 Y=220 Font=1 Size=10 Align=2 Text=0000 Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextLineBonus4] X=55 Y=260 Font=0 Size=9 Align=0 Text=SING_PHRASE_BONUS Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextLineBonusScore4] X=260 Y=260 Font=1 Size=10 Align=2 Text=0000 Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextGoldenNotes4] X=55 Y=300 Font=0 Size=9 Align=0 Text=SING_GOLDEN_NOTES Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore4] X=260 Y=300 Font=1 Size=10 Align=2 Text=0000 Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextTotal4] X=20 Y=370 Font=0 Size=9 Align=0 Text=SING_TOTAL Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextTotalScore4] X=260 Y=360 Font=1 Size=15 Align=2 Text=00000 Color=GrayDark [ScoreStaticBackLevel4] X=0 Y=0 W=0 H=0 Tex= Type= Color= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBackLevelRound4] X=0 Y=0 W=0 H=0 Tex= Type= Color= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticLevel4] X=0 Y=0 W=0 H=0 Tex= Type= Color= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticLevelRound4] X=0 Y=0 W=0 H=0 Tex= Type= Color= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreTextName5] X=280 Y=160 Font=1 Size=12 Align=0 Text=P2 Color=P2Dark [ScoreTextScore5] X=330 Y=110 Font=1 Size=9 Align=0 Text=Tone Deaf Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextNotes5] X=315 Y=220 Font=0 Size=9 Align=0 Text=SING_NOTES Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextNotesScore5] X=520 Y=220 Font=1 Size=10 Align=2 Text=0000 Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextLineBonus5] X=315 Y=260 Font=0 Size=9 Align=0 Text=SING_PHRASE_BONUS Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextLineBonusScore5] X=520 Y=260 Font=1 Size=10 Align=2 Text=0000 Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextGoldenNotes5] X=315 Y=300 Font=0 Size=9 Align=0 Text=SING_GOLDEN_NOTES Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore5] X=520 Y=300 Font=1 Size=10 Align=2 Text=0000 Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextTotal5] X=280 Y=370 Font=0 Size=9 Align=0 Text=SING_TOTAL Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextTotalScore5] X=520 Y=360 Font=1 Size=15 Align=2 Text=00000 Color=GrayDark [ScoreStaticBackLevel5] X=0 Y=0 W=0 H=0 Tex= Type= Color= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBackLevelRound5] X=0 Y=0 W=0 H=0 Tex= Type= Color= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticLevel5] X=0 Y=0 W=0 H=0 Tex= Type= Color= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticLevelRound5] X=0 Y=0 W=0 H=0 Tex= Type= Color= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreTextName6] X=540 Y=160 Font=1 Size=12 Align=0 Text=P2 Color=P3Dark [ScoreTextScore6] X=590 Y=110 Font=1 Size=9 Align=0 Text=Tone Deaf Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextNotes6] X=575 Y=220 Font=0 Size=9 Align=0 Text=SING_NOTES Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextNotesScore6] X=780 Y=220 Font=1 Size=10 Align=2 Text=0000 Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextLineBonus6] X=575 Y=260 Font=0 Size=9 Align=0 Text=SING_PHRASE_BONUS Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextLineBonusScore6] X=780 Y=260 Font=1 Size=10 Align=2 Text=0000 Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextGoldenNotes6] X=575 Y=300 Font=0 Size=9 Align=0 Text=SING_GOLDEN_NOTES Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore6] X=780 Y=300 Font=1 Size=10 Align=2 Text=0000 Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextTotal6] X=540 Y=370 Font=0 Size=9 Align=0 Text=SING_TOTAL Color=GrayDark [ScoreTextTotalScore6] X=780 Y=360 Font=1 Size=15 Align=2 Text=00000 Color=GrayDark [ScoreStaticBackLevel6] X=0 Y=0 W=0 H=0 Tex= Type= Color= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBackLevelRound6] X=0 Y=0 W=0 H=0 Tex= Type= Color= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticLevel6] X=0 Y=0 W=0 H=0 Tex= Type= Color= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticLevelRound6] X=0 Y=0 W=0 H=0 Tex= Type= Color= TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer5Static1] X=280 Y=205 W=240 H=6 Tex=ScoreLine Type=Font Black Color=GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer5Static2] X=280 Y=345 W=240 H=6 Tex=ScoreLine Type=Font Black Color=GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer5Static3] X=280 Y=410 W=240 H=6 Tex=ScoreLine Type=Font Black Color=GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxLightest5] X=280 Y=220 W=30 H=30 Tex=ScoreBox Type= Color=P2Lightest TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxLight5] X=280 Y=260 W=30 H=30 Tex=ScoreBox Type= Color=P2Light TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxDark5] X=280 Y=300 W=30 H=30 Tex=ScoreBox Type= Color=P2Dark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer6Static1] X=540 Y=205 W=240 H=6 Tex=ScoreLine Type=Font Black Color=GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer6Static2] X=540 Y=345 W=240 H=6 Tex=ScoreLine Type=Font Black Color=GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScorePlayer6Static3] X=540 Y=410 W=240 H=6 Tex=ScoreLine Type=Font Black Color=GrayDark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxLightest6] X=540 Y=220 W=30 H=30 Tex=ScoreBox Type= Color=P3Lightest TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxLight6] X=540 Y=260 W=30 H=30 Tex=ScoreBox Type= Color=P3Light TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [ScoreStaticBoxDark6] X=540 Y=300 W=30 H=30 Tex=ScoreBox Type= Color=P3Dark TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [Options] #Texts = 4 Fade = 2 [OptionsBackground] Tex=OptionsBG [OptionsText1] X =70 Y =6 Color=White Font =0 Size =20 Text=SING_OPTIONS Align=0 [OptionsTextDescription] X =70 Y =53 Color=White Font =0 Size =10 Align =0 [OptionsStatic1] X =40 Y =22 W =27 H =27 Color =White Tex =IconOption Type=Font Black [OptionsStatic2] X =0 Y =549 W =255 H =28 Tex=Leiste1 Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [OptionsStatic3] X =254 Y =549 W =548 H =28 Tex=Leiste2 Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [OptionsText2] X =120 Y =552 Color=Black Font =0 Size =7 Align=0 Text=SING_OPTIONS [OptionsText3] X =300 Y =552 Color=Black Font =0 Size =7 Align=0 Text=SING_OPTIONS_GAME_DESC [OptionsButtonGame] X =100 Y =270 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Texts=1 [OptionsButtonGameText1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Text=SING_OPTIONS_GAME Color=White [OptionsButtonGraphics] X =255 Y =270 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Texts=1 [OptionsButtonGraphicsText1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Text=SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS Color=White [OptionsButtonSound] X =410 Y =270 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Texts=1 [OptionsButtonSoundText1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Text=SING_OPTIONS_SOUND Color=White [OptionsButtonLyrics] X =565 Y =270 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Align=0 Texts=1 [OptionsButtonLyricsText1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Text=SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS Color=White [OptionsButtonThemes] X =100 Y =340 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Align=0 Texts=1 [OptionsButtonThemesText1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Text=SING_OPTIONS_THEMES Color=White [OptionsButtonRecord] X =255 Y =340 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Align=0 Texts=1 [OptionsButtonRecordText1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Text=SING_OPTIONS_RECORD Color=White Texts=1 [OptionsButtonAdvanced] X =410 Y =340 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Align=0 Texts=1 [OptionsButtonAdvancedText1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Text=SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED Color=White Texts=1 [OptionsButtonExit] X =565 Y =340 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Align=0 Texts=1 [OptionsButtonExitText1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Text=SING_OPTIONS_EXIT Color=White [OptionsGame] Texts = 1 Fade = 2 [OptionsGameBackground] Tex=OptionsBG [OptionsGameText1] X =70 Y =6 Color=White Font =0 Size =20 Text=SING_OPTIONS_GAME Align=0 [OptionsGameStatic1] X =40 Y =22 W =27 H =27 Color =White Tex =IconOption Type=Font Black [OptionsGameSelectPlayers] Tex = MainBar TexSBG = MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_GAME_PLAYERS X = 40 Y = 100 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsGameSelectDifficulty] Tex = MainBar TexSBG = MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_GAME_DIFFICULTY X = 40 Y = 170 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsGameSelectSlideLanguage] Tex = MainBar TexSBG = MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_GAME_LANGUAGE X = 40 Y = 240 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsGameSelectTabs] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_GAME_TABS X = 40 Y = 310 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsGameSelectSlideSorting] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_GAME_SORTING X = 40 Y = 380 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsGameSelectDebug] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_GAME_DEBUG X = 40 Y = 450 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsGameButtonExit] X = 40 Y = 520 W = 230 H = 70 Tex =MainBar Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray Type = Font Black [OptionsGraphics] Texts = 1 [OptionsGraphicsBackground] Tex=OptionsBG [OptionsGraphicsText1] X =70 Y =6 Color=White Font =0 Size =20 Text=SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_DESC Align=0 [OptionsGraphicsStatic1] X =40 Y =22 W =27 H =27 Color =White Tex =IconOption Type=Font Black [OptionsGraphicsSelectSlideResolution] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text=SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_RESOLUTION X = 40 Y = 100 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsGraphicsSelectFullscreen] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_FULLSCREEN X = 40 Y = 170 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsGraphicsSelectDepth] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_DEPTH X = 40 Y = 240 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsGraphicsSelectOscilloscope] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_OSCILLOSCOPE X = 40 Y = 310 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsGraphicsSelectLineBonus] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_LINEBONUS X = 40 Y = 380 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsGraphicsSelectMovieSize] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_MOVIE_SIZE X = 40 Y = 450 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsGraphicsButtonExit] X = 40 Y = 520 W = 230 H = 70 Tex =MainBar Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray Type = Font Black [OptionsSound] Texts = 1 [OptionsSoundBackground] Tex=OptionsBG [OptionsSoundText1] X =70 Y =6 Color=White Font =0 Size =20 Text=SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_DESC Align=0 [OptionsSoundStatic1] X =40 Y =22 W =27 H =27 Color =White Tex =IconOption Type=Font Black [OptionsSoundSelectMicBoost] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_MIC_BOOST X = 40 Y = 100 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsSoundSelectClickAssist] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_CLICK_ASSIST X = 40 Y = 170 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsSoundSelectBeatClick] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_BEAT_CLICK X = 40 Y = 240 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsSoundSelectThreshold] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_THRESHOLD X = 40 Y = 310 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsSoundSelectTwoPlayerMode] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_TWO_PLAYERS_MODE X = 40 Y = 380 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsSoundButtonExit] X = 40 Y = 460 W = 230 H = 70 Tex =MainBar Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray Type = Font Black [OptionsLyrics] Texts = 1 [OptionsLyricsBackground] Tex=OptionsBG [OptionsLyricsText1] X =70 Y =6 Color=White Font =0 Size =20 Text=SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS_DESC Align=0 [OptionsLyricsStatic1] X =40 Y =22 W =27 H =27 Color =White Tex =IconOption Type=Font Black [OptionsLyricsSelectLyricsFont] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS_FONT X = 40 Y = 100 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsLyricsSelectLyricsEffect] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS_EFFECT X = 40 Y = 170 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsLyricsSelectSolmization] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS_SOLMIZATION X = 40 Y = 240 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsLyricsButtonExit] X = 40 Y = 450 W = 230 H = 70 Tex =MainBar Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray Type = Font Black [OptionsThemes] Texts = 1 [OptionsThemesBackground] Tex=OptionsBG [OptionsThemesText1] X =70 Y =6 Color=White Font =0 Size =20 Text=SING_OPTIONS_THEMES_DESC Align=0 [OptionsThemesStatic1] X =40 Y =22 W =27 H =27 Color =White Tex =IconOption Type=Font Black [OptionsThemesSelectTheme] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_THEMES_THEME X = 40 Y = 100 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsThemesSelectSkin] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_THEMES_SKIN X = 40 Y = 170 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsThemesSelectColor] Tex =MainBar TexSBG =MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_THEMES_COLOR X = 40 Y = 240 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex =MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsThemesButtonExit] X = 40 Y = 450 W = 230 H = 70 Tex =MainBar Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray Type = Font Black [OptionsRecord] Texts = 1 [OptionsRecordBackground] Tex=OptionsBG [OptionsRecordText1] X =70 Y =6 Color=White Font =0 Size =20 Text=SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_DESC Align=0 [OptionsRecordStatic1] X =40 Y =22 W =27 H =27 Color =White Tex =IconOption Type=Font Black [OptionsRecordSelectSlideCard] Tex = MainBar TexSBG = MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_CARD X = 40 Y = 100 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Fields=1 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsRecordSelectSlideInput] Tex = MainBar TexSBG = MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_INPUT X = 40 Y = 170 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Fields=1 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsRecordSelectSlideChannelL] Tex = MainBar TexSBG = MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_CHANNELL X = 40 Y = 240 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Fields=7 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsRecordSelectSlideChannelR] Tex = MainBar TexSBG = MainBar Text =SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_CHANNELR X = 40 Y = 310 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Fields=7 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [OptionsRecordButtonExit] X = 40 Y = 380 W = 230 H = 70 Tex = MainBar Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray Type = Font Black [OptionsAdvanced] Texts = 1 [OptionsAdvancedBackground] Tex=OptionsBG [OptionsAdvancedText1] X =70 Y =6 Color=White Font =0 Size =20 Text=SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED_DESC Align=0 [OptionsAdvancedStatic1] X =40 Y =22 W =27 H =27 Color =White Tex =IconOption Type=Font Black [Top5] Texts=1 [Top5Background] Tex=Top5BG [Top5Text1] X =100 Y =50 Color =Gray Font =1 Size =20 Align =0 Text =SING_TOP_5_CHARTS [Top5Static1] Tex=Bar X=560 Y=55 W=140 H=50 Color=ColorLight Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [Top5TextLevel] X =630 Y =65 Color =White Font =1 Size =10 Align =1 Text =easy [Top5TextArtistTitle] X =100 Y =120 Color =Black Font =0 Size =10 Align =0 Text =artist - title [Top5TextName1] X =170 Y =200 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =14 Align =0 Text =1. Player1 [Top5TextName2] X =150 Y =290 Color =GrayDark Font =0 Size =11 Align =0 Text =2. Player2 [Top5TextName3] X =150 Y =340 Color =GrayDark Font =0 Size =11 Align =0 Text =3. Player3 [Top5TextName4] X =150 Y =390 Color =GrayDark Font =0 Size =11 Align =0 Text =4. Player4 [Top5TextName5] X =150 Y =440 Color =GrayDark Font =0 Size =11 Align =0 Text =5. Player5 [Top5TextScore1] X =680 Y =195 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Align =2 Text =00000 [Top5TextScore2] X =680 Y =290 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =14 Align =2 Text =00000 [Top5TextScore3] X =680 Y =340 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =14 Align =2 Text =00000 [Top5TextScore4] X =680 Y =390 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =14 Align =2 Text =00000 [Top5TextScore5] X =680 Y =440 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =14 Align =2 Text =00000 [Top5TextNumber1] X =130 Y =202 Color =White Font =1 Size =11 Align =1 Text =1 [Top5TextNumber2] X =120 Y =293 Color =White Font =1 Size =9 Align =1 Text =2 [Top5TextNumber3] X =120 Y =343 Color =White Font =1 Size =9 Align =1 Text =3 [Top5TextNumber4] X =120 Y =393 Color =White Font =1 Size =9 Align =1 Text =4 [Top5TextNumber5] X =120 Y =443 Color =White Font =1 Size =9 Align =1 Text =5 [Top5StaticNumber1] Tex=Bar X=100 Y=190 W=60 H=60 Color=ColorLight Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [Top5StaticNumber2] Tex=Bar X=100 Y=286 W=40 H=40 Color=ColorLight Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [Top5StaticNumber3] Tex=Bar X=100 Y=336 W=40 H=40 Color=ColorLight Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [Top5StaticNumber4] Tex=Bar X=100 Y=386 W=40 H=40 Color=ColorLight Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [Top5StaticNumber5] Tex=Bar X=100 Y=436 W=40 H=40 Color=ColorLight Type=Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [Level] Texts=4 [LevelBackground] Tex=MainBG [LevelText1] X =70 Y =6 Color=White Font =0 Size =20 Text=SING_SING_MODE Color=White [LevelText2] X =70 Y =53 Color=White Font =0 Size =10 Align =0 Text=SING_DIFFICULTY [LevelStatic1] X =0 Y =549 W =255 H =28 Tex=Leiste1 Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [LevelStatic2] X =254 Y =549 W =548 H =28 Tex=Leiste2 Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [LevelStatic3] X =40 Y =22 W =27 H =27 Color =White Tex =MainIcon Type=Font Black [LevelText3] X =120 Y =552 Color=Black Font =0 Size =7 Align=0 Text=SING_SING_MODE [LevelText4] X =300 Y =552 Color=Black Font =0 Size =7 Align=0 Text=SING_DIFFICULTY [LevelButtonEasy] X =180 Y =270 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Texts=1 Reflection=1 [LevelButtonMedium] X =335 Y =270 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Texts=1 Reflection=1 [LevelButtonHard] X =490 Y =270 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Texts=1 Reflection=1 [LevelButtonEasyText1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Color=White Text=SING_EASY [LevelButtonMediumText1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Color=White Text=SING_MEDIUM [LevelButtonHardText1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Color=White Text=SING_HARD [Name] Texts=2 [NameBackground] Tex=MainBG [NameStatic1] X =0 Y =549 W =255 H =28 Tex=Leiste1 Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [NameStatic2] X =254 Y =549 W =548 H =28 Tex=Leiste2 Color =White Type=Plain Reflection=1 [NameText2] X =120 Y =552 Color=Black Font =0 Size =7 Align=0 Text=SING_OPTIONS_GAME_PLAYERS [NameText3] X =300 Y =552 Color=Black Font =0 Size =7 Align=0 Text=PARTY_SELECT_PLAYER [NameStatic3] X =40 Y =22 W =27 H =27 Color =White Tex =MainIcon Type=Font Black [NameText1] X =70 Y =6 Color=White Font =0 Size =20 Text=SING_ENTER_PLAYER_NAME Color=White [NameButtonPlayer1] X =180 Y =270 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkBlue DColor = LightBlue Type=Font Black Texts=1 Reflection=1 [NameButtonPlayer1Text1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Color=White Text= [NameButtonPlayer2] X =335 Y =270 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkRed DColor = LightRed Type=Font Black Texts=1 Reflection=1 [NameButtonPlayer2Text1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Color=White Text= [NameButtonPlayer3] X =490 Y =270 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkGreen DColor = LightGreen Type=Font Black Texts=1 Reflection=1 [NameButtonPlayer3Text1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Color=White Text= [NameButtonPlayer4] X =180 Y =400 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkPurple DColor = LightPurple Type=Font Black Texts=1 Reflection=1 [NameButtonPlayer4Text1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Color=White Text= [NameButtonPlayer5] X =335 Y =400 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkOrange DColor = LightOrange Type=Font Black Texts=1 Reflection=1 [NameButtonPlayer5Text1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Color=White Text= [NameButtonPlayer6] X =490 Y =400 W =150 H =50 Tex =Button Color =DarkYellow DColor = LightYellow Type=Font Black Texts=1 Reflection=1 [NameButtonPlayer6Text1] X =75 Y =10 Font=0 Size=10 Align=1 Color=White Text= [PartyNewRound] Texts =0 [PartyNewRoundBackground] Tex=MainBG [PartyNewRoundTextRound1] X =50 Y =60 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Text =Round 1 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextRound2] X =50 Y =100 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Text =Round 2 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextRound3] X =50 Y =140 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Text =Round 3 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextRound4] X =50 Y =180 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Text =Round 4 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextRound5] X =50 Y =220 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Text =Round 5 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextRound6] X =50 Y =260 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Text =Round 6 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextRound7] X =50 Y =300 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Text =Round 7 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextWinner1] X =260 Y =60 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Text =Winner 1 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextWinner2] X =260 Y =100 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Text =Winner 2 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextWinner3] X =260 Y =140 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Text =Winner 3 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextWinner4] X =260 Y =180 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Text =Winner 4 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextWinner5] X =260 Y =220 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Text =Winner 5 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextWinner6] X =260 Y =260 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Text =Winner 6 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextWinner7] X =260 Y =300 Color =GrayDark Font =1 Size =17 Text =Winner 7 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundStaticRound1] Tex =button X =40 Y =55 W =240 H =35 Color =GrayDark Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [PartyNewRoundStaticRound2] Tex =button X =40 Y =95 W =240 H =35 Color =GrayDark Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [PartyNewRoundStaticRound3] Tex =button X =40 Y =135 W =240 H =35 Color =GrayDark Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [PartyNewRoundStaticRound4] Tex =button X =40 Y =175 W =240 H =35 Color =GrayDark Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [PartyNewRoundStaticRound5] Tex =button X =40 Y =215 W =240 H =35 Color =GrayDark Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [PartyNewRoundStaticRound6] Tex =button X =40 Y =255 W =240 H =35 Color =GrayDark Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [PartyNewRoundStaticRound7] Tex =button X =40 Y =295 W =240 H =35 Color =GrayDark Type =Font Black TexX1=0 TexY1=0 TexX2=1 TexY2=1 [PartyNewRoundTextNextRound] X =500 Y =300 Color =White Font =1 Size =17 Text =Next Round Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextNextRoundNo] X =450 Y =300 Color =White Font =1 Size =17 Text =99 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam1] X =100 Y =70 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =3000 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam2] X =300 Y =70 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =2000 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam3] X =500 Y =70 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =1000 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam1] X =100 Y =20 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =Team 1 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam2] X =300 Y =20 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =Team 2 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam3] X =500 Y =20 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =Team 3 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer1] X =450 Y =400 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =Player 1 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer2] X =550 Y =400 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =Player 2 Align=0 [PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer3] X =650 Y =400 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =Player 3 Align=0 [PartyScore] Texts=0 [PartyScoreBackground] Tex=PartyBG [PartyScoreTextWinner] X =150 Y =20 Color =White Font =1 Size =14 Text =The Winner is... Align=0 [PartyScoreTextScoreTeam1] X =280 Y =100 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =3000 Align=0 [PartyScoreTextScoreTeam2] X =280 Y =250 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =2000 Align=0 [PartyScoreTextScoreTeam3] X =280 Y =400 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =1000 Align=0 [PartyScoreTextNameTeam1] X =80 Y =100 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =Team 1 Align=0 [PartyScoreTextNameTeam2] X =80 Y =250 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =Team 2 Align=0 [PartyScoreTextNameTeam3] X =80 Y =400 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =Team 3 Align=0 [PartyScoreStaticTeam1] X =380 Y =100 W =300 H =30 Tex=Leiste1 Color =AquaLightGreen Int = 1 Type=Font Black [PartyScoreStaticTeam2] X =380 Y =250 W =300 H =30 Tex=Leiste1 Color =AquaLightGreen Int = 1 Type=Font Black [PartyScoreStaticTeam3] X =380 Y =400 W =300 H =30 Tex=Leiste1 Color =AquaLightGreen Int = 1 Type=Font Black [PartyWin] Texts=0 [PartyWinBackground] Tex=PartyBG [PartyWinTextWinner] X =150 Y =20 Color =White Font =1 Size =14 Text =The Winner is... Align=0 [PartyWinTextScoreTeam1] X =400 Y =150 Color =White Font =1 Size =15 Text =3000 Align=1 [PartyWinTextScoreTeam2] X =100 Y =450 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =2000 Align=0 [PartyWinTextScoreTeam3] X =400 Y =450 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =1000 Align=0 [PartyWinTextNameTeam1] X =400 Y =100 Color =White Font =1 Size =15 Text =Team 1 Align=1 [PartyWinTextNameTeam2] X =100 Y =400 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =Team 2 Align=0 [PartyWinTextNameTeam3] X =400 Y =400 Color =White Font =1 Size =13 Text =Team 3 Align=0 [PartyWinStaticTeam1] X =380 Y =100 W =0 H =00 Tex=Leiste1 Color =AquaLightGreen Int = 1 Type=Font Black [PartyWinStaticTeam2] X =380 Y =250 W =0 H =0 Tex=Leiste1 Color =AquaLightGreen Int = 1 Type=Font Black [PartyWinStaticTeam3] X =380 Y =400 W =0 H =0 Tex=Leiste1 Color =AquaLightGreen Int = 1 Type=Font Black [PartyOptions] Texts = 1 [PartyOptionsBackground] Tex=PartyBG [PartyOptionsText1] X = 30 Y = 0 ColR = 0.7 ColG = 0.7 ColB = 0.7 Font = 1 Size = 20 Color =White Text=PARTY_OPTIONS_DESC [PartyOptionsSelectLevel] Tex = MainBar TexSBG = MainBar Text =PARTY_DIFFICULTY X = 40 Y = 50 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Fields=1 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [PartyOptionsSelectPlayList] Tex = MainBar TexSBG = MainBar Text =PARTY_PLAYLIST X = 40 Y = 120 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Fields=1 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [PartyOptionsSelectPlayList2] Tex = MainBar TexSBG = MainBar Text =PARTY_PLAYLIST X = 40 Y = 190 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Fields=1 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [PartyOptionsSelectRounds] Tex = MainBar TexSBG = MainBar Text =PARTY_ROUNDS X = 40 Y = 260 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Fields=7 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [PartyOptionsSelectTeams] Tex = MainBar TexSBG = MainBar Text =PARTY_TEAMS X = 40 Y = 340 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Fields=7 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [PartyOptionsSelectPlayers1] Tex = MainBar TexSBG = MainBar Text =PARTY_TEAMS_PLAYER1 X = 40 Y = 410 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Fields=7 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [PartyOptionsSelectPlayers2] Tex = MainBar TexSBG = MainBar Text =PARTY_TEAMS_PLAYER2 X = 40 Y = 480 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Fields=7 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [PartyOptionsSelectPlayers3] Tex = MainBar TexSBG = MainBar Text =PARTY_TEAMS_PLAYER3 X = 40 Y = 540 W = 230 H = 70 SkipX = 50 Fields=7 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [PartyPlayer] Texts=2 [PartyPlayerBackground] Tex=PartyBG [PartyPlayerTeam1Name] Tex=Button X=10 Y=100 W=250 H=70 Type=Font Black Texts=1 Color =DarkRed Int = 0.8 DColor = LightRed DInt = 0.7 Reflection=0 [PartyPlayerTeam1NameText1] X=125 Y=15 Font=1 Size=9 Align=1 Text=Team 1 Color=White [PartyPlayerPlayer1Name] Tex=Button X=10 Y=190 W=250 H=70 Type=Font Black Texts=1 Color =DarkBlue Int = 0.8 DColor = LightBlue DInt = 0.7 Reflection=0 [PartyPlayerPlayer1NameText1] X=125 Y=15 Font=1 Size=9 Align=1 Text=Player 1 Color=White [PartyPlayerPlayer2Name] Tex=Button X=10 Y=270 W=250 H=70 Type=Font Black Texts=1 Color =DarkBlue Int = 0.8 DColor = LightBlue DInt = 0.7 Reflection=0 [PartyPlayerPlayer2NameText1] X=125 Y=15 Font=1 Size=9 Align=1 Text= Player 2 Color=White [PartyPlayerPlayer3Name] Tex=Button X=10 Y=350 W=250 H=70 Type=Font Black Texts=1 Color =DarkBlue Int = 0.8 DColor = LightBlue DInt = 0.7 Reflection=0 [PartyPlayerPlayer3NameText1] X=125 Y=15 Font=1 Size=9 Align=1 Text=Player 3 Color=White [PartyPlayerPlayer4Name] Tex=Button X=10 Y=430 W=250 H=70 Type=Font Black Texts=1 Color =DarkBlue Int = 0.8 DColor = LightBlue DInt = 0.7 Reflection=0 [PartyPlayerPlayer4NameText1] X=125 Y=15 Font=1 Size=9 Align=1 Text=Player 4 Color=White [PartyPlayerTeam2Name] Tex=Button X=280 Y=100 W=250 H=70 Type=Font Black Texts=1 Color =DarkRed Int = 0.8 DColor = LightRed DInt = 0.7 Reflection=0 [PartyPlayerTeam2NameText1] X=125 Y=15 Font=1 Size=9 Align=1 Text=Team 2 Color=White [PartyPlayerPlayer5Name] Tex=Button X=280 Y=190 W=250 H=70 Type=Font Black Texts=1 Color =DarkBlue Int = 0.8 DColor = LightBlue DInt = 0.7 Reflection=0 [PartyPlayerPlayer5NameText1] X=125 Y=15 Font=1 Size=9 Align=1 Text=Player 5 Color=White [PartyPlayerPlayer6Name] Tex=Button X=280 Y=270 W=250 H=70 Type=Font Black Texts=1 Color =DarkBlue Int = 0.8 DColor = LightBlue DInt = 0.7 Reflection=0 [PartyPlayerPlayer6NameText1] X=125 Y=15 Font=1 Size=9 Align=1 Text=Player 6 Color=White [PartyPlayerPlayer7Name] Tex=Button X=280 Y=350 W=250 H=70 Type=Font Black Texts=1 Color =DarkBlue Int = 0.8 DColor = LightBlue DInt = 0.7 Reflection=0 [PartyPlayerPlayer7NameText1] X=125 Y=15 Font=1 Size=9 Align=1 Text=Player 7 Color=White [PartyPlayerPlayer8Name] Tex=Button X=280 Y=430 W=250 H=70 Type=Font Black Texts=1 Color =DarkBlue Int = 0.8 DColor = LightBlue DInt = 0.7 Reflection=0 [PartyPlayerPlayer8NameText1] X=125 Y=15 Font=1 Size=9 Align=1 Text=Player 8 Color=White [PartyPlayerTeam3Name] Tex=Button X=550 Y=100 W=250 H=70 Type=Font Black Texts=1 Color =DarkRed Int = 0.8 DColor = LightRed DInt = 0.7 Reflection=0 [PartyPlayerTeam3NameText1] X=125 Y=15 Font=1 Size=9 Align=1 Text=Team 3 Color=White [PartyPlayerPlayer9Name] Tex=Button X=550 Y=190 W=250 H=70 Type=Font Black Texts=1 Color =DarkBlue Int = 0.8 DColor = LightBlue DInt = 0.7 Reflection=0 [PartyPlayerPlayer9NameText1] X=125 Y=15 Font=1 Size=9 Align=1 Text=Player 9 Color=White [PartyPlayerPlayer10Name] Tex=Button X=550 Y=270 W=250 H=70 Type=Font Black Texts=1 Color =DarkBlue Int = 0.8 DColor = LightBlue DInt = 0.7 Reflection=0 [PartyPlayerPlayer10NameText1] X=125 Y=15 Font=1 Size=9 Align=1 Text=Player 10 Color=White [PartyPlayerPlayer11Name] Tex=Button X=550 Y=350 W=250 H=70 Type=Font Black Texts=1 Color =DarkBlue Int = 0.8 DColor = LightBlue DInt = 0.7 Reflection=0 [PartyPlayerPlayer11NameText1] X=125 Y=15 Font=1 Size=9 Align=1 Text=Player 11 Color=White [PartyPlayerPlayer12Name] Tex=Button X=550 Y=430 W=250 H=70 Type=Font Black Texts=1 Color =DarkBlue Int = 0.8 DColor = LightBlue DInt = 0.7 Reflection=0 [PartyPlayerPlayer12NameText1] X=125 Y=15 Font=1 Size=9 Align=1 Text=Player 12 Color=White [PartyPlayerText1] X=10 Y=5 Font=1 Size=18 Align=0 Text=PARTY_SELECT_PLAYER Color=White [SongMenu] Texts=0 Statics=1 [SongMenuButton1] X = 460 Y = 165 W = 270 H = 25 Tex =Rectangle Color =LightBlue DColor = DarkBlue Type=Font Black Texts=1 Z = 0.99 Texts=1 [SongMenuButton1Text1] X =30 Y =0 Color=White Font =0 Size =8 Text=SONG_MENU_PLAY Align=0 Z=1 [SongMenuButton2] X = 460 Y = 195 W = 270 H = 25 Tex =Rectangle Color =LightBlue DColor = DarkBlue Type=Font Black Texts=1 Z = 0.99 Texts=1 [SongMenuButton2Text1] X =30 Y =0 Color=White Font =0 Size =8 Text=SONG_MENU_EDIT Align=0 Z=1 [SongMenuButton3] X = 460 Y = 225 W = 270 H = 25 Tex =Rectangle Color =LightBlue DColor = DarkBlue Type=Font Black Texts=1 Z = 0.99 Texts=1 [SongMenuButton3Text1] X =30 Y =0 Color=White Font =0 Size =8 Text=SONG_MENU_MODI Align=0 Z=1 [SongMenuButton4] X = 460 Y = 255 W = 270 H = 25 Tex = Rectangle Color =LightBlue DColor = DarkBlue Type=Font Black Texts=1 Z = 0.99 [SongMenuButton4Text1] X =30 Y =0 Color=White Font =0 Size =8 Text=SONG_MENU_CANCEL Align=0 Z=1 [SongMenuSelectSlide3] Tex = button TexSBG = button Text = X = 460 Y = 250 Z = 0.99 W = 0 H = 50 SkipX = 0 Fields=7 Color = ColorDark DColor = Gray TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = MainBar SBGColor = ColorDark SBGDColor = Gray STColor = White STDColor = GrayDark [SongMenuTextMenu] X =489 Y =125 Color=White Font =0 Size =14 Text=MENU Align=0 Z=1 [SongMenuStatic2] X =463 Y =135 W =21 H =21 Color =White Tex =IconSongMenu Type=Font Black Z=1 [SongMenuStatic1] Tex =SongMenuBG X =448 Y =120 W =300 H =200 Z =0.95 Int=1 Color =DarkBlue Type=Font Black [SongJumpto] Texts=0 Statics=1 [SongJumptoStatic1] Tex =JumpToBG X =171 Y =175 W =355 H =175 Z =0.99 Int=1 Color =DarkBlue Type=Font Black [SongJumptoStatic2] X =184 Y =185 W =21 H =21 Color =White Tex =MainSearch Type=Font Black Z=1 [SongJumptoText1] X =210 Y =175 Color=White Font =0 Size =14 Text=SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE_DESC Align=0 Z=1 [SongJumptoSelectSlideType] Tex = button TexSBG = mainicon #Text = SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE_DESC Font=10 X = 192 Y = 185 Z = 1 W = 0 H = 0 SkipX = 0 SBGW= 300 Fields=2 DColor = LightBlue TColor = White TDColor = White SBGTex = button SBGDColor = LightBlue STColor = White STDColor = LightBlue [SongJumptoButtonSearchText] X = 200 Y = 215 Z = 1 W = 160 H = 50 Size=14 Font=1 Align=0 [SongJumptoTextFound] X =184 Y =295 Color=White Font =0 Size =8 Text=SONG_JUMPTO_HELP Align=0 Z=1