Ultrastar Deluxe Service List ----------------------------------- Here you can find the Services the Core offers to you: -------------------- Core: -------------------- Core/ReportError <- Calls the 'Core/NewError' Chain. wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername) Core/ReportDebug <- Calls the 'Core/NewDebugInfo' Chain. wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername) Core/ShowMessage <- Shows a Message Dialog. (lParam: PChar Text, wParam: Symbol) Core/Retranslate <- Calls Translate Hook Core/ReloadTextures <- Calls LoadTextures Hook Core/GetModuleInfo <- If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TModuleInfo to address at lparam Core/GetApplicationHandle <- Returns Main-Applications Handle (Win32 Only) -------------------- PluginLoader -------------------- PluginLoader/GetPluginInfo <- If wParam = -1 then (If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TUS_PluginInfo to address at lparam) Else (Get PluginInfo of Plugin with Index(wParam) to Address at lParam) PluginLoader/GetPluginState <- If wParam = -1 then (If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TUS_PluginInfo to address at lparam) Else (Return PluginInfo of Plugin with Index(wParam)) PluginLoader/LoadPlugin <- wParam PChar(PluginName/PluginPath) | lParam (if wParam = nil) ID of the Plugin PluginLoader/UnloadPlugin <- wParam PChar(PluginName/PluginPath) | lParam (if wParam = nil) ID of the Plugin