{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit UScreenSong; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses SysUtils, SDL, UCommon, UDisplay, UPath, UFiles, UIni, ULanguage, ULog, UMenu, UMenuEqualizer, UMusic, USong, USongs, UTexture, UThemes, UTime; type TVisArr = array of integer; TScreenSong = class(TMenu) private Equalizer: Tms_Equalizer; PreviewOpened: Integer; // interaction of the Song that is loaded for preview music // -1 if nothing is opened procedure StartMusicPreview(); procedure StopMusicPreview(); public TextArtist: integer; TextTitle: integer; TextNumber: integer; //Video Icon Mod VideoIcon: cardinal; TextCat: integer; StaticCat: integer; SongCurrent: real; SongTarget: real; HighSpeed: boolean; CoverFull: boolean; CoverTime: real; MusicPreviewTimer: PSDL_TimerID; CoverX: integer; CoverY: integer; CoverW: integer; is_jump: boolean; // Jump to Song Mod is_jump_title:boolean; //Jump to SOng MOd-YTrue if search for Title //Party Mod Mode: TSingMode; //party Statics (Joker) StaticTeam1Joker1: cardinal; StaticTeam1Joker2: cardinal; StaticTeam1Joker3: cardinal; StaticTeam1Joker4: cardinal; StaticTeam1Joker5: cardinal; StaticTeam2Joker1: cardinal; StaticTeam2Joker2: cardinal; StaticTeam2Joker3: cardinal; StaticTeam2Joker4: cardinal; StaticTeam2Joker5: cardinal; StaticTeam3Joker1: cardinal; StaticTeam3Joker2: cardinal; StaticTeam3Joker3: cardinal; StaticTeam3Joker4: cardinal; StaticTeam3Joker5: cardinal; StaticParty: array of cardinal; TextParty: array of cardinal; StaticNonParty: array of cardinal; TextNonParty: array of cardinal; constructor Create; override; procedure SetScroll; //procedure SetScroll1; //procedure SetScroll2; procedure SetScroll3; procedure SetScroll4; procedure SetScroll5; procedure SetScroll6; function ParseInput(PressedKey: cardinal; CharCode: UCS4Char; PressedDown: boolean): boolean; override; function ParseMouse(MouseButton: integer; BtnDown: boolean; X, Y: integer): boolean; override; function Draw: boolean; override; procedure GenerateThumbnails(); procedure OnShow; override; procedure OnHide; override; procedure SelectNext(UnloadCover: boolean); procedure SelectPrev(UnloadCover: boolean); procedure SkipTo(Target: cardinal); procedure FixSelected; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix procedure FixSelected2; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix procedure ShowCatTL(Cat: integer);// Show Cat in Top left procedure ShowCatTLCustom(Caption: UTF8String);// Show Custom Text in Top left procedure HideCatTL;// Show Cat in Tob left procedure Refresh; //Refresh Song Sorting procedure ChangeMusic; function getVisibleMedleyArr(): TVisArr; procedure StartMedley(num: integer); //Party Mode procedure SelectRandomSong; procedure SetJoker; procedure SetStatics; //procedures for Menu procedure StartSong; procedure OpenEditor; procedure DoJoker(Team: byte); procedure SelectPlayers; procedure UnloadDetailedCover; //Extensions procedure DrawExtensions; end; implementation uses Math, gl, UCovers, UDLLManager, UGraphic, UMain, UMenuButton, UNote, UParty, UPlaylist, UScreenSongMenu, USkins, UUnicodeUtils; // ***** Public methods ****** // //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix procedure TScreenSong.FixSelected; var I, I2: integer; begin if CatSongs.VisibleSongs > 0 then begin I2:= 0; for I := Low(CatSongs.Song) to High(Catsongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible then inc(I2); if I = Interaction - 1 then break; end; SongCurrent := I2; SongTarget := I2; end; end; procedure TScreenSong.FixSelected2; var I, I2: integer; begin if CatSongs.VisibleSongs > 0 then begin I2:= 0; for I := Low(CatSongs.Song) to High(Catsongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible then inc(I2); if I = Interaction - 1 then break; end; SongTarget := I2; end; end; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix End procedure TScreenSong.ShowCatTLCustom(Caption: UTF8String);// Show Custom Text in Top left begin Text[TextCat].Text := Caption; Text[TextCat].Visible := true; Static[StaticCat].Visible := false; end; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod procedure TScreenSong.ShowCatTL(Cat: integer); begin //Change Text[TextCat].Text := CatSongs.Song[Cat].Artist; Static[StaticCat].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Cat].Texture.Name, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, true); //Show Text[TextCat].Visible := true; Static[StaticCat].Visible := true; end; procedure TScreenSong.HideCatTL; begin //Hide //Text[TextCat].Visible := false; Static[StaticCat].Visible := false; //New -> Show Text specified in Theme Text[TextCat].Visible := true; Text[TextCat].Text := Theme.Song.TextCat.Text; end; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod End // Method for input parsing. If false is returned, GetNextWindow // should be checked to know the next window to load; function TScreenSong.ParseInput(PressedKey: cardinal; CharCode: UCS4Char; PressedDown: boolean): boolean; var I: integer; I2: integer; SDL_ModState: word; UpperLetter: UCS4Char; TempStr: UTF8String; begin Result := true; //Song Screen Extensions (Jumpto + Menu) if (ScreenSongMenu.Visible) then begin Result := ScreenSongMenu.ParseInput(PressedKey, CharCode, PressedDown); Exit; end else if (ScreenSongJumpto.Visible) then begin Result := ScreenSongJumpto.ParseInput(PressedKey, CharCode, PressedDown); Exit; end; if (PressedDown) then begin // Key Down SDL_ModState := SDL_GetModState and (KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_RSHIFT + KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_RCTRL + KMOD_LALT + KMOD_RALT); //Jump to Artist/Titel if ((SDL_ModState and KMOD_LALT <> 0) and (Mode = smNormal)) then begin UpperLetter := UCS4UpperCase(CharCode); if (UpperLetter in ([Ord('A')..Ord('Z'), Ord('0') .. Ord('9')]) ) then begin I2 := Length(CatSongs.Song); //Jump To Titel if (SDL_ModState = (KMOD_LALT or KMOD_LSHIFT)) then begin for I := 1 to High(CatSongs.Song) do begin if (CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Visible) then begin TempStr := CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Title; if (Length(TempStr) > 0) and (UCS4UpperCase(UTF8ToUCS4String(TempStr)[0]) = UpperLetter) then begin SkipTo(CatSongs.VisibleIndex((I + Interaction) mod I2)); AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Change); ChangeMusic; SetScroll4; //Break and Exit Exit; end; end; end; end //Jump to Artist else if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then begin for I := 1 to High(CatSongs.Song) do begin if (CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Visible) then begin TempStr := CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Artist; if (Length(TempStr) > 0) and (UCS4UpperCase(UTF8ToUCS4String(TempStr)[0]) = UpperLetter) then begin SkipTo(CatSongs.VisibleIndex((I + Interaction) mod I2)); AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Change); ChangeMusic; SetScroll4; //Break and Exit Exit; end; end; end; end; end; Exit; end; // check normal keys case UCS4UpperCase(CharCode) of Ord('Q'): begin Result := false; Exit; end; Ord('S'): begin if (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr()) > 0) and (Mode = smNormal) and (CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Medley.Source = msTag) then begin StartMedley(0); end; end; Ord('D'): begin if (Length(getVisibleMedleyArr()) > 0) and (Mode = smNormal) then begin StartMedley(5); end; end; Ord('M'): //Show SongMenu begin if (Songs.SongList.Count > 0) then begin if (Mode = smNormal) then begin if (not CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main) then // clicked on Song begin if CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3 then begin ScreenSongMenu.OnShow; ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Playlist); end else begin ScreenSongMenu.OnShow; ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Main); end; end else begin ScreenSongMenu.OnShow; ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Playlist_Load); end; end //Party Mode -> Show Party Menu else begin ScreenSongMenu.OnShow; ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Party_Main); end; end; Exit; end; Ord('P'): //Show Playlist Menu begin if (Songs.SongList.Count > 0) and (Mode = smNormal) then begin ScreenSongMenu.OnShow; ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Playlist_Load); end; Exit; end; Ord('J'): //Show Jumpto Menu begin if (Songs.SongList.Count > 0) and (Mode = smNormal) then begin ScreenSongJumpto.Visible := true; end; Exit; end; Ord('E'): begin OpenEditor; Exit; end; Ord('R'): begin if (Songs.SongList.Count > 0) and (Mode = smNormal) then begin if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT) and (Ini.TabsAtStartup = 1) then // random category begin I2 := 0; // count cats for I := 0 to High(CatSongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then Inc(I2); end; I2 := Random(I2 + 1); // random and include I2 // find cat: for I := 0 to High(CatSongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then Dec(I2); if (I2 <= 0) then begin // show cat in top left mod ShowCatTL (I); Interaction := I; CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I); SelectNext(true); FixSelected; break; end; end; end else if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL) and (Ini.TabsAtStartup = 1) then // random in all categories begin repeat I2 := Random(High(CatSongs.Song) + 1); until (not CatSongs.Song[I2].Main); // search cat for I := I2 downto 0 do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then break; end; // in I is now the categorie in I2 the song // choose cat CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; // show cat in top left mod ShowCatTL (I); CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I); SelectNext(true); // Fix: not existing song selected: //if (I + 1 = I2) then Inc(I2); // choose song SkipTo(I2 - I); end else // random in one category begin SkipTo(Random(CatSongs.VisibleSongs)); end; AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Change); ChangeMusic; SetScroll4; end; Exit; end; end; // normal keys // check special keys case PressedKey of SDLK_ESCAPE, SDLK_BACKSPACE : begin if (Mode = smNormal) then begin //On Escape goto Cat-List Hack if (Ini.TabsAtStartup = 1) and (CatSongs.CatNumShow <> -1) then begin //Find Category I := Interaction; while (not CatSongs.Song[I].Main) do begin Dec(I); if (I < 0) then break; end; if (I <= 1) then Interaction := High(CatSongs.Song) else Interaction := I - 1; //Stop Music StopMusicPreview(); CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod HideCatTL; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix SelectNext(true); FixSelected; //SelectPrev(true); //CatSongs.Song[0].Visible := false; end else begin //On Escape goto Cat-List Hack End //Tabs off and in Search or Playlist -> Go back to Song view if (CatSongs.CatNumShow < -1) then begin //Atm: Set Empty Filter CatSongs.SetFilter('', fltAll); //Show Cat in Top Left Mod HideCatTL; Interaction := 0; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix SelectNext(true); FixSelected; ChangeMusic; end else begin StopMusicPreview(); AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Back); FadeTo(@ScreenMain); end; end; end //When in party Mode then Ask before Close else if (Mode = smPartyMode) then begin AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Back); CheckFadeTo(@ScreenMain,'MSG_END_PARTY'); end; end; SDLK_RETURN: begin if (Songs.SongList.Count > 0) then begin if CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main then begin // clicked on Category Button //Show Cat in Top Left Mod ShowCatTL (Interaction); //I := CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction); CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(Interaction); {I2 := CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction); SongCurrent := SongCurrent - I + I2; SongTarget := SongTarget - I + I2; } // SetScroll4; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix SelectNext(true); FixSelected; //Play Music: ChangeMusic; end else begin // clicked on song if (Mode = smNormal) then //Normal Mode -> Start Song begin //Do the Action that is specified in Ini case Ini.OnSongClick of 0: StartSong; 1: SelectPlayers; 2:begin if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3) then ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Playlist) else ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Main); end; end; end else if (Mode = smPartyMode) then //PartyMode -> Show Menu begin if (Ini.PartyPopup = 1) then ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Party_Main) else ScreenSong.StartSong; end; end; end; end; SDLK_DOWN: begin if (Mode = smNormal) then begin //Only Change Cat when not in Playlist or Search Mode if (CatSongs.CatNumShow > -2) then begin //Cat Change Hack if Ini.TabsAtStartup = 1 then begin I := Interaction; if I <= 0 then I := 1; while not catsongs.Song[I].Main do begin Inc (I); if (I > High(catsongs.Song)) then I := Low(catsongs.Song); end; Interaction := I; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod ShowCatTL (Interaction); CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(Interaction); SelectNext(true); FixSelected; //Play Music: AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Change); ChangeMusic; end; // //Cat Change Hack End} end; end; end; SDLK_UP: begin if (Mode = smNormal) then begin //Only Change Cat when not in Playlist or Search Mode if (CatSongs.CatNumShow > -2) then begin //Cat Change Hack if Ini.TabsAtStartup = 1 then begin I := Interaction; I2 := 0; if I <= 0 then I := 1; while not catsongs.Song[I].Main or (I2 = 0) do begin if catsongs.Song[I].Main then Inc(I2); Dec (I); if (I < Low(catsongs.Song)) then I := High(catsongs.Song); end; Interaction := I; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod ShowCatTL (I); CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I); SelectNext(true); FixSelected; //Play Music: AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Change); ChangeMusic; end; end; //Cat Change Hack End} end; end; SDLK_RIGHT: begin if (Songs.SongList.Count > 0) and (Mode = smNormal) then begin AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Change); SelectNext(true); //InteractNext; //SongTarget := Interaction; ChangeMusic; SetScroll4; end; end; SDLK_LEFT: begin if (Songs.SongList.Count > 0)and (Mode = smNormal) then begin AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Change); SelectPrev(true); ChangeMusic; SetScroll4; end; end; SDLK_1: begin //Joker if (Mode = smPartyMode) and (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) and (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker > 0) then begin //Use Joker Dec(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker); SelectRandomSong; SetJoker; end; end; SDLK_2: begin //Joker if (Mode = smPartyMode) and (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) and (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker > 0) then begin //Use Joker Dec(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker); SelectRandomSong; SetJoker; end; end; SDLK_3: begin //Joker if (Mode = smPartyMode) and (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) and (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker > 0) then begin //Use Joker Dec(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker); SelectRandomSong; SetJoker; end; end; end; end; // if (PressedDown) end; function TScreenSong.ParseMouse(MouseButton: integer; BtnDown: boolean; X, Y: integer): boolean; var I, J: Integer; Btn: Integer; begin Result := true; if (ScreenSongMenu.Visible) then begin Result := ScreenSongMenu.ParseMouse(MouseButton, BtnDown, X, Y); exit; end else if (ScreenSongJumpTo.Visible) then begin Result := ScreenSongJumpTo.ParseMouse(MouseButton, BtnDown, X, Y); exit; end else // no extension visible begin if (BtnDown) then begin //if RightMbESC is set, send ESC keypress if RightMbESC and (MouseButton = SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) then Result:=ParseInput(SDLK_ESCAPE, 0, true) //song scrolling with mousewheel else if (MouseButton = SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) then ParseInput(SDLK_RIGHT, 0, true) else if (MouseButton = SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP) then ParseInput(SDLK_LEFT, 0, true) //LMB anywhere starts else if (MouseButton = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) then begin if (CatSongs.VisibleSongs > 4) then begin // select the second visible button left from selected I := 0; Btn := Interaction; while (I < 2) do begin Dec(Btn); if (Btn < 0) then Btn := High(CatSongs.Song); if (CatSongs.Song[Btn].Visible) then Inc(I); end; // test the 5 front buttons for click for I := 0 to 4 do begin if InRegion(X, Y, Button[Btn].GetMouseOverArea) then begin // song cover clicked if (I = 2) then begin // Selected Song clicked -> start singing ParseInput(SDLK_RETURN, 0, true); end else begin // one of the other 4 covers in the front clicked -> select it J := I - 2; while (J < 0) do begin ParseInput(SDLK_LEFT, 0, true); Inc(J); end; while (J > 0) do begin ParseInput(SDLK_RIGHT, 0, true); Dec(J); end; end; Break; end; Btn := CatSongs.FindNextVisible(Btn); if (Btn = -1) then Break; end; end else ParseInput(SDLK_RETURN, 0, true); end; end; end; end; constructor TScreenSong.Create; var i: integer; begin inherited Create; LoadFromTheme(Theme.Song); TextArtist := AddText(Theme.Song.TextArtist); TextTitle := AddText(Theme.Song.TextTitle); TextNumber := AddText(Theme.Song.TextNumber); //Show Cat in Top Left mod TextCat := AddText(Theme.Song.TextCat); StaticCat := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticCat); //Show Video Icon Mod VideoIcon := AddStatic(Theme.Song.VideoIcon); //Party Mode StaticTeam1Joker1 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker1); StaticTeam1Joker2 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker2); StaticTeam1Joker3 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker3); StaticTeam1Joker4 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker4); StaticTeam1Joker5 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker5); StaticTeam2Joker1 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker1); StaticTeam2Joker2 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker2); StaticTeam2Joker3 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker3); StaticTeam2Joker4 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker4); StaticTeam2Joker5 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker5); StaticTeam3Joker1 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker1); StaticTeam3Joker2 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker2); StaticTeam3Joker3 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker3); StaticTeam3Joker4 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker4); StaticTeam3Joker5 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker5); //Load Party or NonParty specific Statics and Texts SetLength(StaticParty, Length(Theme.Song.StaticParty)); for i := 0 to High(Theme.Song.StaticParty) do StaticParty[i] := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticParty[i]); SetLength(TextParty, Length(Theme.Song.TextParty)); for i := 0 to High(Theme.Song.TextParty) do TextParty[i] := AddText(Theme.Song.TextParty[i]); SetLength(StaticNonParty, Length(Theme.Song.StaticNonParty)); for i := 0 to High(Theme.Song.StaticNonParty) do StaticNonParty[i] := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticNonParty[i]); SetLength(TextNonParty, Length(Theme.Song.TextNonParty)); for i := 0 to High(Theme.Song.TextNonParty) do TextNonParty[i] := AddText(Theme.Song.TextNonParty[i]); // Song List //Songs.LoadSongList; // moved to the UltraStar unit CatSongs.Refresh; GenerateThumbnails(); // Randomize Patch Randomize; Equalizer := Tms_Equalizer.Create(AudioPlayback, Theme.Song.Equalizer); PreviewOpened := -1; end; procedure TScreenSong.GenerateThumbnails(); var I: integer; CoverButtonIndex: integer; CoverButton: TButton; CoverTexture: TTexture; Cover: TCover; CoverFile: IPath; Song: TSong; begin if (Length(CatSongs.Song) <= 0) then Exit; // set length of button array once instead for every song SetButtonLength(Length(CatSongs.Song)); // create all buttons for I := 0 to High(CatSongs.Song) do begin CoverButton := nil; // create a clickable cover CoverButtonIndex := AddButton(300 + I*250, 140, 200, 200, PATH_NONE, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, Theme.Song.Cover.Reflections); if (CoverButtonIndex > -1) then CoverButton := Button[CoverButtonIndex]; if (CoverButton = nil) then Continue; Song := CatSongs.Song[I]; CoverFile := Song.Path.Append(Song.Cover); if (not CoverFile.IsFile()) then Song.Cover := PATH_NONE; if (Song.Cover.IsUnset) then CoverFile := Skin.GetTextureFileName('SongCover'); // load cover and cache its texture Cover := Covers.FindCover(CoverFile); if (Cover = nil) then Cover := Covers.AddCover(CoverFile); // use the cached texture // TODO: this is a workaround until the new song-loading works. // The TCover object should be added to the song-object. The thumbnails // should be loaded each time the song-screen is shown (it is real fast). // This way, we will not waste that much memory and have a link between // song and cover. if (Cover <> nil) then begin CoverTexture := Cover.GetPreviewTexture(); Texture.AddTexture(CoverTexture, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, true); CoverButton.Texture := CoverTexture; // set selected to false -> the right texture will be displayed CoverButton.Selected := False; end; Cover.Free; end; // reset selection if (Length(CatSongs.Song) > 0) then Interaction := 0; end; procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll; var VS, B: integer; begin VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs; if VS > 0 then begin // Set Positions case Theme.Song.Cover.Style of 3: SetScroll3; 5:begin if VS > 5 then SetScroll5 else SetScroll4; end; 6: SetScroll6; else SetScroll4; end; // Set visibility of video icon Static[VideoIcon].Visible := CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Video.IsSet; // Set texts Text[TextArtist].Text := CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Artist; Text[TextTitle].Text := CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Title; //medley mod if CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Medley.Source = msTag then Text[TextTitle].Text := Text[TextTitle].Text + '[M]'; if (Ini.TabsAtStartup = 1) and (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -1) then begin Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].OrderNum) + '/' + IntToStr(CatSongs.CatCount); Text[TextTitle].Text := '(' + IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber) + ' ' + Language.Translate('SING_SONGS_IN_CAT') + ')'; end else if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -2) then Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction)+1) + '/' + IntToStr(VS) else if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3) then Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction)+1) + '/' + IntToStr(VS) else if (Ini.TabsAtStartup = 1) then Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber) + '/' + IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction - CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber].CatNumber) else Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(Interaction+1) + '/' + IntToStr(Length(CatSongs.Song)); end else begin Text[TextNumber].Text := '0/0'; Text[TextArtist].Text := ''; Text[TextTitle].Text := ''; for B := 0 to High(Button) do Button[B].Visible := false; end; end; (* procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll1; var B: integer; // button //BMin: integer; // button min // Auto Removed, Unused Variable //BMax: integer; // button max // Auto Removed, Unused Variable Src: integer; //Dst: integer; Count: integer; // Dst is not used. Count is used. Ready: boolean; VisCount: integer; // count of visible (or selectable) buttons VisInt: integer; // visible position of interacted button Typ: integer; // 0 when all songs fits the screen Placed: integer; // number of placed visible buttons begin //Src := 0; //Dst := -1; Count := 1; Typ := 0; Ready := false; Placed := 0; VisCount := 0; for B := 0 to High(Button) do if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then Inc(VisCount); VisInt := 0; for B := 0 to Interaction-1 do if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then Inc(VisInt); if VisCount <= 6 then begin Typ := 0; end else begin if VisInt <= 3 then begin Typ := 1; Count := 7; Ready := true; end; if (VisCount - VisInt) <= 3 then begin Typ := 2; Count := 7; Ready := true; end; if not Ready then begin Typ := 3; Src := Interaction; end; end; // hide all buttons for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin Button[B].Visible := false; Button[B].Selectable := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; end; { for B := Src to Dst do begin //Button[B].Visible := true; Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; Button[B].Selectable := Button[B].Visible; Button[B].Y := 140 + (B-Src) * 60; end; } if Typ = 0 then begin for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin Button[B].Visible := true; Button[B].Y := 140 + (Placed) * 60; Inc(Placed); end; end; end; if Typ = 1 then begin B := 0; while (Count > 0) do begin if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin Button[B].Visible := true; Button[B].Y := 140 + (Placed) * 60; Inc(Placed); Dec(Count); end; Inc(B); end; end; if Typ = 2 then begin B := High(Button); while (Count > 0) do begin if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin Button[B].Visible := true; Button[B].Y := 140 + (6-Placed) * 60; Inc(Placed); Dec(Count); end; Dec(B); end; end; if Typ = 3 then begin B := Src; Count := 4; while (Count > 0) do begin if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin Button[B].Visible := true; Button[B].Y := 140 + (3+Placed) * 60; Inc(Placed); Dec(Count); end; Inc(B); end; B := Src-1; Placed := 0; Count := 3; while (Count > 0) do begin if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin Button[B].Visible := true; Button[B].Y := 140 + (2-Placed) * 60; Inc(Placed); Dec(Count); end; Dec(B); end; end; if Length(Button) > 0 then Static[1].Texture.Y := Button[Interaction].Y - 5; // selection texture end; procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll2; var B: integer; //Factor: integer; // factor of position relative to center of screen //Factor2: real; begin // line for B := 0 to High(Button) do Button[B].X := 300 + (B - Interaction) * 260; if Length(Button) >= 3 then begin if Interaction = 0 then Button[High(Button)].X := 300 - 260; if Interaction = High(Button) then Button[0].X := 300 + 260; end; // circle { for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin Factor := (B - Interaction); // 0 to center, -1: to left, +1 to right Factor2 := Factor / Length(Button); Button[B].X := 300 + 10000 * sin(2*pi*Factor2); //Button[B].Y := 140 + 50 * ; end; } end; *) procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll3; // with slide var B: integer; //Factor: integer; // factor of position relative to center of screen //Factor2: real; begin SongTarget := Interaction; // line for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin Button[B].X := 300 + (B - SongCurrent) * 260; if (Button[B].X < -Button[B].W) or (Button[B].X > 800) then Button[B].Visible := false else Button[B].Visible := true; end; { if Length(Button) >= 3 then begin if Interaction = 0 then Button[High(Button)].X := 300 - 260; if Interaction = High(Button) then Button[0].X := 300 + 260; end; } // circle { for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin Factor := (B - Interaction); // 0 to center, -1: to left, +1 to right Factor2 := Factor / Length(Button); Button[B].X := 300 + 10000 * sin(2*pi*Factor2); //Button[B].Y := 140 + 50 * ; end; } end; (** * Rotation *) procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll4; var B: integer; Angle: real; Z, Z2: real; VS: integer; begin VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs(); for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; if Button[B].Visible then begin // angle between the cover and selected song-cover in radians Angle := 2*Pi * (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) / VS; // calc z-position from angle Z := (1 + cos(Angle)) / 2; // scaled to range [0..1] Z2 := (1 + 2*Z) / 3; // scaled to range [1/3..1] // adjust cover's width and height according its z-position // Note: Theme.Song.Cover.W is not used as width and height are equal // and Theme.Song.Cover.W is used as circle radius in Scroll5. Button[B].W := Theme.Song.Cover.H * Z2; Button[B].H := Button[B].W; // set cover position Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + (0.185 * Theme.Song.Cover.H * VS * sin(Angle)) * Z2 - ((Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)/2); Button[B].Y := Theme.Song.Cover.Y + (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Abs(Button[B].H)) * 0.7; Button[B].Z := Z / 2 + 0.3; end; end; end; (** * rotate *) procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll5; var B: integer; Angle: real; Pos: real; VS: integer; Padding: real; X: real; { Theme.Song.CoverW: circle radius Theme.Song.CoverX: x-pos. of the left edge of the selected cover Theme.Song.CoverY: y-pos. of the upper edge of the selected cover Theme.Song.CoverH: cover height } begin VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs(); // Update positions of all buttons for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; // adjust visibility if Button[B].Visible then // Only change pos for visible buttons begin // Pos is the distance to the centered cover in the range [-VS/2..+VS/2] Pos := (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent); if (Pos < -VS/2) then Pos := Pos + VS else if (Pos > VS/2) then Pos := Pos - VS; // Avoid overlapping of the front covers. // Use an alternate position for the five front covers. if (Abs(Pos) < 2.5) then begin Angle := Pi * (Pos / 5); // Range: (-1/4*Pi .. +1/4*Pi) Button[B].H := Abs(Theme.Song.Cover.H * cos(Angle*0.8)); Button[B].W := Button[B].H; //Button[B].Reflectionspacing := 15 * Button[B].H/Theme.Song.Cover.H; Button[B].DeSelectReflectionspacing := 15 * Button[B].H/Theme.Song.Cover.H; Padding := (Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)/2; X := Sin(Angle*1.3) * 0.9; Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + Theme.Song.Cover.W * X - Padding; Button[B].Y := (Theme.Song.Cover.Y + (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Abs(Theme.Song.Cover.H * cos(Angle))) * 0.5); Button[B].Z := 0.95 - Abs(Pos) * 0.01; end else begin // Transform Pos to range [-1..-1/2, +1/2..+1] if Pos < 0 then Pos := Pos/VS - 0.5 else Pos := Pos/VS + 0.5; // angle in radians [-2Pi..-Pi, +Pi..+2Pi] Angle := 2*Pi * Pos; Button[B].H := 0.6*(Theme.Song.Cover.H-Abs(Theme.Song.Cover.H * cos(Angle/2)*0.8)); Button[B].W := Button[B].H; Padding := (Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)/2; Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X+Theme.Song.Cover.H/2-Button[b].H/2+Theme.Song.Cover.W/320*((Theme.Song.Cover.H)*sin(Angle/2)*1.52); Button[B].Y := Theme.Song.Cover.Y - (Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)*0.75; Button[B].Z := (0.4 - Abs(Pos/4)) -0.00001; //z < 0.49999 is behind the cover 1 is in front of the covers //Button[B].Reflectionspacing := 15 * Button[B].H/Theme.Song.Cover.H; Button[B].DeSelectReflectionspacing := 15 * Button[B].H/Theme.Song.Cover.H; end; end; end; end; procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll6; // rotate (slotmachine style) var B: integer; Angle: real; Pos: real; VS: integer; diff: real; X: real; Factor: real; Z, Z2: real; begin VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs; if VS <= 5 then begin // circle for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; if Button[B].Visible then // optimization for 1000 songs - updates only visible songs, hiding in tabs becomes useful for maintaing good speed begin Factor := 2 * pi * (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) / VS {CatSongs.VisibleSongs};// 0.5.0 (II): takes another 16ms Z := (1 + cos(Factor)) / 2; Z2 := (1 + 2*Z) / 3; Button[B].Y := Theme.Song.Cover.Y + (0.185 * Theme.Song.Cover.H * VS * sin(Factor)) * Z2 - ((Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)/2); // 0.5.0 (I): 2 times faster by not calling CatSongs.VisibleSongs Button[B].Z := Z / 2 + 0.3; Button[B].W := Theme.Song.Cover.H * Z2; //Button[B].Y := {50 +} 140 + 50 - 50 * Z2; Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Abs(Button[B].H)) * 0.7 ; Button[B].H := Button[B].W; end; end; end else begin //Change Pos of all Buttons for B := Low(Button) to High(Button) do begin Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; //Adjust Visibility if Button[B].Visible then //Only Change Pos for Visible Buttons begin Pos := (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent); if (Pos < -VS/2) then Pos := Pos + VS else if (Pos > VS/2) then Pos := Pos - VS; if (Abs(Pos) < 2.5) then {fixed Positions} begin Angle := Pi * (Pos / 5); //Button[B].Visible := false; Button[B].H := Abs(Theme.Song.Cover.H * cos(Angle*0.8));//Power(Z2, 3); Button[B].DeSelectReflectionspacing := 15 * Button[B].H/Theme.Song.Cover.H; Button[B].Z := 0.95 - Abs(Pos) * 0.01; Button[B].X := (Theme.Song.Cover.X + (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Abs(Theme.Song.Cover.H * cos(Angle))) * 0.5); Button[B].W := Button[B].H; Diff := (Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)/2; X := Sin(Angle*1.3)*0.9; Button[B].Y := Theme.Song.Cover.Y + Theme.Song.Cover.W * X - Diff; end else begin {Behind the Front Covers} // limit-bg-covers hack if (abs(VS/2-abs(Pos))>10) then Button[B].Visible := false; if VS > 25 then VS:=25; // end of limit-bg-covers hack if Pos < 0 then Pos := (Pos - VS/2)/VS else Pos := (Pos + VS/2)/VS; Angle := Pi * Pos*2; Button[B].Z := (0.4 - Abs(Pos/4)) -0.00001; //z < 0.49999 is behind the cover 1 is in front of the covers Button[B].H :=0.6*(Theme.Song.Cover.H-Abs(Theme.Song.Cover.H * cos(Angle/2)*0.8));//Power(Z2, 3); Button[B].W := Button[B].H; Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X - (Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)*0.5; Button[B].DeSelectReflectionspacing := 15 * Button[B].H/Theme.Song.Cover.H; Button[B].Y := Theme.Song.Cover.Y+Theme.Song.Cover.H/2-Button[b].H/2+Theme.Song.Cover.W/320*(Theme.Song.Cover.H*sin(Angle/2)*1.52); end; end; end; end; end; procedure TScreenSong.OnShow; begin inherited; {** * Pause background music, so we can play it again on scorescreen *} SoundLib.PauseBgMusic; AudioPlayback.Stop; if Mode = smMedley then Mode := smNormal; if Ini.Players <= 3 then PlayersPlay := Ini.Players + 1; if Ini.Players = 4 then PlayersPlay := 6; //Cat Mod etc if (Ini.TabsAtStartup = 1) and (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -1) then begin CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; FixSelected; //Show Cat in Top Left Mod HideCatTL; end; if Length(CatSongs.Song) > 0 then begin //Load Music only when Song Preview is activated if ( Ini.PreviewVolume <> 0 ) then StartMusicPreview() else PreviewOpened := -1; SetScroll; end; //Playlist Mode if (Mode = smNormal) then begin //If Playlist Shown -> Select Next automatically if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3) then begin SelectNext(true); ChangeMusic; end; end //Party Mode else if (Mode = smPartyMode) then begin SelectRandomSong; //Show Menu directly in PartyMode //But only if selected in Options if (Ini.PartyPopup = 1) then begin ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Party_Main); end; end; SetJoker; SetStatics; end; procedure TScreenSong.OnHide; begin // if preview is not loaded: load musicfile now if (PreviewOpened <> Interaction) then AudioPlayback.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path.Append(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3)); // turn music volume to 100% AudioPlayback.SetVolume(1.0); // if hide then stop music (for party mode popup on exit) if (Display.NextScreen <> @ScreenSing) and (Display.NextScreen <> @ScreenSingModi) then begin StopMusicPreview(); end; end; procedure TScreenSong.DrawExtensions; begin //Draw Song Menu if (ScreenSongMenu.Visible) then begin ScreenSongMenu.Draw; end else if (ScreenSongJumpto.Visible) then begin ScreenSongJumpto.Draw; end end; function TScreenSong.Draw: boolean; var dx: real; dt: real; I: integer; begin dx := SongTarget-SongCurrent; dt := TimeSkip * 7; if dt > 1 then dt := 1; SongCurrent := SongCurrent + dx*dt; { if SongCurrent > Catsongs.VisibleSongs then begin SongCurrent := SongCurrent - Catsongs.VisibleSongs; SongTarget := SongTarget - Catsongs.VisibleSongs; end; } //Log.BenchmarkStart(5); SetScroll; //Log.BenchmarkEnd(5); //Log.LogBenchmark('SetScroll4', 5); //Fading Functions, Only if Covertime is under 5 Seconds if (CoverTime < 5) then begin // cover fade if (CoverTime < 1) and (CoverTime + TimeSkip >= 1) then begin // load new texture Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, false); Button[Interaction].Texture.Alpha := 1; Button[Interaction].Texture2 := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, false); Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := 1; end; //Update Fading Time CoverTime := CoverTime + TimeSkip; //Update Fading Texture Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := (CoverTime - 1) * 1.5; if Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha > 1 then Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := 1; end; //inherited Draw; //heres a little Hack, that causes the Statics //are Drawn after the Buttons because of some Blending Problems. //This should cause no Problems because all Buttons on this screen //Has Z Position. //Draw BG DrawBG; //Instead of Draw FG Procedure: //We draw Buttons for our own for I := 0 to Length(Button) - 1 do Button[I].Draw; // Statics for I := 0 to Length(Static) - 1 do Static[I].Draw; // and texts for I := 0 to Length(Text) - 1 do Text[I].Draw; Equalizer.Draw; DrawExtensions; Result := true; end; procedure TScreenSong.SelectNext(UnloadCover: boolean); var Skip: integer; VS: integer; begin VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs; if VS > 0 then begin if UnloadCover then //that should fix the performance problem on scrolling UnLoadDetailedCover; Skip := 1; // this 1 could be changed by CatSongs.FindNextVisible while (not CatSongs.Song[(Interaction + Skip) mod Length(Interactions)].Visible) do Inc(Skip); SongTarget := SongTarget + 1;//Skip; Interaction := (Interaction + Skip) mod Length(Interactions); // try to keep all at the beginning if SongTarget > VS-1 then begin SongTarget := SongTarget - VS; SongCurrent := SongCurrent - VS; end; end; // Interaction -> Button, load cover // show uncached texture //Button[Interaction].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, false); end; procedure TScreenSong.SelectPrev(UnloadCover: boolean); var Skip: integer; VS: integer; begin VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs; if VS > 0 then begin if UnloadCover then UnLoadDetailedCover; //that should fix the performance problem on scrolling Skip := 1; while (not CatSongs.Song[(Interaction - Skip + Length(Interactions)) mod Length(Interactions)].Visible) do Inc(Skip); SongTarget := SongTarget - 1;//Skip; Interaction := (Interaction - Skip + Length(Interactions)) mod Length(Interactions); // try to keep all at the beginning if SongTarget < 0 then begin SongTarget := SongTarget + CatSongs.VisibleSongs; SongCurrent := SongCurrent + CatSongs.VisibleSongs; end; // show uncached texture //Button[Interaction].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, false); end; end; procedure TScreenSong.StartMusicPreview(); var Song: TSong; success: boolean; begin AudioPlayback.Close(); if CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main then Exit; Song := CatSongs.Song[Interaction]; if not assigned(Song) or Song.Main then Exit; if AudioPlayback.Open(Song.Path.Append(Song.Mp3)) then begin PreviewOpened := Interaction; if Song.Medley.Source <> msNone then begin CurrentSong := Song; AudioPlayback.Position := GetTimeFromBeat(Song.Medley.StartBeat); end else AudioPlayback.Position := AudioPlayback.Length / 4; // set preview volume if (Ini.PreviewFading = 0) then begin // music fade disabled: start with full volume AudioPlayback.SetVolume(IPreviewVolumeVals[Ini.PreviewVolume]); AudioPlayback.Play() end else begin AudioPlayback.Position := AudioPlayback.Position - Ini.PreviewFading; if AudioPlayback.Position<0 then AudioPlayback.Position := 0; // music fade enabled: start muted and fade-in AudioPlayback.SetVolume(0); AudioPlayback.FadeIn(Ini.PreviewFading, IPreviewVolumeVals[Ini.PreviewVolume]); end; end; end; procedure TScreenSong.StopMusicPreview(); begin // Cancel pending preview requests SDL_RemoveTimer(MusicPreviewTimer); // Stop preview of previous song AudioPlayback.Stop; end; procedure StartMusicPreview(data: Pointer); var ScreenSong: TScreenSong; begin ScreenSong := TScreenSong(data); if (ScreenSong <> nil) then ScreenSong.StartMusicPreview(); end; function MusicPreviewTimerCallback(interval: UInt32; param: Pointer): UInt32; cdecl; begin // delegate execution to main-thread MainThreadExec(@StartMusicPreview, param); // stop timer Result := 0; end; // Changes previewed song procedure TScreenSong.ChangeMusic; begin StopMusicPreview(); PreviewOpened := -1; // Preview song if activated and current selection is not a category cover if (CatSongs.VisibleSongs > 0) and (not CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main) and (Ini.PreviewVolume <> 0) then begin // Delay song fading to prevent the song from being played while scrolling MusicPreviewTimer := SDL_AddTimer(200, MusicPreviewTimerCallback, Self); end; end; function TScreenSong.getVisibleMedleyArr(): TVisArr; var I: integer; res: TVisArr; begin SetLength(res, 0); for I := 0 to Length(CatSongs.Song) - 1 do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and (CatSongs.Song[I].Medley.Source = msTag) then begin SetLength(res, Length(res)+1); res[Length(res)-1] := I; end; end; Result := res; end; //start Medley round procedure TScreenSong.StartMedley(num: integer); procedure AddSong(SongNr: integer); begin SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Song, Length(PlaylistMedley.Song)+1); PlaylistMedley.Song[Length(PlaylistMedley.Song)-1] := SongNr; end; function SongAdded(SongNr: integer): boolean; var i: integer; skipped :boolean; begin skipped := false; for i := 0 to Length(PlaylistMedley.Song) - 1 do begin if (SongNr=PlaylistMedley.Song[i]) then begin skipped:=true; break; end; end; Result:=skipped; end; function NumSongsAdded(): Integer; begin Result := Length(PlaylistMedley.Song); end; function GetNextSongNr: integer; var I, num: integer; unused_arr: array of integer; visible_arr: TVisArr; begin SetLength(unused_arr, 0); visible_arr := getVisibleMedleyArr(); for I := 0 to Length(visible_arr) - 1 do begin if (not SongAdded(visible_arr[I])) then begin SetLength(unused_arr, Length(unused_arr)+1); unused_arr[Length(unused_arr)-1] := visible_arr[I]; end; end; num := random(Length(unused_arr)); Result := unused_arr[num]; end; var I: integer; VS: integer; begin StopMusicPreview(); Mode := smMedley; if num>0 then begin VS := Length(getVisibleMedleyArr()); if VS < num then PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs := VS else PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs := num; Randomize; //set up Playlist Medley SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Song, 0); for I := 0 to PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs - 1 do begin AddSong(GetNextSongNr); end; end else begin SetLength(PlaylistMedley.Song, 1); PlaylistMedley.Song[0] := Interaction; PlaylistMedley.NumMedleySongs := 1; end; FadeTo(@ScreenSing); end; procedure TScreenSong.SkipTo(Target: cardinal); var i: integer; begin UnLoadDetailedCover; Interaction := High(CatSongs.Song); SongTarget := 0; for i := 1 to Target+1 do SelectNext(false); FixSelected2; end; procedure TScreenSong.SelectRandomSong; var I, I2: integer; begin case PlaylistMan.Mode of smNormal: // all songs just select random song begin // when tabs are activated then use tab method if (Ini.TabsAtStartup = 1) then begin repeat I2 := Low(CatSongs.Song) + Random(High(CatSongs.Song) + 1 - Low(CatSongs.Song)); until CatSongs.Song[I2].Main = false; // search cat for I := I2 downto Low(CatSongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then break; end; // I is the cat number, I2 is the no of the song within this cat // choose cat CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; // show cat in top left mod ShowCatTL(I); CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I); SelectNext(true); // choose song SkipTo(I2 - I); end // when tabs are deactivated use easy method else SkipTo(Random(CatSongs.VisibleSongs)); end; smPartyMode: // one category select category and select random song begin CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(PlaylistMan.CurPlayList); ShowCatTL(PlaylistMan.CurPlayList); SelectNext(true); FixSelected2; SkipTo(Random(CatSongs.VisibleSongs)); end; smPlaylistRandom: // playlist: select playlist and select random song begin PlaylistMan.SetPlayList(PlaylistMan.CurPlayList); SkipTo(Random(CatSongs.VisibleSongs)); FixSelected2; end; end; AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Change); ChangeMusic; SetScroll; end; procedure TScreenSong.SetJoker; begin // If Party Mode if Mode = smPartyMode then //Show Joker that are available begin if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) then begin Static[StaticTeam1Joker1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 1); Static[StaticTeam1Joker2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 2); Static[StaticTeam1Joker3].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 3); Static[StaticTeam1Joker4].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 4); Static[StaticTeam1Joker5].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 5); end else begin Static[StaticTeam1Joker1].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam1Joker2].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam1Joker3].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam1Joker4].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam1Joker5].Visible := false; end; if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) then begin Static[StaticTeam2Joker1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 1); Static[StaticTeam2Joker2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 2); Static[StaticTeam2Joker3].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 3); Static[StaticTeam2Joker4].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 4); Static[StaticTeam2Joker5].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 5); end else begin Static[StaticTeam2Joker1].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam2Joker2].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam2Joker3].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam2Joker4].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam2Joker5].Visible := false; end; if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) then begin Static[StaticTeam3Joker1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 1); Static[StaticTeam3Joker2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 2); Static[StaticTeam3Joker3].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 3); Static[StaticTeam3Joker4].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 4); Static[StaticTeam3Joker5].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 5); end else begin Static[StaticTeam3Joker1].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam3Joker2].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam3Joker3].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam3Joker4].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam3Joker5].Visible := false; end; end else begin //Hide all Static[StaticTeam1Joker1].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam1Joker2].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam1Joker3].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam1Joker4].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam1Joker5].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam2Joker1].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam2Joker2].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam2Joker3].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam2Joker4].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam2Joker5].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam3Joker1].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam3Joker2].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam3Joker3].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam3Joker4].Visible := false; Static[StaticTeam3Joker5].Visible := false; end; end; procedure TScreenSong.SetStatics; var I: integer; Visible: boolean; begin //Set Visibility of Party Statics and Text Visible := (Mode = smPartyMode); for I := 0 to High(StaticParty) do Static[StaticParty[I]].Visible := Visible; for I := 0 to High(TextParty) do Text[TextParty[I]].Visible := Visible; //Set Visibility of Non Party Statics and Text Visible := not Visible; for I := 0 to High(StaticNonParty) do Static[StaticNonParty[I]].Visible := Visible; for I := 0 to High(TextNonParty) do Text[TextNonParty[I]].Visible := Visible; end; //Procedures for Menu procedure TScreenSong.StartSong; begin CatSongs.Selected := Interaction; StopMusicPreview(); //Party Mode if (Mode = smPartyMode) then begin FadeTo(@ScreenSingModi); end else begin FadeTo(@ScreenSing); end; end; procedure TScreenSong.SelectPlayers; begin CatSongs.Selected := Interaction; StopMusicPreview(); ScreenName.Goto_SingScreen := true; FadeTo(@ScreenName); end; procedure TScreenSong.OpenEditor; begin if (Songs.SongList.Count > 0) and (not CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main) and (Mode = smNormal) then begin StopMusicPreview(); AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Start); CurrentSong := CatSongs.Song[Interaction]; FadeTo(@ScreenEditSub); end; end; //Team No of Team (0-5) procedure TScreenSong.DoJoker (Team: byte); begin if (Mode = smPartyMode) and (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= Team + 1) and (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Joker > 0) then begin //Use Joker Dec(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Joker); SelectRandomSong; SetJoker; end; end; //Detailed Cover Unloading. Unloads the Detailed, uncached Cover of the cur. Song procedure TScreenSong.UnloadDetailedCover; begin CoverTime := 0; // show cached texture Button[Interaction].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, true); Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := 0; if Button[Interaction].Texture.Name <> Skin.GetTextureFileName('SongCover') then Texture.UnloadTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, false); end; procedure TScreenSong.Refresh; begin { CatSongs.Refresh; CatSongs.ShowCategoryList; Interaction := 0; SelectNext(true); FixSelected; } end; end.