{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit ULuaCore; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses SysUtils, ULua, UHookableEvent; type { this exception is raised when the lua panic function is called. Only in case we use call instead of pcall. it has the lua error string in its message attribute } ELuaException = class(Exception); { record represents item of Eventlist of TLuaCore } PEventListItem = ^TEventListItem; TEventListItem = record Event: THookableEvent; Next: PEventListItem; end; { record represents a module } TLuaModule = record Name: String; Functions: Array of luaL_reg; //modules functions, w/ trailing nils this time end; TLuaPlugin_Status = (psNone, psRunning, psClosed, psErrorOnLoad, psErrorOnCall, psErrorInInit, psErrorOnRun); { class represents a loaded plugin } TLuaPlugin = class private iId: Integer; Filename: WideString; State: Plua_State; //< all functions of this plugin are called with this Lua state bPaused: Boolean; //< If true no lua functions from this state are called ErrorCount: Integer; //< counts the errors that occured during function calls of this plugin ShutDown: Boolean; //< for self shutdown by plugin. true if plugin wants to be unloaded after execution of current function sName: String; sVersion: String; sAuthor: String; sURL: String; sStatus: TLuaPlugin_Status; public constructor Create(Filename: WideString; Id: Integer); property Id: Integer read iId; property Name: String read sName; property Version: String read sVersion; property Author: String read sAuthor; property Url: String read sUrl; property Status: TLuaPlugin_Status read sStatus; property CountErrors: Integer read ErrorCount; property LuaState: Plua_State read State; procedure Load; procedure Register(Name, Version, Author, Url: String); function HasRegistred: Boolean; procedure PausePlugin(doPause: Boolean); property Paused: boolean read bPaused write PausePlugin; procedure ShutMeDown; { calls the lua function in the global w/ the given name. the arguments to the function have to be pushed to the stack before calling this function. the arguments and the function will be removed from stack results will not be removed. if result is false there was an error calling the function if ReportErrors is true the errorstring is popped from stack and written to error.log otherwise it is left on stack} function CallFunctionByName(Name: String; const nArgs: Integer = 0; const nResults: Integer = 0; const ReportErrors: Boolean = True): Boolean; procedure ClearStack; procedure Unload; //< Destroys the Luastate, and frees as much mem as possible, w/o destroying the class and important information destructor Destroy; end; { class managing the plugins w/ their LuaStates, the events and modules it also offers the usdx table to the plugins w/ some basic functionality like self unload or hook getting} TLuaCore = class private EventList: PEventListItem; //< pointer to first registred Event, ordered by name EventHandles: Array of String; //< Index is Events handle, value is events name. if length(value) is 0 handle is considered unregistred Plugins: Array of TLuaPlugin; eLoadingFinished: THookableEvent; protected Modules: Array of TLuaModule; //< modules that has been registred, has to be proctected because fucntions of this unit need to get access function GetModuleIdByName(Name: String): Integer; //returns id of given module, or -1 if module is not found public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; procedure LoadPlugins; //< calls LoadPlugin w/ Plugindir and LoadingFinished Eventchain procedure BrowseDir(Dir: WideString); //< searches for files w/ extension .usdx in the specified dir and tries to load them w/ lua procedure LoadPlugin(Filename: WideString); //< tries to load filename w/ lua and creates the default usdx lua environment for the plugins state function GetPluginByName(Name: String): TLuaPlugin; function GetPluginById(Id: Integer): TLuaPlugin; { this function adds a module loader for your functions name is the name the script needs to write in its require() Functions is an array of lua calling compatible functions w/o trailing nils! } procedure RegisterModule(Name: String; const Functions: Array of luaL_reg); function RegisterEvent(Event: THookableEvent): Integer; //< adds the event to eventlist and returns its handle procedure UnRegisterEvent(hEvent: Integer); //< removes the event from eventlist by handle function GetEventbyName(Name: String): THookableEvent; //< tries to find the event w/ the given name in the list function GetEventbyHandle(hEvent: Integer): THookableEvent; //< tries to find the event w/ the given handle procedure UnHookByParent(Parent: Integer); //< remove all hooks by given parent id from all events procedure PrepareState(L: Plua_State); procedure DumpPlugins; //< prints plugin runtime information w/ Log.LogStatus end; //some luastyle functions to call from lua scripts { register global, used by plugins to identify register(plugin name, plugin version, [plugin author], [plugin homepage]) can only be called once since the global "register" is niled by the function returns true on success. (name does not exist)} function TLuaPlugin_Register (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl; { moduleloader for usdx.* modules stored in package.loaders[3] package.loaders[3] (module name) returns a function to load the requested module or a error description(string) when the module is not found } function TLuaCore_ModuleLoader (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl; { loads module specified by a cfunction upvalue to usdx.modulename and returns it. loadmodule(module name) } function TLuaCore_LoadModule (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl; { custom lua panic function it writes error string to error.log and raises an ELuaException that may be caught } function TLua_CustomPanic (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl; var LuaCore: TLuaCore; implementation uses ULog, UPlatform, ULuaUsdx, UMain, StrUtils; constructor TLuaCore.Create; begin inherited; //init EventList w/ nil EventList := nil; eLoadingFinished := nil; end; destructor TLuaCore.Destroy; var Cur: PEventListItem; Prev: PEventListItem; begin SetLength(EventHandles, 0); //delete event list Cur := EventList; While(Cur <> nil) do begin Prev := Cur; Cur := Prev.Next; Dispose(Prev); end; inherited; end; { calls BrowseDir w/ plugin dir and LoadingFinished eventchain } procedure TLuaCore.LoadPlugins; begin // we have to create event here, because in create it can // not be registred, because LuaCore is no assigned if (not Assigned(eLoadingFinished)) then eLoadingFinished := THookableEvent.Create('Usdx.LoadingFinished'); BrowseDir(PluginPath); eLoadingFinished.CallHookChain(false); end; { searches for files w/ extension .usdx in the specified dir and tries to load them w/ lua } procedure TLuaCore.BrowseDir(Dir: WideString); var Files: TDirectoryEntryArray; I: Integer; begin try Files := Platform.DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, '.usdx', true) except Log.LogError('Couldn''t deal with directory/file: ' + Dir + ' in TLuaCore.BrowseDir') end; for I := 0 to High(Files) do if (Files[I].IsDirectory) then BrowseDir(Dir + Files[i].Name) //browse recursive else if (Files[I].IsFile) then LoadPlugin(Dir + Files[i].Name); end; { tries to load filename w/ lua and creates the default usdx lua environment for the plugins state } procedure TLuaCore.LoadPlugin(Filename: WideString); var Len: Integer; begin Len := Length(Plugins); SetLength(Plugins, Len + 1); Plugins[Len] := TLuaPlugin.Create(Filename, Len); Plugins[Len].Load; end; { returns Plugin on success nil on failure } function TLuaCore.GetPluginByName(Name: String): TLuaPlugin; var I: Integer; begin Result := nil; Name := lowercase(Name); For I := 0 to High(Plugins) do If (lowercase(Plugins[I].Name) = Name) then begin Result := GetPluginById(I); Exit; end; end; { returns Plugin on success nil on failure } function TLuaCore.GetPluginById(Id: Integer): TLuaPlugin; begin If (Id >= 0) AND (Id <= High(Plugins)) then Result := Plugins[Id] Else Result := nil; end; { this function adds a module loader for your functions name is the name the script needs to write in its require() Functions is an array of lua calling compatible functions w/o trailing nils! } procedure TLuaCore.RegisterModule(Name: String; const Functions: Array of luaL_reg); var Len: Integer; FuncLen: Integer; I: Integer; begin Len := Length(Modules); SetLength(Modules, Len + 1); Modules[Len].Name := Name; FuncLen := Length(Functions); SetLength(Modules[Len].Functions, FuncLen + 1); For I := 0 to FuncLen-1 do Modules[Len].Functions[I] := Functions[I]; Modules[Len].Functions[FuncLen].name := nil; Modules[Len].Functions[FuncLen].func := nil; end; { adds the event to eventlist and returns its handle called by THookableEvent on creation } function TLuaCore.RegisterEvent(Event: THookableEvent): Integer; var Cur, Prev, Item: PEventListItem; begin If (Event <> nil) and (Length(Event.Name) > 0) then begin Result := Length(EventHandles); SetLength(EventHandles, Result + 1); //get Handle and copy it to result EventHandles[Result] := Event.Name; //create eventlist item New(Item); Item.Event := Event; //search for a place for this event in alphabetical order Prev := nil; Cur := EventList; While (Cur <> nil) and (CompareStr(Cur.Event.Name, EventHandles[Result]) < 0) do begin Prev := Cur; Cur := Prev.Next; end; //found the place => add new item if (Prev <> nil) then Prev.Next := Item else //first item EventList := Item; Item.Next := Cur; end else Result := -1; end; { removes the event from eventlist by handle } procedure TLuaCore.UnRegisterEvent(hEvent: Integer); var Cur, Prev: PEventListItem; begin If (hEvent >= 0) AND (hEvent <= High(EventHandles)) AND (Length(EventHandles[hEvent]) > 0) then begin //hEvent in bounds and not already deleted //delete from eventlist Prev := nil; Cur := EventList; While (Cur <> nil) and (CompareStr(Cur.Event.Name, EventHandles[hEvent]) < 0) do begin Prev := Cur; Cur := Prev.Next; end; If (Cur <> nil) and (Cur.Event.Name = EventHandles[hEvent]) then begin //delete if found Prev.Next := Cur.Next; // remove from list Dispose(Cur); // free memory end; //delete from handle array EventHandles[hEvent] := ''; end; end; { tries to find the event w/ the given name in the list } function TLuaCore.GetEventbyName(Name: String): THookableEvent; var Cur: PEventListItem; begin Result := nil; if (Length(Name) > 0) then begin //search in eventlist Cur := EventList; While (Cur <> nil) and (CompareStr(Cur.Event.Name, Name) < 0) do begin Cur := Cur.Next; end; If (Cur <> nil) and (Cur.Event.Name = Name) then begin //we found what we want to find Result := Cur.Event; end; end; end; { tries to find the event w/ the given handle } function TLuaCore.GetEventbyHandle(hEvent: Integer): THookableEvent; begin If (hEvent >= 0) AND (hEvent <= High(EventHandles)) AND (Length(EventHandles[hEvent]) > 0) then begin //hEvent in bounds and not already deleted Result := GetEventByName(EventHandles[hEvent]); end else Result := nil; end; { remove all hooks by given parent id from all events } procedure TLuaCore.UnHookByParent(Parent: Integer); var Cur: PEventListItem; begin if (Parent >= 0) and (Parent <= High(Plugins)) then begin // go through event list Cur := EventList; While (Cur <> nil) do begin Cur.Event.UnHookByParent(Parent); Cur := Cur.Next; end; end; end; { prepares the given already opened Lua state with the basic usdx environment, e.g.: base and package Modules, usdx moduleloader and usdx table } procedure TLuaCore.PrepareState(L: Plua_State); begin //load basic lib functionality lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_base); lua_call(L, 0, 0); lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L)); //pop the results //load module functionality lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_package); lua_call(L, 0, 0); lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L)); //pop the results { adds the loader for the other standard lib to package.preload table plugins can call e.g. require('math') if they need math functionality } // we need 3 free stack slots lua_checkstack(L, 3); // get package table lua_getglobal (L, PChar('package')); // get package.preload table lua_getfield (L, -1, PChar('preload')); {**** add string lib } // push loader function lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_string); // set package.preload.x loader lua_setfield (L, -2, PChar('string')); {**** add table lib } // push loader function lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_table); // set package.preload.x loader lua_setfield (L, -2, PChar('table')); {**** add math lib } // push loader function lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_math); // set package.preload.x loader lua_setfield (L, -2, PChar('math')); {**** add os lib } // push loader function lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_os); // set package.preload.x loader lua_setfield (L, -2, PChar('os')); //pop package.preload table from stack lua_pop(L, 1); // get package.loaders table lua_getfield (L, -1, PChar('loaders')); {**** Move C-Library and all-in-one module loader backwards, slot 3 is free now } // get package.loaders[4] function lua_pushinteger(L, 5); //push new index lua_pushinteger(L, 4); //push old index lua_gettable (L, -3); // and move it to package.loaders[5] lua_settable (L, -3); // get package.loaders[3] function lua_pushinteger(L, 4); //push new index lua_pushinteger(L, 3); //push old index lua_gettable (L, -3); // and move it to package.loaders[4] lua_settable (L, -3); {**** now we add the core module to package.loaders[3] } lua_pushinteger(L, 3); //push new loaders index lua_pushcfunction(L, TLuaCore_ModuleLoader); // and move it to package.loaders[3] lua_settable (L, -3); //pop both package and package.loaders tables from stack lua_pop(L, 2); {**** now we create the usdx table } //at first functions from ULuaUsdx luaL_register(L, 'Usdx', @ULuaUsdx_Lib_f[0]); end; { returns id of given module, or -1 if module is not found } function TLuaCore.GetModuleIdByName(Name: String): Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := -1; for I := 0 to High(Modules) do if (Modules[I].Name = Name) then begin Result := I; Exit; end; end; { moduleloader for usdx.* modules stored in package.loaders[3] package.loaders[3] (module name) returns a function to load the requested module or an error description(string) when the module is not found } function TLuaCore_ModuleLoader (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl; var Name: String; ID: Integer; begin Result := 1; //we will return one value in every case (or never return in case of an error) if (lua_gettop(L) >= 1) then begin // pop all arguments but the first if (lua_gettop(L) > 1) then lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L)-1); if (lua_IsString(L, 1)) then begin //we got the name => go get it Name := lua_toString(L, 1); //we need at least 6 letters //and first 5 letters have to be usdx. if (Length(Name) > 5) and (copy(Name, 1, 5)='Usdx.') then begin ID := LuaCore.GetModuleIdByName(copy(Name, 6, Length(Name) - 5)); If (ID >= 0) then begin //found the module -> return loader function lua_pushinteger(L, Id); lua_pushcclosure(L, TLuaCore_LoadModule, 1); //the function is the result, so we leave it on stack end else lua_pushString(L, PChar('usdx module "' + Name + '" couldn''t be found')); end else lua_pushString(L, PChar('module doesn''t have "Usdx." prefix')); end else luaL_argerror(L, 1, PChar('string expected')); end else luaL_error(L, PChar('no modulename specified in usdx moduleloader')); end; { loads module specified by a cfunction upvalue to usdx.modulename and returns it. loadmodule(module name) } function TLuaCore_LoadModule (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl; var Id: Integer; begin if (not lua_isnoneornil(L, lua_upvalueindex(1))) then begin Id := lua_ToInteger(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); luaL_register(L, PChar('Usdx.' + LuaCore.Modules[Id].Name), @LuaCore.Modules[Id].Functions[0]); // set the modules table as global "modulename" // so it can be accessed either by Usdx.modulename.x() or // by modulename.x() lua_setglobal(L, PChar(LuaCore.Modules[Id].Name)); // no we net to push the table again to return it lua_getglobal(L, PChar(LuaCore.Modules[Id].Name)); Result := 1; //return table end else luaL_error(L, PChar('no upvalue found in LuaCore_LoadModule')); end; { prints plugin runtime information w/ Log.LogStatus } procedure TLuaCore.DumpPlugins; function PluginStatusToString(Status: TLuaPlugin_Status): String; begin Case Status of psNone: Result := 'not loaded'; psRunning: Result := 'running'; psClosed: Result := 'closed'; psErrorOnLoad: Result := 'error during load'; psErrorOnCall: Result := 'error during call'; psErrorInInit: Result := 'error in plugin_init()'; psErrorOnRun: Result := 'error on function call'; else Result := 'unknown'; end; end; var I: Integer; begin //print table header Log.LogError(' # ' + #09 + ' name ' + #09 + ' version ' + #09 + ' status ' + #09 + ' paused ' + #09 + ' #errors ', 'plugins'); For I := 0 to High(Plugins) do Log.LogError(' ' + IntToStr(Plugins[I].Id) + ' ' + #09 + ' ' + Plugins[I].Name + ' ' + #09 + ' ' + Plugins[I].Version + ' ' + #09 + ' ' + PluginStatusToString(Plugins[I].Status) + ' ' + #09 + ' ' + BoolToStr(Plugins[I].Paused, true) + ' ' + #09 + ' ' + IntToStr(Plugins[I].CountErrors) + ' ', 'plugins'); If (High(Plugins)<0) then Log.LogError(' no plugins loaded '); end; // Implementation of TLuaPlugin //-------- constructor TLuaPlugin.Create(Filename: WideString; Id: Integer); begin inherited Create; Self.iId := Id; Self.Filename := Filename; // set some default attributes Self.bPaused := False; Self.ErrorCount := 0; Self.sName := 'not registred'; Self.sStatus := psNone; Self.ShutDown := False; State := nil; //< to prevent calls to unopened state end; destructor TLuaPlugin.Destroy; begin Unload; inherited; end; { does the main loading part can not be called by create, because Plugins[Id] isn't defined there } procedure TLuaPlugin.Load; begin // create Lua state for this plugin State := luaL_newstate; //set our custom panic function if s/t went wrong along the init //we don't expect lua_atPanic(State, TLua_CustomPanic); if (luaL_loadfile(State, PChar(String(Self.Filename))) = 0) then begin // file loaded successful { note: we run the file here, but the environment isn't set up now. it just causes the functions to register in globals and runs the code in the file body. At least there should be no code, it could neither use functions from baselibs nor load libs with require, this code would be useless. } if (lua_pcall(State, 0, 0, 0) = 0) then begin // file called successful //let the core prepare our state LuaCore.PrepareState(State); // set register function lua_checkstack(State, 2); lua_pushinteger(State, Id); lua_pushcclosure(State, TLuaPlugin_Register, 1); lua_setglobal(State, PChar('register')); // write plugin id to registry lua_pushinteger(State, iId); lua_setfield (State, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, '_USDX_STATE_ID'); lua_pop(State, Lua_GetTop(State)); // now run the plugin_init function // plugin_init() if false or nothing is returned plugin init is aborted if (CallFunctionByName('plugin_init', 0, 1)) then begin If (HasRegistred) AND (sStatus = psNone) AND (lua_toBoolean(State, 1)) then begin sStatus := psRunning; ClearStack; end else Unload; end else begin sStatus := psErrorInInit; Log.LogError('error in plugin_init: ' + Filename, 'lua'); Unload; end; end else begin sStatus := psErrorOnLoad; Log.LogError('unable to call file: ' + Filename, 'lua'); Unload; end; end else begin sStatus := psErrorOnLoad; Log.LogError('unable to load file: ' + Filename, 'lua'); Unload; end; end; procedure TLuaPlugin.Register(Name, Version, Author, Url: String); begin sName := Name; sVersion := Version; sAuthor := Author; sURL := Url; end; { returns true if plugin has called register } function TLuaPlugin.HasRegistred: Boolean; begin Result := (Self.sName <> 'not registred'); end; procedure TLuaPlugin.PausePlugin(doPause: Boolean); begin bPaused := doPause; end; { unload plugin after execution of the current function } procedure TLuaPlugin.ShutMeDown; begin ShutDown := True; end; { calls the lua function in the global w/ the given name. the arguments to the function have to be pushed to the stack before calling this function. the arguments and the function will be removed from stack results will not be removed. if result is false there was an error calling the function, if ReportErrors is true the errorstring is popped from stack and written to error.log otherwise it is left on stack} function TLuaPlugin.CallFunctionByName(Name: String; const nArgs: Integer; const nResults: Integer; const ReportErrors: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := false; if (State <> nil) then begin if (not bPaused) then begin // we need at least one stack slot free lua_checkstack(State, 1); // lua_getglobal(State, PChar(Name)); //this is just a macro: lua_getfield(State, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, PChar(Name)); if (lua_isfunction(State, -1)) then begin //we got a function // move function in front of the arguments (if any) if (nArgs > 0) then lua_insert(State, -(nArgs + 1)); // call it! if (lua_pcall(State, nArgs, nResults, 0) = 0) then Result := true //called w/o errors else //increase error counter Inc (ErrorCount); end else begin //we have to pop the args and the field we pushed from stack lua_pop(State, nArgs + 1); //leave an errormessage on stack lua_pushstring(State, Pchar('could not find function named ' + Name)); end; end else begin //we have to pop the args from stack lua_pop(State, nArgs); //leave an errormessage on stack lua_pushstring(State, PChar('plugin paused')); end; if (not Result) AND (ReportErrors) then Log.LogError(lua_toString(State, -1), 'lua/' + sName); if ShutDown then begin // plugin indicates self shutdown ShutDown := False; Unload; Result := False; end end else begin Log.LogError('trying to call function of closed or not opened lua state', IfThen(HasRegistred, Name, Filename)); end; end; { removes all values from stack } procedure TLuaPlugin.ClearStack; begin if (State <> nil) and (lua_gettop(State) > 0) then lua_pop(State, lua_gettop(State)); end; { destroys the lua state, and frees as much mem as possible, w/o destroying the class and important information } procedure TLuaPlugin.Unload; begin if (State <> nil) then begin if (Status in [psRunning, psErrorOnRun]) then CallFunctionByName('plugin_unload'); ClearStack; lua_close(State); State := nil; //don't forget to nil it ;) LuaCore.UnHookByParent(iId); if (sStatus = psRunning) then sStatus := psClosed; end; end; function TLuaPlugin_Register (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl; var Id: Integer; P: TLuaPlugin; Name, Version, Author, Url: String; begin if (lua_gettop(L) >= 2) then begin // we got at least name and version if (not lua_isNumber(L, lua_upvalueindex(1))) then luaL_Error(L, PChar('upvalue missing')); if (not lua_isString(L, 1)) then luaL_ArgError(L, 1, 'string expected'); if (not lua_isString(L, 2)) then luaL_ArgError(L, 1, 'string expected'); Id := lua_ToInteger(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); //get version and name Name := lua_tostring(L, 1); Version := lua_tostring(L, 2); //get optional parameters if (lua_isString(L, 3)) then //author Author := lua_toString(L, 3) else begin Author := 'unknown'; end; // homepage if (lua_isString(L, 4)) then Url := lua_toString(L, 4) else begin Url := ''; end; //clear stack if (lua_gettop(L) > 0) then lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L)); //call register P := LuaCore.GetPluginById(Id); if (P <> nil) then P.Register(Name, Version, Author, Url) Else luaL_error(L, PChar('wrong id in upstream')); // remove function from global register lua_pushnil(L); lua_setglobal(L, PChar('register')); // return true Result := 1; lua_pushboolean(L, True); end else luaL_error(L, PChar('not enough arguments, at least 2 expected. in TLuaPlugin_Register')); end; { custom lua panic function it writes error string to error.log and raises an ELuaException that may be caught } function TLua_CustomPanic (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl; var Msg: String; begin if (lua_isString(L, -1)) then Msg := lua_toString(L, -1) else Msg := 'undefined lua panic'; Log.LogError(Msg, 'lua'); raise ELuaException.Create(Msg);; Result := 0; end; end.