To translate USD to a new language, take the English Language File, or another one that is up to date and Edit the Texts behind the Equal Mark(=). To port a LanguageFile from Ultrastar 0.5.2 or Higher add the following Texts to the end of the file: SING_MENU=Main Menu #Ratings at the Score Screen SING_SCORE_TONE_DEAF=Tone Deaf SING_SCORE_AMATEUR=Amateur SING_SCORE_RISING_STAR=Rising Star SING_SCORE_LEAD_SINGER=Lead Singer SING_SCORE_HIT_ARTIST=Hit Artist SING_SCORE_SUPERSTAR=Superstar SING_SCORE_ULTRASTAR=Ultrastar #Line Bonus PopUps LINEBONUS_PERFECT=Perfect! LINEBONUS_BETTER=Cool! LINEBONUS_GOOD=Good! LINEBONUS_NORMAL=OK! LINEBONUS_BAD=Bad! LINEBONUS_WORST=Ghastly! #To connect Strigns with, e.g.: He, you and I IMPLODE_GLUE1=, IMPLODE_GLUE2= and #Texts of the Menu that appears when M is Pressed at the SongSelection SONG_MENU_NAME_MAIN=Song Menu SONG_MENU_PLAY=Sing SONG_MENU_EDIT=Edit SONG_MENU_MODI=Sing a Modi SONG_MENU_CANCEL=Cancel SONG_MENU_NAME_PLAYLIST=Create Playlist SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_ADD=Add Song SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_DEL=Delete Song SONG_MENU_NAME_PARTY=Menu SONG_MENU_JOKER=Joker SONG_MENU_NAME_PARTY_JOKER=take Joker #Texts of the jumpto Window SONG_JUMPTO_DESC=Jump to Song SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE_DESC=Search for: SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE1=All SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE2=Title SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE3=Artist SONG_JUMPTO_SONGSFOUND=%d Song(s) found SONG_JUMPTO_NOSONGSFOUND=No Song found SONG_JUMPTO_HELP=Type Text to Search for #Texts for Party Mode PARTY_SCORE_WINS=%s wins! PARTY_OPTIONS_DESC=Party Mode PARTY_DIFFICULTY=Difficulty PARTY_PLAYLIST=Playlist Mode PARTY_ROUNDS=Rounds PARTY_TEAMS=Teams PARTY_TEAMS_PLAYER1=Player Team1 PARTY_TEAMS_PLAYER2=Player Team2 PARTY_TEAMS_PLAYER3=Player Team3 PARTY_SELECT_PLAYER=Enter Playernames! PARTY_DISMISSED=Dismissed! #Texts that descripts Plugins or Modis PLUGIN_HDL_NAME=Hold the Line PLUGIN_HDL_DESC=Don't get worse than the Pointer at the Rating bar shows you. PLUGIN_UNTIL5000_NAME=Until 5000 PLUGIN_UNTIL5000_DESC=Who gets 5000 Points first wins the match PLUGIN_DUELL_NAME=Duell PLUGIN_DUELL_DESC=Sing a Duell until 10000 Points PLUGIN_BLIND_NAME=Blind Mode PLUGIN_BLIND_DESC=Duell without seeing the Notes