; These are the common used variables ; for the USdx Installation Wizard !define version "1.01" ; Current version of UltraStar Deluxe !define p_name "UltraStar Deluxe" ; Just the name of the program !define publisher "USDX Team" ; Publisher !define homepage "http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org/" ; Project Homepage !define forum "http://forum.ultrastardeluxe.org/" ; Forum Homepage !define exe "USdx" ; Current name of start exe (must also be defined in functions.nsh) !define demosong "http://ultrastardeluxe.xtremeweb-hosting.net/installer/songs/song.zip" ; URL from where the demo song "I18" will be downloaded !define demosong2 "http://ultrastardeluxe.xtremeweb-hosting.net/installer/songs/song2.zip" ; URL from where the demo song "Northern Star" will be downloaded ; Theme URLs: !define dl_orange "http://ultrastardeluxe.xtremeweb-hosting.net/installer/themes/orange.zip" !define dl_vistar "http://ultrastardeluxe.xtremeweb-hosting.net/installer/themes/vistar.zip" !define dl_streetlight "http://ultrastardeluxe.xtremeweb-hosting.net/installer/themes/streetlight.zip" ; Other Language Strings (except Section Language Strings) ; can be found at .\langstrings.nsh !define eng_sec1_desc "These are the basic files needed by UltraStar Deluxe" ; English Description of Base components !define ger_sec1_desc "Dies sind die von UltraStar Deluxe benötigten Grunddateien" ; German Description of Base components !define eng_sec3_desc "You can choose which optional themes should also be installed." ; English Description of "Optional Themes"-Section !define ger_sec3_desc "Hier können optionale Motive zum Installieren gewählt werden." ; German Description of "Optional Themes"-Section !define eng_g2Section1_desc "Install the demo song 'Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18'." ; English Description of the Example Song "I 18" !define ger_g2Section1_desc "Installiert das freie Beispiellied 'Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18'" ; German Description of the Example Song "I 18" !define eng_g2Section2_desc "Install the demo song 'Steven Dunston - Northern Star'." ; English Description of the Example Song "Northern Star" !define ger_g2Section2_desc "Installiert das freie Beispiellied 'Steven Dunston - Northern Star'" ; German Description of the Example Song "Northern Star" !define eng_sec1 "Base components" ; English Name of the component section1 !define ger_sec1 "Basiskomponenten" ; German Name of the component section1 !define eng_sec2 "Demo Songs" ; English Name of the component section2 !define ger_sec2 "Beispiellieder" ; German Name of the component section2 !define eng_sec3 "Optional Themes" ; English Name of the component section group1 !define ger_sec3 "Optionale Motive" ; German Name of the component section group1 ; Group Section Descriptions: !define eng_g1Sec1_desc "This will install the optional theme 'Orange' by Skar." !define ger_g1Sec1_desc "Dies installiert das optionale Motiv 'Orange' von Skar." !define eng_g1Sec2_desc "This will install the optional theme 'Streetlight' by Skar." !define ger_g1Sec2_desc "Dies installiert das optionale Motiv 'Streetlight' von Skar." !define eng_g1Sec3_desc "This will install the optional theme 'Vistar' by Skar." !define ger_g1Sec3_desc "Dies installiert das optionale Motiv 'Vistar' von Skar." ; Skin: !define gdf_path "$WINDIR\gdf.dll" ; Path to gdf.dll for Vista Game Explorer !define bmp_header "..\InstallerDependencies\images\header.bmp" ; Bitmap of the Installation Header (Size: 150x57 px) !define bmp_side "..\InstallerDependencies\images\left.bmp" ; Bitmap on the left side of Welcome & Finish Page (Size: 164x314 px) !define mui_ini ".\settings\io.ini" ; Installation Options for Welcome & Finish Page !define license_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; RGB Background Color for Licence agreement !define bmp_check "..\InstallerDependencies\images\modern.bmp" ; Bitmap of Checks at Components Selection Page !define directory_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; RGB Background Color for Directory textbox !define smp_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; RGB Background of Startmenu List and Textbox ;!define dets_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; Background Color of Details Screen while files are being extracted !define file_license "..\InstallerDependencies\documents\License.txt" ; Choose the file with the license agreement