[Text] EDITOR_CAPITALIZE_LETTER = Corrected capitalization of first letter of each line EDITOR_FIX_TIMINGS = Corrected line breaks and timings ERROR_CORRUPT_SONG = Song could not be loaded ERROR_NO_PLUGINS = No plugins loaded ERROR_NO_SONGS = No songs loaded ERROR_NO_SOUND_INPUT = No sound input devices found ERROR_SAVE_FILE_FAILED = Error saving file IMPLODE_GLUE1 = , IMPLODE_GLUE2 = and INFO_FILE_SAVED = File saved MSG_END_PARTY = Are you sure you want to leave party mode? MSG_ERROR_TITLE = Error: MSG_ERROR_SONGLOADING = Found %0:d defective songs! Load them anyway? Details on Error.log MSG_HELP_KEYMAP = Key Mapping MSG_HELP_TITLE = Help MSG_QUESTION_TITLE = Question: MSG_QUIT_USDX = Are you sure you want to quit UltraStar Deluxe? NEXT_ROUND = Next round: PARTY_DIFFICULTY = Difficulty PARTY_DISMISSED = Dismissed PARTY_LEGEND_CONTINUE = continue PARTY_MODE = classic party mode PARTY_MODE_M2 = challenge party mode PARTY_NOBODY = Nobody PARTY_NOTPLAYEDYET = Not played yet PARTY_OPTIONS_DESC = choose your settings PARTY_OPTIONS_M2_DESC = choose your settings PARTY_OPTIONS_M2_SELECT_HANDICAP = Allow Handicap PARTY_OPTIONS_M2_SELECT_PLUGIN = Allow Plugins PARTY_OPTIONS_M2_WHEREAMI = Challenge Options PARTY_OPTIONS_WHEREAMI = Party Options PARTY_PLAYER_DESC = enter team and player names PARTY_PLAYER_ENTER_NAME = enter names PARTY_PLAYER_LEGEND_CONTINUE = start party game PARTY_PLAYER_WHEREAMI = Party Names PARTY_PLAYERM2_DESC = enter names PARTY_PLAYERM2_WHEREAMI = Challenge Names PARTY_PLAYLIST = Song Selection PARTY_PLAYLIST_ALL = All songs PARTY_PLAYLIST_CATEGORY = Folder PARTY_PLAYLIST_PLAYLIST = Playlist PARTY_ROUND = Round PARTY_ROUND_DESC = get ready for the next round PARTY_ROUND_LEGEND_CONTINUE = start new round PARTY_ROUND_WHEREAMI = Party Overview PARTY_ROUND_WINNER = Winner PARTY_ROUNDM2 = Round PARTY_ROUNDM2_DEFEATS = L PARTY_ROUNDM2_DESC = challenge overview PARTY_ROUNDM2_DRAFTS = D PARTY_ROUNDM2_END = End PARTY_ROUNDM2_LEGEND_CONTINUE = continue PARTY_ROUNDM2_LEGEND_SCROLL = scroll PARTY_ROUNDM2_NAME = Name PARTY_ROUNDM2_NUMBER = PARTY_ROUNDM2_POINTS = P PARTY_ROUNDM2_RESULT = Result PARTY_ROUNDM2_SCORE_DIFF = SD PARTY_ROUNDM2_WHEREAMI = Challenge Overview PARTY_ROUNDM2_WINS = W PARTY_ROUNDS = No. of Rounds PARTY_SCORE_DESC = this round's scores PARTY_SCORE_WHEREAMI = Party Scores PARTY_SCORE_WINS = %s PARTY_SCORE_WINS2 = wins! PARTY_SONG_LEGEND_CONTINUE = sing PARTY_SONG_MENU = party menu PARTY_SONG_WHEREAMI = Party Song Selection PARTY_SONG_WHEREAMI_M2 = Challenge Song Selection PARTY_TEAMS = No. of Teams PARTY_TEAMS_PLAYER_M2 = No. of Players PARTY_TEAMS_PLAYER1 = No. on Team 1 PARTY_TEAMS_PLAYER2 = No. on Team 2 PARTY_TEAMS_PLAYER3 = No. on Team 3 PARTY_WIN_DESC = and the winner is... PARTY_WIN_LEGEND_CONTINUE = back to main menu PARTY_WIN_WHEREAMI = Party Winner PLAYLIST_CATTEXT = Playlist: %s PLUGIN_ATLEAST3500_DESC = Reach at least 3500 points to win PLUGIN_ATLEAST3500_NAME = Min 3500 PLUGIN_ATLEAST5000_DESC = Reach at least 5000 points to win PLUGIN_ATLEAST5000_NAME = Min 5000 PLUGIN_ATLEAST7500_DESC = Reach at least 7500 points to win PLUGIN_ATLEAST7500_NAME = Min 7500 PLUGIN_BLIND_DESC = Random song without notes, highest score wins PLUGIN_BLIND_NAME = Blind Battle PLUGIN_BLIND_NOSCORE_DESC = Erreiche Blind und ohne Punkteanzeige die höchste Punktzahl. PLUGIN_BLIND_NOSCORE_NAME = Blind&No Score PLUGIN_BLIND_NOSCORE2_DESC = Erreiche Blind, ohne Punkteanzeige und Linebonus die höchste Punktzahl. PLUGIN_BLIND_NOSCORE2_NAME = Blind&No Score 2 PLUGIN_DUELL_DESC = Random song, highest score wins PLUGIN_DUELL_NAME = Battle PLUGIN_ERREICH7000_DESC = Jeder der 7000 Punkte erreicht, bekommt Punkte. PLUGIN_ERREICH7000_NAME = Erreiche 7k PLUGIN_HANDICAP_DESC = Wer zuerst 5000 Punkte hat, bekommt danach 10% weniger. PLUGIN_HANDICAP_NAME = Handicap 10% A5K PLUGIN_HANDICAP2_DESC = Wer 1000 Punkte Vorsprung hat, bekommt danach 10% weniger. PLUGIN_HANDICAP2_NAME = Handicap 10% R1K PLUGIN_HAUDENLUKAS_DESC = Random song, most perfect notes wins PLUGIN_HAUDENLUKAS_NAME = Pitch Perfect PLUGIN_HDL_DESC = Random song, bar held above critical line longest wins PLUGIN_HDL_NAME = Battle Lines PLUGIN_JOKER_DESC = Bei 4 oder mehr Jokern bekommt man 5% mehr Punkte. PLUGIN_JOKER_NAME = Joker~cap PLUGIN_LINE-BONUS_DESC = Man bekommt nur Punkte für komplette Lines (Linebonus). PLUGIN_LINE-BONUS_NAME = Line-Bonus PLUGIN_LOCURA3000_DESC = Erreiche Blind und ohne Punkteanzeige eine Punktzahl von 3000 oder niedriger. PLUGIN_MEDLEY_DESC = Picked 5-song medley, highest score wins PLUGIN_MEDLEY_NAME = Medley PLUGIN_MEDLEYBLIND_DESC = Picked 5-song medley without notes, highest score wins PLUGIN_MEDLEYBLIND_NAME = Blind Medley PLUGIN_MEDLEYNOSCORE_DESC = Picked 5-song medley without running scoreboard, highest score wins PLUGIN_MEDLEYNOSCORE_NAME = Unscored Medley PLUGIN_MEDLEYSURPRISE_DESC = 5-song medley (1st picked, rest random), highest score wins PLUGIN_MEDLEYSURPRISE_NAME = Medley Surprise PLUGIN_MEDLEYSURPRISEBLIND_DESC = 5-song medley (1st picked, rest random) without notes, highest score wins PLUGIN_MEDLEYSURPRISEBLIND_NAME = Blind Medley Surprise PLUGIN_MEHRALS500_DESC = Um zu gewinnen, muss man am Ende mindestens 500 Punkte Vorsprung haben. PLUGIN_MEHRALS500_NAME = Sieg 500+ PLUGIN_MORE1000_DESC = Ziel: 1000 Punkte Vorsprung zum Sieg. Ansonsten gewinnt höchste Punktzahl. PLUGIN_MORE1000_DESC = Random song, first to 1000-point lead wins PLUGIN_MORE1000_NAME = PLUGIN_MORE1000_NAME = Lead by 1000 PLUGIN_MORE2000_DESC = Ziel: 2000 Punkte Vorsprung zum Sieg. Ansonsten gewinnt höchste Punktzahl. PLUGIN_MORE2000_NAME = 2K Vorsprung PLUGIN_MORE3000_DESC = Ziel: 3000 Punkte Vorsprung zum Sieg. Ansonsten gewinnt höchste Punktzahl. PLUGIN_MORE3000_NAME = 3K Vorsprung PLUGIN_MORE500_DESC = Ziel: 500 Punkte Vorsprung zum Sieg. Ansonsten gewinnt höchste Punktzahl. PLUGIN_MORE500_DESC = Random song, first to 500-point lead wins PLUGIN_MORE500_NAME = PLUGIN_MORE500_NAME = Lead by 500 PLUGIN_MORETHAN1000_DESC = Wer mehr als 1000 Punkte zurückliegt, fliegt raus. PLUGIN_MORETHAN1000_NAME = Rückstand 1K PLUGIN_NOSCORE_DESC = Random song without running scoreboard, highest score wins PLUGIN_NOSCORE_NAME = Unscored Battle PLUGIN_PKZIEL3000_DESC = Bleibe blind unter 3000 Punkte, um zu gewinnen. PLUGIN_PKZIEL3000_NAME = <=3000 Blind PLUGIN_PREMIOCASTIGO_DESC = Die erreichbaren Punkte sind vom Linebonus abhängig PLUGIN_PREMIOCASTIGO_NAME = Line-Bonus Pkt PLUGIN_PUNKTEB5000_DESC = Erreiche 5000 Punkte, ohne die Punktzahl zu sehen. PLUGIN_PUNKTEB5000_NAME = Punkteblind bis 5K PLUGIN_RANDPOINTS_CHANGE = Punktetausch PLUGIN_RANDPOINTS_DESC = Punktestände der Spieler können zufällig tauschen. PLUGIN_RANDPOINTS_NAME = Punktetausch PLUGIN_REGULA_DESC = Derjenige der hinten liegt, bekommt 10% mehr Punkte. PLUGIN_REGULA_NAME = Regulator +10% PLUGIN_TEAMDUELL_DESC = Pass the mic between team to sing random song, highest score wins PLUGIN_TEAMDUELL_NAME = Pass the Mic PLUGIN_UNTIL5000_DESC = Random song, first to reach 5000 points wins PLUGIN_UNTIL5000_NAME = First to 5000 PLUGIN_ZIEL_DESC = Jedes Mal, wenn neue 1k Punkte erreicht werden, gibt es einen Punkt. PLUGIN_ZIEL_NAME = Ziel 1K POPUP_AWESOME = awesome! POPUP_AWFUL = awful! POPUP_BAD = bad! POPUP_GOOD = good! POPUP_GREAT = great! POPUP_NOTBAD = not bad! POPUP_PERFECT = perfect! POPUP_POOR = poor! SCORE_LEGEND_SCROLL = Scroll SING_CHOOSE_MODE = choose mode SING_DIFFICULTY_CONTINUE = continue to song selection SING_DIFFICULTY_DESC = select difficulty SING_DIFFICULTY_WHEREAMI = Difficulty SING_EASY = Easy SING_EDITOR = converter SING_EDITOR_DESC = create your own songs SING_EXIT = quit SING_EXIT_DESC = quit game SING_GAME_OPTIONS = game options SING_GAME_OPTIONS_DESC = change game settings SING_GOLDEN_NOTES = golden notes SING_HARD = Hard SING_LEGEND_CONTINUE = continue SING_LEGEND_ESC = back SING_LEGEND_NAVIGATE = navigate SING_LEGEND_SELECT = select SING_LOADING = Loading... SING_MEDIUM = Medium SING_MENU = Main Menu SING_MODE = sing SING_MULTI = classic SING_MULTI_DESC = sing in classic party mode SING_MULTI_M2 = challenge SING_MULTI_M2_DESC = sing in challenge party mode SING_NOTES = notes SING_ERROR_DUET_NUM_PLAYERS = It is a Duet Song! Only playable with 2 or 4 Players! SING_OPTIONS = options SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED = advanced SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED_ASKBEFOREDEL = Quit Prompts SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED_COUNT_HOW_OFTEN_SUNG = Song Count SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED_DESC = change advanced settings SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED_EFFECTSING = Note Animation SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED_LINEBONUS = Show Line Bonus SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED_LOADANIMATION = Load Animation SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED_ONSONGCLICK = On Song Select SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED_PARTYPOPUP = Auto Party Menu SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED_SCREENFADE = Screen Fading SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED_SUMPLAYERS = Top Song Scores SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED_WHEREAMI = Advanced Options SING_OPTIONS_DESC = adjust your preferences SING_OPTIONS_EXIT = back SING_OPTIONS_GAME = game SING_OPTIONS_GAME_DEBUG = Debugging SING_OPTIONS_GAME_DESC = change game settings SING_OPTIONS_GAME_DIFFICULTY = Difficulty SING_OPTIONS_GAME_LANGUAGE = Language SING_OPTIONS_GAME_PLAYERS = No. of Players SING_OPTIONS_GAME_SHUFFLETIME = Auto Shuffle SING_OPTIONS_GAME_SORTING = Sort By SING_OPTIONS_GAME_TABS = Sort Tabs SING_OPTIONS_GAME_WHEREAMI = Game Options SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS = graphics SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_DEPTH = Colour Depth SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_DESC = change graphics settings SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_FULLSCREEN = Fullscreen SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_LINEBONUS = Line Bonus SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_MOVIE_PREVIEW = Video Preview SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_MOVIE_SIZE = Video Size SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_OSCILLOSCOPE = Oscilloscope SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_RESOLUTION = Resolution SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_WHEREAMI = Graphics Options SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS = lyrics SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS_DESC = change lyrics settings SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS_EFFECT = Animation SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS_FONT = Font SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS_SOLMIZATION = Solmization SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS_WHEREAMI = Lyrics Options SING_OPTIONS_RECORD = mics SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_CARD = Soundcard SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_CHANNELL = Left Channel SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_CHANNELR = Right Channel SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_DESC = change microphone and webcam settings SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_INPUT = Input SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_WHEREAMI = Microphone/Webcam Options SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_WEBCAMONOFF = Enable Webcam SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_WEBCAMDEVICE = Webcam SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_WEBCAMMEDIA = Webcam Codec SING_OPTIONS_SOUND = sound SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_BEAT_CLICK = Beat Clicks SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_CLICK_ASSIST = Note Clicks SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_DESC = change sound settings SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_MIC_BOOST = Mic Boost SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_PREVIEWFADING = Preview Fading SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_PREVIEWVOLUME = Preview Volume SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_THRESHOLD = Noise Threshold SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_TWO_PLAYERS_MODE = Two-Player Mode SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_WHEREAMI = Sound Options SING_OPTIONS_THEMES = themes SING_OPTIONS_THEMES_COLOR = Theme Skin Colour SING_OPTIONS_THEMES_DESC = change theme settings SING_OPTIONS_THEMES_SKIN = Theme Skin SING_OPTIONS_THEMES_THEME = Theme SING_OPTIONS_THEMES_WHEREAMI = Theme Options SING_OPTIONS_WHEREAMI = Options SING_PARTY = party SING_PHRASE_BONUS = line bonus SING_PLAYER_DESC = enter player name(s) SING_PLAYER_ENTER_NAME = enter name SING_PLAYER_WHEREAMI = Player Names SING_SCORE_AMATEUR = Amateur SING_SCORE_HIT_ARTIST = Hit Artist SING_SCORE_LEAD_SINGER = Lead Singer SING_SCORE_RISING_STAR = Rising Star SING_SCORE_SUPERSTAR = Superstar SING_SCORE_TONE_DEAF = Tone Deaf SING_SCORE_ULTRASTAR = Ultrastar SING_SING = sing SING_SING_DESC = quick game: sing a solo, duet or medley SING_SONG_SELECTION = sing SING_SONG_SELECTION_DESC = choose your song SING_SONG_SELECTION_GOTO = jump to... SING_SONG_SELECTION_MENU = menu SING_SONG_SELECTION_PLAYLIST = playlist SING_SONG_SELECTION_WHEREAMI = Song Selection SING_SONGS_IN_CAT = Songs SING_STATS = statistics SING_STATS_DESC = view statistics SING_TIME = TIME SING_TOOLS = tools SING_TOP_CHARTS = top song scores SING_TOP_CHARTS_CONTINUE = to song selection SING_TOP_CHARTS_WHEREAMI = Top Scores SING_TOTAL = total SONG_JUMPTO_CATTEXT = Search for: %s SONG_JUMPTO_DESC = song search SONG_JUMPTO_HELP = Type text to search for SONG_JUMPTO_NOSONGSFOUND = No songs found SONG_JUMPTO_SONGSFOUND = %d song(s) found SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE_DESC = Search for: SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE1 = All SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE2 = Title SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE3 = Artist SONG_MENU_CANCEL = Cancel SONG_MENU_CHANGEPLAYERS = Change Players SONG_MENU_EDIT = Edit SONG_MENU_HELP = Help SONG_MENU_JOKER = Joker SONG_MENU_MEDLEY = Medley SONG_MENU_MEDLEY_ADD = Add Medley Song SONG_MENU_MEDLEY_DELETE = Delete Medley Song SONG_MENU_MEDLEY_START = Start Medley SONG_MENU_MEDLEY_START5 = Start 5-Song Medley SONG_MENU_MODI = Sing a Modi SONG_MENU_NAME_MAIN = song menu SONG_MENU_NAME_PARTY_JOKER = take joker SONG_MENU_NAME_PARTY_MAIN = Party Menu SONG_MENU_NAME_PLAYLIST = Song Menu SONG_MENU_NAME_PLAYLIST_ADD = Add Song SONG_MENU_NAME_PLAYLIST_DEL = Are you sure you want to delete? SONG_MENU_NAME_PLAYLIST_DELITEM = Are you sure you want to delete this playlist? SONG_MENU_NAME_PLAYLIST_LOAD = Open Playlist SONG_MENU_NAME_PLAYLIST_NEW = New Playlist SONG_MENU_NO = No SONG_MENU_PLAY = Sing SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_ADD = Add Song SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_ADD_EXISTING = to existing playlist SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_ADD_NEW = to new playlist SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_DEL = Delete Song SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_DELCURRENT = delete current playlist SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_LOAD = open SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_NEW_CREATE = Create SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_NEW_UNNAMED = Unnamed SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_NOEXISTING = No playlist available SONG_MENU_SONG = Song SONG_MENU_SORT = Sorting SONG_MENU_SORT_CONFIRM = Apply SONG_MENU_SORT_DUETS = Toggle Duet Filter SONG_MENU_SORT_TABS = Toggle Tabs SONG_MENU_YES = Yes SONG_SCORE = song score SONG_SCORE_WHEREAMI = Top Song Scores STAT_DESC_BANDS = popular artists STAT_DESC_BANDS_REVERSED = unpopular artists STAT_DESC_SCORES = best scores STAT_DESC_SCORES_REVERSED = worst scores STAT_DESC_SINGERS = best singers STAT_DESC_SINGERS_REVERSED = worst singers STAT_DESC_SONGS = popular songs STAT_DESC_SONGS_REVERSED = unpopular songs STAT_DETAIL = Statistics STAT_DETAIL_WHEREAMI = Detailed Statistics STAT_FORMAT_BANDS = %0:s \n     %1:d times STAT_FORMAT_DATE = %0:.2d.%1:.2d.%2:d STAT_FORMAT_SCORES = %1:d on %5:s by %0:s \n     %3:s - %4:s (%2:s) STAT_FORMAT_SINGERS = %0:s \n     Average Score: %1:d after singing %2:d times STAT_FORMAT_SONGS = %0:s - %1:s \n    %2:d times STAT_MAIN = Statistics STAT_MAIN_DESC = a brief summary STAT_MAIN_WHEREAMI = Statistics Overview STAT_NEXT = next page STAT_OVERVIEW_INTRO = %0:s Statistics: (last reset: %1:.2d/%2:.2d/%3:d) STAT_OVERVIEW_PLAYER = Of the %0:d player(s) to have sung:\n     %1:s has highest average score: %2:d and\n     %3:s has the highscore: %4:d STAT_OVERVIEW_SONG = So far, %1:d songs have been sung,\n     %0:d are currently loaded (%3:d with video) and\n     %4:s - %5:s is most popular STAT_PAGE = page %0:d of %1:d (%2:d of %3:d entries) STAT_PREV = previous page STAT_REVERSE = reverse order VIDEO_ASPECT_CROP = Crop VIDEO_ASPECT_LETTER_BOX = Letter Box VIDEO_ASPECT_STRETCH = Stretch #-------------------------------------------------------# # Help System # #-------------------------------------------------------# [config] NumIDs = 33 [Keymap] ESC = Esc CTRL = Ctrl ALT = Alt SHIFT = Shift BACKQUOTE = TAB = Tab BACKSPACE = Backspace EQUALS = MINUS = - SLASH = / PERIOD = . RIGHT = Right LEFT = Left DOWN = Down UP = Up SPACE = Space KPPLUS = Key-Pad + KPMINUS = Key-Pad - DELETE = Del RETURN = Enter PRINT = PrintScreen F1F12 = F1-F12 PAGEUP = PageUp PAGEDOWN = PageDown AZ = A-Z A = A B = B C = C D = D E = E F = F G = G H = H I = I J = J K = K L = L M = M N = N O = O P = P Q = Q R = R S = S T = T U = U V = V W = W X = X Y = Y Z = Z 0 = 0 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 3 4 = 4 5 = 5 6 = 6 7 = 7 8 = 8 9 = 9 F1 = F1 F2 = F2 F3 = F3 F4 = F4 F5 = F5 F6 = F6 F7 = F7 F8 = F8 F9 = F9 F10 = F10 F11 = F11 F12 = F12 #### IDs must have the format: 'ID_###' #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_001: UScreenEdit # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_001] Title = Song Editor Description = Edit your song's lyrics, notes and tags here #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot ESC = Exit Song Editor (or lyrics editor) Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Save R = Reload song S = Save song (#RELATIVE:No) SHIFT_S = Save song (#RELATIVE:Yes) #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_020 = Basic Navigation UP = Go to previous line DOWN = Go to next line LEFT = Go to previous note RIGHT = Go to next note #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_030 = Playback PAGEUP = Increase song volume PAGEDOWN = Decrease song volume SPACE = Play MP3 for current note SHIFT_SPACE = Play MIDI for current note CTRL_SHIFT_SPACE = Play MP3+MIDI for current note P = Play MP3+CLICKS for current line SHIFT_P = Play MIDI for current line CTRL_SHIFT_P = Play MIDI+MP3+CLICKS for current line ALT_P = Play MP3+CLICKS from current line onwards SHIFT_ALT_P = Play MIDI from current line onwards CTRL_SHIFT_ALT_P = Play MIDI+MP3+CLICKS from current line onwards V = Play VIDEO from current line onwards SHIFT_V = Play VIDEO+CLICKS from current line onwards #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_040 = Note Type G = Toggle golden note F = Toggle freestyle note #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_041 = Note Pitch CTRL_UP = Increase current note by 1 semitone CTRL_DOWN = Decrease current note by 1 semitone KPPLUS = Increase all notes by 1 semitone KPMINUS = Decrease all notes by 1 semitone SHIFT_KPPLUS = Increase all notes by 12 semitones (1 octave) SHIFT_KPMINUS = Decrease all notes by 12 semitones (1 octave) #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_042 = Note Position SHIFT_DELETE = Delete line CTRL_DELETE = Delete note CTRL_SLASH = Divide note into two SHIFT_LEFT = Move whole note left SHIFT_RIGHT = Move whole note right CTRL_LEFT = Move start of note left (lengthen note) CTRL_RIGHT = Move start of note right (shorten note) ALT_LEFT = Move end of note left (lengthen note) ALT_RIGHT = Move end of note right (shorten note) CTRL_ALT_SHIFT_LEFT = Move this note and all notes after it left CTRL_ALT_SHIFT_RIGHT = Move this note and all notes after it right #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_045 = Lyrics F4 = Toggle lyrics editor RETURN = Exit lyrics editor BACKSPACE = Delete character of selected note in lyrics editor PERIOD = Move current text to next note of current line T = Correct line breaks and timings C = Correct capitalization of first letter of each line SHIFT_C = Remove unnecessary spaces in current line SLASH = Insert a line break before current note SHIFT_SLASH = Remove the line break before current line #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_050 = Preview Tags K = Toggle selected note as PreviewStart note SHIFT_K = Jump to PreviewStart note #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_060 = Medley Tags A = Toggle selected note as MedleyStart note SHIFT_A = Toggle selected note as MedleyEnd note J = Jump to MedleyStart note SHIFT_J = Jump to MedleyEnd note ALT_J = Play medley #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_070 = Duet Songs CTRL_SHIFT_D = Toggle P2 (second player) track SHIFT_UP = Switch to P1 track SHIFT_DOWN = Switch to P2 track CTRL_SHIFT_UP = Copy current line of P2 track to overwrite P1 track CTRL_SHIFT_DOWN = Copy current line of P1 track to overwrite P2 track CTRL_SHIFT_ALT_UP = Cut current line of P2 track to overwrite P1 track CTRL_SHIFT_ALT_DOWN = Cut current line of P1 track to overwrite P2 track #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_080 = Gap & VideoGap 0 = Increase GAP by 10ms SHIFT_0 = Increase GAP by 1000ms 9 = Decrease GAP by 10ms SHIFT_9 = Decrease GAP by 1000ms 8 = Increase VideoGap by 10ms SHIFT_8 = Increase VideoGap by 100ms CTRL_8 = Increase VideoGap by 1000ms 7 = Decrease VideoGap by 10ms SHIFT_7 = Decrease VideoGap by 100ms CTRL_7 = Decrease VideoGap by 1000ms #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_085 = BPM CTRL_EQUALS = Increase BPM by 0.01 CTRL_MINUS = Decrease BPM by 0.01 EQUALS = Increase BPM by 0.05 MINUS = Decrease BPM by 0.05 SHIFT_EQUALS = Increase BPM by 1.00 SHIFT_MINUS = Decrease BPM by 1.00 SHIFT_M = Multiply BPM and note times by 2 (more accurate) SHIFT_D = Divide BPM and note times by 2 (less accurate) F5 = Toggle BPM editor mode #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_090 = Other CTRL_C = Copy current line CTRL_V = Paste LYRICS over current line CTRL_SHIFT_V = Paste LYRICS+NOTES over current line CTRL_SHIFT_4 = Paste LYRICS+NOTES over each of the next 4 lines CTRL_SHIFT_ALT_4 = Paste LYRICS+NOTES+LINE-END 4 times CTRL_SHIFT_5 = Paste LYRICS+NOTES over each of the next 5 lines CTRL_SHIFT_ALT_5 = Paste LYRICS+NOTES+LINE-END 5 times #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_002: UScreenLevel # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_002] Title = Difficulty Description = Difficulty affects how accurate singing needs to be to score #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Easy ENT_011 =  Allows ±2 semitone deviation from each note to score points #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Medium ENT_021 =  Allows ±1 semitone deviation from each note to score points #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_030 = Hard ENT_031 =  Allows no deviation: sing each note perfectly to score points #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm difficulty level selection TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Back to Player Names ESC = Back to Player Names Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through options DOWN = Rotate down through options LEFT = Rotate left through options RIGHT = Rotate right through options #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_003: UScreenMain # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_003] Title = Main Menu Description = This is the UltraStar Deluxe main menu #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Sing ENT_011 =  Singing options depend on the song chosen... ENT_012 =     Solo Songs:           can be sung competitively by up to 6 players ENT_013 =     Medley Songs:      (marked C or M) are solos which can also be sung in medleys ENT_014 =     Duet Songs:          (marked with crossed mics) must be sung by at least 2 players #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Party ENT_021 =  Pick one of the party modes... ENT_022 =     Classic Mode:     2-12 players in up to 3 teams compete over several rounds ENT_023 =     Challenge Mode: 2-9 players compete for rankings over several rounds #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_030 = Tools ENT_031 =  Select from the following... ENT_032 =     Statistics:           Summarizes highscores, top singers and popular artists ENT_033 =     Convertor:           Convert MIDI files to UltraStar songs ENT_034 =     Options:               Adjust visual, audio and various other settings #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_040 = Exit ENT_041 =  Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Continue with current selection TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Quit UltraStar Deluxe ESC = Quit UltraStar Deluxe Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through options DOWN = Rotate down through options LEFT = Rotate left though options RIGHT = Rotate right through options #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_020 = Shortcuts M = Start Classic Party mode SHIFT_M = Start Challenge Party mode E = Load MIDI converter S = View statistics ALT_C = View credits #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_004: UScreenName # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_004] Title = Player Names Description = Enter players' names and change the number of players in Options > Game > Players #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm players' names TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot ESC = Back to previous menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through player names DOWN = Rotate down through player names LEFT = Rotate left through player names RIGHT = Rotate right through player names #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_020 = Edit BACKSPACE = Delete last character of selected name field ALT_F1F12 = Save current player name in one of Template 1-12 F1F12 = Load Template 1-12 player name into selected field #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_006: UScreenOptions # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_006] Title = Options Description = Game preferences can be changed here and fall under the categories below #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Game ENT_011 =     Player numbers, difficulty, language, sorting, sort tabs, shuffle and debug mode #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Graphics ENT_021 =     Resolution, full-screen, colour depth, oscilloscope, video size and video preview #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_030 = Sound ENT_031 =     Mic boost, note clicks, beat clicks, noise threshold, preview volume and fading #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_040 = Lyrics ENT_041 =     Lyric font, lyric animation and solmization #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_050 = Themes ENT_051 =     Theme, theme skin and theme skin colour #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_060 = Mics ENT_061 =     Sound card, audio input and channel assignment #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_070 = Advanced ENT_071 =     Fade, animation, line bonus, song select, quit prompt, party menu and top scores #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm current selection TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Back to Main Menu ESC = Back to Main Menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through menu options DOWN = Rotate down through menu options LEFT = Rotate left through menu options RIGHT = Rotate right through menu options #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_007: UScreenOptionsAdvanced # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_007] Title = Advanced Options Menu Description = Here are the more advanced options #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Screen Fading ENT_011 =     Toggle transitional fading effect between screens #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Note Animation ENT_021 =     Toggle sing note animations e.g. sparkling golden notes #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_030 = Line Bonus ENT_031 =     Determine when the line bonus is awarded, if at all #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_040 = On Song Select ENT_041 =     Change what happens after a song has been selected #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_050 = Quit Prompts ENT_051 =     Toggle confirmation prompts to prevent accidental quits #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_060 = Auto Party Menu ENT_061 =     Toggle automatic display of song menu at classic party mode song selection #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_070 = Top Scores ENT_071 =     Never / dynamically / always abbreviate song top scores by player name #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm current selection TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Back to Options Menu ESC = Back to Options Menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through menu options DOWN = Rotate down through menu options LEFT = Rotate left though menu options RIGHT = Rotate right through menu options #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_008: UScreenOptionsGame # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_008] Title = Game Options Description = These are the basic game options available #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = No. of Players ENT_011 =     One screen hosts 1-3 players can play and two screens host 1-6 players #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Difficulty ENT_021 =     Set the default difficulty level #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_030 = Language ENT_031 =     Select the language in which the game will be displayed (requires restart) #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_040 = Sort Tabs ENT_041 =     Toggle whether songs are displayed nested in sort criteria tabs #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_050 = Sort By ENT_051 =     Choose criteria to sort songs by e.g. language, edition etc #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_060 = Auto Shuffle ENT_061 =     Determine if and how often to randomly auto-select songs at song selection #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_070 = Debugging ENT_071 =     Toggle the display of debug data e.g. frame rates #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm current selection TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Back to Options Menu ESC = Back to Options Menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through menu options DOWN = Rotate down through menu options LEFT = Rotate left though menu options RIGHT = Rotate right through menu options #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_009: UScreenOptionsGraphics # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_009] Title = Graphics Options Description = These are the graphics options #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Resolution ENT_011 =     The game is rendered with aspect ratio 4:3, then scaled to the chosen resolution #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Fullscreen ENT_021 =     Toggle fullscreen mode (requires restart) #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_030 = Colour Depth ENT_031 =     Determine colour depth #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_040 = Oscilloscope ENT_041 =     Toggle the display of an oscilloscope trace for each singer's microphone #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_050 = Video Size ENT_051 =     Determine whether and at what size song videos will be displayed #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_060 = Video Preview ENT_061 =     Determine whether a video previews will be displayed at song selection #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm current selection TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Back to Options Menu ESC = Back to Options Menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through menu options DOWN = Rotate down through menu options LEFT = Rotate left though menu options RIGHT = Rotate right through menu options #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_010: UScreenOptionsLyrics # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_010] Title = Lyrics Options Description = This is where you can change the lyrics options #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Font ENT_011 =     Set the font of the lyrics #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Animation ENT_021 =     Determine the lyrics animation effect #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_030 = Solmization ENT_031 =     Decide whether and which solmization to display in place of a song's lyrics #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm current selection TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Back to Options Menu ESC = Back to Options Menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through menu options DOWN = Rotate down through menu options LEFT = Rotate left though menu options RIGHT = Rotate right through menu options #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_011: UScreenOptionsRecord # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_011] Title = Microphone Options Description = These determine the players' microphone settings. You can adjust the webcam setting here also. #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Soundcard ENT_011 =     Select one of the available sound cards to view the corresponding input settings #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Input ENT_021 =     Determine the input for the sound card selected #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_030 = Left Channel ENT_031 =     The left channel of the selected soundcard input is assigned to player number... #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_040 = Right Channel ENT_041 =     The right channel of the selected soundcard input is assigned to player number... #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_050 = Enable Webcam ENT_051 = Switch the webcam on or off. You must switch it on for using in the singscreen. #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_060 = Webcam ENT_061 = Select one of the available webcams. #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_070 = Webcam Codec ENT_071 = Determine the codec and resolution for the selected webcam. #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm current selection TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Back to Options Menu ESC = Back to Options Menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through menu options DOWN = Rotate down through menu options LEFT = Rotate left though menu options RIGHT = Rotate right through menu options #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_012: UScreenOptionsSound # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_012] Title = Sound Options Description = These are the various sound options #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Mic Boost ENT_011 =     Set the boost/gain across all microphones #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Note Clicks ENT_021 =     Toggle the playing of a click at the start of each note #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_030 = Beat Clicks ENT_031 =     Toggle the playing of clicks on the quarter-beat #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_040 = Noise Threshold ENT_041 =     Set the microphone noise threshold (the percentage of input filtered out as noise) #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_050 = Preview Volume ENT_051 =     Determine the volume of song previews at the song selection menu #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_060 = Preview Fading ENT_061 =     Determine how many seconds song previews take to fade in to preview volume #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm current selection TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Back to Options Menu ESC = Back to Options Menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through menu options DOWN = Rotate down through menu options LEFT = Rotate left though menu options RIGHT = Rotate right through menu options #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_013: UScreenOptionsThemes # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_013] Title = Theme Options Description = These are the theme, theme skin and theme skin colour schemes available #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Theme ENT_011 =     Determine which theme will be used #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Theme Skin ENT_021 =     Choose from the range of skins available for the currently selected theme #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_030 = Theme Skin Colour ENT_031 =     Set the colour scheme for the currently selected theme and skin pairing #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm current selection TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Back to Options Menu ESC = Back to Options Menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through menu options DOWN = Rotate down through menu options LEFT = Rotate left though menu options RIGHT = Rotate right through menu options #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_014: UScreenPartyNewRound # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_014] Title = Classic Party Mode - Overview Description = View winners of previous rounds, the score so far, and the setup for the next round #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Start next round TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Exit Classic Party Mode ESC = Exit Classic Party Mode Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_015: UScreenPartyOptions # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_015] Title = Classic Party Mode - Settings Description = These are the options available in Classic Party Mode #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Difficulty ENT_011 =     Set a fixed difficulty level for all rounds #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Song Selection ENT_021 =     Set song selection format for all Classic Party rounds ENT_022 =     For a folder or playlist, use the next option to set which folder or playlist is used #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_030 = No. of Rounds ENT_031 =     Select the number of rounds to be played #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_040 = No. of Teams ENT_041 =     Select the number of teams playing #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_050 = No. on Team 1/2/3 ENT_051 =     Determine the number of players on Team 1/2/3 #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm current settings TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Back to Main Menu ESC = Back to Main Menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through menu options DOWN = Rotate down through menu options LEFT = Rotate left though menu options RIGHT = Rotate right through menu options #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_016: UScreenPartyPlayer # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_016] Title = Classic Party Mode - Players Description = Enter team and player names here #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm all player names TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot ESC = Back to Classic Party Mode Settings Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through player names DOWN = Rotate down through player names LEFT = Rotate left though player names RIGHT = Rotate right through player names #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_020 = Edit BACKSPACE = Delete last character of selected name field ALT_F1F12 = Save current player name in one of Template 1-12 F1F12 = Load Template 1-12 player name into selected field #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_017: UScreenPartyScore # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_017] Title = Classic Party Mode - Results Description = Displays the results and the winner of the last round #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Continue to next round TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Continue to next round ESC = Continue to next round Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_010: UScreenPartyWin # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_018] Title = Classic Party Mode - Winner Description = Displays the overall winner after all party rounds have been played #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Exit to Main Menu TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Exit to Main Menu ESC = Exit to Main Menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_019: UScreenPartyNewRoundM2 # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_019] Title = Challenge Party Mode - Overview Description = View previous rounds' scores, the table so far, and the setup for the next round #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Continue TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Exit Challenge Party Mode ESC = Exit Challenge Party Mode Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_020: UScreenPartyOptionsM2 # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_020] Title = Challenge Party Mode - Settings Description = These are the options available in Challenge Party Mode #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Difficulty ENT_011 =     Set a fixed difficulty level for all rounds #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Song Selection ENT_021 =     Set song selection format for all Challenge Party rounds ENT_022 =     For a folder or playlist, use the next option to set which folder or playlist is used #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_030 = No. of Players ENT_031 =     Determine the number of players #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_040 = No. of Rounds ENT_041 =     Select the number of rounds to be played #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_050 = Allow Plugins ENT_051 =     Toggle the use of party plugins #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_060 = Allow Handicap ENT_061 =     Toggle scaling of better players' points based on previous scores #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm current settings TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Back to Main Menu ESC = Back to Main Menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through menu options DOWN = Rotate down through menu options LEFT = Rotate left though menu options RIGHT = Rotate right through menu options #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_021: UScreenPartyPlayerM2 # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_021] Title = Challenge Party Mode - Players Description = Enter player names here #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm all player names TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot ESC = Back to Challenge Party Mode Settings Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through player names DOWN = Rotate down through player names LEFT = Rotate left though player names RIGHT = Rotate right through player names #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_020 = Edit BACKSPACE = Delete last character of selected name field ALT_F1F12 = Save current player name in one of Template 1-12 F1F12 = Load Template 1-12 player name into selected field #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_022: UScreenScore # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_022] Title = Song Scores Description = Shows score breakdown including points from line bonuses and golden notes #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Player ratings depend on total score ENT_011 =            0   -   2000      Tone Deaf ENT_012 =    2010   -   4000      Amateur ENT_013 =    4010   -   6000      Wannabe ENT_014 =    6010   -   8000      Rising Star ENT_015 =    8010   -   9000      Hit Artist ENT_016 =    9010   -   9800      Superstar ENT_017 =    9810   - 10000      Ultrastar #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Continue to song highscore table TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Continue to song highscore table ESC = Continue to song highscore table Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Playback PAGEUP = Increase song volume PAGEDOWN = Decrease song volume #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_023: UScreenSing # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_023] Title = Song Description = Lyrics appear one line at a time at the bottom/top with notes in the center #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Scoring ENT_011 =     The maximum score on any song including bonus points is scaled to 10,000 points ENT_012 =     If a note is sung accurately (depending on difficulty), it scores points ENT_013 =     The longer this note is held throughout its duration, the more points it scores #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Line Bonus ENT_021 =     A line bonus is awarded for every line where all notes are sung accurately #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_030 = Golden Notes ENT_031 =     Golden notes score additional bonus points as they are usually harder to hit #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_040 = Freestyle Notes ENT_041 =     Freestyle notes score no points and are generally only used for lyrics with no tune ENT_042 =     No notes appear on-screen and the corresponding lyrics appear in italics #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General TAB = Toggle help (pauses song) PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Exit song ESC = Exit song Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_002 = Playback P = Pause song K = Toggle karaoke playback (removes vocals) W = Toggle webcam on/off PAGEUP = Increase song volume PAGEDOWN = Decrease song volume #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_024: UScreenSong # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_024] Title = Song Selection Description = Scroll through the sorted songs or use the search function to find your favorite #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Sing selected song TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Back to Main Menu ESC = Back to Main Menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_005 = Playback PAGEUP = Increase song volume PAGEDOWN = Decrease song volume K = Toggle karaoke playback (removes vocals) V = Toggle fullscreen video preview A = Switch aspect ratio (fullscreen mode only) #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Move to previous category (if categories selected) DOWN = Move to next category (if categories selected) LEFT = Rotate left through options RIGHT = Rotate right through options ALT_AZ = Jump to artists beginning with chosen letter SHIFT_ALT_AZ = Jump to titles beginning with chosen letter M = Open song menu J = Open search menu P = Load playlist menu R = Jump to randomly selected song E = Load editor for selected song #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_020 = Medley S = 1-song medley (if song has medley tags) SHIFT_S = 1-song medley (if song has medley info) D = Random 5-song medley (songs with medley tags) SHIFT_D = Random 5-song medley (songs with medley info) F = Add to (up to) 99-song medley (if it has medley info) SHIFT_F = Remove last song from medley #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_025: UScreenSong Party # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_025] Title = Classic Party Mode - Song Selection Description = Displays song selection for Classic Party Mode #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Open song menu TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Exit Classic Party Mode ESC = Exit Classic Party Mode Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Song Selection M = Open song menu 1 = Play joker (take random song) for Team 1 2 = Play joker (take random song) for Team 2 3 = Play joker (take random song) for Team 3 ALT_1 = Cheat: take random song for Team 1 (keep jokers) ALT_2 = Cheat: take random song for Team 2 (keep jokers) ALT_3 = Cheat: take random song for Team 3 (keep jokers) #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_020 = Playback A = Switch aspect ratio (fullscreen mode only) K = Toggle karaoke playback (removes vocals) V = Toggle fullscreen video preview PAGEUP = Increase song volume PAGEDOWN = Decrease song volume #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_026: UScreenSong Challenge # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_026] Title = Challenge Party Mode - Song Selection Description = Displays song selection for Challenge Party Mode #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Sing currently selected song TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Up to parent menu ESC = Exit to previous menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Song Selection J = All players agree to play joker (take random song) R = All players agree to pick random song (uses joker) #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_020 = Playback A = Switch aspect ratio (fullscreen mode only) K = Toggle karaoke playback (removes vocals) V = Toggle fullscreen video preview PAGEUP = Increase song volume PAGEDOWN = Decrease song volume #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_027: UScreenStatDetail # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_027] Title = Detailed Statistics Description = More detailed statistics are displayed here #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Next Page ENT_011 =  View the next page of stats #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Previous Page ENT_021 =  View the previous page of stats #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_030 = Reverse ENT_031 =  Reverse the current sort order #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm current selection TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Back to Statistics Overview ESC = Back to Statistics Overview Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_002 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through options DOWN = Rotate down through options LEFT = Rotate left through options RIGHT = Rotate right through options #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_028: UScreenStatMain # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_028] Title = Statistics Overview Description = Displays summarized statistics on songs, players and scores #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Best Scores ENT_011 =     Displays all song highscores, their difficulty levels and dates #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Best Singers ENT_021 =     Displays all previous singers and their average scores #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_030 = Popular Songs ENT_031 =     Lists all songs and how often each has been sung #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_040 = Popular Artists ENT_041 =     Lists all artists and how often each has been sung #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Confirm current selection TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Return to Main Menu ESC = Return to Main Menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_002 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through options DOWN = Rotate down through options LEFT = Rotate left through options RIGHT = Rotate right through options #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_029: UScreenTop # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_029] Title = Song Highscores Description = Scores don't count unless a song is sung to the last line and scores over 90 points #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Continue to Song Selection TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Continue to Song Selection ESC = Continue to Song Selection Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Playback PAGEUP = Increase song volume PAGEDOWN = Decrease song volume #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_030: Select Plugins # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_030] Title = Party Plugin Selection Description = Toggle availability of various party plugins #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_001 = General RETURN = Continue with current plugin selection TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot ESC = Back to Classic Party Settings #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = Navigation UP = Rotate up through plugins DOWN = Rotate down through plugins #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_020 = Plugin Activation SPACE = Toggle plugin availability LEFT = Disable plugin RIGHT = Enable plugin #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_031: ScreenSongJumpTo # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_031] Title = Song Search Description = Search for specific songs by title or artist, or filter for duet songs #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = General RETURN = Search songs for text entered F1 = Toggle duet song filter TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot ESC = Exit song search #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_020 = Playback PAGEUP = Increase song volume PAGEDOWN = Decrease song volume #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_032: ScreenSongMenu # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_032] Title = Song Menu Description = Shows options for this song and sorting options for all songs displayed #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_010 = Song Options ENT_011 =     Sing                       Start the selected song with the current settings ENT_012 =     Change Players   Change player names or microphone assignment ENT_013 =     Add Song              To a new or to an existing playlist ENT_014 =     Edit                        Open song editor to correct song timing, notes, tags etc #-------------------------------------------------------# SUB_020 = Sorting Options ENT_021 =     Tabs                      Toggle whether songs appear nested under sort criteria tabs ENT_022 =     Duet Filter           Toggle to turn duet filter on or off ENT_023 =     Sort Category     Sort by edition, genre, language or folder #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = General RETURN = Confirm song menu option TAB = Toggle help BACKSPACE = Exit song menu ESC = Exit song menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_020 = Playback PAGEUP = Increase song volume PAGEDOWN = Decrease song volume #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_033: ScreenSongMenu Party # #-------------------------------------------------------# [ID_033] Title = Classic Party Mode - Song Menu Description = Shows options for this song in classic party mode #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_010 = General RETURN = Confirm currently selected option TAB = Toggle help PRINT = Take screenshot BACKSPACE = Exit song menu ESC = Exit song menu Q = Quit UltraStar Deluxe #-------------------------------------------------------# SEC_020 = Playback PAGEUP = Increase song volume PAGEDOWN = Decrease song volume #-------------------------------------------------------# # ID_034: ScreenSongMenu Medley # #-------------------------------------------------------#