{$IFDEF Unix} uses baseunix; {$ENDIF} const {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} libprojectM = 'libprojectM.dll'; {$ELSE} libprojectM = 'libprojectM.so'; {$ENDIF} {**************** INTERNAL SECTION ****************} type PPCfloat = ^PCfloat; type _TContextType = cint; const AGL_CONTEXT = 0; CGL_CONTEXT = 1; NSGL_CONTEXT = 2; GLX_CONTEXT = 3; WGL_CONTEXT = 4; type _PRenderTarget = ^_TRenderTarget; _TRenderTarget = record { Texture size } texsize: cint; { Application context } origContextType: _TContextType; usePbuffers: cint; {$ifdef LINUX} lock_func: procedure(); cdecl; unlock_func: procedure(); cdecl; {$endif} { Opaque pbuffer context and pbuffer } {$ifdef DARWIN} origContext: Pointer; pbufferContext: Pointer; pbuffer: Pointer; {$endif} { Render target texture ID for non-pbuffer systems } textureID: array[0..2] of GLuint; end; _PProjectM = ^_TProjectM; _TProjectM = record presetURL: PChar; presetName: PChar; fontURL: PChar; hasInit: cint; noSwitch: cint; pcmframes: cint; freqframes: cint; totalframes: cint; showfps: cint; showtitle: cint; showpreset: cint; showhelp: cint; showstats: cint; studio: cint; fbuffer: PGLubyte; {$IFNDEF MSWINDOWS} { The first ticks value of the application } startTime: timeval; {$ELSE} startTime: clong; {$ENDIF} Time: cfloat; { Render target texture ID } renderTarget: _PRenderTarget; disp: array[0..79] of Char; wave_o: cfloat; //int texsize=1024; //size of texture to do actual graphics fvw: cint; //fullscreen dimensions fvh: cint; wvw: cint; //windowed dimensions wvh: cint; vw: cint; //runtime dimensions vh: cint; fullscreen: cint; maxsamples: cint; //size of PCM buffer numsamples: cint; //size of new PCM info pcmdataL: PCfloat; //holder for most recent pcm data pcmdataR: PCfloat; //holder for most recent pcm data avgtime: cint; //# frames per preset title: PChar; drawtitle: cint; correction: cint; vol: cfloat; //per pixel equation variables gridx: PPCfloat; //grid containing interpolated mesh gridy: PPCfloat; origtheta: PPCfloat; //grid containing interpolated mesh reference values origrad: PPCfloat; origx: PPCfloat; //original mesh origy: PPCfloat; origx2: PPCfloat; //original mesh origy2: PPCfloat; { Timing information } mspf: cint; timed: cint; timestart: cint; nohard: cint; count: cint; realfps, fpsstart: cfloat; { PCM data } vdataL: array[0..511] of cfloat; //holders for FFT data (spectrum) vdataR: array[0..511] of cfloat; { Various toggles } doPerPixelEffects: cint; doIterative: cint; { ENGINE VARIABLES } { From engine_vars.h } preset_name: array[0..255] of Char; { PER FRAME CONSTANTS BEGIN } zoom: cfloat; zoomexp: cfloat; rot: cfloat; warp: cfloat; sx: cfloat; sy: cfloat; dx: cfloat; dy: cfloat; cx: cfloat; cy: cfloat; gy: cint; gx: cint; decay: cfloat; wave_r: cfloat; wave_g: cfloat; wave_b: cfloat; wave_x: cfloat; wave_y: cfloat; wave_mystery: cfloat; ob_size: cfloat; ob_r: cfloat; ob_g: cfloat; ob_b: cfloat; ob_a: cfloat; ib_size: cfloat; ib_r: cfloat; ib_g: cfloat; ib_b: cfloat; ib_a: cfloat; meshx: cint; meshy: cint; mv_a: cfloat; mv_r: cfloat; mv_g: cfloat; mv_b: cfloat; mv_l: cfloat; mv_x: cfloat; mv_y: cfloat; mv_dy: cfloat; mv_dx: cfloat; treb: cfloat; mid: cfloat; bass: cfloat; bass_old: cfloat; beat_sensitivity: cfloat; treb_att: cfloat; mid_att: cfloat; bass_att: cfloat; progress: cfloat; frame: cint; { PER_FRAME CONSTANTS END } { PER_PIXEL CONSTANTS BEGIN } x_per_pixel: cfloat; y_per_pixel: cfloat; rad_per_pixel: cfloat; ang_per_pixel: cfloat; { PER_PIXEL CONSTANT END } fRating: cfloat; fGammaAdj: cfloat; fVideoEchoZoom: cfloat; fVideoEchoAlpha: cfloat; nVideoEchoOrientation: cint; nWaveMode: cint; bAdditiveWaves: cint; bWaveDots: cint; bWaveThick: cint; bModWaveAlphaByVolume: cint; bMaximizeWaveColor: cint; bTexWrap: cint; bDarkenCenter: cint; bRedBlueStereo: cint; bBrighten: cint; bDarken: cint; bSolarize: cint; bInvert: cint; bMotionVectorsOn: cint; fps: cint; fWaveAlpha: cfloat; fWaveScale: cfloat; fWaveSmoothing: cfloat; fWaveParam: cfloat; fModWaveAlphaStart: cfloat; fModWaveAlphaEnd: cfloat; fWarpAnimSpeed: cfloat; fWarpScale: cfloat; fShader: cfloat; { Q VARIABLES START } q1: cfloat; q2: cfloat; q3: cfloat; q4: cfloat; q5: cfloat; q6: cfloat; q7: cfloat; q8: cfloat; { Q VARIABLES END } zoom_mesh: PPCfloat; zoomexp_mesh: PPCfloat; rot_mesh: PPCfloat; sx_mesh: PPCfloat; sy_mesh: PPCfloat; dx_mesh: PPCfloat; dy_mesh: PPCfloat; cx_mesh: PPCfloat; cy_mesh: PPCfloat; x_mesh: PPCfloat; y_mesh: PPCfloat; rad_mesh: PPCfloat; theta_mesh: PPCfloat; end; PProjectMState = ^TProjectMState; TProjectMState = record fontURLStr: string; presetURLStr: string; titleStr: string; pm: _TProjectM; end; { projectM.h declarations } procedure _projectM_init(pm: _PProjectM); cdecl; external libprojectM name 'projectM_init'; procedure _projectM_reset(pm: _PProjectM); cdecl; external libprojectM name 'projectM_reset'; procedure _projectM_resetGL(pm: _PProjectM; width: cint; height: cint); cdecl; external libprojectM name 'projectM_resetGL'; procedure _projectM_setTitle(pm: _PProjectM; title: PChar); cdecl; external libprojectM name 'projectM_setTitle'; procedure _renderFrame(pm: _PProjectM); cdecl; external libprojectM name 'renderFrame'; { PCM.h declarations } procedure _addPCMfloat(pcm_data: PCfloat; samples: cint); cdecl; external libprojectM name 'addPCMfloat'; procedure _addPCM16(pcm_data: PPCM16); cdecl; external libprojectM name 'addPCM16'; procedure _addPCM16Data(pcm_data: PCshort; samples: cshort); cdecl; external libprojectM name 'addPCM16Data'; procedure _addPCM8_512(pcm_data: PPCM8_512); cdecl; external libprojectM name 'addPCM8'; { console_interface.h declarations } procedure _key_handler(pm: _PProjectM; event: TProjectMEvent; keycode: TProjectMKeycode; modifier: TProjectMModifier); cdecl; external libprojectM name 'key_handler'; {**************** EXTERNAL SECTION ****************} constructor TProjectM.Create(gx, gy: cint; fps: integer; texsize: integer; width, height: integer; const presetsDir, fontsDir: string; const titleFont, menuFont: string); var state: PProjectMState; begin inherited Create(); New(state); data := state; with state^ do begin // copy strings (Note: do not use e.g. PChar(presetsDir) directly, it might // be a pointer to local stack data that is invalid after the calling function returns) fontURLStr := fontsDir; presetURLStr := presetsDir; _projectM_reset(@pm); pm.fullscreen := 0; pm.renderTarget^.texsize := texsize; pm.gx := gx; pm.gy := gy; pm.fps := fps; pm.renderTarget^.usePbuffers := 0; pm.fontURL := PChar(fontURLStr); pm.presetURL := PChar(presetURLStr); _projectM_init(@pm); end; end; procedure TProjectM.ResetGL(width, height: integer); begin _projectM_resetGL(@PProjectMState(data).pm, width, height); end; procedure TProjectM.SetTitle(const title: string); var state: PProjectMState; begin state := PProjectMState(data); with state^ do begin titleStr := title; pm.title := PChar(titleStr); pm.showtitle := 1; end; end; procedure TProjectM.RenderFrame(); begin _renderFrame(@PProjectMState(data).pm); end; procedure TProjectM.AddPCMfloat(pcmData: PSingle; samples: integer); begin _addPCMfloat(PCfloat(pcmData), samples); end; procedure TProjectM.AddPCM16(pcmData: PPCM16); begin _addPCM16(pcmData); end; procedure TProjectM.AddPCM16Data(pcmData: PSmallint; samples: Smallint); begin _addPCM16Data(PCshort(pcmData), samples); end; procedure TProjectM.AddPCM8_512(pcmData: PPCM8_512); begin _addPCM8_512(pcmData); end; procedure TProjectM.KeyHandler(event: TProjectMEvent; keycode: TProjectMKeycode; modifier: TProjectMModifier); begin _key_handler(@PProjectMState(data).pm, event, keycode, modifier); end; procedure TProjectM.RandomPreset(); begin KeyHandler(PROJECTM_KEYDOWN, PROJECTM_K_r_LOWERCASE, PROJECTM_KMOD_LSHIFT); end; procedure TProjectM.PreviousPreset(); begin KeyHandler(PROJECTM_KEYDOWN, PROJECTM_K_p_LOWERCASE, PROJECTM_KMOD_LSHIFT); end; procedure TProjectM.NextPreset(); begin KeyHandler(PROJECTM_KEYDOWN, PROJECTM_K_n_LOWERCASE, PROJECTM_KMOD_LSHIFT); end; procedure TProjectM.ToggleShowPresetNames(); begin KeyHandler(PROJECTM_KEYDOWN, PROJECTM_K_F3, PROJECTM_KMOD_LSHIFT); end; destructor TProjectM.Destroy(); begin Dispose(PProjectMState(data)); data := nil; inherited; end;