#ifndef __PROJECTM_CWRAPPER_H__ #define __PROJECTM_CWRAPPER_H__ #include "projectM.hpp" #define PROJECTM_VERSION_1_00_00 1000000 // 1.00.00 = 1.0 or 1.01 #define PROJECTM_VERSION_1_10_00 1010000 // 1.10.00 = 1.1 // version of projectM to wrap (see PROJECTM_VERSION) #ifndef PROJECTM_VERSION_INT #define PROJECTM_VERSION_INT PROJECTM_VERSION_1_10_00 #endif extern "C" { #if (PROJECTM_VERSION_INT >= 1010000) struct Settings { int meshX; int meshY; int fps; int textureSize; int windowWidth; int windowHeight; const char* presetURL; const char* titleFontURL; const char* menuFontURL; int smoothPresetDuration; int presetDuration; float beatSensitivity; char aspectCorrection; float easterEgg; char shuffleEnabled; }; #endif typedef void* projectM_ptr; DLLEXPORT projectM_ptr projectM_create1(char* config_file); #if (PROJECTM_VERSION_INT < 1010000) DLLEXPORT projectM_ptr projectM_create2(int gx, int gy, int fps, int texsize, int width, int height, char* preset_url, char* title_fonturl, char* title_menuurl); #endif DLLEXPORT void projectM_resetGL(projectM_ptr pm, int width, int height); DLLEXPORT void projectM_setTitle(projectM_ptr pm, char* title); DLLEXPORT void projectM_renderFrame(projectM_ptr pm); DLLEXPORT unsigned projectM_initRenderToTexture(projectM_ptr pm); DLLEXPORT void projectM_key_handler(projectM_ptr pm, projectMEvent event, projectMKeycode keycode, projectMModifier modifier); DLLEXPORT void projectM_free(projectM_ptr pm); DLLEXPORT void PCM_addPCMfloat(projectM_ptr pm, float *PCMdata, int samples); DLLEXPORT void PCM_addPCM16(projectM_ptr pm, short [2][512]); DLLEXPORT void PCM_addPCM16Data(projectM_ptr pm, const short* pcm_data, short samples); DLLEXPORT void PCM_addPCM8(projectM_ptr pm, unsigned char [2][1024]); DLLEXPORT void PCM_addPCM8_512(projectM_ptr pm, const unsigned char [2][512]); #if (PROJECTM_VERSION_INT >= 1010000) DLLEXPORT void projectM_settings(projectM_ptr pm, Settings* settings); #endif } #endif