{ $Header: /MidiComp/MIDICONS.PAS 2 10/06/97 7:33 Davec $ } { Written by David Churcher <dchurcher@cix.compulink.co.uk>, released to the public domain. } { MIDI Constants } unit Midicons; interface uses Messages; const MIDI_ALLNOTESOFF = $7B; MIDI_NOTEON = $90; MIDI_NOTEOFF = $80; MIDI_KEYAFTERTOUCH = $a0; MIDI_CONTROLCHANGE = $b0; MIDI_PROGRAMCHANGE = $c0; MIDI_CHANAFTERTOUCH = $d0; MIDI_PITCHBEND = $e0; MIDI_SYSTEMMESSAGE = $f0; MIDI_BEGINSYSEX = $f0; MIDI_MTCQUARTERFRAME = $f1; MIDI_SONGPOSPTR = $f2; MIDI_SONGSELECT = $f3; MIDI_ENDSYSEX = $F7; MIDI_TIMINGCLOCK = $F8; MIDI_START = $FA; MIDI_CONTINUE = $FB; MIDI_STOP = $FC; MIDI_ACTIVESENSING = $FE; MIDI_SYSTEMRESET = $FF; MIM_OVERFLOW = WM_USER; { Input buffer overflow } MOM_PLAYBACK_DONE = WM_USER+1; { Timed playback complete } implementation end.