program lazarustest; uses SQLiteTable3 in 'SQLiteTable3.pas', SQLite3 in 'SQLite3.pas', sysutils; procedure DoTest(); var slDBpath : string; sldb : TSQLiteDatabase; sltb : TSQLIteTable; sSQL : String; Notes : String; begin slDBPath := ExtractFilepath( paramstr(0) ) + 'test.db'; sldb := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(slDBPath); try if sldb.TableExists('testTable') then begin sSQL := 'DROP TABLE testtable'; sldb.execsql(sSQL); end; sSQL := 'CREATE TABLE testtable ([ID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,[OtherID] INTEGER NULL,'; sSQL := sSQL + '[Name] VARCHAR (255),[Number] FLOAT, [notes] BLOB, [picture] BLOB COLLATE NOCASE);'; sldb.execsql(sSQL); sldb.execsql('CREATE INDEX TestTableName ON [testtable]([Name]);'); //begin a transaction sldb.BeginTransaction; sSQL := 'INSERT INTO testtable(Name,OtherID,Number,Notes) VALUES ("Some Name",4,587.6594,"Here are some notes");'; //do the insert sldb.ExecSQL(sSQL); sSQL := 'INSERT INTO testtable(Name,OtherID,Number,Notes) VALUES ("Another Name",12,4758.3265,"More notes");'; //do the insert sldb.ExecSQL(sSQL); //end the transaction sldb.Commit; //query the data sltb := slDb.GetTable('SELECT * FROM testtable'); try if sltb.Count > 0 then begin //display first row writeln( sltb.FieldAsString(sltb.FieldIndex['Name']) ); writeln( inttostr(sltb.FieldAsInteger(sltb.FieldIndex['ID'])) ); writeln( floattostr( sltb.FieldAsDouble(sltb.FieldIndex['Number'])) ); end; finally sltb.Free; end; finally sldb.Free; end; end; begin try DoTest(); writeln( 'SqlLite3 unit IS lazarus compatible' ); except writeln( 'ERROR : SqlLite3 unit is NOT lazarus compatible' ); end; end.