0. This demo app makes use of SDL Beta 4 from the JEDI group. Their full library is on this companion CD as well. 1. You need to install libSDL-1.2 - www.libsdl.org if it is not already installed on your system 2. You need to install smpeg 0.4.4 - www.lokigames.com if it is not already installed on your system. Once smpeg is installed, navigate to your /usr/lib/ directory via a commandline and create a symbolic link from libsmpeg-0.4.so.0 to libsmpeg.so. This is done with the following command ( assuming you are in /usr/lib/ )... ln -s libsmpeg-0.4.so.0 libsmpeg.so 3. Then compile using: dcc video60.dpk - Kylix or D6, video40.dpk - D4, video50 - D5 dcc MPEGPlay.dpr 4. Run the app and play some MPEGs.