program glmovie; {******************************************************************} { } { Object Pascal Example of using smpeg with OpenGL } { Conversion of the glmovie Demo } { } { Portions created by Sam Lantinga , are } { Copyright (C) 1998 Sam Lantinga. } { All Rights Reserved. } { } { The original files are : glmovie.c } { } { The original Pascal code is : glmovie.dpr } { The initial developer of the Pascal code is : } { Dominique Louis } { } { Portions created by Dominique Louis are } { Copyright (C) 2001 Dominique Louis. } { } { Contributor(s) } { -------------- } { Romi Kuntsman } { } { Obtained through: } { Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators ( Project JEDI ) } { } { You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project } { JEDI home page, located at } { } { The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to } { the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may } { not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may } { obtain a copy of the License at } { } { } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on an } { "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or } { implied. See the License for the specific language governing } { rights and limitations under the License. } { } { Description } { ----------- } { GLMovie : Shows how to load and play an Mpeg file using OpenGL } { } { } { Requires } { -------- } { SDL runtime libary for SDL, smpeg and OpenGL somewhere } { in your path . } { The Latest SDL runtimes can be found on } { } { Programming Notes } { ----------------- } { This demo shows how to load and play an mpeg file using smpeg } { with OpenGLv } { You will need Smpeg libraris and OpenGL in order for this demo } { } { Revision History } { ---------------- } { December 02 2001 - DL : Initial translation. } { June 21 2002 - RK : Fixed DL's silly mistakes } { } { } {******************************************************************} uses SysUtils, gl, glu, smpeg, sdl, logger; type { Some data is redundant at this stage. } PGLMovieTexture = ^TGLMovieTexture; TGLMovieTexture = record id : GLuint; (* OpenGL texture id. *) poly_width : GLuint; (* Quad width for tile. *) poly_height : GLuint; (* Quad height for tile. *) movie_width : GLuint; (* Width of movie inside tile. *) movie_height : GLuint; (* Height of movie inside tile. *) skip_rows : GLuint; (* Number of rows of movie to skip *) skip_pixels : GLuint; (* Number of columns of movie to skip *) row : GLuint; (* Row number of tile in scheme. *) col : GLuint; (* Column number of tile in scheme. *) end; type TGLuintArray = array of GLuint; PGLuintArray = ^TGLuintArray; TGLMovieTextureArray = array of TGLMovieTexture; PGLMovieTextureArray = ^TGLMovieTextureArray; var (* Our evil maximum texture size. Boo 3Dfxnot *) texture_size : GLuint = 256; (* Keep this around for easy freeing later. *) texture_ids : TGLuintArray; (* Our main data. *) textures : TGLMovieTextureArray; num_texture_rows : GLuint = 0; num_texture_cols : GLuint = 0; (* Width and height of all tiling. *) tiled_width : GLuint = 0; tiled_height : GLuint = 0; (* Width and height of entire movie. *) movie_width : GLuint = 0; movie_height : GLuint = 0; (* * Draw the frame data. * * Parameters: * frame: Actual RGBA frame data *) procedure glmovie_draw( frame : PGLubyte ); var i : GLuint; shift : GLdouble; begin glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ); glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); glLoadIdentity; shift := 1 / ( texture_size ); for i := 0 to num_texture_rows * num_texture_cols - 1 do begin glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures[ i ].id ); glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, movie_width ); glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, textures[ i ].skip_rows ); glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, textures[ i ].skip_pixels ); glTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, (* offset_x *) 0, (* offset_y *) textures[ i ].movie_width + 2, textures[ i ].movie_height + 2, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, frame ); glBegin( GL_QUADS ); glTexCoord2f( shift, shift ); glVertex2i( textures[ i ].col * texture_size, textures[ i ].row * texture_size ); glTexCoord2f( shift, shift + ( textures[ i ].movie_height ) / ( texture_size ) ); glVertex2i( textures[ i ].col * texture_size, ( textures[ i ].row + 1 ) * texture_size ); glTexCoord2f( shift + ( textures[ i ].movie_width ) / ( texture_size ), shift + ( textures[ i ].movie_height ) / ( texture_size ) ); glVertex2i( ( textures[ i ].col + 1 ) * texture_size, ( textures[ i ].row + 1 ) * texture_size ); glTexCoord2f( shift + ( textures[ i ].movie_width ) / ( texture_size ), shift ); glVertex2i( ( textures[ i ].col + 1 ) * texture_size, textures[ i ].row * texture_size ); glEnd; end; end; {* * Calculates the next power of 2 given a particular value. * Useful for calculating proper texture sizes for non power-of-2 * aligned texures. * Parameters: * seed: Value to begin from * Returns: * Next power of 2 beginning from 'seed' *} function glmovie_next_power_of_2( seed : GLuint ) : GLuint; var i : GLuint; begin i := 1; while ( i < seed ) do begin i := i * 2; end; result := i; end; (* * Initialize the movie player subsystem with the width and height * of the *movie data* (as opposed to the window). * * Parameters: * width: Width of movie in pixels * height: Height of movie in pixels * result :=s: * GL_NO_ERROR on success * Any of the enumerated GL errors on failure *) function glmovie_init( Width : GLuint; Height : GLuint ) : GLenum; type PGLubyteArray = ^TGLubyteArray; TGLubyteArray = array of GLubyte; var (* Initial black texels. *) pixels : TGLubyteArray; (* Absolute offsets from within tiled frame. *) //offset_x: GLuint; //offset_y: GLuint; skip_rows : GLuint; skip_pixels : GLuint; i, j, current : GLuint; begin skip_rows := 0; current := 0; (* Save original movie dimensions. *) movie_width := width; movie_height := height; (* Get the power of 2 dimensions. *) tiled_width := glmovie_next_power_of_2( width ); tiled_height := glmovie_next_power_of_2( height ); while ( ( texture_size > tiled_width ) or ( texture_size > tiled_height ) ) do begin texture_size := texture_size div 2; end; (* Now break it up into quads. *) num_texture_rows := tiled_height div texture_size; num_texture_cols := tiled_width div texture_size; (* Time for fun with data type = record *) glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 ); glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); glEnable( GL_DITHER ); SetLength( texture_ids, num_texture_rows * num_texture_cols ); if ( texture_ids = nil ) then begin result := GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY; exit; end; glGenTextures( num_texture_rows * num_texture_cols, @texture_ids[0] ); SetLength( textures, num_texture_rows * num_texture_cols ); if ( textures = nil ) then begin glDeleteTextures( num_texture_rows * num_texture_cols, @texture_ids[0] ); SetLength( texture_ids, 0 ); result := GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY; exit; end; for i := 0 to num_texture_rows - 1 do begin skip_pixels := 0; for j := 0 to num_texture_cols - 1 do begin current := i * num_texture_cols + j; (* Setup texture. *) textures[ current ].id := texture_ids[ current ]; textures[ current ].poly_width := texture_size; textures[ current ].poly_height := texture_size; textures[ current ].movie_width := ( movie_width - 2 ) * ( j + 1 ) div num_texture_cols - skip_pixels; textures[ current ].movie_height := ( movie_height - 2 ) * ( i + 1 ) div num_texture_rows - skip_rows; textures[ current ].row := i; textures[ current ].col := j; textures[ current ].skip_pixels := skip_pixels; textures[ current ].skip_rows := skip_rows; skip_pixels := skip_pixels + textures[ current ].movie_width; SetLength( pixels, textures[ current ].poly_width * textures[ current ].poly_height * 4 ); if ( pixels = nil ) then begin glDeleteTextures( num_texture_rows * num_texture_cols, @texture_ids[0] ); SetLength( texture_ids, 0 ); SetLength( textures, 0 ); result := GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY; exit; end; //FillChar( pixels^, textures[ current ].poly_width * textures[ current ].poly_height * 4, 0 ); (* Do all of our useful binding. *) glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures[ current ].id ); glTexEnvf( GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_DECAL ); glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP ); glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP ); glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR ); glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR ); (* Specify our 256x256 black texture. *) glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, textures[ current ].poly_width, textures[ current ].poly_height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @pixels[0] ); SetLength( pixels, 0 ); end; skip_rows := skip_rows + textures[ current ].movie_height; end; (* Simple state setup at the end. *) glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); result := glGetError( ); end; //******************* glmpeg_update ************************* procedure glmpeg_update( surface : PSDL_Surface; x : Sint32; y : Sint32; w : Uint32; h : Uint32 ); cdecl; var error : GLenum; begin glmovie_draw( PGLubyte( surface.pixels ) ); error := glGetError( ); if ( error <> GL_NO_ERROR ) then begin Log.LogError( Format( 'glmovie: GL error: %s', [ gluErrorString( error ) ] ), 'glmpeg_update' ); Exit; end; SDL_GL_SwapBuffers; end; {* * Here we need to center the OpenGL viewport within the * window size that we are given. * * Parameters: * width: Width of the window in pixels * height: Height of the window in pixels *} procedure glmovie_resize( width : GLuint; height : GLuint ); begin glViewport( 0, 0, width, height ); glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); glLoadIdentity; gluOrtho2D( 0, tiled_width, tiled_height, 0 ); end; {* * Free any resources associated with the movie player. *} procedure glmovie_quit; begin glDeleteTextures( num_texture_rows * num_texture_cols, @texture_ids ); SetLength( texture_ids, 0 ); SetLength( textures, 0 ); end; var mpeg : PSMPEG; mpeg_info : TSMPEG_Info; screen : PSDL_Surface; surface : PSDL_Surface; event : TSDL_Event; begin if ( ParamCount < 1 ) then begin Log.LogError( Format( 'Usage: %s file.mpg', [ ParamStr( 0 ) ] ), 'Main' ); Exit; end; if ( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO or SDL_INIT_AUDIO ) < 0 ) then begin Log.LogError( 'glmovie: I couldn''t initizlize SDL(shrug)', 'Main' ); Exit; end; mpeg := SMPEG_new( PChar( ParamStr( 1 ) ), @mpeg_info, 1 ); if ( mpeg = nil ) then begin Log.LogError( Format( 'glmovie: I''m not so sure about this %s file...', [ ParamStr( 1 ) ] ), 'Main' ); SDL_Quit; Exit; end; (* Grab the mouse and input and set the video mode *) SDL_ShowCursor( 0 ); SDL_WM_GrabInput( SDL_GRAB_ON ); SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5 ); SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 5 ); SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 5 ); SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16 ); SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 ); // Set the title bar in environments that support it SDL_WM_SetCaption('SDL GLMovie Demo using JEDI-SDL', nil ); screen := SDL_SetVideoMode( 640, 480, 16, SDL_OPENGL { or SDL_FULLSCREEN } ); if ( Screen = nil ) then begin Log.LogError( Format( 'glmovie: Couldn''t set 640 x 480 GL video mode : %s', [ SDL_GetError ] ), 'Main' ); SDL_Quit; Exit; end; (* Everything needs to be in RGB for GL, but needs to be 32-bit for SMPEG. *) surface := SDL_AllocSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, mpeg_info.width, mpeg_info.height, 32, $000000FF, $0000FF00, $00FF0000, $FF000000 ); if ( surface = nil ) then begin Log.LogError( 'glmovie: I couldn''t make a surface(boo hoo)', 'Main' ); SDL_Quit; Exit; end; (* *Initialize* with mpeg size. *) if ( glmovie_init( mpeg_info.width, mpeg_info.height ) <> GL_NO_ERROR ) then begin Log.LogError( 'glmovie: glmovie_init failed ', 'Main' ); SDL_Quit; Exit; end; (* *Resize* with window size. *) glmovie_resize( screen.w, screen.h ); SMPEG_setdisplay( mpeg, surface, nil, @glmpeg_update ); SMPEG_play( mpeg ); while ( SMPEG_status( mpeg ) = STATUS_SMPEG_PLAYING ) do begin while ( SDL_PollEvent( @event ) <> 0 ) do begin case ( event.type_ ) of SDL_KEYDOWN : begin if ( event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_ESCAPE ) then begin SMPEG_stop( mpeg ); end; end; SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, SDL_QUITEV : SMPEG_stop( mpeg ); end; SDL_Delay( 100 ); end; end; glmovie_quit; SDL_Quit; end.