unit sdlinput; { $Id: sdlinput.pas,v 1.7 2004/09/30 22:32:04 savage Exp $ } {******************************************************************************} { } { JEDI-SDL : Pascal units for SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer } { SDL Input Wrapper } { } { } { The initial developer of this Pascal code was : } { Dominique Louis <Dominique@SavageSoftware.com.au> } { } { Portions created by Dominique Louis are } { Copyright (C) 2003 - 2100 Dominique Louis. } { } { } { Contributor(s) } { -------------- } { Dominique Louis <Dominique@SavageSoftware.com.au> } { } { Obtained through: } { Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators ( Project JEDI ) } { } { You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project } { JEDI home page, located at http://delphi-jedi.org } { } { The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to } { the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may } { not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may } { obtain a copy of the License at } { http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html } { } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on an } { "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or } { implied. See the License for the specific language governing } { rights and limitations under the License. } { } { Description } { ----------- } { SDL Mouse, Keyboard and Joystick wrapper } { } { } { Requires } { -------- } { SDL.dll on Windows platforms } { libSDL-1.1.so.0 on Linux platform } { } { Programming Notes } { ----------------- } { } { } { } { } { Revision History } { ---------------- } { March 12 2003 - DL : Initial creation } { } { February 02 2004 - DL : Added Custom Cursor Support to the Mouse class } { $Log: sdlinput.pas,v $ Revision 1.7 2004/09/30 22:32:04 savage Updated with slightly different header comments Revision 1.6 2004/09/12 21:52:58 savage Slight changes to fix some issues with the sdl classes. Revision 1.5 2004/05/10 21:11:49 savage changes required to help get SoAoS off the ground. Revision 1.4 2004/05/03 22:38:40 savage Added the ability to enable or disable certain inputs @ runtime. Basically it just does not call UpdateInput if Enabled = false. Can also disable and enable input devices via the InputManager. Revision 1.3 2004/04/28 21:27:01 savage Updated Joystick code and event handlers. Needs testing... Revision 1.2 2004/02/14 22:36:29 savage Fixed inconsistencies of using LoadLibrary and LoadModule. Now all units make use of LoadModule rather than LoadLibrary and other dynamic proc procedures. Revision 1.1 2004/02/05 00:08:20 savage Module 1.0 release } {******************************************************************************} interface {$i jedi-sdl.inc} uses Classes, sdl; type TSDLInputType = ( itJoystick , itKeyBoard, itMouse ); TSDLInputTypes = set of TSDLInputType; TSDLCustomInput = class( TObject ) private FEnabled: Boolean; public constructor Create; function UpdateInput( event: TSDL_EVENT ) : Boolean; virtual; abstract; property Enabled : Boolean read FEnabled write FEnabled; end; TSDLJoyAxisMoveEvent = procedure ( Which: UInt8; Axis: UInt8; Value: SInt16 ) {$IFNDEF NOT_OO}of object{$ENDIF}; TSDLJoyBallMoveEvent = procedure ( Which: UInt8; Ball: UInt8; RelativePos: TPoint ) {$IFNDEF NOT_OO}of object{$ENDIF}; TSDLJoyHatMoveEvent = procedure ( Which: UInt8; Hat: UInt8; Value: SInt16 ) {$IFNDEF NOT_OO}of object{$ENDIF}; TSDLJoyButtonEvent = procedure ( Which: UInt8; Button: UInt8; State: SInt16 ) {$IFNDEF NOT_OO}of object{$ENDIF}; TSDLJoyStick = class( TSDLCustomInput ) private FJoystick : PSDL_Joystick; FJoystickIndex : Integer; FJoyAxisMoveEvent : TSDLJoyAxisMoveEvent; FJoyBallMoveEvent : TSDLJoyBallMoveEvent; FJoyHatMoveEvent : TSDLJoyHatMoveEvent; FJoyButtonDownEvent : TSDLJoyButtonEvent; FJoyButtonUpEvent : TSDLJoyButtonEvent; procedure DoAxisMove( Event : TSDL_Event ); procedure DoBallMove( Event : TSDL_Event ); procedure DoHatMove( Event : TSDL_Event ); procedure DoButtonDown( Event : TSDL_Event ); procedure DoButtonUp( Event : TSDL_Event ); function GetName: PChar; function GetNumAxes: integer; function GetNumBalls: integer; function GetNumButtons: integer; function GetNumHats: integer; public constructor Create( Index : Integer ); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Open; procedure Close; function UpdateInput( Event: TSDL_EVENT ) : Boolean; override; property Name : PChar read GetName; property NumAxes : integer read GetNumAxes; property NumBalls : integer read GetNumBalls; property NumButtons : integer read GetNumButtons; property NumHats : integer read GetNumHats; property OnAxisMove : TSDLJoyAxisMoveEvent read FJoyAxisMoveEvent write FJoyAxisMoveEvent; property OnBallMove : TSDLJoyBallMoveEvent read FJoyBallMoveEvent write FJoyBallMoveEvent; property OnHatMove : TSDLJoyHatMoveEvent read FJoyHatMoveEvent write FJoyHatMoveEvent; property OnButtonDown : TSDLJoyButtonEvent read FJoyButtonDownEvent write FJoyButtonDownEvent; property OnButtonUp : TSDLJoyButtonEvent read FJoyButtonUpEvent write FJoyButtonUpEvent; end; TSDLJoySticks = class( TObject ) private FNumOfJoySticks: Integer; FJoyStickList : TList; function GetJoyStick(Index: integer): TSDLJoyStick; procedure SetJoyStick(Index: integer; const Value: TSDLJoyStick); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function UpdateInput( event: TSDL_EVENT ) : Boolean; property NumOfJoySticks : Integer read FNumOfJoySticks write FNumOfJoySticks; property JoySticks[ Index : integer ] : TSDLJoyStick read GetJoyStick write SetJoyStick; end; TSDLKeyBoardEvent = procedure ( var Key: TSDLKey; Shift: TSDLMod; unicode : UInt16 ) {$IFNDEF NOT_OO}of object{$ENDIF}; TSDLKeyBoard = class( TSDLCustomInput ) private FKeys : PKeyStateArr; FOnKeyUp: TSDLKeyBoardEvent; FOnKeyDown: TSDLKeyBoardEvent; procedure DoKeyDown( keysym : PSDL_keysym ); procedure DoKeyUp( keysym : PSDL_keysym ); public function IsKeyDown( Key : TSDLKey ) : Boolean; function IsKeyUp( Key : TSDLKey ) : Boolean; function UpdateInput( event: TSDL_EVENT ) : Boolean; override; property Keys : PKeyStateArr read FKeys write FKeys; property OnKeyDown : TSDLKeyBoardEvent read FOnKeyDown write FOnKeyDown; property OnKeyUp : TSDLKeyBoardEvent read FOnKeyUp write FOnKeyUp; end; TSDLMouseButtonEvent = procedure ( Button : Integer; Shift: TSDLMod; MousePos : TPoint ) {$IFNDEF NOT_OO}of object{$ENDIF}; TSDLMouseMoveEvent = procedure ( Shift: TSDLMod; CurrentPos : TPoint; RelativePos : TPoint ) {$IFNDEF NOT_OO}of object{$ENDIF}; TSDLMouseWheelEvent = procedure ( WheelDelta : Integer; Shift: TSDLMod; MousePos : TPoint ) {$IFNDEF NOT_OO}of object{$ENDIF}; TSDLMouse = class( TSDLCustomInput ) private FDragging : Boolean; FMousePos : TPoint; FOnMouseUp: TSDLMouseButtonEvent; FOnMouseDown: TSDLMouseButtonEvent; FOnMouseMove: TSDLMouseMoveEvent; FOnMouseWheel: TSDLMouseWheelEvent; FCursor : PSDL_Cursor; // Cursor Pointer procedure DoMouseMove( Event: TSDL_Event ); procedure DoMouseDown( Event: TSDL_Event ); procedure DoMouseUp( Event: TSDL_Event ); procedure DoMouseWheelScroll( Event: TSDL_Event ); function GetMousePosition: TPoint; procedure SetMousePosition(const Value: TPoint); public destructor Destroy; override; function UpdateInput( event: TSDL_EVENT ) : Boolean; override; function MouseIsDown( Button : Integer ) : Boolean; function MouseIsUp( Button : Integer ) : Boolean; procedure SetCursor(data, mask: PUInt8; w, h, hot_x, hot_y: Integer); procedure ShowCursor; procedure HideCursor; property OnMouseDown : TSDLMouseButtonEvent read FOnMouseDown write FOnMouseDown; property OnMouseUp : TSDLMouseButtonEvent read FOnMouseUp write FOnMouseUp; property OnMouseMove : TSDLMouseMoveEvent read FOnMouseMove write FOnMouseMove; property OnMouseWheel : TSDLMouseWheelEvent read FOnMouseWheel write FOnMouseWheel; property MousePosition : TPoint read GetMousePosition write SetMousePosition; end; TSDLInputManager = class( TObject ) private FKeyBoard : TSDLKeyBoard; FMouse : TSDLMouse; FJoystick : TSDLJoysticks; public constructor Create( InitInputs : TSDLInputTypes ); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Disable( InitInputs : TSDLInputTypes; JoyStickNumber : Integer = 0 ); procedure Enable( InitInputs : TSDLInputTypes; JoyStickNumber : Integer = 0 ); function UpdateInputs( event: TSDL_EVENT ) : Boolean; property KeyBoard : TSDLKeyBoard read FKeyBoard write FKeyBoard; property Mouse : TSDLMouse read FMouse write FMouse; property JoyStick : TSDLJoysticks read FJoyStick write FJoyStick; end; implementation { TSDLCustomInput } constructor TSDLCustomInput.Create; begin inherited; FEnabled := true; end; { TSDLJoysticks } constructor TSDLJoysticks.Create; var i : integer; begin inherited; if ( SDL_WasInit( SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK ) = 0 ) then SDL_InitSubSystem( SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK ); FNumOfJoySticks := SDL_NumJoysticks; FJoyStickList := TList.Create; for i := 0 to FNumOfJoySticks - 1 do begin FJoyStickList.Add( TSDLJoyStick.Create( i ) ); end; end; destructor TSDLJoysticks.Destroy; var i : integer; begin if FJoyStickList.Count > 0 then begin for i := 0 to FJoyStickList.Count - 1 do begin TSDLJoyStick( FJoyStickList.Items[i] ).Free; end; end; SDL_QuitSubSystem( SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK ); inherited; end; function TSDLJoySticks.GetJoyStick(Index: integer): TSDLJoyStick; begin Result := TSDLJoyStick( FJoyStickList[ Index ] ); end; procedure TSDLJoySticks.SetJoyStick(Index: integer; const Value: TSDLJoyStick); begin FJoyStickList[ Index ] := @Value; end; function TSDLJoysticks.UpdateInput(event: TSDL_EVENT): Boolean; var i : integer; begin result := false; if FJoyStickList.Count > 0 then begin for i := 0 to FJoyStickList.Count - 1 do begin TSDLJoyStick( FJoyStickList.Items[i] ).UpdateInput( event ); end; end; end; { TSDLKeyBoard } procedure TSDLKeyBoard.DoKeyDown(keysym: PSDL_keysym); begin if Assigned( FOnKeyDown ) then FOnKeyDown( keysym.sym , keysym.modifier, keysym.unicode ); end; procedure TSDLKeyBoard.DoKeyUp(keysym: PSDL_keysym); begin if Assigned( FOnKeyUp ) then FOnKeyUp( keysym.sym , keysym.modifier, keysym.unicode ); end; function TSDLKeyBoard.IsKeyDown( Key: TSDLKey ): Boolean; begin SDL_PumpEvents; // Populate Keys array FKeys := PKeyStateArr( SDL_GetKeyState( nil ) ); Result := ( FKeys[Key] = SDL_PRESSED ); end; function TSDLKeyBoard.IsKeyUp( Key: TSDLKey ): Boolean; begin SDL_PumpEvents; // Populate Keys array FKeys := PKeyStateArr( SDL_GetKeyState( nil ) ); Result := ( FKeys[Key] = SDL_RELEASED ); end; function TSDLKeyBoard.UpdateInput(event: TSDL_EVENT): Boolean; begin result := false; if ( FEnabled ) then begin case event.type_ of SDL_KEYDOWN : begin // handle key presses DoKeyDown( @event.key.keysym ); result := true; end; SDL_KEYUP : begin // handle key releases DoKeyUp( @event.key.keysym ); result := true; end; end; end; end; { TSDLMouse } destructor TSDLMouse.Destroy; begin if FCursor <> nil then SDL_FreeCursor( FCursor ); inherited; end; procedure TSDLMouse.DoMouseDown( Event: TSDL_Event ); var CurrentPos : TPoint; begin FDragging := true; if Assigned( FOnMouseDown ) then begin CurrentPos.x := event.button.x; CurrentPos.y := event.button.y; FOnMouseDown( event.button.button, SDL_GetModState, CurrentPos ); end; end; procedure TSDLMouse.DoMouseMove( Event: TSDL_Event ); var CurrentPos, RelativePos : TPoint; begin if Assigned( FOnMouseMove ) then begin CurrentPos.x := event.motion.x; CurrentPos.y := event.motion.y; RelativePos.x := event.motion.xrel; RelativePos.y := event.motion.yrel; FOnMouseMove( SDL_GetModState, CurrentPos, RelativePos ); end; end; procedure TSDLMouse.DoMouseUp( event: TSDL_EVENT ); var Point : TPoint; begin FDragging := false; if Assigned( FOnMouseUp ) then begin Point.x := event.button.x; Point.y := event.button.y; FOnMouseUp( event.button.button, SDL_GetModState, Point ); end; end; procedure TSDLMouse.DoMouseWheelScroll( event: TSDL_EVENT ); var Point : TPoint; begin if Assigned( FOnMouseWheel ) then begin Point.x := event.button.x; Point.y := event.button.y; if ( event.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP ) then FOnMouseWheel( SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP, SDL_GetModState, Point ) else FOnMouseWheel( SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN, SDL_GetModState, Point ); end; end; function TSDLMouse.GetMousePosition: TPoint; begin SDL_PumpEvents; SDL_GetMouseState( FMousePos.X, FMousePos.Y ); Result := FMousePos; end; procedure TSDLMouse.HideCursor; begin SDL_ShowCursor( SDL_DISABLE ); end; function TSDLMouse.MouseIsDown(Button: Integer): Boolean; begin SDL_PumpEvents; Result := ( SDL_GetMouseState( FMousePos.X, FMousePos.Y ) and SDL_BUTTON( Button ) = 0 ); end; function TSDLMouse.MouseIsUp(Button: Integer): Boolean; begin SDL_PumpEvents; Result := not ( SDL_GetMouseState( FMousePos.X, FMousePos.Y ) and SDL_BUTTON( Button ) = 0 ); end; procedure TSDLMouse.SetCursor(data, mask: PUInt8; w, h, hot_x, hot_y: Integer); begin if FCursor <> nil then SDL_FreeCursor( FCursor ); // create the cursor FCursor := SDL_CreateCursor( data, mask, w, h, hot_x, hot_y ); // set the cursor SDL_SetCursor( FCursor ); end; procedure TSDLMouse.SetMousePosition(const Value: TPoint); begin SDL_WarpMouse( Value.x, Value.y ); end; procedure TSDLMouse.ShowCursor; begin SDL_ShowCursor( SDL_ENABLE ); end; function TSDLMouse.UpdateInput(event: TSDL_EVENT): Boolean; begin result := false; if ( FEnabled ) then begin case event.type_ of SDL_MOUSEMOTION : begin // handle Mouse Move DoMouseMove( event ); end; SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN : begin // handle Mouse Down if ( event.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP ) or ( event.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN ) then DoMouseWheelScroll( event ) else DoMouseDown( event ); end; SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP : begin // handle Mouse Up if ( event.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP ) or ( event.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN ) then DoMouseWheelScroll( event ) else DoMouseUp( event ); end; end; end; end; { TSDLInputManager } constructor TSDLInputManager.Create(InitInputs: TSDLInputTypes); begin inherited Create; if itJoystick in InitInputs then FJoystick := TSDLJoysticks.Create; if itKeyBoard in InitInputs then FKeyBoard := TSDLKeyBoard.Create; if itMouse in InitInputs then FMouse := TSDLMouse.Create; end; destructor TSDLInputManager.Destroy; begin if FJoystick <> nil then FreeAndNil( FJoystick ); if FKeyBoard <> nil then FreeAndNil( FKeyBoard ); if FMouse <> nil then FreeAndNil( FMouse ); inherited; end; procedure TSDLInputManager.Disable( InitInputs : TSDLInputTypes; JoyStickNumber : Integer ); begin if itJoystick in InitInputs then FJoystick.JoySticks[ JoyStickNumber ].Enabled := false; if itKeyBoard in InitInputs then FKeyBoard.Enabled := false; if itMouse in InitInputs then FMouse.Enabled := false; end; procedure TSDLInputManager.Enable( InitInputs: TSDLInputTypes; JoyStickNumber: Integer ); begin if itJoystick in InitInputs then FJoystick.JoySticks[ JoyStickNumber ].Enabled := true; if itKeyBoard in InitInputs then FKeyBoard.Enabled := true; if itMouse in InitInputs then FMouse.Enabled := true; end; function TSDLInputManager.UpdateInputs( event: TSDL_EVENT ): Boolean; begin Result := false; if ( FJoystick <> nil ) then Result := FJoystick.UpdateInput( event ); if ( FKeyBoard <> nil ) then Result := FKeyBoard.UpdateInput( event ); if ( FMouse <> nil ) then Result := FMouse.UpdateInput( event ); end; { TSDLJoyStick } procedure TSDLJoyStick.Close; begin SDL_JoystickClose( @FJoystick ); end; constructor TSDLJoyStick.Create( Index : Integer ); begin inherited Create; FJoystick := nil; FJoystickIndex := Index; end; destructor TSDLJoyStick.Destroy; begin if FJoystick <> nil then Close; inherited; end; procedure TSDLJoyStick.DoAxisMove(Event: TSDL_Event); begin if Assigned( FJoyAxisMoveEvent ) then begin FJoyAxisMoveEvent( Event.jaxis.which, Event.jaxis.axis, Event.jaxis.value ); end end; procedure TSDLJoyStick.DoBallMove(Event: TSDL_Event); var BallPoint : TPoint; begin if Assigned( FJoyBallMoveEvent ) then begin BallPoint.x := Event.jball.xrel; BallPoint.y := Event.jball.yrel; FJoyBallMoveEvent( Event.jball.which, Event.jball.ball, BallPoint ); end; end; procedure TSDLJoyStick.DoButtonDown(Event: TSDL_Event); begin if Assigned( FJoyButtonDownEvent ) then begin if ( Event.jbutton.state = SDL_PRESSED ) then FJoyButtonDownEvent( Event.jbutton.which, Event.jbutton.button, Event.jbutton.state ); end; end; procedure TSDLJoyStick.DoButtonUp(Event: TSDL_Event); begin if Assigned( FJoyButtonUpEvent ) then begin if ( Event.jbutton.state = SDL_RELEASED ) then FJoyButtonUpEvent( Event.jbutton.which, Event.jbutton.button, Event.jbutton.state ); end end; procedure TSDLJoyStick.DoHatMove(Event: TSDL_Event); begin if Assigned( FJoyHatMoveEvent ) then begin FJoyHatMoveEvent( Event.jhat.which, Event.jhat.hat, Event.jhat.value ); end; end; function TSDLJoyStick.GetName: PChar; begin result := FJoystick.name; end; function TSDLJoyStick.GetNumAxes: integer; begin result := FJoystick.naxes; end; function TSDLJoyStick.GetNumBalls: integer; begin result := FJoystick.nballs; end; function TSDLJoyStick.GetNumButtons: integer; begin result := FJoystick.nbuttons; end; function TSDLJoyStick.GetNumHats: integer; begin result := FJoystick.nhats; end; procedure TSDLJoyStick.Open; begin FJoystick := SDL_JoyStickOpen( FJoystickIndex ); end; function TSDLJoyStick.UpdateInput(Event: TSDL_EVENT): Boolean; begin Result := false; if ( FEnabled ) then begin case event.type_ of SDL_JOYAXISMOTION : begin DoAxisMove( Event ); end; SDL_JOYBALLMOTION : begin DoBallMove( Event ); end; SDL_JOYHATMOTION : begin DoHatMove( Event ); end; SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN : begin DoButtonDown( Event ); end; SDL_JOYBUTTONUP : begin DoButtonUp( Event ); end; end; end; end; end.