unit UScreenStatMain; interface uses UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UDisplay, UMusic, UIni, UThemes; type TScreenStatMain = class(TMenu) private //Some Stat Value that don't need to be calculated 2 times SongswithVid: Cardinal; public TextOverview: integer; constructor Create; override; function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override; procedure onShow; override; procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override; procedure SetOverview; end; implementation uses UGraphic, UDataBase, USongs, ULanguage, windows, ULog; function TScreenStatMain.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := true; If (PressedDown) Then begin // Key Down case PressedKey of SDLK_Q: begin Result := false; end; SDLK_ESCAPE: begin Ini.Save; Music.PlayBack; FadeTo(@ScreenMain); end; SDLK_RETURN: begin //Exit Button Pressed if Interaction = 4 then begin Music.PlayBack; FadeTo(@ScreenMain); end else //One of the Stats Buttons Pressed begin Music.PlayBack; ScreenStatDetail.Typ := Interaction; FadeTo(@ScreenStatDetail); end; end; SDLK_LEFT: begin InteractPrev; end; SDLK_RIGHT: begin InteractNext; end; SDLK_UP: begin InteractPrev; end; SDLK_DOWN: begin InteractNext; end; end; end; end; constructor TScreenStatMain.Create; var I: integer; begin inherited Create; TextOverview := AddText(Theme.StatMain.TextOverview); LoadFromTheme(Theme.StatMain); AddButton(Theme.StatMain.ButtonScores); if (Length(Button[0].Text)=0) then AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.StatDetail.Description[0]); AddButton(Theme.StatMain.ButtonSingers); if (Length(Button[1].Text)=0) then AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.StatDetail.Description[1]); AddButton(Theme.StatMain.ButtonSongs); if (Length(Button[2].Text)=0) then AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.StatDetail.Description[2]); AddButton(Theme.StatMain.ButtonBands); if (Length(Button[3].Text)=0) then AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.StatDetail.Description[3]); AddButton(Theme.StatMain.ButtonExit); if (Length(Button[4].Text)=0) then AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[4]); Interaction := 0; //Set Songs with Vid SongswithVid := 0; For I := 0 to high(Songs.Song) do if (Songs.Song[I].Video <> '') AND FileExists(Songs.Song[I].Path + Songs.Song[I].Video) then Inc(SongswithVid); end; procedure TScreenStatMain.onShow; begin //Set Overview Text: SetOverview; end; procedure TScreenStatMain.SetOverview; var Overview, Formatstr: String; I: Integer; //Some Vars to Save Attributes to A1, A2, A3: Integer; A4, A5: String; Result1, Result2: AStatResult; ResetTime: TSystemTime; function GetFileCreation(Filename: String): TSystemTime; var FindData: TWin32FindData; Handle: THandle; begin Handle := FindFirstFile(PChar(Filename), FindData); if Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin FileTimeToSystemTime(FindData.ftCreationTime, Result); Windows.FindClose(Handle); end; end; begin //Song Overview //Introduction Formatstr := Language.Translate ('STAT_OVERVIEW_INTRO'); {Format: %0:d Ultrastar Version %1:d Day of Reset (A1) %2:d Month of Reset (A2) %3:d Year of Reset (A3)} ResetTime := GetFileCreation(Database.Filename); A1 := ResetTime.wDay; A2 := ResetTime.wMonth; A3 := ResetTime.wYear; try Overview := Format(Formatstr, [Language.Translate('US_VERSION'), A1, A2, A3]); except on E: EConvertError do Log.LogError('Error Parsing FormatString "STAT_OVERVIEW_INTRO": ' + E.Message); end; Formatstr := Language.Translate ('STAT_OVERVIEW_SONG'); {Format: %0:d Count Songs (A1) %1:d Count of Sung Songs (A2) %2:d Count of UnSung Songs %3:d Count of Songs with Video (A3) %4:s Name of the most popular Song} A1 := Length(CatSongs.Song); A2 := Database.GetTotalEntrys(2); A3 := SongswithVid; SetLength(Result1, 1); Database.GetStats(Result1, 2, 1, 0, False); A4 := Result1[0].Artist; A5 := Result1[0].Title; try Overview := Overview + '\n \n' + Format(Formatstr, [A1, A2, A1-A2, A3, A4, A5]); except on E: EConvertError do Log.LogError('Error Parsing FormatString "STAT_OVERVIEW_SONG": ' + E.Message); end; //Player Overview Formatstr := Language.Translate ('STAT_OVERVIEW_PLAYER'); {Format: %0:d Count Players (A1) %1:s Best Player (Result) %2:d Best Players Score %3:s Best Score Player (Result2) %4:d Best Score} A1 := Database.GetTotalEntrys(1); SetLength(Result1, 1); Database.GetStats(Result1, 1, 1, 0, False); SetLength(Result2, 1); Database.GetStats(Result2, 0, 1, 0, False); try Overview := Overview + '\n \n' + Format(Formatstr, [A1, Result1[0].Player, Result1[0].AverageScore, Result2[0].Singer, Result2[0].Score]); except on E: EConvertError do Log.LogError('Error Parsing FormatString "STAT_OVERVIEW_PLAYER": ' + E.Message); end; Text[0].Text := Overview; end; procedure TScreenStatMain.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); var I: Integer; begin For I := 0 to high(Button) do Button[I].Texture.ScaleW := Progress; end; end.