unit UScreenStatDetail; interface {$I switches.inc} uses UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UDisplay, UMusic, UIni, UThemes; type TScreenStatDetail = class(TMenu) public Typ: Byte; Page: CardinaL; Count: Byte; Reversed: Boolean; TotEntrys: Cardinal; TotPages: Cardinal; constructor Create; override; function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override; procedure onShow; override; procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override; procedure SetTitle; Procedure SetPage(NewPage: Cardinal); end; implementation {Stat Screens: 0 - Best Scores 1 - Best Singers 2 - Most sung Songs 3 - Most popular Band } uses UGraphic, UDataBase, ULanguage, math, ULog; function TScreenStatDetail.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := true; If (PressedDown) Then begin // Key Down case PressedKey of SDLK_Q: begin Result := false; end; SDLK_ESCAPE, SDLK_BACKSPACE : begin AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Back); FadeTo(@ScreenStatMain); end; SDLK_RETURN: begin if Interaction = 0 then begin //Next Page SetPage(Page+1); end; if Interaction = 1 then begin //Previous Page if (Page > 0) then SetPage(Page-1); end; if Interaction = 2 then begin //Reverse Order Reversed := not Reversed; SetPage(Page); end; if Interaction = 3 then begin AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Back); FadeTo(@ScreenStatMain); end; end; SDLK_LEFT: begin InteractPrev; end; SDLK_RIGHT: begin InteractNext; end; SDLK_UP: begin InteractPrev; end; SDLK_DOWN: begin InteractNext; end; end; end; end; constructor TScreenStatDetail.Create; var I: integer; begin inherited Create; for I := 0 to High(Theme.StatDetail.TextList) do AddText(Theme.StatDetail.TextList[I]); Count := Length(Theme.StatDetail.TextList); AddText(Theme.StatDetail.TextDescription); AddText(Theme.StatDetail.TextPage); LoadFromTheme(Theme.StatDetail); AddButton(Theme.StatDetail.ButtonNext); if (Length(Button[0].Text)=0) then AddButtonText(14, 20, Language.Translate('STAT_NEXT')); AddButton(Theme.StatDetail.ButtonPrev); if (Length(Button[1].Text)=0) then AddButtonText(14, 20, Language.Translate('STAT_PREV')); AddButton(Theme.StatDetail.ButtonReverse); if (Length(Button[2].Text)=0) then AddButtonText(14, 20, Language.Translate('STAT_REVERSE')); AddButton(Theme.StatDetail.ButtonExit); if (Length(Button[3].Text)=0) then AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[7]); Interaction := 0; Typ := 0; end; procedure TScreenStatDetail.onShow; begin inherited; //Set Tot Entrys and PAges TotEntrys := DataBase.GetTotalEntrys(Typ); TotPages := Ceil(TotEntrys / Count); //Show correct Title SetTitle; //Show First Page Reversed := False; SetPage(0); end; procedure TScreenStatDetail.SetTitle; begin //Set Title Case Reversed of True: Text[Count].Text := Theme.StatDetail.DescriptionR[Typ]; False: Text[Count].Text := Theme.StatDetail.Description[Typ]; end; end; Procedure TScreenStatDetail.SetPage(NewPage: Cardinal); var Result: AStatResult; I: Integer; FormatStr: String; PerPage: Byte; begin SetLength(Result, Count); if (Database.GetStats(Result, Typ, Count, NewPage, Reversed)) then begin Page := NewPage; FormatStr := Theme.StatDetail.FormatStr[Typ]; //refresh Texts For I := 0 to Count-1 do begin try case Typ of 0:begin //Best Scores //Set Texts if (Result[I].Score>0) then Text[I].Text := Format(FormatStr, [Result[I].Singer, Result[I].Score, Theme.ILevel[Result[I].Difficulty], Result[I].SongArtist, Result[I].SongTitle]) else Text[I].Text := ''; end; 1:begin //Best Singers //Set Texts if (Result[I].AverageScore>0) then Text[I].Text := Format(FormatStr, [Result[I].Player, Result[I].AverageScore]) else Text[I].Text := ''; end; 2:begin //Popular Songs //Set Texts if (Result[I].Artist<>'') then Text[I].Text := Format(FormatStr, [Result[I].Artist, Result[I].Title, Result[I].TimesSung]) else Text[I].Text := ''; end; 3:begin //Popular Bands //Set Texts if (Result[I].ArtistName<>'') then Text[I].Text := Format(FormatStr, [Result[I].ArtistName, Result[I].TimesSungtot]) else Text[I].Text := ''; end; end; except on E: EConvertError do Log.LogError('Error Parsing FormatString in UScreenStatDetail: ' + E.Message); end; end; if (Page + 1 = TotPages) AND (TotEntrys Mod Count <> 0) then PerPage := (TotEntrys Mod Count) else PerPage := Count; Text[Count+1].Text := Format(Theme.StatDetail.PageStr, [Page + 1, TotPages, PerPage, TotEntrys]); //Show correct Title SetTitle; end; end; procedure TScreenStatDetail.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); var I: Integer; begin For I := 0 to high(Button) do Button[I].Texture.ScaleW := Progress; end; end.