unit UScreenOptionsSound; interface uses UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, UIni, UThemes; type TScreenOptionsSound = class(TMenu) public constructor Create; override; function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override; procedure onShow; override; end; const ID='ID_012'; //for help system implementation uses UGraphic, UHelp, ULog; function TScreenOptionsSound.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := true; If (PressedDown) Then begin // Key Down case PressedKey of SDLK_TAB: begin ScreenPopupHelp.ShowPopup(); end; SDLK_Q: begin Result := false; end; SDLK_ESCAPE, SDLK_BACKSPACE : begin Ini.Save; Music.PlayBack; ScreenSong.MP3Volume := Ini.PreviewVolume * 10; FadeTo(@ScreenOptions); end; SDLK_RETURN: begin if SelInteraction = 7 then begin Ini.Save; Music.PlayBack; ScreenSong.MP3Volume := Ini.PreviewVolume * 10; FadeTo(@ScreenOptions); end; end; SDLK_DOWN: InteractNext; SDLK_UP : InteractPrev; SDLK_RIGHT: begin if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 6) then begin Music.PlayOption; InteractInc; end; end; SDLK_LEFT: begin if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 6) then begin Music.PlayOption; InteractDec; end; end; end; end; end; constructor TScreenOptionsSound.Create; begin inherited Create; LoadFromTheme(Theme.OptionsSound); AddSelect(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectMicBoost, Ini.MicBoost, IMicBoost); AddSelect(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectClickAssist, Ini.ClickAssist, IClickAssist); AddSelect(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectBeatClick, Ini.BeatClick, IBeatClick); AddSelect(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectThreshold, Ini.Threshold, IThreshold); //Song Preview AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectSlidePreviewVolume, Ini.PreviewVolume, IPreviewVolume); AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectSlidePreviewFading, Ini.PreviewFading, IPreviewFading); AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectSlideDelay, Ini.Delay, IDelay); AddButton(Theme.OptionsSound.ButtonExit); if (Length(Button[0].Text)=0) then AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[7]); Interaction := 0; end; procedure TScreenOptionsSound.onShow; begin Interaction := 0; if not Help.SetHelpID(ID) then Log.LogError('No Entry for Help-ID ' + ID + ' (ScreenOptionsSound)'); end; end.