unit UMenu; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses gl, SysUtils, UTexture, UMenuStatic, UMenuText, UMenuButton, UMenuSelect, UMenuSelectSlide, UMenuInteract, UThemes, UMenuButtonCollection, Math, UMusic; type { Int16 = SmallInt;} PMenu = ^TMenu; TMenu = class protected ButtonPos: Integer; Interactions: array of TInteract; SelInteraction: integer; Button: array of TButton; Selects: array of TSelect; SelectsS: array of TSelectSlide; ButtonCollection: array of TButtonCollection; BackImg: TTexture; BackW: integer; BackH: integer; fFileName : string; public Text: array of TText; Static: array of TStatic; mX: integer; // mouse X mY: integer; // mouse Y Fade: integer; // fade type ShowFinish: boolean; // true if there is no fade destructor Destroy; override; constructor Create; overload; virtual; //constructor Create(Back: string); overload; virtual; // Back is a JPG resource name for background //constructor Create(Back: string; W, H: integer); overload; virtual; // W and H are the number of overlaps // interaction function WideCharUpperCase(wchar: WideChar) : WideString; function WideStringUpperCase(wstring: WideString) : WideString; procedure AddInteraction(Typ, Num: integer); procedure SetInteraction(Num: integer); property Interaction: integer read SelInteraction write SetInteraction; //Procedure Load BG, Texts, Statics and Button Collections from ThemeBasic procedure LoadFromTheme(const ThemeBasic: TThemeBasic); procedure PrepareButtonCollections(const Collections: AThemeButtonCollection); procedure AddButtonCollection(const ThemeCollection: TThemeButtonCollection; Const Num: Byte); // background procedure AddBackground(Name: string); // static function AddStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic): integer; overload; function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; const Name: string): integer; overload; function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType): integer; overload; function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType): integer; overload; function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType): integer; overload; function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; Color: integer): integer; overload; function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; Color: integer): integer; overload; function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; TexX1, TexY1, TexX2, TexY2: real; const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; Color: integer; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing: Real): integer; overload; // text function AddText(ThemeText: TThemeText): integer; overload; function AddText(X, Y: real; const Text_: string): integer; overload; function AddText(X, Y: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; const Text: string): integer; overload; function AddText(X, Y, W: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Align: integer; const Text_: string; Reflection_: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing_: Real): integer; overload; // button Procedure SetButtonLength(Length: Cardinal); //Function that Set Length of Button Array in one Step instead of register new Memory for every Button function AddButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton): integer; overload; function AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; const Name: String): integer; overload; function AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; const Name: String; Typ: TTextureType; Reflection: Boolean): integer; overload; function AddButton(X, Y, W, H, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real; const Name: String; Typ: TTextureType; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing, DeSelectReflectionSpacing: Real): integer; overload; procedure ClearButtons; procedure AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; const AddText: string); overload; procedure AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; const AddText: string); overload; procedure AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; const AddText: string); overload; procedure AddButtonText(CustomButton: TButton; AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; const AddText: string); overload; // select function AddSelect(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer; overload; function AddSelect(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt, TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt, SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB, SBGInt, SBGDColR, SBGDColG, SBGDColB, SBGDInt, STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real; const Name: String; Typ: TTextureType; const SBGName: String; SBGTyp: TTextureType; const Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer; overload; procedure AddSelectOption(AddX, AddY: real; const AddText: string); overload; procedure AddSelectOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; AddX, AddY: real; const AddText: string); overload; procedure UpdateSelectOptions(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer); // select slide function AddSelectSlide(ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer; overload; function AddSelectSlide(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, SBGW, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt, TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt, SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB, SBGInt, SBGDColR, SBGDColG, SBGDColB, SBGDInt, STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real; const Name: String; Typ: TTextureType; const SBGName: String; SBGTyp: TTextureType; const Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer; overload; procedure AddSelectSlideOption(const AddText: string); overload; procedure AddSelectSlideOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; const AddText: string); overload; procedure UpdateSelectSlideOptions(ThemeSelectSlide: TThemeSelectSlide; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer); // function AddWidget(X, Y : UInt16; WidgetSrc : PSDL_Surface): Int16; // procedure ClearWidgets(MinNumber : Int16); procedure FadeTo(Screen: PMenu); overload; procedure FadeTo(Screen: PMenu; aSound: TAudioPlaybackStream); overload; //popup hack procedure CheckFadeTo(Screen: PMenu; msg: String); function DrawBG: boolean; virtual; function DrawFG: boolean; virtual; function Draw: boolean; virtual; function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; CharCode: WideChar; PressedDown : Boolean): Boolean; virtual; // FIXME: ParseMouse is not implemented in any subclass and not even used anywhere in the code // -> do this before activation of this method //function ParseMouse(Typ: integer; X: integer; Y: integer): Boolean; virtual; abstract; function InRegion(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X, Y: real): Boolean; function InStaticRegion(StaticNr: integer; X, Y: integer): Boolean; procedure onShow; virtual; procedure onShowFinish; virtual; procedure onHide; virtual; procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); virtual; function IsSelectable(Int: Cardinal): Boolean; procedure InteractNext; virtual; procedure InteractCustom(CustomSwitch: integer); virtual; procedure InteractPrev; virtual; procedure InteractInc; virtual; procedure InteractDec; virtual; procedure InteractNextRow; virtual; // this is for the options screen, so button down makes sense procedure InteractPrevRow; virtual; // this is for the options screen, so button up makes sense procedure AddBox(X, Y, W, H: real); end; const pmMove = 1; pmClick = 2; pmUnClick = 3; iButton = 0; // interaction type iSelect = 1; iText = 2; iSelectS = 3; iBCollectionChild = 5; // fBlack = 0; // fade type // fWhite = 1; implementation uses UCommon, ULog, UMain, UDrawTexture, UGraphic, UDisplay, UCovers, USkins; destructor TMenu.Destroy; begin inherited; end; constructor TMenu.Create; begin Fade := 0;//fWhite; SetLength(Static, 0); SetLength(Button, 0); BackImg.TexNum := 0; //Set ButtonPos to Autoset Length ButtonPos := -1; VideoPlayback.Init; end; { constructor TMenu.Create(Back: String); begin inherited Create; if Back <> '' then begin // BackImg := Texture.GetTexture(true, Back, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, 0); BackImg := Texture.GetTexture(Back, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, 0); // new theme system BackImg.W := 800;//640; BackImg.H := 600;//480; BackW := 1; BackH := 1; end else BackImg.TexNum := 0; //Set ButtonPos to Autoset Length ButtonPos := -1; end; constructor TMenu.Create(Back: string; W, H: integer); begin Create(Back); BackImg.W := BackImg.W / W; BackImg.H := BackImg.H / H; BackW := W; BackH := H; end; } function RGBFloatToInt(R, G, B: Double): Cardinal; begin Result := (Trunc(255 * R) shl 16) or (Trunc(255 * G) shl 8) or Trunc(255 * B); end; procedure TMenu.AddInteraction(Typ, Num: integer); var IntNum: integer; begin IntNum := Length(Interactions); SetLength(Interactions, IntNum+1); Interactions[IntNum].Typ := Typ; Interactions[IntNum].Num := Num; Interaction := 0; end; procedure TMenu.SetInteraction(Num: integer); var OldNum, OldTyp: integer; NewNum, NewTyp: integer; begin // set inactive OldNum := Interactions[Interaction].Num; OldTyp := Interactions[Interaction].Typ; NewNum := Interactions[Num].Num; NewTyp := Interactions[Num].Typ; case OldTyp of iButton: Button[OldNum].Selected := False; iSelect: Selects[OldNum].Selected := False; iText: Text[OldNum].Selected := False; iSelectS: SelectsS[OldNum].Selected := False; //Button Collection Mod iBCollectionChild: begin Button[OldNum].Selected := False; //Deselect Collection if Next Button is Not from Collection if (NewTyp <> iButton) Or (Button[NewNum].Parent <> Button[OldNum].Parent) then ButtonCollection[Button[OldNum].Parent-1].Selected := False; end; end; // set active SelInteraction := Num; case NewTyp of iButton: Button[NewNum].Selected := True; iSelect: Selects[NewNum].Selected := True; iText: Text[NewNum].Selected := True; iSelectS: SelectsS[NewNum].Selected := True; //Button Collection Mod iBCollectionChild: begin Button[NewNum].Selected := True; ButtonCollection[Button[NewNum].Parent-1].Selected := True; end; end; end; //---------------------- //LoadFromTheme - Load BG, Texts, Statics and //Button Collections from ThemeBasic //---------------------- procedure TMenu.LoadFromTheme(const ThemeBasic: TThemeBasic); var I: Integer; begin //Add Button Collections (Set Button CollectionsLength) //Button Collections are Created when the first ChildButton is Created PrepareButtonCollections(ThemeBasic.ButtonCollection); //Add Background AddBackground(ThemeBasic.Background.Tex); //Add Statics and Texts for I := 0 to High(ThemeBasic.Static) do AddStatic(ThemeBasic.Static[I]); for I := 0 to High(ThemeBasic.Text) do AddText(ThemeBasic.Text[I]); end; procedure TMenu.AddBackground(Name: string); //var // lFileName : string; begin if Name <> '' then begin fFileName := Skin.GetTextureFileName(Name); fFileName := AdaptFilePaths( fFileName ); if fileexists( fFileName ) then begin BackImg := Texture.GetTexture( fFileName , TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN); if ( BackImg.TexNum = 0 ) then begin if VideoPlayback.Open( fFileName ) then VideoPlayback.Play; end; BackImg.W := 800; BackImg.H := 600; BackW := 1; BackH := 1; end; end; end; //---------------------- //PrepareButtonCollections: //Add Button Collections (Set Button CollectionsLength) //---------------------- procedure TMenu.PrepareButtonCollections(const Collections: AThemeButtonCollection); var I: Integer; begin SetLength(ButtonCollection, Length(Collections)); For I := 0 to High(ButtonCollection) do AddButtonCollection(Collections[I], I); end; //---------------------- //AddButtonCollection: //Create a Button Collection; //---------------------- procedure TMenu.AddButtonCollection(const ThemeCollection: TThemeButtonCollection; Const Num: Byte); var BT, BTLen: Integer; TempCol, TempDCol: Cardinal; begin if (Num > High(ButtonCollection)) then exit; TempCol := 0; // colorize hack if (ThemeCollection.Style.Typ = TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) then begin TempCol := RGBFloatToInt(ThemeCollection.Style.ColR, ThemeCollection.Style.ColG, ThemeCollection.Style.ColB); TempDCol := RGBFloatToInt(ThemeCollection.Style.DColR, ThemeCollection.Style.DColG, ThemeCollection.Style.DColB); // give encoded color to GetTexture() ButtonCollection[Num] := TButtonCollection.Create( Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.Tex), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, TempCol), Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.Tex), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, TempDCol)); end else begin ButtonCollection[Num] := TButtonCollection.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.Tex), ThemeCollection.Style.Typ, true)); // use cache texture end; //Set Parent menu ButtonCollection[Num].ScreenButton := @Self.Button; //Set Attributes ButtonCollection[Num].FirstChild := ThemeCollection.FirstChild; ButtonCollection[Num].CountChilds := ThemeCollection.ChildCount; ButtonCollection[Num].Parent := Num + 1; //Set Style ButtonCollection[Num].X := ThemeCollection.Style.X; ButtonCollection[Num].Y := ThemeCollection.Style.Y; ButtonCollection[Num].W := ThemeCollection.Style.W; ButtonCollection[Num].H := ThemeCollection.Style.H; if (ThemeCollection.Style.Typ <> TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) then begin ButtonCollection[Num].SelectColR := ThemeCollection.Style.ColR; ButtonCollection[Num].SelectColG := ThemeCollection.Style.ColG; ButtonCollection[Num].SelectColB := ThemeCollection.Style.ColB; ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectColR := ThemeCollection.Style.DColR; ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectColG := ThemeCollection.Style.DColG; ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectColB := ThemeCollection.Style.DColB; end; ButtonCollection[Num].SelectInt := ThemeCollection.Style.Int; ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectInt := ThemeCollection.Style.DInt; ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexX1 := 0; ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexY1 := 0; ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexX2 := 1; ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexY2 := 1; ButtonCollection[Num].SetSelect(false); ButtonCollection[Num].Reflection := ThemeCollection.Style.Reflection; ButtonCollection[Num].Reflectionspacing := ThemeCollection.Style.ReflectionSpacing; ButtonCollection[Num].DeSelectReflectionspacing := ThemeCollection.Style.DeSelectReflectionSpacing; ButtonCollection[Num].Z := ThemeCollection.Style.Z; //Some Things from ButtonFading ButtonCollection[Num].SelectH := ThemeCollection.Style.SelectH; ButtonCollection[Num].SelectW := ThemeCollection.Style.SelectW; ButtonCollection[Num].Fade := ThemeCollection.Style.Fade; ButtonCollection[Num].FadeText := ThemeCollection.Style.FadeText; if (ThemeCollection.Style.Typ = TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) then ButtonCollection[Num].FadeTex := Texture.GetTexture( Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.FadeTex), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, TempCol) else ButtonCollection[Num].FadeTex := Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.FadeTex), ThemeCollection.Style.Typ, true); ButtonCollection[Num].FadeTexPos := ThemeCollection.Style.FadeTexPos; BTLen := Length(ThemeCollection.Style.Text); for BT := 0 to BTLen-1 do begin AddButtonText(ButtonCollection[Num], ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].X, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Y, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].ColR, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].ColG, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].ColB, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Font, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Size, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Align, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Text); end; end; function TMenu.AddStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic): integer; begin Result := AddStatic(ThemeStatic.X, ThemeStatic.Y, ThemeStatic.W, ThemeStatic.H, ThemeStatic.Z, ThemeStatic.ColR, ThemeStatic.ColG, ThemeStatic.ColB, ThemeStatic.TexX1, ThemeStatic.TexY1, ThemeStatic.TexX2, ThemeStatic.TexY2, Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeStatic.Tex), ThemeStatic.Typ, $FFFFFF, ThemeStatic.Reflection, ThemeStatic.Reflectionspacing); end; function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; const Name: string): integer; begin Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Name, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN); end; function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType): integer; var StatNum: integer; begin Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, ColR, ColG, ColB, Name, Typ, $FFFFFF); end; function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType): integer; var StatNum: integer; begin Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z, ColR, ColG, ColB, Name, Typ, $FFFFFF); end; function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType): integer; var StatNum: integer; begin // adds static StatNum := Length(Static); SetLength(Static, StatNum + 1); Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, $FF00FF)); // new skin // configures static Static[StatNum].Texture.X := X; Static[StatNum].Texture.Y := Y; Static[StatNum].Texture.W := W; Static[StatNum].Texture.H := H; Static[StatNum].Visible := true; Result := StatNum; end; function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; Color: integer): integer; var StatNum: integer; begin Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, 0, ColR, ColG, ColB, Name, Typ, Color); end; function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; Color: integer): integer; begin Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z, ColR, ColG, ColB, 0, 0, 1, 1, Name, Typ, Color, False, 0); end; function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; TexX1, TexY1, TexX2, TexY2: real; const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; Color: integer; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing: Real): integer; var StatNum: integer; begin // adds static StatNum := Length(Static); SetLength(Static, StatNum + 1); // colorize hack if (Typ = TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) then begin // give encoded color to GetTexture() Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, RGBFloatToInt(ColR, ColG, ColB))); end else begin Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, Color)); // new skin end; // configures static Static[StatNum].Texture.X := X; Static[StatNum].Texture.Y := Y; Static[StatNum].Texture.W := W; Static[StatNum].Texture.H := H; Static[StatNum].Texture.Z := Z; if (Typ <> TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) then begin Static[StatNum].Texture.ColR := ColR; Static[StatNum].Texture.ColG := ColG; Static[StatNum].Texture.ColB := ColB; end; Static[StatNum].Texture.TexX1 := TexX1; Static[StatNum].Texture.TexY1 := TexY1; Static[StatNum].Texture.TexX2 := TexX2; Static[StatNum].Texture.TexY2 := TexY2; Static[StatNum].Texture.Alpha := 1; Static[StatNum].Visible := true; //ReflectionMod Static[StatNum].Reflection := Reflection; Static[StatNum].ReflectionSpacing := ReflectionSpacing; Result := StatNum; end; function TMenu.AddText(ThemeText: TThemeText): integer; begin Result := AddText(ThemeText.X, ThemeText.Y, ThemeText.W, ThemeText.Font, ThemeText.Size, ThemeText.ColR, ThemeText.ColG, ThemeText.ColB, ThemeText.Align, ThemeText.Text, ThemeText.Reflection, ThemeText.ReflectionSpacing); end; function TMenu.AddText(X, Y: real; const Text_: string): integer; var TextNum: integer; begin // adds text TextNum := Length(Text); SetLength(Text, TextNum + 1); Text[TextNum] := TText.Create(X, Y, Text_); Result := TextNum; end; function TMenu.AddText(X, Y: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; const Text: string): integer; begin Result := AddText(X, Y, 0, Style, Size, ColR, ColG, ColB, 0, Text, false, 0); end; function TMenu.AddText(X, Y, W: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Align: integer; const Text_: string; Reflection_: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing_: Real): integer; var TextNum: integer; begin // adds text TextNum := Length(Text); SetLength(Text, TextNum + 1); Text[TextNum] := TText.Create(X, Y, W, Style, Size, ColR, ColG, ColB, Align, Text_, Reflection_, ReflectionSpacing_); Result := TextNum; end; //Function that Set Length of Button Array in one Step instead of register new Memory for every Button Procedure TMenu.SetButtonLength(Length: Cardinal); begin if (ButtonPos = -1) AND (Length > 0) then begin //Set Length of Button SetLength(Button, Length); //Set ButtonPos to start with 0 ButtonPos := 0; end; end; // Method to add a button in our TMenu. It returns the assigned ButtonNumber function TMenu.AddButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton): integer; var BT: integer; BTLen: integer; temp: integer; TempR, TempG, TempB, TempR2, TempG2, TempB2: Cardinal; begin Result := AddButton(ThemeButton.X, ThemeButton.Y, ThemeButton.W, ThemeButton.H, ThemeButton.ColR, ThemeButton.ColG, ThemeButton.ColB, ThemeButton.Int, ThemeButton.DColR, ThemeButton.DColG, ThemeButton.DColB, ThemeButton.DInt, Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeButton.Tex), ThemeButton.Typ, ThemeButton.Reflection, ThemeButton.Reflectionspacing, ThemeButton.DeSelectReflectionspacing); Button[Result].Z := ThemeButton.Z; //Button Visibility Button[Result].Visible := ThemeButton.Visible; //Some Things from ButtonFading Button[Result].SelectH := ThemeButton.SelectH; Button[Result].SelectW := ThemeButton.SelectW; Button[Result].Fade := ThemeButton.Fade; Button[Result].FadeText := ThemeButton.FadeText; if (ThemeButton.Typ = TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) then begin Button[Result].FadeTex := Texture.GetTexture( Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeButton.FadeTex), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, RGBFloatToInt(ThemeButton.ColR, ThemeButton.ColG, ThemeButton.ColB)); end else begin Button[Result].FadeTex := Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeButton.FadeTex), ThemeButton.Typ, true); end; Button[Result].FadeTexPos := ThemeButton.FadeTexPos; BTLen := Length(ThemeButton.Text); for BT := 0 to BTLen-1 do begin AddButtonText(ThemeButton.Text[BT].X, ThemeButton.Text[BT].Y, ThemeButton.Text[BT].ColR, ThemeButton.Text[BT].ColG, ThemeButton.Text[BT].ColB, ThemeButton.Text[BT].Font, ThemeButton.Text[BT].Size, ThemeButton.Text[BT].Align, ThemeButton.Text[BT].Text); end; //BAutton Collection Mod if (ThemeButton.Parent <> 0) then begin //If Collection Exists then Change Interaction to Child Button if (@ButtonCollection[ThemeButton.Parent-1] <> nil) then begin Interactions[High(Interactions)].Typ := iBCollectionChild; Button[Result].Visible := False; for BT := 0 to BTLen-1 do Button[Result].Text[BT].Alpha := 0; Button[Result].Parent := ThemeButton.Parent; if (ButtonCollection[ThemeButton.Parent-1].Fade) then Button[Result].Texture.Alpha := 0; end; end; Log.BenchmarkEnd(6); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options32', 6); end; function TMenu.AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; const Name: String): integer; begin Result := AddButton(X, Y, W, H, Name, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, False); end; function TMenu.AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; const Name: String; Typ: TTextureType; Reflection: Boolean): integer; begin Result := AddButton(X, Y, W, H, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, Name, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, Reflection, 15, 15); end; function TMenu.AddButton(X, Y, W, H, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real; const Name: String; Typ: TTextureType; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing, DeSelectReflectionSpacing: Real): integer; begin // adds button //SetLength is used once to reduce Memory usement if (ButtonPos <> -1) then begin Result := ButtonPos; Inc(ButtonPos) end else //Old Method -> Reserve new Memory for every Button begin Result := Length(Button); SetLength(Button, Result + 1); end; // Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ)); // check here for cache // Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, false); // preloads textures and creates cahce mipmap when needed // if Covers.CoverExists(Name) then // colorize hack if (Typ = TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) then begin // give encoded color to GetTexture() Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, RGBFloatToInt(ColR, ColG, ColB)), Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, RGBFloatToInt(DColR, DColG, DColB))); end else begin Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, true)); // use cache texture end; // configures button Button[Result].X := X; Button[Result].Y := Y; Button[Result].W := W; Button[Result].H := H; if (Typ <> TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) then begin Button[Result].SelectColR := ColR; Button[Result].SelectColG := ColG; Button[Result].SelectColB := ColB; Button[Result].DeselectColR := DColR; Button[Result].DeselectColG := DColG; Button[Result].DeselectColB := DColB; end; Button[Result].SelectInt := Int; Button[Result].DeselectInt := DInt; Button[Result].Texture.TexX1 := 0; Button[Result].Texture.TexY1 := 0; Button[Result].Texture.TexX2 := 1; Button[Result].Texture.TexY2 := 1; Button[Result].SetSelect(false); Button[Result].Reflection := Reflection; Button[Result].Reflectionspacing := ReflectionSpacing; Button[Result].DeSelectReflectionspacing := DeSelectReflectionSpacing; //Button Collection Mod Button[Result].Parent := 0; // adds interaction AddInteraction(iButton, Result); Interaction := 0; end; procedure TMenu.ClearButtons; begin Setlength(Button, 0); end; // Method to draw our TMenu and all his child buttons function TMenu.DrawBG: boolean; var PetX: integer; PetY: integer; begin BackImg.ColR := 1; BackImg.ColG := 1; BackImg.ColB := 1; BackImg.TexX1 := 0; BackImg.TexY1 := 0; BackImg.TexX2 := 1; BackImg.TexY2 := 1; if (BackImg.TexNum > 0) then begin // does anyone know what these loops were for? { // draw texture with overlapping for PetY := 1 to BackH do for PetX := 1 to BackW do begin BackImg.X := (PetX-1)/BackW * 800; //640 BackImg.Y := (PetY-1)/BackH * 600; //480 DrawTexture(BackImg); end; // for PetX } { BackImg.X:=BackW; BackImg.Y:=BackW; } BackImg.X := 0; BackImg.Y := 0; BackImg.Z := 0; // todo: eddie: to the opengl experts: please check this! On the mac z is not initialized??? BackImg.W := 800; BackImg.H := 600; DrawTexture(BackImg); end; // if //if assigned( VideoPlayback ) then begin VideoPlayback.GetFrame( now() ); VideoPlayback.DrawGL(2); end; Result := true; end; function TMenu.DrawFG: boolean; var J: Integer; begin // We don't forget about newly implemented static for nice skin ... for J := 0 to Length(Static) - 1 do Static[J].Draw; // ... and slightly implemented menutext unit for J := 0 to Length(Text) - 1 do Text[J].Draw; // Draw all ButtonCollections For J := 0 to High(ButtonCollection) do ButtonCollection[J].Draw; // Second, we draw all of our buttons for J := 0 to Length(Button) - 1 do Button[J].Draw; // Third, we draw all of our selects for J := 0 to Length(Selects) - 1 do Selects[J].Draw(1); for J := 0 to Length(SelectsS) - 1 do SelectsS[J].Draw; // Third, we draw all our widgets // for J := 0 to Length(WidgetsSrc) - 1 do // SDL_BlitSurface(WidgetsSrc[J], nil, ParentBackBuf, WidgetsRect[J]); Result := True; end; function TMenu.Draw: boolean; begin DrawBG; DrawFG; Result := True; end; { function TMenu.GetNextScreen(): PMenu; begin Result := NextScreen; end; } { function TMenu.AddWidget(X, Y : UInt16; WidgetSrc : PSDL_Surface): Int16; var WidgetNum : Int16; begin If (Assigned(WidgetSrc)) Then begin WidgetNum := Length(WidgetsSrc); SetLength(WidgetsSrc, WidgetNum + 1); SetLength(WidgetsRect, WidgetNum + 1); WidgetsSrc[WidgetNum] := WidgetSrc; WidgetsRect[WidgetNum] := new(PSDL_Rect); WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.x := X; WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.y := Y; WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.w := WidgetSrc^.w; WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.h := WidgetSrc^.h; Result := WidgetNum; end else Result := -1; end; } { procedure TMenu.ClearWidgets(MinNumber : Int16); var J : Int16; begin For J := MinNumber to (Length(WidgetsSrc) - 1) do begin SDL_FreeSurface(WidgetsSrc[J]); dispose(WidgetsRect[J]); end; SetLength(WidgetsSrc, MinNumber); SetLength(WidgetsRect, MinNumber); end; } function TMenu.IsSelectable(Int: Cardinal): Boolean; begin Result := True; Case Interactions[Int].Typ of //Button iButton: Result := Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Visible and Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Selectable; //Select iSelect: Result := True; //Select Slide iSelectS: Result := SelectsS[Interactions[Int].Num].Visible; //ButtonCollection Child iBCollectionChild: Result := (ButtonCollection[Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Parent - 1].FirstChild - 1 = Int) AND ((Interactions[Interaction].Typ <> iBCollectionChild) OR (Button[Interactions[Interaction].Num].Parent <> Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Parent)); end; end; // implemented for the sake of usablility // [curser down] picks the button left to the actual atm // this behaviour doesn't make sense for two rows of buttons procedure TMenu.InteractPrevRow; var Int: Integer; begin // these two procedures just make sense for at least 5 buttons, because we // usually start a second row when there are more than 4 buttons Int := Interaction; Int := Int - ceil(Length(Interactions) / 2); //Set Interaction if ((Int < 0) or (Int > Length(Interactions) - 1)) then Int := Interaction //nonvalid button, keep current one else Interaction := Int; //select row above end; procedure TMenu.InteractNextRow; var Int: Integer; begin Int := Interaction; Int := Int + ceil(Length(Interactions) / 2); //Set Interaction if ((Int < 0) or (Int > Length(Interactions) - 1)) then Int := Interaction //nonvalid button, keep current one else Interaction := Int; //select row above end; procedure TMenu.InteractNext; var Int: Integer; begin Int := Interaction; // change interaction as long as it's needed repeat Int := (Int + 1) Mod Length(Interactions); //If no Interaction is Selectable Simply Select Next if (Int = Interaction) then Break; Until IsSelectable(Int); //Set Interaction Interaction := Int; end; procedure TMenu.InteractPrev; var Int: Integer; begin Int := Interaction; // change interaction as long as it's needed repeat Int := Int - 1; if Int = -1 then Int := High(Interactions); //If no Interaction is Selectable Simply Select Next if (Int = Interaction) then Break; Until IsSelectable(Int); //Set Interaction Interaction := Int end; procedure TMenu.InteractCustom(CustomSwitch: integer); var Num: integer; Typ: integer; Again: boolean; begin //Code Commented atm, because it needs to be Rewritten //it doesn't work with Button Collections {then begin CustomSwitch:= CustomSwitch*(-1); Again := true; // change interaction as long as it's needed while (Again = true) do begin Num := SelInteraction - CustomSwitch; if Num = -1 then Num := High(Interactions); Interaction := Num; Again := false; // reset, default to accept changing interaction // checking newly interacted element Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num; Typ := Interactions[Interaction].Typ; case Typ of iButton: begin if Button[Num].Selectable = false then Again := True; end; end; // case end; // while end else if num>0 then begin Again := true; // change interaction as long as it's needed while (Again = true) do begin Num := (Interaction + CustomSwitch) Mod Length(Interactions); Interaction := Num; Again := false; // reset, default to accept changing interaction // checking newly interacted element Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num; Typ := Interactions[Interaction].Typ; case Typ of iButton: begin if Button[Num].Selectable = false then Again := True; end; end; // case end; // while end } end; procedure TMenu.FadeTo(Screen: PMenu); begin Display.Fade := 0; Display.NextScreen := Screen; end; procedure TMenu.FadeTo(Screen: PMenu; aSound: TAudioPlaybackStream); begin FadeTo( Screen ); AudioPlayback.PlaySound( aSound ); end; //popup hack procedure TMenu.CheckFadeTo(Screen: PMenu; msg: String); begin Display.Fade := 0; Display.NextScreenWithCheck := Screen; Display.CheckOK:=False; ScreenPopupCheck.ShowPopup(msg); end; procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; const AddText: string); begin AddButtonText(AddX, AddY, 1, 1, 1, AddText); end; procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; const AddText: string); var Il: integer; begin with Button[High(Button)] do begin Il := Length(Text); SetLength(Text, Il+1); Text[Il] := TText.Create(X + AddX, Y + AddY, AddText); Text[Il].ColR := ColR; Text[Il].ColG := ColG; Text[Il].ColB := ColB; Text[Il].Int := 1;//0.5; end; end; procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; const AddText: string); var Il: integer; begin with Button[High(Button)] do begin Il := Length(Text); SetLength(Text, Il+1); Text[Il] := TText.Create(X + AddX, Y + AddY, AddText); Text[Il].ColR := ColR; Text[Il].ColG := ColG; Text[Il].ColB := ColB; Text[Il].Int := 1;//0.5; Text[Il].Style := Font; Text[Il].Size := Size; Text[Il].Align := Align; end; end; procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(CustomButton: TButton; AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; const AddText: string); var Il: integer; begin with CustomButton do begin Il := Length(Text); SetLength(Text, Il+1); Text[Il] := TText.Create(X + AddX, Y + AddY, AddText); Text[Il].ColR := ColR; Text[Il].ColG := ColG; Text[Il].ColB := ColB; Text[Il].Int := 1;//0.5; Text[Il].Style := Font; Text[Il].Size := Size; Text[Il].Align := Align; end; end; function TMenu.AddSelect(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer; var SO: integer; begin Result := AddSelect(ThemeSelect.X, ThemeSelect.Y, ThemeSelect.W, ThemeSelect.H, ThemeSelect.SkipX, ThemeSelect.ColR, ThemeSelect.ColG, ThemeSelect.ColB, ThemeSelect.Int, ThemeSelect.DColR, ThemeSelect.DColG, ThemeSelect.DColB, ThemeSelect.DInt, ThemeSelect.TColR, ThemeSelect.TColG, ThemeSelect.TColB, ThemeSelect.TInt, ThemeSelect.TDColR, ThemeSelect.TDColG, ThemeSelect.TDColB, ThemeSelect.TDInt, ThemeSelect.SBGColR, ThemeSelect.SBGColG, ThemeSelect.SBGColB, ThemeSelect.SBGInt, ThemeSelect.SBGDColR, ThemeSelect.SBGDColG, ThemeSelect.SBGDColB, ThemeSelect.SBGDInt, ThemeSelect.STColR, ThemeSelect.STColG, ThemeSelect.STColB, ThemeSelect.STInt, ThemeSelect.STDColR, ThemeSelect.STDColG, ThemeSelect.STDColB, ThemeSelect.STDInt, Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelect.Tex), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelect.TexSBG), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, ThemeSelect.Text, Data); for SO := 0 to High(Values) do AddSelectOption(ThemeSelect.X + ThemeSelect.W + ThemeSelect.SkipX + SO * 100 + 20, ThemeSelect.Y + 20, Values[SO]); end; function TMenu.AddSelect(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt, TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt, SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB, SBGInt, SBGDColR, SBGDColG, SBGDColB, SBGDInt, STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real; const Name: String; Typ: TTextureType; const SBGName: String; SBGTyp: TTextureType; const Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer; var S: integer; begin S := Length(Selects); SetLength(Selects, S + 1); Selects[S] := TSelect.Create; if (Typ = TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) then Selects[S].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, RGBFloatToInt(ColR, ColG, ColB)) else Selects[S].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ); Selects[S].X := X; Selects[S].Y := Y; Selects[S].W := W; Selects[S].H := H; Selects[S].ColR := ColR; Selects[S].ColG := ColG; Selects[S].ColB := ColB; Selects[S].Int := Int; Selects[S].DColR := DColR; Selects[S].DColG := DColG; Selects[S].DColB := DColB; Selects[S].DInt := DInt; if (SBGTyp = TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) then Selects[S].TextureSBG := Texture.GetTexture(SBGName, SBGTyp, RGBFloatToInt(SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB)) else Selects[S].TextureSBG := Texture.GetTexture(SBGName, SBGTyp); Selects[S].TextureSBG.X := X + W + SkipX; Selects[S].TextureSBG.Y := Y; Selects[S].TextureSBG.W := 450; Selects[S].TextureSBG.H := H; Selects[S].SBGColR := SBGColR; Selects[S].SBGColG := SBGColG; Selects[S].SBGColB := SBGColB; Selects[S].SBGInt := SBGInt; Selects[S].SBGDColR := SBGDColR; Selects[S].SBGDColG := SBGDColG; Selects[S].SBGDColB := SBGDColB; Selects[S].SBGDInt := SBGDInt; Selects[S].Text.X := X + 20; Selects[S].Text.Y := Y + 20; Selects[S].Text.Text := Caption; Selects[S].Text.Size := 10; Selects[S].Text.Visible := true; Selects[S].TColR := TColR; Selects[S].TColG := TColG; Selects[S].TColB := TColB; Selects[S].TInt := TInt; Selects[S].TDColR := TDColR; Selects[S].TDColG := TDColG; Selects[S].TDColB := TDColB; Selects[S].TDInt := TDInt; Selects[S].STColR := STColR; Selects[S].STColG := STColG; Selects[S].STColB := STColB; Selects[S].STInt := STInt; Selects[S].STDColR := STDColR; Selects[S].STDColG := STDColG; Selects[S].STDColB := STDColB; Selects[S].STDInt := STDInt; // new Selects[S].Texture.TexX1 := 0; Selects[S].Texture.TexY1 := 0; Selects[S].Texture.TexX2 := 1; Selects[S].Texture.TexY2 := 1; Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexX1 := 0; Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexY1 := 0; Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexX2 := 1; Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexY2 := 1; // Sets Data to copy the value of selectops to global value; Selects[S].PData := @Data; // Sets default value of selectopt from Data; Selects[S].SelectedOption := Data; // Disables default selection Selects[S].SetSelect(false); // adds interaction AddInteraction(iSelect, S); end; procedure TMenu.AddSelectOption(AddX, AddY: real; const AddText: string); begin AddSelectOption (High(Selects), AddX, AddY, AddText); end; procedure TMenu.AddSelectOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; AddX, AddY: real; const AddText: string); var SO: integer; begin SO := Length(Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt); SetLength(Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt, SO + 1); Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO] := TText.Create; Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].X := AddX; Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Y := AddY; Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Text := AddText; Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Size := 10; Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].ColR := Selects[SelectNo].STDColR; Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].ColG := Selects[SelectNo].STDColG; Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].ColB := Selects[SelectNo].STDColB; Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Int := Selects[SelectNo].STDInt; Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Visible := true; if SO = Selects[SelectNo].PData^ then Selects[SelectNo].SelectedOption := SO; end; procedure TMenu.UpdateSelectOptions(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer); var SO: integer; begin SetLength(Selects[SelectNum].TextOpt, 0); for SO := 0 to High(Values) do AddSelectOption(SelectNum, ThemeSelect.X + ThemeSelect.W + ThemeSelect.SkipX + SO * 100 + 20, ThemeSelect.Y + 20, Values[SO]); end; function TMenu.AddSelectSlide(ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer; var SO: integer; begin Result := AddSelectSlide(ThemeSelectS.X, ThemeSelectS.Y, ThemeSelectS.W, ThemeSelectS.H, ThemeSelectS.SkipX, ThemeSelectS.SBGW, ThemeSelectS.ColR, ThemeSelectS.ColG, ThemeSelectS.ColB, ThemeSelectS.Int, ThemeSelectS.DColR, ThemeSelectS.DColG, ThemeSelectS.DColB, ThemeSelectS.DInt, ThemeSelectS.TColR, ThemeSelectS.TColG, ThemeSelectS.TColB, ThemeSelectS.TInt, ThemeSelectS.TDColR, ThemeSelectS.TDColG, ThemeSelectS.TDColB, ThemeSelectS.TDInt, ThemeSelectS.SBGColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGColB, ThemeSelectS.SBGInt, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColB, ThemeSelectS.SBGDInt, ThemeSelectS.STColR, ThemeSelectS.STColG, ThemeSelectS.STColB, ThemeSelectS.STInt, ThemeSelectS.STDColR, ThemeSelectS.STDColG, ThemeSelectS.STDColB, ThemeSelectS.STDInt, Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelectS.Tex), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelectS.TexSBG), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, ThemeSelectS.Text, Data); for SO := 0 to High(Values) do AddSelectSlideOption(Values[SO]); SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].Text.Size := ThemeSelectS.TextSize; SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].Texture.Z := ThemeSelectS.Z; SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].TextureSBG.Z := ThemeSelectS.Z; //Generate Lines SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].GenLines; SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].SelectedOption := SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].SelectOptInt; // refresh end; function TMenu.AddSelectSlide(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, SBGW, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt, TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt, SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB, SBGInt, SBGDColR, SBGDColG, SBGDColB, SBGDInt, STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real; const Name: String; Typ: TTextureType; const SBGName: String; SBGTyp: TTextureType; const Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer; var S: integer; I: integer; begin S := Length(SelectsS); SetLength(SelectsS, S + 1); SelectsS[S] := TSelectSlide.Create; if (Typ = TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) then SelectsS[S].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, RGBFloatToInt(ColR, ColG, ColB)) else SelectsS[S].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ); SelectsS[S].X := X; SelectsS[S].Y := Y; SelectsS[S].W := W; SelectsS[S].H := H; SelectsS[S].ColR := ColR; SelectsS[S].ColG := ColG; SelectsS[S].ColB := ColB; SelectsS[S].Int := Int; SelectsS[S].DColR := DColR; SelectsS[S].DColG := DColG; SelectsS[S].DColB := DColB; SelectsS[S].DInt := DInt; if (SBGTyp = TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED) then SelectsS[S].TextureSBG := Texture.GetTexture(SBGName, SBGTyp, RGBFloatToInt(SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB)) else SelectsS[S].TextureSBG := Texture.GetTexture(SBGName, SBGTyp); SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.X := X + W + SkipX; SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.Y := Y; //SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.W := 450; SelectsS[S].SBGW := SBGW; SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.H := H; SelectsS[S].SBGColR := SBGColR; SelectsS[S].SBGColG := SBGColG; SelectsS[S].SBGColB := SBGColB; SelectsS[S].SBGInt := SBGInt; SelectsS[S].SBGDColR := SBGDColR; SelectsS[S].SBGDColG := SBGDColG; SelectsS[S].SBGDColB := SBGDColB; SelectsS[S].SBGDInt := SBGDInt; SelectsS[S].Text.X := X + 20; SelectsS[S].Text.Y := Y + (SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.H / 2) - 15; SelectsS[S].Text.Text := Caption; SelectsS[S].Text.Size := 10; SelectsS[S].Text.Visible := true; SelectsS[S].TColR := TColR; SelectsS[S].TColG := TColG; SelectsS[S].TColB := TColB; SelectsS[S].TInt := TInt; SelectsS[S].TDColR := TDColR; SelectsS[S].TDColG := TDColG; SelectsS[S].TDColB := TDColB; SelectsS[S].TDInt := TDInt; SelectsS[S].STColR := STColR; SelectsS[S].STColG := STColG; SelectsS[S].STColB := STColB; SelectsS[S].STInt := STInt; SelectsS[S].STDColR := STDColR; SelectsS[S].STDColG := STDColG; SelectsS[S].STDColB := STDColB; SelectsS[S].STDInt := STDInt; // new SelectsS[S].Texture.TexX1 := 0; SelectsS[S].Texture.TexY1 := 0; SelectsS[S].Texture.TexX2 := 1; SelectsS[S].Texture.TexY2 := 1; SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexX1 := 0; SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexY1 := 0; SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexX2 := 1; SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexY2 := 1; // Sets Data to copy the value of selectops to global value; SelectsS[S].PData := @Data; // Configures Select options {//SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Text := IntToStr(I+1); SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Size := 10; SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Align := 1; SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].ColR := SelectsS[S].STDColR; SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].ColG := SelectsS[S].STDColG; SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].ColB := SelectsS[S].STDColB; SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Int := SelectsS[S].STDInt; SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Visible := true; } // Sets default value of selectopt from Data; SelectsS[S].SelectedOption := Data; // Disables default selection SelectsS[S].SetSelect(false); {// Configures 3 select options for I := 0 to 2 do begin SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].X := SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.X + 20 + (50 + 20) + (150 - 20) * I; SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Y := SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.Y + 20; SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Text := IntToStr(I+1); SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Size := 10; SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Align := 1; SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].ColR := SelectsS[S].STDColR; SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].ColG := SelectsS[S].STDColG; SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].ColB := SelectsS[S].STDColB; SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Int := SelectsS[S].STDInt; SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Visible := true; end;} // adds interaction AddInteraction(iSelectS, S); Result := S; end; procedure TMenu.AddSelectSlideOption(const AddText: string); begin AddSelectSlideOption(High(SelectsS), AddText); end; procedure TMenu.AddSelectSlideOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; const AddText: string); var SO: integer; begin SO := Length(SelectsS[SelectNo].TextOptT); SetLength(SelectsS[SelectNo].TextOptT, SO + 1); SelectsS[SelectNo].TextOptT[SO] := AddText; //SelectsS[S].SelectedOption := SelectsS[S].SelectOptInt; // refresh //if SO = Selects[S].PData^ then Selects[S].SelectedOption := SO; end; procedure TMenu.UpdateSelectSlideOptions(ThemeSelectSlide: TThemeSelectSlide; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer); var SO: integer; begin SetLength(SelectsS[SelectNum].TextOptT, 0); for SO := 0 to High(Values) do AddSelectSlideOption(SelectNum, Values[SO]); SelectsS[SelectNum].GenLines; // SelectsS[SelectNum].SelectedOption := SelectsS[SelectNum].SelectOptInt; // refresh // SelectS[SelectNum].SetSelectOpt(Data); // SelectS[SelectNum].SelectedOption := 0;//Data; // Log.LogError(IntToStr(High(SelectsS[SelectNum].TextOptT))); // if 0 <= High(SelectsS[SelectNum].TextOptT) then SelectsS[SelectNum].PData := @Data; SelectsS[SelectNum].SelectedOption := Data; end; function TMenu.InRegion(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X, Y: real): Boolean; begin Result := false; X1 := X1 * RenderW/640; X2 := X2 * RenderW/640; Y1 := Y1 * RenderH/480; Y2 := Y2 * RenderH/480; if (X >= X1) and (X <= X2) and (Y >= Y1) and (Y <= Y2) then Result := true; end; function TMenu.InStaticRegion(StaticNr: integer; X, Y: integer): Boolean; begin Result := InRegion(Static[StaticNr].Texture.X, Static[StaticNr].Texture.Y, Static[StaticNr].Texture.X + Static[StaticNr].Texture.W - 1, Static[StaticNr].Texture.Y + Static[StaticNr].Texture.H - 1, X, Y); end; procedure TMenu.InteractInc; var Num: integer; Value: integer; begin case Interactions[Interaction].Typ of iSelect: begin Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num; Value := Selects[Num].SelectedOption; Value := (Value + 1) Mod (Length(Selects[Num].TextOpt)); Selects[Num].SelectedOption := Value; end; iSelectS: begin Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num; Value := SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption; // Value := (Value + 1) Mod (Length(SelectsS[Num].TextOptT)); // limit Value := Value + 1; if Value <= High(SelectsS[Num].TextOptT) then SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption := Value; end; //Button Collection Mod iBCollectionChild: begin //Select Next Button in Collection For Num := 1 to High(Button) do begin Value := (Interaction + Num) Mod Length(Button); if Value = 0 then begin InteractNext; Break; end; if (Button[Value].Parent = Button[Interaction].Parent) then begin Interaction := Value; Break; end; end; end; //interact Next if there is Nothing to Change else InteractNext; end; end; procedure TMenu.InteractDec; var Num: integer; Value: integer; begin case Interactions[Interaction].Typ of iSelect: begin Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num; Value := Selects[Num].SelectedOption; Value := Value - 1; if Value = -1 then Value := High(Selects[Num].TextOpt); Selects[Num].SelectedOption := Value; end; iSelectS: begin Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num; Value := SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption; Value := Value - 1; // if Value = -1 then // Value := High(SelectsS[Num].TextOptT); if Value >= 0 then SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption := Value; end; //Button Collection Mod iBCollectionChild: begin //Select Prev Button in Collection For Num := High(Button) downto 1 do begin Value := (Interaction + Num) Mod Length(Button); if Value = High(Button) then begin InteractPrev; Break; end; if (Button[Value].Parent = Button[Interaction].Parent) then begin Interaction := Value; Break; end; end; end; //interact Prev if there is Nothing to Change else begin InteractPrev; //If ButtonCollection with more than 1 Entry then Select Last Entry if (Button[Interactions[Interaction].Num].Parent <> 0) AND (ButtonCollection[Button[Interactions[Interaction].Num].Parent-1].CountChilds > 1) then begin //Select Last Child For Num := High(Button) downto 1 do begin Value := (Interaction + Num) Mod Length(Button); if (Button[Value].Parent = Button[Interaction].Parent) then begin Interaction := Value; Break; end; end; end; end; end; end; procedure TMenu.AddBox(X, Y, W, H: real); begin AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('MainBar'), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED); AddStatic(X+2, Y+2, W-4, H-4, 1, 1, 1, Skin.GetTextureFileName('MainBar'), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED); end; procedure TMenu.onShow; begin // FIXME: this needs some work. First, there should be a variable like // VideoBackground so we can check whether a video-background is enabled or not. // Second, a video should be stopped if the screen is hidden, but the Video.Stop() // method is not implemented by now. This is necessary for theme-switching too. // At the moment videos cannot be turned off without restarting USDX. // check if a background texture was found if (BackImg.TexNum = 0) then begin // try to open an animated background // Note: newer versions of ffmpeg are able to open images like jpeg // so do not pass an image's filename to VideoPlayback.Open() if fileexists( fFileName ) then begin if VideoPlayback.Open( fFileName ) then VideoPlayback.Play; end; end; end; procedure TMenu.onShowFinish; begin // nothing end; (* * Wrapper for WideUpperCase. Needed because some plattforms have problems with * unicode support. *) function TMenu.WideCharUpperCase(wchar: WideChar) : WideString; begin // On Linux and MacOSX the cwstring unit is necessary for Unicode function-calls. // Otherwise you will get an EIntOverflow exception (thrown by unimplementedwidestring()). // The Unicode manager cwstring does not work with MacOSX at the moment because // of missing references to iconv. So we have to use Ansi... for the moment. {$IFNDEF DARWIN} // The FPC implementation of WideUpperCase returns nil if wchar is #0 (e.g. if an arrow key is pressed) if (wchar <> #0) then Result := WideUpperCase(wchar) else Result := #0; {$ELSE} Result := AnsiUpperCase(wchar) {$ENDIF} end; (* * Wrapper for WideUpperCase. Needed because some plattforms have problems with * unicode support. *) function TMenu.WideStringUpperCase(wstring: WideString) : WideString; begin {$IFNDEF DARWIN} Result := WideUpperCase(wstring) {$ELSE} Result := AnsiUpperCase(wstring); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TMenu.onHide; begin // nothing end; function TMenu.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; CharCode: WideChar; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; begin // nothing Result := true; end; procedure TMenu.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); begin // nothing end; end.