{############################################################################ # FFmpeg support for UltraStar deluxe # # now uses acinerella # # # # Created by b1indy, modified by brunzel # # based on 'An ffmpeg and SDL Tutorial' (http://www.dranger.com/ffmpeg/) # # and acinerella demo (http://sourceforge.net/projects/acinerella/) # #############################################################################} //{$define Info} unit UVideo; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} {$ENDIF} uses SDL, Classes, //for TFilestream UGraphicClasses, textgl, acinerella, math, gl, glu, glext, SysUtils, {$ifdef DebugDisplay} {$ifdef win32} dialogs, {$endif} {$ENDIF} UIni, UTime; type TAspectCorrection = (acoStretch, acoCrop, acoLetterBox); //from 1.1 TRectCoords = record //from 1.1 Left, Right: double; Upper, Lower: double; windowed: boolean; Reflection: boolean; ReflectionSpacing: real; TargetAspect: TAspectCorrection; ZoomFaktor: real; end; procedure Init; procedure acOpenFile(FileName: pAnsiChar); procedure acClose; procedure acGetFrame(Time: Extended); function acSearch(Time: Extended): integer; procedure acDrawGL(Screen: integer); procedure acDrawGLi(Screen: integer; Window: TRectCoords; Blend: real); procedure acTogglePause; procedure acSkip(Gap: Single; Start: Single); procedure acSkip2(Gap: Single; Start: Single); procedure ToggleAspectCorrection; procedure GetVideoRect(var ScreenRect, TexRect: TRectCoords; Window: TRectCoords); procedure SetAspectCorrection(aspect: TAspectCorrection); procedure ResetAspectCorrection; Const MIN_FPS = 40; MAX_FPS = 55; var VideoOpened: Boolean; VideoPaused: Boolean; VideoTex: glUint; VideoStreamIndex: Integer; SkipLines: Integer; LastSkipLines: Integer; mmfps: Real; Counter: Integer; TexX, TexY: Integer; dataX, dataY: Integer; VideoTimeBase: Extended; VideoTime: Extended; LastFrameTime: Extended; TimeDifference: Extended; NegativeSkipTime: Extended; ScaledVideoWidth: Real; ScaledVideoHeight: Real; VideoAspect: Real; VideoSkipTime: Single; ActualH, ActualW: Integer; inst: PAc_instance; pack: PAc_package; info: TAc_stream_info; videodecoder: PAc_decoder; fAspect: Real; //**< width/height ratio (from 1.1) fAspectCorrection: TAspectCorrection; //from 1.1 fs: TFileStream; fName: String; timediff_str: String; //for debug mtime_str: String; //for debug pbo: glUint; pbo_supported: Boolean; PIXEL_FORMAT: glUint; numBytes: Integer; EnableVideoDraw: boolean; implementation uses UGraphic, ULog, UDisplay; function read_proc(sender: Pointer; buf: PByte; size: integer): integer; cdecl; begin result := fs.Read(buf^, size); end; function seek_proc(sender: Pointer; pos: int64; whence: integer): int64; cdecl; begin result := fs.Seek(pos, TSeekOrigin(whence)) end; procedure Init; begin inst := nil; videodecoder := nil; VideoOpened:=False; VideoPaused:=False; fName := ''; glGenTextures(1, @VideoTex); if (pbo_supported) then glGenBuffers(1, @pbo); fAspectCorrection := TAspectCorrection(Ini.AspectCorrect); SkipLines := 0; LastSkipLines := 0; Counter := 0; PIXEL_FORMAT := GL_RGB; numBytes := 3; EnableVideoDraw := true; end; procedure acOpenFile(FileName: pAnsiChar); var I: integer; begin VideoPaused := False; VideoTimeBase := 0; VideoTime := 0; LastFrameTime := 0; TimeDifference := 0; Counter := 0; acClose; if not FileExists(FileName) then Exit; //TODO: error.log fs := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead); fs.Position := 0; inst := ac_init(); videodecoder := nil; ac_open(inst, nil, nil, @read_proc, @seek_proc, nil, nil); if not inst^.opened then begin fs.Free; Exit; //TODO: error.log end; //find VideoStreamIndex VideoStreamIndex:=-1; for I := 0 to inst^.stream_count - 1 do begin ac_get_stream_info(inst, I, @info); case info.stream_type of AC_STREAM_TYPE_VIDEO: begin if videodecoder = nil then begin VideoStreamIndex:=I; inst^.output_format := AC_OUTPUT_RGB24; videodecoder := ac_create_decoder(inst, I); end; end; end; end; if(VideoStreamIndex < 0) then begin if videodecoder <> nil then ac_free_decoder(videodecoder); ac_close(inst); ac_free(inst); fs.Free; Exit; end; VideoOpened:=True; fName := FileName; TexX := videodecoder^.stream_info.additional_info.video_info.frame_width; TexY := videodecoder^.stream_info.additional_info.video_info.frame_height; dataX := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexX)))); dataY := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexY)))); // calculate some information for video display VideoAspect:=videodecoder^.stream_info.additional_info.video_info.pixel_aspect; if (VideoAspect = 0) then VideoAspect:=TexX/TexY else VideoAspect:=VideoAspect*TexX/TexY; fAspect := VideoAspect; if (info.additional_info.video_info.frames_per_second>0) then VideoTimeBase:=1/info.additional_info.video_info.frames_per_second; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, VideoTex); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY, 1.0); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, dataX, dataY, 0, PIXEL_FORMAT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, nil); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); if(pbo_supported) then begin glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, pbo); glBufferData(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, numBytes*TexX*TexY, nil, GL_STREAM_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, 0); end; mmfps := (MAX_FPS-MIN_FPS)/2; end; procedure acClose; begin if VideoOpened then begin if videodecoder <> nil then ac_free_decoder(videodecoder); videodecoder:=nil; ac_close(inst); ac_free(inst); inst := nil; fs.Free; fs:=nil; VideoOpened:=False; fName := ''; end; end; procedure acTogglePause; begin if VideoPaused then VideoPaused:=False else VideoPaused:=True; end; procedure acSkip2(Gap: Single; Start: Single); begin VideoSkiptime:=Gap; NegativeSkipTime:=Start+Gap; if Start+Gap > 0 then begin VideoTime:=Start+Gap; try ac_seek(videodecoder, -1, Floor((Start+Gap)*1000)); except Log.LogError('Error seeking Video "acSkip2" on video ('+fName+')'); acClose; end; end else begin try ac_seek(videodecoder, 0, 0); except Log.LogError('Error seeking Video "acSkip2" on video ('+fName+')'); acClose; end; VideoTime:=0; end; end; procedure acSkip(Gap: Single; Start: Single); begin VideoSkiptime:=Gap; NegativeSkipTime:=Start+Gap; if Start+Gap > 0 then begin VideoTime:=0; ac_seek(videodecoder, -1, Floor((Start+Gap)*1000)); if (acSearch(Gap+Start)=0) then begin ac_seek(videodecoder, 0, 0); VideoTime:=0; acSearch(Gap+Start); end; end else begin ac_seek(videodecoder, 0, 0); VideoTime:=0; end; end; function acSearch(Time: Extended): integer; var FrameFinished: Integer; errnum: Integer; FrameDataPtr: PByteArray; myTime: Extended; begin Result := 0; if not VideoOpened then Exit; if (NegativeSkipTime < 0)and(Time+NegativeSkipTime>=0) then NegativeSkipTime:=0; myTime:=Time+VideoSkipTime; TimeDifference:=myTime-VideoTime; if (VideoTime <> 0) and (TimeDifference <= VideoTimeBase) then begin Exit;// we don't need a new frame now end; pack := ac_read_package(inst); FrameFinished:=0; // read packets until we have a finished frame (or there are no more packets) while ((VideoTime < Time-VideoTimeBase)) and (pack <> nil) do begin // if we got a packet from the video stream, then decode it if (videodecoder^.stream_index = pack^.stream_index) then begin FrameFinished := ac_decode_package(pack, videodecoder); VideoTime := videodecoder^.timecode; ac_free_package(pack); if ((VideoTime < Time-VideoTimeBase)) then pack := ac_read_package(inst); end else begin ac_free_package(pack); pack := ac_read_package(inst); end; end; if (pack<>nil) then ac_free_package(pack); // if we did not get an new frame, there's nothing more to do if Framefinished=0 then begin Exit; end; errnum:=1; //TODO!! if errnum >=0 then begin FrameDataPtr:=Pointer(videodecoder^.buffer); Result := 1; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, VideoTex); glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, TexX, TexY, PIXEL_FORMAT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @FrameDataPtr[0]); if Ini.Debug = 1 then begin //frame decode debug display GoldenRec.Spawn(200,85,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$ffff00,0); end; end; end; procedure acGetFrame(Time: Extended); Const MAX = 3000; var FrameFinished: Integer; errnum: Integer; FrameDataPtr: PByteArray; FrameDataPtr2: PByteArray; myTime: Extended; DropFrame: Boolean; droppedFrames: Integer; I: Integer; glError: glEnum; glErrorStr: String; const FRAMEDROPCOUNT=3; begin if not VideoOpened then Exit; if VideoPaused then Exit; mmfps := (Display.mFPS+mmfps)/2; if(Ini.PerformanceMode=1) then begin if (mmfps=MAX) then begin Inc(SkipLines); mmfps:=(MAX_FPS-MIN_FPS)/2; Counter := 0; end; end else if (mmfps>MAX_FPS) then begin if(SkipLines>0) and (Counter0) and (Counter>=MAX) then begin Dec(SkipLines); LastSkipLines := SkipLines; Counter := 0; end; end else Counter := 0; end; if (Counter>MAX) then Counter := MAX; if (NegativeSkipTime < 0)and(Time+NegativeSkipTime>=0) then NegativeSkipTime:=0; myTime:=Time+VideoSkipTime; TimeDifference:=myTime-VideoTime; if Ini.Debug = 1 then begin timediff_str:= 't-diff: ' + FormatFloat('#0.00', TimeDifference); mtime_str:= 'mytime: ' + FormatFloat('#0.00', myTime); end; DropFrame:=False; if (VideoTime <> 0) and (TimeDifference <= VideoTimeBase) then begin if Ini.Debug = 1 then begin // frame delay debug display GoldenRec.Spawn(200,65,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$00ff00,0); end; Exit;// we don't need a new frame now end; if TimeDifference >= (FRAMEDROPCOUNT-1)*VideoTimeBase then begin // skip frames if Ini.Debug = 1 then begin //frame drop debug display GoldenRec.Spawn(200,105,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$ff0000,0); end; DropFrame:=True; end; pack := ac_read_package(inst); FrameFinished:=0; // read packets until we have a finished frame (or there are no more packets) while (FrameFinished=0) and (pack <> nil) do begin // if we got a packet from the video stream, then decode it if (videodecoder^.stream_index = pack^.stream_index) then begin FrameFinished := ac_decode_package(pack, videodecoder); ac_free_package(pack); if (FrameFinished=0) then pack := ac_read_package(inst); end else begin ac_free_package(pack); pack := ac_read_package(inst); end; end; if DropFrame then begin //acSearch(Time); for droppedFrames:=1 to FRAMEDROPCOUNT do begin pack := ac_read_package(inst); FrameFinished:=0; // read packets until we have a finished frame (or there are no more packets) while (FrameFinished=0) and (pack <> nil) do begin // if we got a packet from the video stream, then decode it if (videodecoder^.stream_index = pack^.stream_index) then begin FrameFinished := ac_decode_package(pack, videodecoder); ac_free_package(pack); if (FrameFinished=0) then pack := ac_read_package(inst); end else begin ac_free_package(pack); pack := ac_read_package(inst); end; end; end; end; // if we did not get an new frame, there's nothing more to do if Framefinished=0 then begin // GoldenRec.Spawn(220,15,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$0000ff); acClose; Exit; end; errnum:=1; //TODO!! if errnum >=0 then begin if(not pbo_supported) then begin FrameDataPtr:=Pointer(videodecoder^.buffer); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, VideoTex); if(SkipLines>0)then begin for I := 0 to TexY - 1 do begin if(I mod (SkipLines+1) = 0) then glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, (I div (SkipLines+1)), TexX, 1, PIXEL_FORMAT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @FrameDataPtr[I*numBytes*TexX]); end; end else glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, TexX, TexY, PIXEL_FORMAT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @FrameDataPtr[0]); end else begin glGetError(); glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, pbo); glError := glGetError; if glError <> GL_NO_ERROR then begin acClose; Log.LogError('Error drawing Video "glBindBuffer"'); Exit; end; FrameDataPtr := glMapBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, GL_WRITE_ONLY); glError := glGetError; if glError <> GL_NO_ERROR then begin acClose; Log.LogError('Error drawing Video pbo "glMapBuffer"'); Exit; end; FrameDataPtr2:=Pointer(videodecoder^.buffer); move(FrameDataPtr2[0], FrameDataPtr[0], numBytes*TexX*TexY); glUnmapBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB); glError := glGetError; if glError <> GL_NO_ERROR then begin acClose; Log.LogError('Error drawing Video pbo "glUnmapBuffer"'); Exit; end; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, VideoTex); glError := glGetError; if glError <> GL_NO_ERROR then begin acClose; Log.LogError('Error drawing Video pbo "glBindTexture"'); Exit; end; glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, TexX, TexY, PIXEL_FORMAT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, nil); glError := glGetError; if glError <> GL_NO_ERROR then begin acClose; case glError of GL_INVALID_ENUM: glErrorStr:='INVALID_ENUM'; GL_INVALID_VALUE: glErrorStr:='INVALID_VALUE'; GL_INVALID_OPERATION: glErrorStr:='INVALID_OPERATION'; GL_STACK_OVERFLOW: glErrorStr:='STACK_OVERFLOW'; GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW: glErrorStr:='STACK_UNDERFLOW'; GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: glErrorStr:='OUT_OF_MEMORY'; else glErrorStr:='unknown error'; end; Log.LogError('Error drawing Video pbo "glTexSubImage2D" ('+glErrorStr+')'); Exit; end; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, 0); end; VideoTime := videodecoder^.timecode; if Ini.Debug = 1 then begin //frame decode debug display GoldenRec.Spawn(200,85,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$ffff00,0); end; end; end; procedure ToggleAspectCorrection(); begin case fAspectCorrection of acoCrop : fAspectCorrection := acoStretch; acoStretch : fAspectCorrection := acoLetterBox; acoLetterBox : fAspectCorrection := acoCrop; end; end; procedure SetAspectCorrection(aspect: TAspectCorrection); begin fAspectCorrection := aspect; end; procedure ResetAspectCorrection; begin case Ini.AspectCorrect of integer(acoCrop) : fAspectCorrection := acoCrop; integer(acoStretch) : fAspectCorrection := acoStretch; integer(acoLetterBox) : fAspectCorrection := acoLetterBox; end; end; procedure GetVideoRect(var ScreenRect, TexRect: TRectCoords; Window: TRectCoords); var RectS, RectT: TRectCoords; procedure GetCoords(var SRect: TRectCoords; Win: TRectCoords; Aspect: TAspectCorrection); var ScreenAspect: double; // aspect of screen resolution ScaledVideoWidth: double; ScaledVideoHeight: double; rW, rH: double; begin // Three aspects to take into account: // 1. Screen/display resolution (e.g. 1920x1080 -> 16:9) // 2. Render aspect (fixed to 800x600 -> 4:3) // 3. Movie aspect (video frame aspect stored in fAspect) if (Win.windowed) then begin rW := (Win.Right-Win.Left); rH := (Win.Lower-Win.Upper); ScreenAspect := rW*((ScreenW/Screens)/RenderW)/(rH*(ScreenH/RenderH)); end else begin rW := RenderW; rH := RenderH; ScreenAspect := (ScreenW/Screens) / ScreenH; end; case Aspect of acoStretch: begin ScaledVideoWidth := rW; ScaledVideoHeight := rH; end; acoCrop: begin if (ScreenAspect >= fAspect) then begin ScaledVideoWidth := rW; ScaledVideoHeight := rH * ScreenAspect/fAspect; end else begin ScaledVideoHeight := rH; ScaledVideoWidth := rW * fAspect/ScreenAspect; end; end; acoLetterBox: begin if (ScreenAspect <= fAspect) then begin ScaledVideoWidth := rW; ScaledVideoHeight := rH * ScreenAspect/fAspect; end else begin ScaledVideoHeight := rH; ScaledVideoWidth := rW * fAspect/ScreenAspect; end; end else raise Exception.Create('Unhandled aspect correction!'); end; SRect.Left := (rW - ScaledVideoWidth) / 2 + Win.Left; SRect.Right := SRect.Left + ScaledVideoWidth; SRect.Upper := (rH - ScaledVideoHeight) / 2 + Win.Upper; SRect.Lower := SRect.Upper + ScaledVideoHeight; end; begin if (Window.TargetAspect = fAspectCorrection) then GetCoords(ScreenRect, Window, fAspectCorrection) else begin GetCoords(RectS, Window, fAspectCorrection); GetCoords(RectT, Window, Window.TargetAspect); ScreenRect.Left := RectS.Left + (RectT.Left-RectS.Left)*Window.ZoomFaktor; ScreenRect.Right := RectS.Right + (RectT.Right-RectS.Right)*Window.ZoomFaktor; ScreenRect.Upper := RectS.Upper + (RectT.Upper-RectS.Upper)*Window.ZoomFaktor; ScreenRect.Lower := RectS.Lower + (RectT.Lower-RectS.Lower)*Window.ZoomFaktor; end; // texture contains right/lower (power-of-2) padding. // Determine the texture coords of the video frame. TexRect.Left := 0; TexRect.Right := TexX / dataX; TexRect.Upper := 0; if (not pbo_supported) then TexRect.Lower := (TexY/(SkipLines+1)) / dataY else TexRect.Lower := TexY/ dataY; end; procedure acDrawGL(Screen: integer); var Window: TRectCoords; begin Window.Left := 0; Window.Right := RenderW; Window.Upper := 0; Window.Lower := RenderH; Window.windowed := false; Window.Reflection := false; Window.TargetAspect := fAspectCorrection; acDrawGLi(Screen, Window, 1); end; procedure acDrawGLi(Screen: integer; Window: TRectCoords; Blend: real); var ScreenRect, TexRect: TRectCoords; begin // have a nice black background to draw on (even if there were errors opening the vid) if Not Window.windowed then begin //glDisable(GL_BLEND); glScissor(round((ScreenW/Screens)*(Screen-1)), 0, round(ScreenW/Screens), round(ScreenH)); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glClearColor(0,0,0,1); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT or GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); end else if EnableVideoDraw then glEnable(GL_BLEND); if not EnableVideoDraw then Exit; // exit if there's nothing to draw if not VideoOpened then Exit; GetVideoRect(ScreenRect, TexRect, Window); if Window.windowed then begin glScissor(round((Window.Left)*(ScreenW/Screens)/RenderW+(ScreenW/Screens)*(Screen-1)), round((RenderH-Window.Lower)*ScreenH/RenderH), round((Window.Right-Window.Left)*(ScreenW/Screens)/RenderW), round((Window.Lower-Window.Upper)*ScreenH/RenderH)); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); end; glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Blend); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, VideoTex); //glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_REPLACE); glbegin(gl_quads); // upper-left coord glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Left, TexRect.Upper); glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Left, ScreenRect.Upper); // lower-left coord glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Left, TexRect.Lower); glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Left, ScreenRect.Lower); // lower-right coord glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Right, TexRect.Lower); glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Right, ScreenRect.Lower); // upper-right coord glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Right, TexRect.Upper); glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Right, ScreenRect.Upper); glEnd; if Window.windowed then glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glDisable(GL_BLEND); //Draw Reflection if Window.Reflection then begin glScissor(round((Window.Left)*(ScreenW/Screens)/RenderW+(ScreenW/Screens)*(Screen-1)), round((RenderH-Window.Lower-Window.ReflectionSpacing-(Window.Lower-Window.Upper)*0.5)*ScreenH/RenderH), round((Window.Right-Window.Left)*(ScreenW/Screens)/RenderW), round((Window.Lower-Window.Upper)*ScreenH/RenderH*0.5)); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); //Draw glBegin(GL_QUADS);//Top Left glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Blend-0.3); glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Left, TexRect.Lower); glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Left, Window.Lower + Window.ReflectionSpacing); //Bottom Left glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0); glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Left, (TexRect.Lower-TexRect.Upper)*0.5); glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Left, Window.Lower + (ScreenRect.Lower-ScreenRect.Upper)*0.5 + Window.ReflectionSpacing); //Bottom Right glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0); glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Right, (TexRect.Lower-TexRect.Upper)*0.5); glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Right, Window.Lower + (ScreenRect.Lower-ScreenRect.Upper)*0.5 + Window.ReflectionSpacing); //Top Right glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Blend-0.3); glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Right, TexRect.Lower); glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Right, Window.Lower + Window.ReflectionSpacing); glEnd; glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); end; glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); if (Ini.MovieSize < 1) and not Window.windowed then //HalfSize BG begin // draw fading bars over top and bottom of background/video glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBegin(GL_QUADS); (* black top *) glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1); glVertex2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(RenderW, 0); glVertex2f(RenderW, 110); glVertex2f(0, 110); (* top gradient *) glVertex2f(0, 110); glVertex2f(RenderW, 110); glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0); glVertex2f(RenderW, 130); glVertex2f(0, 130); (* bottom gradient *) glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0); glVertex2f(0, RenderH-130); glVertex2f(RenderW, RenderH-130); glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1); glVertex2f(RenderW, RenderH-110); glVertex2f(0, RenderH-110); (* black bottom *) glVertex2f(0, RenderH-110); glVertex2f(RenderW, RenderH-110); glVertex2f(RenderW, RenderH); glVertex2f(0, RenderH); glEnd; glDisable(GL_BLEND); end; // info-stuff {$ifdef Info} if VideoSkipTime+videodecoder^.timecode+VideoTimeBase < 0 then begin glColor4f(0.7, 1, 0.3, 1); SetFontStyle (1); SetFontItalic(False); SetFontSize(9); SetFontPos (300, 0); glPrint('Delay due to negative VideoGap'); glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); end; {$endif} if Ini.Debug = 1 then begin glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.2); glbegin(gl_quads); glVertex2f(0, 50); glVertex2f(0, 170); glVertex2f(250, 170); glVertex2f(250, 50); glEnd; glColor4f(1,1,1,1); SetFontStyle (1); SetFontItalic(False); SetFontSize(7); SetFontPos (5, 50); glPrint(PChar('vtime: ' + FormatFloat('#0.00', VideoTime))); SetFontPos (5, 65); glPrint(PChar(timediff_str)); SetFontPos (5, 80); glPrint(PChar(mtime_str)); SetFontPos (5, 95); case fAspectCorrection of acoCrop : glPrint('Crop'); acoStretch : glPrint('Stretch'); acoLetterBox : glPrint('LetterBox'); end; SetFontPos (5, 110); glPrint(PChar('mmfps: '+FormatFloat('#0.00', mmfps))); SetFontPos (5, 125); glPrint(PChar('skipL: '+inttostr(SkipLines))); SetFontPos (5, 140); glPrint(PChar('Counter: '+inttostr(Counter))); end; end; end.