unit UTime; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} {$UNDEF DebugDisplay} type TTime = class constructor Create; function GetTime: real; end; procedure CountSkipTimeSet; procedure CountSkipTime; procedure CountMidTime; var USTime: TTime; TimeNew: int64; TimeOld: int64; TimeSkip: real; TimeMid: real; TimeMidTemp: int64; implementation uses // sysutils, sdl, ucommon; const cSDLCorrectionRatio = 1000; (* BEST Option now ( after discussion with whiteshark ) seems to be to use SDL timer functions... SDL_delay SDL_GetTicks http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=466145&whichpage=1%EE%8D%B7 *) constructor TTime.Create; begin CountSkipTimeSet; end; procedure CountSkipTimeSet; begin TimeNew := SDL_GetTicks(); {$IFDEF DebugDisplay} Writeln( 'CountSkipTimeSet : ' + inttostr(trunc(TimeNew)) ); {$ENDIF} end; procedure CountSkipTime; begin TimeOld := TimeNew; TimeNew := SDL_GetTicks(); TimeSkip := (TimeNew-TimeOld) / cSDLCorrectionRatio; {$IFDEF DebugDisplay} Writeln( 'TimeNew : ' + inttostr(trunc(TimeNew)) ); Writeln( 'CountSkipTime : ' + inttostr(trunc(TimeSkip)) ); {$ENDIF} end; procedure CountMidTime; begin TimeMidTemp := SDL_GetTicks(); TimeMid := (TimeMidTemp - TimeNew) / cSDLCorrectionRatio; {$IFDEF DebugDisplay} Writeln( 'TimeNew : ' + inttostr(trunc(TimeNew)) ); Writeln( 'CountMidTime : ' + inttostr(trunc(TimeMid)) ); {$ENDIF} end; function TTime.GetTime: real; begin Result := SDL_GetTicks() / cSDLCorrectionRatio; {$IFDEF DebugDisplay} Writeln( 'GetTime : ' + inttostr(trunc(Result)) ); {$ENDIF} end; end.