unit USongs; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} {$ENDIF} uses SysUtils, {$ifndef win32} oldlinux, {$endif} ULog, UTexture, UCommon, UCatCovers; type TBPM = record BPM: real; StartBeat: real; end; TScore = record Name: widestring; Score: integer; Length: string; end; TSong = record Path: widestring; Folder: widestring; // for sorting by folder FileName: widestring; // sorting methods Category: array of widestring; // I think I won't need this Genre: widestring; Edition: widestring; Language: widestring; // 0.5.0: new Title: widestring; Artist: widestring; Text: widestring; Creator: widestring; Cover: widestring; CoverTex: TTexture; Mp3: widestring; Background: widestring; Video: widestring; VideoGAP: real; VideoLoaded: boolean; // 0.5.0: true if the video has been loaded NotesGAP: integer; Start: real; // in seconds Finish: integer; // in miliseconds Relative: boolean; Resolution: integer; BPM: array of TBPM; GAP: real; // in miliseconds Score: array[0..2] of array of TScore; // these are used when sorting is enabled Visible: boolean; // false if hidden, true if visible Main: boolean; // false for songs, true for category buttons OrderNum: integer; // has a number of category for category buttons and songs OrderTyp: integer; // type of sorting for this button (0=name) CatNumber: integer; // Count of Songs in Category for Cats and Number of Song in Category for Songs end; TSongs = class private BrowsePos: Cardinal; //Actual Pos in Song Array public Song: array of TSong; // array of songs Selected: integer; // selected song index procedure LoadSongList; // load all songs procedure BrowseDir(Dir: widestring); // should return number of songs in the future procedure Sort(Order: integer); function FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: widestring): widestring; end; TCatSongs = class Song: array of TSong; // array of categories with songs Selected: integer; // selected song index Order: integer; // order type (0=title) CatNumShow: integer; // Category Number being seen CatCount: integer; //Number of Categorys procedure Refresh; // refreshes arrays by recreating them from Songs array // procedure Sort(Order: integer); procedure ShowCategory(Index: integer); // expands all songs in category procedure HideCategory(Index: integer); // hides all songs in category procedure ClickCategoryButton(Index: integer); // uses ShowCategory and HideCategory when needed procedure ShowCategoryList; //Hides all Songs And Show the List of all Categorys function FindNextVisible(SearchFrom:integer): integer; //Find Next visible Song function VisibleSongs: integer; // returns number of visible songs (for tabs) function VisibleIndex(Index: integer): integer; // returns visible song index (skips invisible) function SetFilter(FilterStr: String; const fType: Byte): Cardinal; end; var Songs: TSongs; // all songs CatSongs: TCatSongs; // categorized songs AktSong: TSong; // one song *unknown use) implementation uses StrUtils, UFiles, UMain, UIni; procedure TSongs.LoadSongList; begin Log.LogStatus('Initializing', 'LoadSongList'); // clear Setlength(Song, 50); BrowsePos := 0; // browse directories BrowseDir(SongPath); //Set Correct SongArray Length SetLength(Song, BrowsePos); // if Ini.Debug = 1 then BrowseDir('D:\Extract\Songs\'); end; procedure TSongs.BrowseDir(Dir: widestring); var SLen: integer; {$ifdef win32} SR: TSearchRecW; // for parsing Songs Directory {$else} // This should work on all posix systems. TheDir : pdir; ADirent : pDirent; Entry : Longint; info : stat; {$endif} begin {$ifdef win32} if FindFirstW(Dir + '*', faDirectory, SR) = 0 then // JB_Unicode - windows begin repeat if (SR.Name <> '.') and (SR.Name <> '..') then begin BrowseDir(Dir + Sr.Name + PathDelim); end until FindNextw(SR) <> 0; end; // if FindClosew(SR); if FindFirstW(Dir + '*.txt', 0, SR) = 0 then begin repeat SLen := BrowsePos; Song[SLen].Path := Dir; Song[SLen].Folder := Copy(Dir, Length(SongPath)+1, 10000); Song[SLen].Folder := Copy(Song[SLen].Folder, 1, Pos( PathDelim , Song[SLen].Folder)-1); Song[SLen].FileName := SR.Name; if (AnalyseFile(Song[SLen]) = false) then Dec(BrowsePos) else begin if Song[SLen].Cover = '' then Song[SLen].Cover := FindSongFile(Dir, '*[CO].jpg'); end; //Change Length Only every 50 Entrys Inc(BrowsePos); if (BrowsePos mod 50 = 0) AND (BrowsePos <> 0) then begin SetLength(Song, Length(Song) + 50); end; until FindNextW(SR) <> 0; end; // if FindFirst FindCloseW(SR); {$else} // Itterate the Songs Directory... ( With unicode capable functions for linux ) TheDir := opendir( Dir ); // JB_Unicode - linux if TheDir <> nil then begin repeat ADirent := ReadDir(TheDir); If ADirent<>Nil then begin With ADirent^ do begin if ( name[0] <> '.') then BrowseDir( Dir + name + pathdelim ); end; end; Until ADirent=Nil; end; TheDir := opendir( Dir ); // JB_Unicode - linux if TheDir <> nil then begin repeat ADirent := ReadDir(TheDir); if ( ADirent <> Nil ) AND ( pos( '.txt', ADirent^.name ) > -1 ) then begin SLen := BrowsePos; Song[SLen].Path := Dir; Song[SLen].Folder := Copy(Dir, Length(SongPath)+1, 10000); Song[SLen].Folder := Copy(Song[SLen].Folder, 1, Pos( PathDelim , Song[SLen].Folder)-1); Song[SLen].FileName := ADirent^.name; if (AnalyseFile(Song[SLen]) = false) then Dec(BrowsePos) else begin if Song[SLen].Cover = '' then Song[SLen].Cover := FindSongFile(Dir, '*[CO].jpg'); end; //Change Length Only every 50 Entrys Inc(BrowsePos); if (BrowsePos mod 50 = 0) AND (BrowsePos <> 0) then begin SetLength(Song, Length(Song) + 50); end; end; Until ADirent=Nil; end; // if FindFirst {$endif} // Log.LogStatus('Parsing directory: ' + Dir + SR.Name, 'LoadSongList'); end; procedure TSongs.Sort(Order: integer); var S: integer; S2: integer; TempSong: TSong; begin case Order of sEdition: // by edition begin for S2 := 0 to Length(Song)-1 do for S := 1 to Length(Song)-1 do if CompareText(Song[S].Edition, Song[S-1].Edition) < 0 then begin // zamiana miejscami TempSong := Song[S-1]; Song[S-1] := Song[S]; Song[S] := TempSong; end; end; sGenre: // by genre begin for S2 := 0 to Length(Song)-1 do for S := 1 to Length(Song)-1 do if CompareText(Song[S].Genre, Song[S-1].Genre) < 0 then begin // zamiana miejscami TempSong := Song[S-1]; Song[S-1] := Song[S]; Song[S] := TempSong; end; end; sTitle: // by title begin for S2 := 0 to Length(Song)-1 do for S := 1 to Length(Song)-1 do if CompareText(Song[S].Title, Song[S-1].Title) < 0 then begin // zamiana miejscami TempSong := Song[S-1]; Song[S-1] := Song[S]; Song[S] := TempSong; end; end; sArtist: // by artist begin for S2 := 0 to Length(Song)-1 do for S := 1 to Length(Song)-1 do if CompareText(Song[S].Artist, Song[S-1].Artist) < 0 then begin // zamiana miejscami TempSong := Song[S-1]; Song[S-1] := Song[S]; Song[S] := TempSong; end; end; sFolder: // by folder begin for S2 := 0 to Length(Song)-1 do for S := 1 to Length(Song)-1 do if CompareText(Song[S].Folder, Song[S-1].Folder) < 0 then begin // zamiana miejscami TempSong := Song[S-1]; Song[S-1] := Song[S]; Song[S] := TempSong; end; end; sTitle2: // by title2 begin for S2 := 0 to Length(Song)-1 do for S := 1 to Length(Song)-1 do if CompareText(Song[S].Title, Song[S-1].Title) < 0 then begin // zamiana miejscami TempSong := Song[S-1]; Song[S-1] := Song[S]; Song[S] := TempSong; end; end; sArtist2: // by artist2 begin for S2 := 0 to Length(Song)-1 do for S := 1 to Length(Song)-1 do if CompareText(Song[S].Artist, Song[S-1].Artist) < 0 then begin // zamiana miejscami TempSong := Song[S-1]; Song[S-1] := Song[S]; Song[S] := TempSong; end; end; sLanguage: // by Language begin for S2 := 0 to Length(Song)-1 do for S := 1 to Length(Song)-1 do if CompareText(Song[S].Language, Song[S-1].Language) < 0 then begin TempSong := Song[S-1]; Song[S-1] := Song[S]; Song[S] := TempSong; end; end; end; // case end; function TSongs.FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: widestring): widestring; var SR: TSearchRec; // for parsing song directory begin Result := ''; if FindFirst(Dir + Mask, faDirectory, SR) = 0 then begin Result := SR.Name; end; // if FindClose(SR); end; procedure TCatSongs.Refresh; var S: integer; // temporary song index CatLen: integer; // length of CatSongs.Song Letter: char; // current letter for sorting using letter SS: string; // current edition for sorting using edition, genre etc. Order: integer; // number used for ordernum Letter2: char; // CatNumber:integer; // Number of Song in Category begin CatNumShow := -1; // Songs.Sort(0); // by title case Ini.Sorting of sEdition: begin Songs.Sort(sArtist); Songs.Sort(sEdition); end; sGenre: begin Songs.Sort(sArtist); Songs.Sort(sGenre); end; sLanguage: begin Songs.Sort(sArtist); Songs.Sort(sLanguage); end; sFolder: begin Songs.Sort(sArtist); Songs.Sort(sFolder); end; sTitle: Songs.Sort(sTitle); sArtist: Songs.Sort(sArtist); sTitle2: Songs.Sort(sTitle2); // by title2 sArtist2: Songs.Sort(sArtist2); // by artist2 end; // case Letter := ' '; SS := ''; Order := 0; CatNumber := 0; //Songs leeren SetLength (Song, 0); for S := Low(Songs.Song) to High(Songs.Song) do begin if (Ini.Tabs = 1) then if (Ini.Sorting = sEdition) and (CompareText(SS, Songs.Song[S].Edition) <> 0) then begin // add Category Button Inc(Order); SS := Songs.Song[S].Edition; CatLen := Length(CatSongs.Song); SetLength(CatSongs.Song, CatLen+1); CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Artist := '[' + SS + ']'; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Main := true; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderTyp := 0; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderNum := Order; // 0.4.3 // if SS = 'Singstar' then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Singstar.jpg'; // if SS = 'Singstar Part 2' then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Singstar.jpg'; // if SS = 'Singstar German' then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Singstar.jpg'; // if SS = 'Singstar Spanish' then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Singstar.jpg'; // if SS = 'Singstar Italian' then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Singstar.jpg'; // if SS = 'Singstar French' then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Singstar.jpg'; // if SS = 'Singstar Party' then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Singstar Party.jpg'; // if SS = 'Singstar Popworld' then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Singstar Popworld.jpg'; // if SS = 'Singstar 80s' then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Singstar 80s.jpg'; // if SS = 'Singstar 80s Polish' then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Singstar 80s.jpg'; // if SS = 'Singstar Rocks' then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Singstar Rocks.jpg'; // if SS = 'Singstar Anthems' then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Singstar Anthems.jpg'; {// cover-patch if FileExists(CoversPath + SS + '.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + SS + '.jpg' else if FileExists(CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg';//} CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CatCovers.GetCover(Ini.Sorting, SS); //CatNumber Patch if (SS <> '') then begin Song[CatLen - CatNumber - 1].CatNumber := CatNumber;//Set CatNumber of Categroy CatNumber := 0; end; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Visible := true; end else if (Ini.Sorting = sGenre) and (CompareText(SS, Songs.Song[S].Genre) <> 0) then begin // add Genre Button Inc(Order); SS := Songs.Song[S].Genre; CatLen := Length(CatSongs.Song); SetLength(CatSongs.Song, CatLen+1); CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Artist := SS; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Main := true; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderTyp := 0; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderNum := Order; {// cover-patch if FileExists(CoversPath + SS + '.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + SS + '.jpg' else if FileExists(CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg';} CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CatCovers.GetCover(Ini.Sorting, SS); //CatNumber Patch if (SS <> '') then begin Song[CatLen - CatNumber - 1].CatNumber := CatNumber;//Set CatNumber of Categroy CatNumber := 0; end; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Visible := true; end else if (Ini.Sorting = sLanguage) and (CompareText(SS, Songs.Song[S].Language) <> 0) then begin // add Language Button Inc(Order); SS := Songs.Song[S].Language; CatLen := Length(CatSongs.Song); SetLength(CatSongs.Song, CatLen+1); CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Artist := SS; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Main := true; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderTyp := 0; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderNum := Order; {// cover-patch if FileExists(CoversPath + SS + '.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + SS + '.jpg' else if FileExists(CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg';} CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CatCovers.GetCover(Ini.Sorting, SS); //CatNumber Patch if (SS <> '') then begin Song[CatLen - CatNumber - 1].CatNumber := CatNumber;//Set CatNumber of Categroy CatNumber := 0; end; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Visible := true; end else if (Ini.Sorting = sTitle) and (Length(Songs.Song[S].Title)>=1) and (Letter <> UpperCase(Songs.Song[S].Title)[1]) then begin // add a letter Category Button Inc(Order); Letter := Uppercase(Songs.Song[S].Title)[1]; CatLen := Length(CatSongs.Song); SetLength(CatSongs.Song, CatLen+1); CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Artist := '[' + Letter + ']'; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Main := true; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderTyp := 0; // Order := ord(Letter); CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderNum := Order; {// cover-patch if FileExists(CoversPath + 'Title' + Letter + '.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Title' + Letter + '.jpg' else if FileExists(CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg';} CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CatCovers.GetCover(Ini.Sorting, Letter); //CatNumber Patch if (Letter <> ' ') then begin Song[CatLen - CatNumber - 1].CatNumber := CatNumber;//Set CatNumber of Categroy CatNumber := 0; end; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Visible := true; end else if (Ini.Sorting = sArtist) and (Length(Songs.Song[S].Artist)>=1) and (Letter <> UpperCase(Songs.Song[S].Artist)[1]) then begin // add a letter Category Button Inc(Order); Letter := UpperCase(Songs.Song[S].Artist)[1]; CatLen := Length(CatSongs.Song); SetLength(CatSongs.Song, CatLen+1); CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Artist := '[' + Letter + ']'; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Main := true; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderTyp := 0; // Order := ord(Letter); CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderNum := Order; {// cover-patch if FileExists(CoversPath + 'Artist' + Letter + '.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Artist' + Letter + '.jpg' else if FileExists(CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg';} CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CatCovers.GetCover(Ini.Sorting, Letter); //CatNumber Patch if (Letter <> ' ') then begin Song[CatLen - CatNumber - 1].CatNumber := CatNumber;//Set CatNumber of Categroy CatNumber := 0; end; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Visible := true; end else if (Ini.Sorting = sFolder) and (CompareText(SS, Songs.Song[S].Folder) <> 0) then begin // 0.5.0: add folder tab Inc(Order); SS := Songs.Song[S].Folder; CatLen := Length(CatSongs.Song); SetLength(CatSongs.Song, CatLen+1); CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Artist := SS; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Main := true; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderTyp := 0; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderNum := Order; {// cover-patch if FileExists(CoversPath + SS + '.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + SS + '.jpg' else if FileExists(CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg';} CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CatCovers.GetCover(Ini.Sorting, SS); //CatNumber Patch if (SS <> '') then begin Song[CatLen - CatNumber - 1].CatNumber := CatNumber;//Set CatNumber of Categroy CatNumber := 0; end; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Visible := true; end else if (Ini.Sorting = sTitle2) AND (Length(Songs.Song[S].Title)>=1) then begin if (ord(Songs.Song[S].Title[1]) > 47) and (ord(Songs.Song[S].Title[1]) < 58) then Letter2 := '#' else Letter2 := UpperCase(Songs.Song[S].Title)[1]; if (Letter <> Letter2) then begin // add a letter Category Button Inc(Order); Letter := Letter2; CatLen := Length(CatSongs.Song); SetLength(CatSongs.Song, CatLen+1); CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Artist := '[' + Letter + ']'; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Main := true; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderTyp := 0; // Order := ord(Letter); CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderNum := Order; {// cover-patch if FileExists(CoversPath + 'Title' + Letter + '.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Title' + Letter + '.jpg' else if FileExists(CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg';} CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CatCovers.GetCover(Ini.Sorting, Letter); //CatNumber Patch if (Letter <> ' ') then begin Song[CatLen - CatNumber - 1].CatNumber := CatNumber;//Set CatNumber of Categroy CatNumber := 0; end; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Visible := true; end; end else if (Ini.Sorting = sArtist2) AND (Length(Songs.Song[S].Artist)>=1) then begin if (ord(Songs.Song[S].Artist[1]) > 47) and (ord(Songs.Song[S].Artist[1]) < 58) then Letter2 := '#' else Letter2 := UpperCase(Songs.Song[S].Artist)[1]; if (Letter <> Letter2) then begin // add a letter Category Button Inc(Order); Letter := Letter2; CatLen := Length(CatSongs.Song); SetLength(CatSongs.Song, CatLen+1); CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Artist := '[' + Letter + ']'; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Main := true; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderTyp := 0; // Order := ord(Letter); CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderNum := Order; {// cover-patch if FileExists(CoversPath + 'Artist' + Letter + '.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'Artist' + Letter + '.jpg' else if FileExists(CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg') then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg';} CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Cover := CatCovers.GetCover(Ini.Sorting, Letter); //CatNumber Patch if (Letter <> ' ') then begin Song[CatLen - CatNumber - 1].CatNumber := CatNumber;//Set CatNumber of Categroy CatNumber := 0; end; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Visible := true; end; end; CatLen := Length(CatSongs.Song); SetLength(CatSongs.Song, CatLen+1); Inc (CatNumber); //Increase Number in Cat CatSongs.Song[CatLen] := Songs.Song[S]; CatSongs.Song[CatLen].OrderNum := Order; // assigns category CatSongs.Song[CatLen].CatNumber := CatNumber; if (Ini.Tabs = 0) then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Visible := true else if (Ini.Tabs = 1) then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Visible := false; // if (Ini.Tabs = 1) and (Order = 1) then CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Visible := true; // open first tab //CatSongs.Song[CatLen].Visible := true; end; //CatNumber Patch - Set CatNumber of Last Category if (ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) And (high(Song) >=1) then Song[CatLen - CatNumber].CatNumber := CatNumber;//Set CatNumber of Categroy //CatCount Patch CatCount := Order; end; procedure TCatSongs.ShowCategory(Index: integer); var S: integer; // song begin CatNumShow := Index; for S := 0 to high(CatSongs.Song) do begin if (CatSongs.Song[S].OrderNum = Index) AND (Not CatSongs.Song[S].Main) then CatSongs.Song[S].Visible := true else CatSongs.Song[S].Visible := false; end; end; procedure TCatSongs.HideCategory(Index: integer); // hides all songs in category var S: integer; // song begin for S := 0 to high(CatSongs.Song) do begin if not CatSongs.Song[S].Main then CatSongs.Song[S].Visible := false // hides all at now end; end; procedure TCatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(Index: integer); var Num, S: integer; begin Num := CatSongs.Song[Index].OrderNum; if Num <> CatNumShow then begin ShowCategory(Num); end else begin ShowCategoryList; end; end; //Hide Categorys when in Category Hack procedure TCatSongs.ShowCategoryList; var Num, S: integer; begin //Hide All Songs Show All Cats for S := 0 to high(CatSongs.Song) do begin if CatSongs.Song[S].Main then CatSongs.Song[S].Visible := true else CatSongs.Song[S].Visible := false end; CatSongs.Selected := CatNumShow; //Show last shown Category CatNumShow := -1; end; //Hide Categorys when in Category Hack End //Wrong song selected when tabs on bug function TCatSongs.FindNextVisible(SearchFrom:integer): integer;//Find next Visible Song var I: Integer; begin Result := -1; I := SearchFrom + 1; while not CatSongs.Song[I].Visible do begin Inc (I); if (I>high(CatSongs.Song)) then I := low(CatSongs.Song); if (I = SearchFrom) then //Make One Round and no song found->quit break; end; end; //Wrong song selected when tabs on bug End function TCatSongs.VisibleSongs: integer; var S: integer; // song begin Result := 0; for S := 0 to high(CatSongs.Song) do if CatSongs.Song[S].Visible = true then Inc(Result); end; function TCatSongs.VisibleIndex(Index: integer): integer; var S: integer; // song begin Result := 0; for S := 0 to Index-1 do if CatSongs.Song[S].Visible = true then Inc(Result); end; function TCatSongs.SetFilter(FilterStr: String; const fType: Byte): Cardinal; var I, J: Integer; cString: String; SearchStr: Array of String; begin {fType: 0: All 1: Title 2: Artist} FilterStr := Trim(FilterStr); if FilterStr<>'' then begin Result := 0; //Create Search Array SetLength(SearchStr, 1); I := Pos (' ', FilterStr); While (I <> 0) do begin SetLength (SearchStr, Length(SearchStr) + 1); cString := Copy(FilterStr, 1, I-1); if (cString <> ' ') AND (cString <> '') then SearchStr[High(SearchStr)-1] := cString; Delete (FilterStr, 1, I); I := Pos (' ', FilterStr); end; //Copy last Word if (FilterStr <> ' ') AND (FilterStr <> '') then SearchStr[High(SearchStr)] := FilterStr; for I:=0 to High(Song) do begin if not Song[i].Main then begin case fType of 0: cString := Song[I].Artist + ' ' + Song[i].Title + ' ' + Song[i].Folder; 1: cString := Song[I].Title; 2: cString := Song[I].Artist; end; Song[i].Visible:=True; //Look for every Searched Word For J := 0 to High(SearchStr) do begin Song[i].Visible := Song[i].Visible AND AnsiContainsText(cString, SearchStr[J]) end; if Song[i].Visible then Inc(Result); end else Song[i].Visible:=False; end; CatNumShow := -2; end else begin for i:=0 to High(Song) do begin Song[i].Visible:=(Ini.Tabs=1)=Song[i].Main; CatNumShow := -1; end; Result := 0; end; end; end.