unit UPlatformMacOSX; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses { Used from Classes: Classes TStringList TFileStream } Classes, { Used from UPlatform: Types TDirectoryEntryArray Overriding parts of UPlatform: Functions and Procedures Init DirectoryFindFiles GetLogPath GetGameSharedPath GetGameUserPath } UPlatform; type { @abstract(Provides Mac OS X specific details.) @lastmod(August 1, 2008) The UPlatformMacOSX unit takes care of setting paths to resource folders. (Note for non-Maccies: "folder" is the Mac name for directory.) Note on the resource folders: 1. Installation of an application on the mac works as follows: Extract and copy an application and if you don't like or need the application anymore you move the folder to the trash - and you're done. 2. The use folders in the user's home directory is against Apple's guidelines and strange to an average user. 3. Even worse is using /usr/local/... since all lowercase folders in / are not visible to an average user in the Finder, at least not without some "tricks". The best way would be to store everything within the application bundle. However, this requires USDX to offer the handling of the resources. Until this is implemented, the second best solution is as follows: According to Aple guidelines handling of resources and folders should follow these lines: Acceptable places for files are folders named UltraStarDeluxe either in /Library/Application Support/ or ~/Library/Application Support/ So GetGameSharedPath could return /Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources/. GetGameUserPath could return ~/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources/. Right now, only $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources is used. So every user needs the complete set of files and folders. Future versions may also use shared resources in /Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources. However, this is not treated yet in the code outside this unit. USDX checks, whether GetGameUserPath exists. If not, USDX creates it. The existence of needed files is then checked and if a file is missing it is copied to there from within the Resources folder in the Application bundle, which contains the default files. USDX should not delete files or folders in Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe automatically or without user confirmation. } TPlatformMacOSX = class(TPlatform) private { GetBundlePath returns the path to the application bundle UltraStarDeluxe.app. } function GetBundlePath: WideString; { GetApplicationSupportPath returns the path to $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources. } function GetApplicationSupportPath: WideString; { see the description of @link(Init). } procedure CreateUserFolders(); public { Init simply calls @link(CreateUserFolders), which in turn scans the folder UltraStarDeluxe.app/Contents/Resources for all files and folders. $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources is then checked for their presence and missing ones are copied. } procedure Init; override; { DirectoryFindFiles returns all entries of a folder with names and booleans about their type, i.e. file or directory. } function DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter: WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs: boolean): TDirectoryEntryArray; override; { GetLogPath returns the path for log messages. Currently it is set to $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources/Log. } function GetLogPath : WideString; override; { GetGameSharedPath returns the path for shared resources. Currently it is set to /Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources. However it is not used. } function GetGameSharedPath : WideString; override; { GetGameUserPath returns the path for user resources. Currently it is set to $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources. This is where a user can add songs, themes, .... } function GetGameUserPath : WideString; override; end; implementation uses { Used from SysUtils: Types TSearchRec Constants faAnyFile Functions and Procedures DirectoryExists ExtractFilePath FileGetAttr FileExists FindFirst FindNext FindClose GetEnvironmentVariable } SysUtils, { Used from BaseUnix: Types pdir pDirent Functions and Procedures FPOpenDir FPReadDir FPCloseDir } BaseUnix; procedure TPlatformMacOSX.Init; begin CreateUserFolders(); end; procedure TPlatformMacOSX.CreateUserFolders(); var { } RelativePath, { BaseDir contains the path to the folder, where a search is performed. It is set to the entries in @link(DirectoryList) one after the other. } BaseDir, { OldBaseDir contains the path to the folder, where the search started. It is used to return to it, when the search is completed in all folders. } OldBaseDir: string; { This record contains the result of a file search with FindFirst or FindNext} SearchInfo: TSearchRec; { These two lists contain all folder and file names found within the folder @link(BaseDir). } DirectoryList, FileList: TStringList; { DirectoryIsFinished contains the index of the folder in @link(DirectoryList), which is the last one completely searched. Later folders are still to be searched for additional files and folders. } DirectoryIsFinished: longint; counter: longint; UserPathName: string; { SourceFile and TaretFile are used to copy a file from on folder to another. } SourceFile, TargetFile: TFileStream; { FileCopyBuffer is the buffer for copying @link(SourceFile) to @link(TargetFile). Its size (4096) has been choosen with little testing. A smaller size makes copying slower. A larger size may make copying large files faster. } FileCopyBuffer: array [1..4096] of byte; { NumberOfBytes is the number of bytes read from @link(SourceFile) } NumberOfBytes: integer; const { This string is used to construct the @link(UserPathName) } PathName: string = '/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources'; begin { Get the current folder and save it in OldBaseDir for returning to it, when finished. } getdir (0, OldBaseDir); { UltraStarDeluxe.app/Contents/Resources contains all the default files and folders. } BaseDir := OldBaseDir + '/UltraStarDeluxe.app/Contents/Resources'; chdir (BaseDir); { Right now, only $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources is used. } UserPathName := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME') + PathName; DirectoryIsFinished := 0; DirectoryList := TStringList.Create(); FileList := TStringList.Create(); DirectoryList.Add('.'); { create the folder and file lists } repeat RelativePath := DirectoryList[DirectoryIsFinished]; chdir (BaseDir + '/' + RelativePath); if (FindFirst('*', faAnyFile, SearchInfo) = 0) then begin repeat if DirectoryExists(SearchInfo.Name) then begin if (SearchInfo.Name <> '.') and (SearchInfo.Name <> '..') then DirectoryList.Add(RelativePath + '/' + SearchInfo.Name); end else Filelist.Add(RelativePath + '/' + SearchInfo.Name); until (FindNext(SearchInfo) <> 0); end; FindClose(SearchInfo); DirectoryIsFinished := succ(DirectoryIsFinished); until (DirectoryIsFinished = DirectoryList.Count); { create missing folders } if not DirectoryExists(UserPathName) then mkdir (UserPathName); for counter := 0 to DirectoryList.Count-1 do if not DirectoryExists(UserPathName + '/' + DirectoryList[counter]) then mkdir (UserPathName + '/' + DirectoryList[counter]); DirectoryList.Free(); { copy missing files } for counter := 0 to Filelist.Count-1 do if not FileExists(UserPathName + '/' + Filelist[counter]) then begin SourceFile := TFileStream.Create(BaseDir + '/' + Filelist[counter], fmOpenRead); TargetFile := TFileStream.Create(UserPathName + '/' + Filelist[counter], fmCreate); repeat NumberOfBytes := SourceFile.Read(FileCopyBuffer, SizeOf(FileCopyBuffer)); TargetFile.Write(FileCopyBuffer, NumberOfBytes); until (NumberOfBytes < SizeOf(FileCopyBuffer)); SourceFile.Free; TargetFile.Free; end; FileList.Free(); { go back to the initial folder } chdir (OldBaseDir); end; { Mac applications are packaged in folders. We have to cut the last two folders to get the application folder. } function TPlatformMacOSX.GetBundlePath: WideString; var i, pos : integer; begin Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); for i := 1 to 2 do begin pos := Length(Result); repeat Delete(Result, pos, 1); pos := Length(Result); until (pos = 0) or (Result[pos] = '/'); end; end; function TPlatformMacOSX.GetApplicationSupportPath: WideString; const PathName : string = '/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources'; begin Result := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME') + PathName + '/'; end; function TPlatformMacOSX.GetLogPath: WideString; begin Result := GetApplicationSupportPath + 'Logs'; end; function TPlatformMacOSX.GetGameSharedPath: WideString; begin Result := GetApplicationSupportPath; end; function TPlatformMacOSX.GetGameUserPath: WideString; begin Result := GetApplicationSupportPath; end; function TPlatformMacOSX.DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter: WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs: boolean): TDirectoryEntryArray; var i : integer; TheDir : pdir; ADirent : pDirent; lAttrib : integer; begin i := 0; Filter := LowerCase(Filter); TheDir := FPOpenDir(Dir); if Assigned(TheDir) then repeat ADirent := FPReadDir(TheDir); if Assigned(ADirent) and (ADirent^.d_name <> '.') and (ADirent^.d_name <> '..') then begin lAttrib := FileGetAttr(Dir + ADirent^.d_name); if ReturnAllSubDirs and ((lAttrib and faDirectory) <> 0) then begin SetLength(Result, i + 1); Result[i].Name := ADirent^.d_name; Result[i].IsDirectory := true; Result[i].IsFile := false; i := i + 1; end else if (Length(Filter) = 0) or (Pos( Filter, LowerCase(ADirent^.d_name)) > 0) then begin SetLength(Result, i + 1); Result[i].Name := ADirent^.d_name; Result[i].IsDirectory := false; Result[i].IsFile := true; i := i + 1; end; end; until ADirent = nil; FPCloseDir(TheDir); end; end.