unit UPartyM2; interface uses ModiSDK, UDatabase; type TRoundInfo = record Winner: byte; Plugin: word; Medley: boolean; MedleySurprise: boolean; PluginNr: Integer; Player1: byte; Player2: byte; ScoreP: Integer; ScoreN: Integer; end; TPair = record Player1: byte; Player2: byte; played: integer; origin: integer; end; TSongsPlayed = record cat: integer; Played: array of integer; end; PlayerOrderArray = array[0..8] of byte; TPartyPlugin = record ID: byte; TimesPlayed: byte; Medley: boolean; MedleySurprise: boolean; Selected: boolean; Name: string; Desc: string; end; TPartySessionM2 = class private Pairs: array of TPair; SongsPlayed: array of TSongsPlayed; function GetRandomPlugin(var medley: boolean; var surprise: boolean; var nr: integer): byte; public Rounds: array of TRoundInfo; Plugins: array of TPartyPlugin; Handicap: THandicapResult; HandicapMode: boolean; NumRounds: byte; CurRound: byte; Players: TPlayersInfo; Teams: TTeamInfo; Order: PlayerOrderArray; Option_Plugins: boolean; constructor Create; procedure GenScores; procedure StartNewParty(NumPlayers: byte; nRounds: byte); procedure StartRound; procedure EndRound; procedure BuildOrder; procedure AddSongPlayed(cat: Integer; SongNr: integer); procedure ResetSongsPlayed(cat: Integer); function SongPlayed(cat: Integer; SongNr: integer): boolean; function GetSongsPlayed(cat: Integer): integer; function GetCatIndex(cat: Integer): Integer; end; var PartySessionM2: TPartySessionM2; implementation uses UDLLManager, UGraphic, ULanguage, UMain, Math, ULog; constructor TPartySessionM2.Create; begin inherited; end; function TPartySessionM2.SongPlayed(cat: integer; SongNr: integer): boolean; var i: integer; played :boolean; catIndex: integer; begin played := false; catIndex:=GetCatIndex(cat); for i := 0 to Length(PartySessionM2.SongsPlayed[catIndex].Played) - 1 do begin if (SongNr=PartySessionM2.SongsPlayed[catIndex].Played[i]) then begin played:=true; break; end; end; Result:=played; end; function TPartySessionM2.GetSongsPlayed(cat: integer): Integer; var CatIndex: integer; begin CatIndex := GetCatIndex(cat); Result := Length(PartySessionM2.SongsPlayed[CatIndex].Played); end; procedure TPartySessionM2.ResetSongsPlayed(cat: Integer); var CatIndex: integer; begin CatIndex := GetCatIndex(cat); SetLength(SongsPlayed[CatIndex].Played, 0); end; procedure TPartySessionM2.AddSongPlayed(cat: integer; SongNr: integer); var catIndex: integer; begin catIndex:=GetCatIndex(cat); SetLength(PartySessionM2.SongsPlayed[catIndex].Played, Length(PartySessionM2.SongsPlayed[catIndex].Played)+1); PartySessionM2.SongsPlayed[catIndex].Played[Length(PartySessionM2.SongsPlayed[catIndex].Played)-1]:=SongNr; end; function TPartySessionM2.GetCatIndex(cat: Integer): Integer; var i: integer; found: boolean; begin found:=false; for i := 0 to length(SongsPlayed) - 1 do begin if SongsPlayed[i].cat = cat then begin Result:=i; found:=true; break; end; end; if not found then begin SetLength(SongsPlayed, Length(SongsPlayed)+1); SongsPlayed[Length(SongsPlayed)-1].cat:=cat; Result:=Length(SongsPlayed)-1; end; end; procedure TPartySessionM2.BuildOrder(); var I,J: integer; cache: byte; begin for I := 0 to Players.NumPlayer-2 do begin for J := I+1 to Players.NumPlayer - 1 do begin if (Players.Playerinfo[Order[I]].Points < Players.Playerinfo[Order[J]].Points) then begin cache:=Order[I]; Order[I]:=Order[J]; Order[J]:=cache; end else if (Players.Playerinfo[Order[I]].Points = Players.Playerinfo[Order[J]].Points) and ((Players.Playerinfo[Order[I]].ScoreP-Players.Playerinfo[Order[I]].ScoreN) < (Players.Playerinfo[Order[J]].ScoreP - Players.Playerinfo[Order[J]].ScoreN)) then begin cache:=Order[I]; Order[I]:=Order[J]; Order[J]:=cache; end; end; end; end; //---------- //StartNewParty - Reset and prepares for new party //---------- procedure TPartySessionM2.StartNewParty(NumPlayers: byte; nRounds: byte); type TFields = record x: byte; y: byte; end; TPlayer = record Player: byte; played: integer; end; TRN = record rounds: array of integer; end; //if the player has played the last 2 rounds function HasPlayed(Pair: TPair; ar: array of TFields; r: integer; num: integer): boolean; begin //first round if r<2 then Result:=false //exactly the same combination in last round else if (ar[r-2].x=Pair.Player1) and (ar[r-2].y=Pair.Player2) then Result:=true //only two Players => there are no other combinations else if num<3 then Result:=false //reversed combination before else if (ar[r-2].x=Pair.Player2) and (ar[r-2].y=Pair.Player1) then Result:=true //it is the second round else if r<3 then Result:=false // else if ((ar[r-2].x = Pair.Player1) and (ar[r-3].x = Pair.Player1)) or ((ar[r-2].x = Pair.Player1) and (ar[r-3].y = Pair.Player1)) or ((ar[r-2].y = Pair.Player1) and (ar[r-3].x = Pair.Player1)) or ((ar[r-2].y = Pair.Player1) and (ar[r-3].y = Pair.Player1)) or ((ar[r-2].x = Pair.Player2) and (ar[r-3].x = Pair.Player2)) or ((ar[r-2].x = Pair.Player2) and (ar[r-3].y = Pair.Player2)) or ((ar[r-2].y = Pair.Player2) and (ar[r-3].x = Pair.Player2)) or ((ar[r-2].y = Pair.Player2) and (ar[r-3].y = Pair.Player2))then Result:=true else Result:=false; end; var Player: array of TPlayer; PlayerOrder: array of integer; Len: integer; I, J, K: integer; arr: array of TFields; temp_pairs: array of TPair; season: integer; num: integer; max_played: integer; max_flag: boolean; must_sing: integer; //debug rn: array of TRN; begin //Set current round to 1 CurRound := 255; NumRounds:= nRounds; for I := 0 to 8 do begin Order[I]:=I; end; //build all possible pairs SetLength(Pairs, 0); SetLength(Player, NumPlayers); num:=0; for I := 0 to NumPlayers - 1 do begin Player[I].Player:=I; Player[I].played:=0; end; for I := 1 to NumPlayers - 1 do begin for J := I+1 to NumPlayers do begin SetLength(Pairs, Length(Pairs)+1); Pairs[Length(Pairs)-1].Player1:=I-1; Pairs[Length(Pairs)-1].Player2:=J-1; Pairs[Length(Pairs)-1].played:=0; Pairs[Length(Pairs)-1].origin:=num; inc(num); SetLength(Pairs, Length(Pairs)+1); Pairs[Length(Pairs)-1].Player1:=J-1; Pairs[Length(Pairs)-1].Player2:=I-1; Pairs[Length(Pairs)-1].played:=0; Pairs[Length(Pairs)-1].origin:=num; inc(num); end; end; //build the playlist SetLength (arr, 0); SetLength (arr, NumRounds); Randomize; for I := 0 to NumRounds - 1 do begin //filter pairs season:=Floor((I)/(NumPlayers*NumPlayers-NumPlayers))+1; //complete season SetLength(temp_pairs, 0); max_flag := false; max_played := 0; for K := 0 to NumPlayers - 1 do begin if (max_playedPlayer[K].played) then inc(J); end; must_sing := -1; if J>1 then max_flag := true else if J=1 then begin for K := 0 to NumPlayers - 1 do begin if (max_played>Player[K].played) then must_sing:=K; end; end; for J := 0 to Length(Pairs) - 1 do begin if (not HasPlayed(Pairs[J], arr, I+1, NumPlayers)) and (Pairs[J].played=0) and ( (Pairs[J].Player1=must_sing) or (Pairs[J].Player2=must_sing))) or (max_flag and ( (Player[Pairs[J].Player1].played= 1) then begin for I := 0 to NumRounds - 1 do begin SetLength (Rounds, I+1); PartySessionM2.Rounds[I].Plugin := GetRandomPlugin(PartySessionM2.Rounds[I].Medley, PartySessionM2.Rounds[I].MedleySurprise, PartySessionM2.Rounds[I].PluginNr); PartySessionM2.Rounds[I].Player1:=arr[I].x; PartySessionM2.Rounds[I].Player2:=arr[I].y; PartySessionM2.Rounds[I].ScoreP:=0; PartySessionM2.Rounds[I].ScoreN:=0; end; end else SetLength (Rounds, 0); //Reset SongsPlayed-Array SetLength (PartySessionM2.SongsPlayed, 0); end; //---------- // Returns a number of a random plugin (New Version) //---------- function TPartySessionM2.GetRandomPlugin(var medley: boolean; var surprise: boolean; var nr: integer): byte; Type TOrder = record ID: integer; medley: boolean; surprise: boolean; Nr: integer; end; var I, J, K: Integer; plugin_order: array of TOrder; temp: TOrder; min, len: integer; begin //search for min played min := high(min); for I := 0 to Length(Plugins) - 1 do begin if Plugins[I].TimesPlayed < min then min := Plugins[I].TimesPlayed; end; //fill plugin list SetLength(plugin_order, 0); for I := 0 to Length(Plugins) - 1 do begin if (Plugins[I].TimesPlayed = min) then begin len := Length(plugin_order); SetLength(plugin_order, len+1); plugin_order[len].ID := Plugins[I].ID; plugin_order[len].medley := Plugins[I].Medley; plugin_order[len].surprise := Plugins[I].MedleySurprise; plugin_order[len].Nr := I; end; end; K := random(Length(plugin_order)); Inc(Plugins[plugin_order[K].Nr].TimesPlayed); medley := plugin_order[K].medley; surprise := plugin_order[K].surprise; nr := plugin_order[K].Nr; Result := plugin_order[K].ID; end; {** * Prepares ScreenSingModiM2 for next round and loads plugin *} procedure TPartySessionM2.StartRound; begin if ((CurRound < Length(Rounds)) or (CurRound = high(CurRound))) then begin // Increase Current Round but not beyond its limit // CurRound is set to 255 to begin with! // Ugly solution if you ask me. if CurRound < Length(Rounds) then Inc(CurRound) else CurRound := 0; BuildOrder; if CurRound< Length(Rounds) then begin Rounds[CurRound].Winner := 255; DllMan.LoadPlugin(Rounds[CurRound].Plugin); //Select Players Teams.NumTeams:=2; Teams.Teaminfo[0].Name := 'T1'; Teams.Teaminfo[0].Score:=0; Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker:=5; Teams.Teaminfo[0].CurPlayer:=0; Teams.Teaminfo[0].NumPlayers:=1; Teams.Teaminfo[0].Playerinfo[0].Name:=Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player1].Name; Teams.Teaminfo[0].Playerinfo[0].TimesPlayed:=0; Teams.Teaminfo[1].Name := 'T2'; Teams.Teaminfo[1].Score:=0; Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker:=0; Teams.Teaminfo[1].CurPlayer:=0; Teams.Teaminfo[1].NumPlayers:=1; Teams.Teaminfo[1].Playerinfo[0].Name:=Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player2].Name; Teams.Teaminfo[1].Playerinfo[0].TimesPlayed:=0; if HandicapMode then Handicap := DataBase.GetHandicap(Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player1].Name, Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player2].Name) else begin Handicap.P1m := 1; Handicap.P2m := 1; end; //Set ScreenSingModi Variables ScreenSingModi.TeamInfo := Teams; end; end; end; //---------- //EndRound - Get Winner from ScreenSingModi and Save Data to RoundArray //---------- procedure TPartySessionM2.EndRound; begin //Copy Winner if Rounds[CurRound].Medley then begin if (PlaylistMedley.Stats[Length(PlaylistMedley.Stats)-1].Player[0].ScoreTotalI> PlaylistMedley.Stats[Length(PlaylistMedley.Stats)-1].Player[1].ScoreTotalI) then Rounds[CurRound].Winner := 1 else if (PlaylistMedley.Stats[Length(PlaylistMedley.Stats)-1].Player[0].ScoreTotalI< PlaylistMedley.Stats[Length(PlaylistMedley.Stats)-1].Player[1].ScoreTotalI) then Rounds[CurRound].Winner := 2 else Rounds[CurRound].Winner := 0; ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Score := PlaylistMedley.Stats[Length(PlaylistMedley.Stats)-1].Player[0].ScoreTotalI; ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Score := PlaylistMedley.Stats[Length(PlaylistMedley.Stats)-1].Player[1].ScoreTotalI; end else Rounds[CurRound].Winner := ScreenSingModi.Winner; //Set Scores GenScores; //Update Player Stats end; //---------- //GenScores - increase scores for current round //---------- procedure TPartySessionM2.GenScores; begin //Filter "Hau den Lukas" if (DLLMan.Plugins[Rounds[CurRound].Plugin].Name='PLUGIN_HAUDENLUKAS_NAME') then begin ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Score := ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Score*1000; ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Score := ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Score*1000; end; //Copy Scores to Rounds Rounds[CurRound].ScoreP:=round(ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Score*Handicap.P1m); Rounds[CurRound].ScoreN:=round(ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Score*Handicap.P2m); //Update PlayerStats Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player1].ScoreP := Rounds[CurRound].ScoreP + Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player1].ScoreP; Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player1].ScoreN := Rounds[CurRound].ScoreN + Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player1].ScoreN; Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player2].ScoreP := Rounds[CurRound].ScoreN + Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player2].ScoreP; Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player2].ScoreN := Rounds[CurRound].ScoreP + Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player2].ScoreN; inc(Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player1].NumPlayed); inc(Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player2].NumPlayed); if (HandicapMode and (Rounds[CurRound].ScoreP>Rounds[CurRound].ScoreN)) or (not HandicapMode and (Rounds[CurRound].Winner = 1)) then //Player1 is the winner begin inc(Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player1].Wins); inc(Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player2].Defeats); inc(Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player1].Points); inc(Players.Playerinfo[Rounds[CurRound].Player1].Points); end else if (HandicapMode and (Rounds[CurRound].ScoreP