unit UMain; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses SDL, UMusic, URecord, UTime, SysUtils, UDisplay, UIni, ULog, ULyrics, UScreenSing, USong, {$IFDEF DARWIN} UMacResources, {$ENDIF} gl; type PPLayerNote = ^TPlayerNote; TPlayerNote = record Start: integer; Length: integer; Detect: real; // accurate place, detected in the note Tone: real; Perfect: boolean; // true if the note matches the original one, lit the star Hit: boolean; // true if the note Hits the Line end; PPLayer = ^TPlayer; TPlayer = record Name: string; // Index in Teaminfo record TeamID: Byte; PlayerID: Byte; // Scores Score: real; ScoreLine: real; ScoreGolden: real; ScoreInt: integer; ScoreLineInt: integer; ScoreGoldenInt: integer; ScoreTotalInt: integer; // LineBonus Mod ScoreLast: Real;//Last Line Score // PerfectLineTwinkle Mod (effect) LastSentencePerfect: Boolean; //Meter: real; HighNote: integer; // index of last note (= High(Note)?) LengthNote: integer; // number of notes (= Length(Note)?). Note: array of TPlayerNote; end; var // Absolute Paths GamePath: string; SoundPath: string; SongPath: string; LogPath: string; ThemePath: string; SkinsPath: string; ScreenshotsPath: string; CoversPath: string; LanguagesPath: string; PluginPath: string; VisualsPath: string; ResourcesPath: string; PlayListPath: string; UserSongPath: string = ''; UserCoversPath: string = ''; UserPlaylistPath: string = ''; Done: Boolean; Event: TSDL_event; // FIXME: ConversionFileName should not be global ConversionFileName: string; Restart: boolean; // player and music info Player: array of TPlayer; PlayersPlay: integer; CurrentSong : TSong; const MAX_SONG_SCORE = 10000; // max. achievable points per song MAX_SONG_LINE_BONUS = 1000; // max. achievable line bonus per song procedure InitializePaths; Procedure Main; procedure MainLoop; procedure CheckEvents; procedure Sing(Screen: TScreenSing); procedure NewSentence(Screen: TScreenSing); procedure NewBeat(Screen: TScreenSing); // executed when on then new beat procedure NewBeatClick(Screen: TScreenSing); // executed when on then new beat for click procedure NewBeatDetect(Screen: TScreenSing); // executed when on then new beat for detection //procedure NewHalf; // executed when in the half between beats procedure NewNote(Screen: TScreenSing); // detect note function GetMidBeat(Time: real): real; function GetTimeFromBeat(Beat: integer): real; procedure ClearScores(PlayerNum: integer); implementation uses USongs, UJoystick, math, UCommandLine, ULanguage, // SDL_ttf, USkins, UCovers, UCatCovers, UDataBase, UPlaylist, UDLLManager, UParty, UConfig, UCore, UCommon, UGraphic, UGraphicClasses, UPluginDefs, UPlatform, UThemes; procedure Main; var WndTitle: string; begin try WndTitle := USDXVersionStr; Platform.Init; if Platform.TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(WndTitle) then Exit; // fix floating-point exceptions (FPE) DisableFloatingPointExceptions(); // fix the locale for string-to-float parsing in C-libs SetDefaultNumericLocale(); //------------------------------ //StartUp - Create Classes and Load Files //------------------------------ // Initialize SDL // Without SDL_INIT_TIMER SDL_GetTicks() might return strange values SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO or SDL_INIT_TIMER); SDL_EnableUnicode(1); USTime := TTime.Create; VideoBGTimer := TRelativeTimer.Create; // Commandline Parameter Parser Params := TCMDParams.Create; // Log + Benchmark Log := TLog.Create; Log.Title := WndTitle; Log.FileOutputEnabled := not Params.NoLog; Log.BenchmarkStart(0); // Language Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Initialize Paths', 'Initialization'); InitializePaths; Log.LogStatus('Load Language', 'Initialization'); Language := TLanguage.Create; // Add Const Values: Language.AddConst('US_VERSION', USDXVersionStr); Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Language', 1); // SDL_ttf // Log.BenchmarkStart(1); // Log.LogStatus('Initialize SDL_ttf', 'Initialization'); // TTF_Init(); // Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); // Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing SDL_ttf', 1); // Skin Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Loading Skin List', 'Initialization'); Skin := TSkin.Create; Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Skin List', 1); // Ini + Paths Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Load Ini', 'Initialization'); Ini := TIni.Create; Ini.Load; // Load Languagefile if (Params.Language <> -1) then Language.ChangeLanguage(ILanguage[Params.Language]) else Language.ChangeLanguage(ILanguage[Ini.Language]); Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Ini', 1); // Sound Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Initialize Sound', 'Initialization'); InitializeSound(); Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing Sound', 1); // Lyrics-engine with media reference timer LineState := TLineState.Create(); // Theme Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Load Themes', 'Initialization'); Theme := TTheme.Create(ThemePath + ITheme[Ini.Theme] + '.ini', Ini.Color); Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Themes', 1); // Covers Cache Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Creating Covers Cache', 'Initialization'); Covers := TCovers.Create; Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Covers Cache Array', 1); Log.BenchmarkStart(1); // Category Covers Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Creating Category Covers Array', 'Initialization'); CatCovers:= TCatCovers.Create; Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Category Covers Array', 1); // Songs //Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Creating Song Array', 'Initialization'); Songs := TSongs.Create; //Songs.LoadSongList; Log.LogStatus('Creating 2nd Song Array', 'Initialization'); CatSongs := TCatSongs.Create; Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Songs', 1); // PluginManager Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('PluginManager', 'Initialization'); DLLMan := TDLLMan.Create; // Load PluginList Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading PluginManager', 1); {// Party Mode Manager Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('PartySession Manager', 'Initialization'); PartySession := TPartySession.Create; //Load PartySession Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading PartySession Manager', 1); } // Graphics Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Initialize 3D', 'Initialization'); Initialize3D(WndTitle); Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing 3D', 1); // Score Saving System Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('DataBase System', 'Initialization'); DataBase := TDataBaseSystem.Create; if (Params.ScoreFile = '') then DataBase.Init (Platform.GetGameUserPath + 'Ultrastar.db') else DataBase.Init (Params.ScoreFile); Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading DataBase System', 1); // Playlist Manager Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Playlist Manager', 'Initialization'); PlaylistMan := TPlaylistManager.Create; Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Playlist Manager', 1); // GoldenStarsTwinkleMod Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Effect Manager', 'Initialization'); GoldenRec := TEffectManager.Create; Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Particel System', 1); // Joypad if (Ini.Joypad = 1) OR (Params.Joypad) then begin Log.BenchmarkStart(1); Log.LogStatus('Initialize Joystick', 'Initialization'); Joy := TJoy.Create; Log.BenchmarkEnd(1); Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing Joystick', 1); end; Log.BenchmarkEnd(0); Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Time', 0); Log.LogStatus('Creating Core', 'Initialization'); {Core := TCore.Create( USDXShortVersionStr, MakeVersion(USDX_VERSION_MAJOR, USDX_VERSION_MINOR, USDX_VERSION_RELEASE, chr(0)) ); } Log.LogStatus('Running Core', 'Initialization'); //Core.Run; //------------------------------ //Start- Mainloop //------------------------------ Log.LogStatus('Main Loop', 'Initialization'); MainLoop; finally //------------------------------ //Finish Application //------------------------------ // TODO: // call an uninitialize routine for every initialize step // or at least use the corresponding Free-Methods FinalizeMedia(); // TTF_Quit(); SDL_Quit(); (* {$ifdef WIN32} if assigned(LCD) and (Ini.LPT = 1) then LCD.Clear; if assigned(Light) and (Ini.LPT = 2) then Light.TurnOff; {$endif} *) if assigned(Log) then begin Log.LogStatus('Main Loop', 'Finished'); Log.Free; end; end; end; procedure MainLoop; var Delay: integer; const MAX_FPS = 100; begin Delay := 0; SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(125, 125); CountSkipTime(); // JB - for some reason this seems to be needed when we use the SDL Timer functions. while not Done do begin // joypad if (Ini.Joypad = 1) or (Params.Joypad) then Joy.Update; // keyboard events CheckEvents; // display done := not Display.Draw; SwapBuffers; // light //Light.Refresh; // delay CountMidTime; Delay := Floor(1000 / MAX_FPS - 1000 * TimeMid); if Delay >= 1 then SDL_Delay(Delay); // dynamic, maximum is 100 fps CountSkipTime; // reinitialization of graphics if Restart then begin Reinitialize3D; Restart := false; end; end; End; procedure CheckEvents; begin if Assigned(Display.NextScreen) then Exit; while SDL_PollEvent( @event ) = 1 do begin case Event.type_ of SDL_QUITEV: begin Display.Fade := 0; Display.NextScreenWithCheck := nil; Display.CheckOK := True; end; { SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: with Event.button Do begin if State = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT Then begin // end; end; } SDL_VIDEORESIZE: begin ScreenW := Event.resize.w; ScreenH := Event.resize.h; // Note: do NOT call SDL_SetVideoMode here. This would create a new // OpenGL render-context and all texture data would be invalidated. end; SDL_KEYDOWN: begin // remap the "keypad enter" key to the "standard enter" key if (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_KP_ENTER) then Event.key.keysym.sym := SDLK_RETURN; if (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_F11) or ((Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_RETURN) and ((Event.key.keysym.modifier and KMOD_ALT) <> 0)) then // toggle full screen begin Ini.FullScreen := integer( not boolean( Ini.FullScreen ) ); // FIXME: SDL_SetVideoMode creates a new OpenGL RC so we have to // reload all texture data (-> whitescreen bug). // Only Linux is able to handle screen-switching this way. {$IFDEF LINUX} if boolean( Ini.FullScreen ) then begin SDL_SetVideoMode(ScreenW, ScreenH, (Ini.Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_FULLSCREEN); SDL_ShowCursor(0); end else begin SDL_SetVideoMode(ScreenW, ScreenH, (Ini.Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_RESIZABLE); SDL_ShowCursor(1); end; glViewPort(0, 0, ScreenW, ScreenH); {$ENDIF} end // if print is pressed -> make screenshot and save to screenshot path else if (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_SYSREQ) or (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_PRINT) then Display.SaveScreenShot // if there is a visible popup then let it handle input instead of underlying screen // shoud be done in a way to be sure the topmost popup has preference (maybe error, then check) else if (ScreenPopupError <> nil) and (ScreenPopupError.Visible) then done := not ScreenPopupError.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, WideChar(Event.key.keysym.unicode), True) else if (ScreenPopupCheck <> nil) and (ScreenPopupCheck.Visible) then done := not ScreenPopupCheck.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, WideChar(Event.key.keysym.unicode), True) else begin // check if screen wants to exit done := not Display.CurrentScreen^.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, WideChar(Event.key.keysym.unicode), True); // if screen wants to exit if done then begin // if question option is enabled then show exit popup if (Ini.AskbeforeDel = 1) then begin Display.CurrentScreen^.CheckFadeTo(nil,'MSG_QUIT_USDX'); end else // if ask-for-exit is disabled then simply exit begin Display.Fade := 0; Display.NextScreenWithCheck := nil; Display.CheckOK := True; end; end; end; end; SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: begin // not implemented end; SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: begin // not implemented end; end; // case end; // while end; function GetTimeForBeats(BPM, Beats: real): real; begin Result := 60 / BPM * Beats; end; function GetBeats(BPM, msTime: real): real; begin Result := BPM * msTime / 60; end; procedure GetMidBeatSub(BPMNum: integer; var Time: real; var CurBeat: real); var NewTime: real; begin if High(CurrentSong.BPM) = BPMNum then begin // last BPM CurBeat := CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat + GetBeats(CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].BPM, Time); Time := 0; end else begin // not last BPM // count how much time is it for start of the new BPM and store it in NewTime NewTime := GetTimeForBeats(CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].BPM, CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum+1].StartBeat - CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat); // compare it to remaining time if (Time - NewTime) > 0 then begin // there is still remaining time CurBeat := CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat; Time := Time - NewTime; end else begin // there is no remaining time CurBeat := CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat + GetBeats(CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].BPM, Time); Time := 0; end; // if end; // if end; function GetMidBeat(Time: real): real; var CurBeat: real; CurBPM: integer; //TopBeat: real; //TempBeat: real; //TempTime: real; begin Result := 0; if Length(CurrentSong.BPM) = 1 then Result := Time * CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM / 60; // 2 BPMs { if Length(CurrentSong.BPM) > 1 then begin // new system CurBeat := 0; TopBeat := GetBeats(CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM, Time); if TopBeat > CurrentSong.BPM[1].StartBeat then begin // analyze second BPM Time := Time - GetTimeForBeats(CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM, CurrentSong.BPM[1].StartBeat - CurBeat); CurBeat := CurrentSong.BPM[1].StartBeat; TopBeat := GetBeats(CurrentSong.BPM[1].BPM, Time); Result := CurBeat + TopBeat; end else begin // first part Result := TopBeat; end; end; } // more BPMs if Length(CurrentSong.BPM) > 1 then begin CurBeat := 0; CurBPM := 0; while (Time > 0) do begin GetMidBeatSub(CurBPM, Time, CurBeat); Inc(CurBPM); end; Result := CurBeat; end; end; function GetTimeFromBeat(Beat: integer): real; var CurBPM: integer; begin Result := 0; if Length(CurrentSong.BPM) = 1 then Result := CurrentSong.GAP / 1000 + Beat * 60 / CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM; // more BPMs if Length(CurrentSong.BPM) > 1 then begin Result := CurrentSong.GAP / 1000; CurBPM := 0; while (CurBPM <= High(CurrentSong.BPM)) and (Beat > CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM].StartBeat) do begin if (CurBPM < High(CurrentSong.BPM)) and (Beat >= CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM+1].StartBeat) then begin // full range Result := Result + (60 / CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM].BPM) * (CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM+1].StartBeat - CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM].StartBeat); end; if (CurBPM = High(CurrentSong.BPM)) or (Beat < CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM+1].StartBeat) then begin // in the middle Result := Result + (60 / CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM].BPM) * (Beat - CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM].StartBeat); end; Inc(CurBPM); end; { while (Time > 0) do begin GetMidBeatSub(CurBPM, Time, CurBeat); Inc(CurBPM); end; } end; // if} end; procedure Sing(Screen: TScreenSing); var Count: integer; CountGr: integer; CP: integer; Done: real; N: integer; begin LineState.OldBeat := LineState.CurrentBeat; // new system with variable BPM in function LineState.MidBeat := GetMidBeat(LineState.CurrentTime - (CurrentSong.Gap {+ 90 I've forgotten for what it is}) / 1000); LineState.CurrentBeat := Floor(LineState.MidBeat); //LineState.OldHalf := LineState.AktHalf; //LineState.MidHalf := LineState.MidBeat + 0.5; //LineState.AktHalf := Floor(LineState.MidHalf); LineState.OldBeatC := LineState.CurrentBeatC; LineState.MidBeatC := GetMidBeat(LineState.CurrentTime - (CurrentSong.Gap) / 1000); LineState.CurrentBeatC := Floor(LineState.MidBeatC); LineState.OldBeatD := LineState.CurrentBeatD; // MidBeat with additional GAP LineState.MidBeatD := -0.5+GetMidBeat(LineState.CurrentTime - (CurrentSong.Gap + 120 + 20) / 1000); LineState.CurrentBeatD := Floor(LineState.MidBeatD); LineState.FracBeatD := Frac(LineState.MidBeatD); // sentences routines for CountGr := 0 to 0 do //High(Gracz) begin; CP := CountGr; // old parts LineState.OldLine := Lines[CP].Current; // choose current parts for Count := 0 to Lines[CP].High do begin if LineState.CurrentBeat >= Lines[CP].Line[Count].Start then Lines[CP].Current := Count; end; // clean player note if there is a new line // (optimization on halfbeat time) if Lines[CP].Current <> LineState.OldLine then NewSentence(Screen); end; // for CountGr // execute operations on beat if (LineState.CurrentBeat >= 0) and (LineState.OldBeat <> LineState.CurrentBeat) then NewBeat(Screen); // make some operations on clicks if {(LineState.CurrentBeatC >= 0) and }(LineState.OldBeatC <> LineState.CurrentBeatC) then NewBeatClick(Screen); // make some operations when detecting new voice pitch if (LineState.CurrentBeatD >= 0) and (LineState.OldBeatD <> LineState.CurrentBeatD) then NewBeatDetect(Screen); // execute operations on beat field // if (LineState.AktHalf >= 1) and (LineState.OldHalf <> LineState.AktHalf) then // NewHalf; // remove moving text Done := 1; for N := 0 to Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote do begin if (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[N].Start <= LineState.MidBeat) and (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[N].Start + Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[N].Length >= LineState.MidBeat) then begin Done := (LineState.MidBeat - Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[N].Start) / (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[N].Length); end; end; N := Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote; // if last note is used {// todo: Lyrics if (Ini.LyricsEffect = 1) and (Done = 1) and (LineState.MidBeat > Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[N].Start + Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[N].Length) then Screen.LyricMain.Selected := -1; if Done > 1 then Done := 1; Screen.LyricMain.Done := Done; } // use Done with LCD { with ScreenSing do begin if LyricMain.Selected >= 0 then begin LCD.MoveCursor(1, LyricMain.SelectedLetter + Round((LyricMain.SelectedLength-1) * Done)); LCD.ShowCursor; end; end; } end; procedure NewSentence(Screen: TScreenSing); var i: Integer; begin // clean note of player for i := 0 to High(Player) do begin Player[i].LengthNote := 0; Player[i].HighNote := -1; SetLength(Player[i].Note, 0); end; // add words to lyrics with Screen do begin {LyricMain.AddCzesc(Lines[0].Current); if Lines[0].Current < Lines[0].High then LyricSub.AddCzesc(Lines[0].Current+1) else LyricSub.Clear;} while (not Lyrics.LineinQueue) and (Lyrics.LineCounter <= High(Lines[0].Line)) do Lyrics.AddLine(@Lines[0].Line[Lyrics.LineCounter]); end; //Screen.UpdateLCD; // on sentence change... Screen.onSentenceChange(Lines[0].Current); end; procedure NewBeat(Screen: TScreenSing); var Count: integer; //TempBeat: integer; begin // add a text mark //SingScreen.LyricMain.Selected := -1; for Count := 0 to Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote do if (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[Count].Start = LineState.CurrentBeat) then begin // operates on currently beated note //Todo: Lyrics //Sender.LyricMain.Selected := Count; //LCD.MoveCursor(1, ScreenSing.LyricMain.SelectedLetter); //LCD.ShowCursor; //LCD.MoveCursorBR(Sender.LyricMain.SelectedLetter); //LCD.ShowCursor; end; end; procedure NewBeatClick; var Count: integer; //LPT_1: integer; //LPT_2: integer; begin //LPT_1 := 1; //LPT_2 := 1; // beat click if ((Ini.BeatClick = 1) and ((LineState.CurrentBeatC + Lines[0].Resolution + Lines[0].NotesGAP) mod Lines[0].Resolution = 0)) then begin AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Click); end; { // debug system on LPT if ((LineState.CurrentBeatC + Lines[0].Resolution + Lines[0].NotesGAP) mod Lines[0].Resolution = 0) then begin LPT_1 := 0; Light.LightOne(0, 150); Light.LightOne(1, 200); // beat light if ParamStr(1) = '-doublelights' then Light.LightOne(0, 200); // beat light if ((LineState.CurrentBeatC + Lines[0].Resolution + Lines[0].NotesGAP) mod (Lines[0].Resolution * 2) = 0) then Light.LightOne(0, 150) else Light.LightOne(1, 150) end; } for Count := 0 to Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote do begin if (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[Count].Start = LineState.CurrentBeatC) then begin // click assist if Ini.ClickAssist = 1 then AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Click); { //LPT_2 := 0; if ParamStr(1) <> '-doublelights' then Light.LightOne(0, 150); //125 } // drum machine (* TempBeat := LineState.CurrentBeat;// + 2; if (TempBeat mod 8 = 0) then Music.PlayDrum; if (TempBeat mod 8 = 4) then Music.PlayClap; //if (TempBeat mod 4 = 2) then Music.PlayHihat; if (TempBeat mod 4 <> 0) then Music.PlayHihat; *) end; end; {$IFDEF UseSerialPort} // PortWriteB($378, LPT_1 + LPT_2 * 2); // 0 light {$ENDIF} end; procedure NewBeatDetect(Screen: TScreenSing); begin NewNote(Screen); end; procedure NewNote(Screen: TScreenSing); var LineFragmentIndex: integer; CurrentLineFragment: PLineFragment; PlayerIndex: integer; CurrentSound: TCaptureBuffer; CurrentPlayer: PPlayer; LastPlayerNote: PPLayerNote; Line: PLine; SentenceIndex: integer; SentenceMin: integer; SentenceMax: integer; SentenceDetected: integer; // sentence of detected note NoteAvailable: boolean; NewNote: boolean; Range: integer; NoteHit: boolean; MaxSongPoints: integer; // max. points for the song (without line bonus) MaxLinePoints: Real; // max. points for the current line begin //Log.LogStatus('Beat ' + IntToStr(LineState.CurrentBeat) + ' HalfBeat ' + IntToStr(LineState.AktHalf), 'NewBeat'); // TODO: add duet mode support // use Lines[LineSetIndex] with LineSetIndex depending on the current player // count min and max sentence range for checking (detection is delayed to the notes we see on the screen) SentenceMin := Lines[0].Current-1; if (SentenceMin < 0) then SentenceMin := 0; SentenceMax := Lines[0].Current; // check for an active note at the current time defined in the lyrics NoteAvailable := false; SentenceDetected := SentenceMin; for SentenceIndex := SentenceMin to SentenceMax do begin Line := @Lines[0].Line[SentenceIndex]; for LineFragmentIndex := 0 to Line.HighNote do begin CurrentLineFragment := @Line.Note[LineFragmentIndex]; // check if line is active if ((CurrentLineFragment.Start <= LineState.CurrentBeatD) and (CurrentLineFragment.Start + CurrentLineFragment.Length-1 >= LineState.CurrentBeatD)) and (CurrentLineFragment.NoteType <> ntFreestyle) and // but ignore FreeStyle notes (CurrentLineFragment.Length > 0) then // and make sure the note lengths is at least 1 begin SentenceDetected := SentenceIndex; NoteAvailable := true; Break; end; end; // TODO: break here, if NoteAvailable is true? We would then use the first instead // of the last note matching the current beat if notes overlap. But notes // should not overlap at all. //if (NoteAvailable) then // Break; end; // analyze player signals for PlayerIndex := 0 to PlayersPlay-1 do begin CurrentPlayer := @Player[PlayerIndex]; CurrentSound := AudioInputProcessor.Sound[PlayerIndex]; LastPlayerNote := @CurrentPlayer.Note[CurrentPlayer.HighNote]; // analyze buffer CurrentSound.AnalyzeBuffer; // add some noise // TODO: do we need this? //LineState.Tone := LineState.Tone + Round(Random(3)) - 1; // add note if possible if (CurrentSound.ToneValid and NoteAvailable) then begin Line := @Lines[0].Line[SentenceDetected]; // process until last note for LineFragmentIndex := 0 to Line.HighNote do begin CurrentLineFragment := @Line.Note[LineFragmentIndex]; if (CurrentLineFragment.Start <= LineState.OldBeatD+1) and (CurrentLineFragment.Start + CurrentLineFragment.Length > LineState.OldBeatD+1) then begin // compare notes (from song-file and from player) // move players tone to proper octave while (CurrentSound.Tone - CurrentLineFragment.Tone > 6) do CurrentSound.Tone := CurrentSound.Tone - 12; while (CurrentSound.Tone - CurrentLineFragment.Tone < -6) do CurrentSound.Tone := CurrentSound.Tone + 12; // half size notes patch NoteHit := false; //if Ini.Difficulty = 0 then Range := 2; //if Ini.Difficulty = 1 then Range := 1; //if Ini.Difficulty = 2 then Range := 0; Range := 2 - Ini.Difficulty; // check if the player hit the correct tone within the tolerated range if (Abs(CurrentLineFragment.Tone - CurrentSound.Tone) <= Range) then begin // adjust the players tone to the correct one // TODO: do we need to do this? CurrentSound.Tone := CurrentLineFragment.Tone; // half size notes patch NoteHit := true; if (Ini.LineBonus > 0) then MaxSongPoints := MAX_SONG_SCORE - MAX_SONG_LINE_BONUS else MaxSongPoints := MAX_SONG_SCORE; // Note: ScoreValue is the sum of all note values of the song MaxLinePoints := MaxSongPoints / Lines[0].ScoreValue; // FIXME: is this correct? Why do we add the points for a whole line // if just one note is correct? case CurrentLineFragment.NoteType of ntNormal: CurrentPlayer.Score := CurrentPlayer.Score + MaxLinePoints; ntGolden: CurrentPlayer.ScoreGolden := CurrentPlayer.ScoreGolden + MaxLinePoints; end; CurrentPlayer.ScoreInt := Floor(CurrentPlayer.Score / 10) * 10; CurrentPlayer.ScoreGoldenInt := Floor(CurrentPlayer.ScoreGolden / 10) * 10; CurrentPlayer.ScoreTotalInt := CurrentPlayer.ScoreInt + CurrentPlayer.ScoreGoldenInt + CurrentPlayer.ScoreLineInt; end; end; // operation end; // for // check if we have to add a new note or extend the note's length if (SentenceDetected = SentenceMax) then begin // we will add a new note NewNote := true; // if last has the same tone if ((CurrentPlayer.LengthNote > 0) and (LastPlayerNote.Tone = CurrentSound.Tone) and ((LastPlayerNote.Start + LastPlayerNote.Length) = LineState.CurrentBeatD)) then begin NewNote := false; end; // if is not as new note to control for LineFragmentIndex := 0 to Line.HighNote do begin if (Line.Note[LineFragmentIndex].Start = LineState.CurrentBeatD) then NewNote := true; end; // add new note if NewNote then begin // new note Inc(CurrentPlayer.LengthNote); Inc(CurrentPlayer.HighNote); SetLength(CurrentPlayer.Note, CurrentPlayer.LengthNote); // update player's last note LastPlayerNote := @CurrentPlayer.Note[CurrentPlayer.HighNote]; with LastPlayerNote^ do begin Start := LineState.CurrentBeatD; Length := 1; Tone := CurrentSound.Tone; // Tone || ToneAbs Detect := LineState.MidBeat; Hit := NoteHit; // half note patch end; end else begin // extend note length Inc(LastPlayerNote.Length); end; // check for perfect note and then lit the star (on Draw) for LineFragmentIndex := 0 to Line.HighNote do begin CurrentLineFragment := @Line.Note[LineFragmentIndex]; if (CurrentLineFragment.Start = LastPlayerNote.Start) and (CurrentLineFragment.Length = LastPlayerNote.Length) and (CurrentLineFragment.Tone = LastPlayerNote.Tone) then begin LastPlayerNote.Perfect := true; end; end; end; // if SentenceDetected = SentenceMax end; // if Detected end; // for PlayerIndex //Log.LogStatus('EndBeat', 'NewBeat'); // on sentence end -> for LineBonus and display of SingBar (rating pop-up) if (SentenceDetected >= Low(Lines[0].Line)) and (SentenceDetected <= High(Lines[0].Line)) then begin Line := @Lines[0].Line[SentenceDetected]; CurrentLineFragment := @Line.Note[Line.HighNote]; if ((CurrentLineFragment.Start + CurrentLineFragment.Length - 1) = LineState.CurrentBeatD) then begin if assigned(Screen) then Screen.OnSentenceEnd(SentenceDetected); end; end; end; procedure ClearScores(PlayerNum: integer); begin with Player[PlayerNum] do begin Score := 0; ScoreInt := 0; ScoreLine := 0; ScoreLineInt := 0; ScoreGolden := 0; ScoreGoldenInt := 0; ScoreTotalInt := 0; end; end; //-------------------- // Function sets all absolute paths e.g. song path and makes sure the directorys exist //-------------------- procedure InitializePaths; // Initialize a path variable // After setting paths, make sure that paths exist function initialize_path( out aPathVar : string; const aLocation : string ): boolean; var lWriteable: Boolean; lAttrib : integer; begin lWriteable := false; aPathVar := aLocation; // Make sure the directory is needex ForceDirectories(aPathVar); if DirectoryExists(aPathVar) then begin lAttrib := fileGetAttr(aPathVar); lWriteable := (lAttrib and faDirectory <> 0) and not (lAttrib and faReadOnly <> 0) end; if not lWriteable then Log.LogError('Dir ('+ aLocation +') is Readonly', 'initialize_path'); result := lWriteable; end; begin initialize_path( LogPath , Platform.GetLogPath ); initialize_path( SoundPath , Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'Sounds' + PathDelim ); initialize_path( ThemePath , Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'Themes' + PathDelim ); initialize_path( SkinsPath , Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'Themes' + PathDelim ); initialize_path( LanguagesPath , Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'Languages' + PathDelim ); initialize_path( PluginPath , Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'Plugins' + PathDelim ); initialize_path( VisualsPath , Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'Visuals' + PathDelim ); initialize_path( ResourcesPath , Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'Resources' + PathDelim ); initialize_path( ScreenshotsPath , Platform.GetGameUserPath + 'Screenshots' + PathDelim ); // Users Song Path .... initialize_path( UserSongPath , Platform.GetGameUserPath + 'Songs' + PathDelim ); initialize_path( UserCoversPath , Platform.GetGameUserPath + 'Covers' + PathDelim ); initialize_path( UserPlaylistPath , Platform.GetGameUserPath + 'Playlists' + PathDelim ); // Shared Song Path .... initialize_path( SongPath , Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'Songs' + PathDelim ); initialize_path( CoversPath , Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'Covers' + PathDelim ); initialize_path( PlaylistPath , Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'Playlists' + PathDelim ); DecimalSeparator := '.'; end; end.