unit ULog; interface uses Classes; type TLog = class BenchmarkTimeStart: array[0..7] of real; BenchmarkTimeLength: array[0..7] of real;//TDateTime; FileBenchmark: TextFile; FileBenchmarkO: boolean; // opened FileAnalyze: TextFile; FileAnalyzeO: boolean; // opened FileError: TextFile; FileErrorO: boolean; // opened Title: String; //Application Title // destuctor destructor Free; // benchmark procedure BenchmarkStart(Number: integer); procedure BenchmarkEnd(Number: integer); procedure LogBenchmark(Text: string; Number: integer); // analyze procedure LogAnalyze(Text: string); // error procedure LogError(Text: string); overload; //Critical Error (Halt + MessageBox) procedure CriticalError(Text: string); // voice procedure LogVoice(SoundNr: integer); // compability procedure LogStatus(Log1, Log2: string); procedure LogError(Log1, Log2: string); overload; end; var Log: TLog; implementation uses UPliki, SysUtils, DateUtils, URecord, UTime, UIni, Windows; destructor TLog.Free; begin if FileBenchmarkO then CloseFile(FileBenchmark); // if FileAnalyzeO then CloseFile(FileAnalyze); if FileErrorO then CloseFile(FileError); end; procedure TLog.BenchmarkStart(Number: integer); begin BenchmarkTimeStart[Number] := USTime.GetTime; //Time; end; procedure TLog.BenchmarkEnd(Number: integer); begin BenchmarkTimeLength[Number] := USTime.GetTime {Time} - BenchmarkTimeStart[Number]; end; procedure TLog.LogBenchmark(Text: string; Number: integer); var Minutes: integer; Seconds: integer; Miliseconds: integer; MinutesS: string; SecondsS: string; MilisecondsS: string; ValueText: string; begin if (ParamStr(1) = '-benchmark') then begin if not FileBenchmarkO then begin FileBenchmarkO := true; AssignFile(FileBenchmark, LogPath + 'Benchmark.log'); {$I-} Rewrite(FileBenchmark); if IOResult = 0 then FileBenchmarkO := true; {$I+} end; if FileBenchmarkO then begin Miliseconds := Trunc(Frac(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) * 1000); Seconds := Trunc(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) mod 60; Minutes := Trunc((BenchmarkTimeLength[Number] - Seconds) / 60); // ValueText := FloatToStr(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]); { ValueText := FloatToStr( SecondOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) + MilliSecondOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number])/1000 ); if MinuteOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) >= 1 then ValueText := IntToStr(MinuteOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number])) + ':' + ValueText; WriteLn(FileBenchmark, Text + ': ' + ValueText + ' seconds');} if (Minutes = 0) and (Seconds = 0) then begin MilisecondsS := IntToStr(Miliseconds); ValueText := MilisecondsS + ' miliseconds'; end; if (Minutes = 0) and (Seconds >= 1) then begin MilisecondsS := IntToStr(Miliseconds); while Length(MilisecondsS) < 3 do MilisecondsS := '0' + MilisecondsS; SecondsS := IntToStr(Seconds); ValueText := SecondsS + ',' + MilisecondsS + ' seconds'; end; if Minutes >= 1 then begin MilisecondsS := IntToStr(Miliseconds); while Length(MilisecondsS) < 3 do MilisecondsS := '0' + MilisecondsS; SecondsS := IntToStr(Seconds); while Length(SecondsS) < 2 do SecondsS := '0' + SecondsS; MinutesS := IntToStr(Minutes); ValueText := MinutesS + ':' + SecondsS + ',' + MilisecondsS + ' minutes'; end; WriteLn(FileBenchmark, Text + ': ' + ValueText); Flush(FileBenchmark); end; end; end; procedure TLog.LogAnalyze(Text: string); var Seconds: integer; Miliseconds: integer; ValueText: string; begin //if Ini.Debug = 1 then begin if not FileAnalyzeO then begin AssignFile(FileAnalyze, LogPath + 'Analyze.log'); {$I-} Rewrite(FileAnalyze); if IOResult = 0 then FileAnalyzeO := true; {$I+} end; if FileAnalyzeO then begin WriteLn(FileAnalyze, Text); Flush(FileAnalyze); // try to speed up end; //end; end; procedure TLog.LogError(Text: string); begin if not FileErrorO then begin FileErrorO := true; AssignFile(FileError, LogPath + 'Error.log'); {$I-} Rewrite(FileError); if IOResult = 0 then FileErrorO := true; {$I+} end; if FileErrorO then begin WriteLn(FileError, Text); Flush(FileError); end; end; procedure TLog.LogVoice(SoundNr: integer); var FileVoice: File; FS: TFileStream; FileName: string; Num: integer; BL: integer; begin for Num := 1 to 9999 do begin FileName := IntToStr(Num); while Length(FileName) < 4 do FileName := '0' + FileName; FileName := LogPath + 'Voice' + FileName + '.raw'; if not FileExists(FileName) then break end; FS := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate); for BL := 0 to High(Sound[SoundNr].BufferLong) do begin Sound[SoundNr].BufferLong[BL].Seek(0, soBeginning); FS.CopyFrom(Sound[SoundNr].BufferLong[BL], Sound[SoundNr].BufferLong[BL].Size); end; FS.Free; end; procedure TLog.LogStatus(Log1, Log2: string); begin //Just for Debugging //Comment for Release //LogAnalyze (Log2 + ': ' + Log1); end; procedure TLog.LogError(Log1, Log2: string); begin //asd end; procedure TLog.CriticalError(Text: string); begin //Write Error to Logfile: LogError (Text); //Show Errormessage Messagebox(0, PChar(Text), PChar(Title), MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK); //Exit Application Halt; end; end.