unit UDataBase; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses USongs, USong, SQLiteTable3; //-------------------- //DataBaseSystem - Class including all DB Methods //-------------------- type TStatType = ( stBestScores, // Best Scores stBestSingers, // Best Singers stMostSungSong, // Most sung Songs stMostPopBand // Most popular Band ); TStatResult = record case Typ: TStatType of stBestScores: ( Singer: ShortString; Score: Word; Difficulty: Byte; SongArtist: ShortString; SongTitle: ShortString ); stBestSingers: ( Player: ShortString; AverageScore: Word ); stMostSungSong: ( Artist: ShortString; Title: ShortString; TimesSung: Word ); stMostPopBand: ( ArtistName: ShortString; TimesSungTot: Word ); end; AStatResult = array of TStatResult; (* 0: (Singer: WideString; Score: Word; Difficulty: Byte; SongArtist: WideString; SongTitle: WideString); 1: (Player: WideString; AverageScore: Word); 2: (Artist: WideString; Title: WideString; TimesSung: Word); 3: (ArtistName: WideString; TimesSungTot: Word); *) TDataBaseSystem = class private ScoreDB: TSqliteDatabase; fFilename: string; public property Filename: string read fFilename; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Init(const Filename: string); procedure ReadScore(Song: TSong); procedure AddScore(Song: TSong; Level: integer; const Name: WideString; Score: integer); procedure WriteScore(Song: TSong); function GetStats(var Stats: AStatResult; Typ: TStatType; Count: Byte; Page: Cardinal; Reversed: Boolean): Boolean; function GetTotalEntrys(Typ: TStatType): Cardinal; function GetStatReset: TDateTime; end; var DataBase: TDataBaseSystem; implementation uses ULog, StrUtils, SysUtils; const cUS_Scores = 'us_scores'; cUS_Songs = 'us_songs'; cUS_Statistics_Info = 'us_statistics_info'; (** * Opens Database and Create Tables if not Exist *) procedure TDataBaseSystem.Init(const Filename: string); begin if Assigned(ScoreDB) then Exit; Log.LogStatus('Initializing database: "'+Filename+'"', 'TDataBaseSystem.Init'); try //Open Database ScoreDB := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(Filename); fFilename := Filename; // SQLite does not handle VARCHAR(n) or INT(n) as expected. // Texts do not have a restricted length, no matter which type is used, // so use the native TEXT type. INT(n) is always INTEGER. // In addition, SQLiteTable3 will fail if other types than the native SQLite // types are used (especially FieldAsInteger). Also take care to write the // types in upper-case letters although SQLite does not care about this - // SQLiteTable3 is very sensitive in this regard. ScoreDB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ['+cUS_Scores+'] (' + '[SongID] INTEGER NOT NULL, ' + '[Difficulty] INTEGER NOT NULL, ' + '[Player] TEXT NOT NULL, ' + '[Score] INTEGER NOT NULL' + ');'); ScoreDB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ['+cUS_Songs+'] (' + '[ID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ' + '[Artist] TEXT NOT NULL, ' + '[Title] TEXT NOT NULL, ' + '[TimesPlayed] INTEGER NOT NULL' + ');'); if not ScoreDB.TableExists(cUS_Statistics_Info) then begin ScoreDB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ['+cUS_Statistics_Info+'] (' + '[ResetTime] TEXT' + ');'); ScoreDB.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO ['+cUS_Statistics_Info+'] ' + '([ResetTime]) VALUES ' + '('''+DateTimeToStr(now)+''');'); end; except on E: Exception do begin Log.LogError(E.Message, 'TDataBaseSystem.Init'); FreeAndNil(ScoreDB); end; end; end; (** * Frees Database *) destructor TDataBaseSystem.Destroy; begin Log.LogInfo('TDataBaseSystem.Free', 'TDataBaseSystem.Destroy'); ScoreDB.Free; inherited; end; (** * Read Scores into SongArray *) procedure TDataBaseSystem.ReadScore(Song: TSong); var TableData: TSQLiteUniTable; Difficulty: Integer; begin if not Assigned(ScoreDB) then Exit; TableData := nil; try // Search Song in DB TableData := ScoreDB.GetUniTable( 'SELECT [Difficulty], [Player], [Score] FROM ['+cUS_Scores+'] ' + 'WHERE [SongID] = (' + 'SELECT [ID] FROM ['+cUS_Songs+'] ' + 'WHERE [Artist] = ? AND [Title] = ? ' + 'LIMIT 1) ' + 'ORDER BY [Score] DESC LIMIT 15', [UTF8Encode(Song.Artist), UTF8Encode(Song.Title)]); // Empty Old Scores SetLength(Song.Score[0], 0); SetLength(Song.Score[1], 0); SetLength(Song.Score[2], 0); // Go through all Entrys while (not TableData.EOF) do begin // Add one Entry to Array Difficulty := TableData.FieldAsInteger(TableData.FieldIndex['Difficulty']); if ((Difficulty >= 0) and (Difficulty <= 2)) and (Length(Song.Score[Difficulty]) < 5) then begin SetLength(Song.Score[Difficulty], Length(Song.Score[Difficulty]) + 1); Song.Score[Difficulty, High(Song.Score[Difficulty])].Name := UTF8Decode(TableData.FieldByName['Player']); Song.Score[Difficulty, High(Song.Score[Difficulty])].Score := TableData.FieldAsInteger(TableData.FieldIndex['Score']); end; TableData.Next; end; // while except for Difficulty := 0 to 2 do begin SetLength(Song.Score[Difficulty], 1); Song.Score[Difficulty, 1].Name := 'Error Reading ScoreDB'; end; end; TableData.Free; end; (** * Adds one new score to DB *) procedure TDataBaseSystem.AddScore(Song: TSong; Level: integer; const Name: WideString; Score: integer); var ID: Integer; TableData: TSQLiteTable; begin if not Assigned(ScoreDB) then Exit; // Prevent 0 Scores from being added if (Score <= 0) then Exit; TableData := nil; try ID := ScoreDB.GetTableValue( 'SELECT [ID] FROM ['+cUS_Songs+'] ' + 'WHERE [Artist] = ? AND [Title] = ?', [UTF8Encode(Song.Artist), UTF8Encode(Song.Title)]); if (ID = 0) then begin // Create song if it does not exist ScoreDB.ExecSQL( 'INSERT INTO ['+cUS_Songs+'] ' + '([ID], [Artist], [Title], [TimesPlayed]) VALUES ' + '(NULL, ?, ?, 0);', [UTF8Encode(Song.Artist), UTF8Encode(Song.Title)]); // Get song-ID ID := ScoreDB.GetLastInsertRowID(); end; // Create new entry ScoreDB.ExecSQL( 'INSERT INTO ['+cUS_Scores+'] ' + '([SongID] ,[Difficulty], [Player], [Score]) VALUES ' + '(?, ?, ?, ?);', [ID, Level, UTF8Encode(Name), Score]); // Delete last position when there are more than 5 entrys. // Fixes crash when there are > 5 ScoreEntrys // Note: GetUniTable is not applicable here, as the results are used while // table entries are deleted. TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable( 'SELECT [Player], [Score] FROM ['+cUS_Scores+'] ' + 'WHERE [SongID] = ' + InttoStr(ID) + ' AND ' + '[Difficulty] = ' + InttoStr(Level) +' ' + 'ORDER BY [Score] DESC LIMIT -1 OFFSET 5'); while (not TableData.EOF) do begin // Note: Score is an int-value, so in contrast to Player, we do not bind // this value. Otherwise we had to convert the string to an int to avoid // an automatic cast of this field to the TEXT type (although it might even // work that way). ScoreDB.ExecSQL( 'DELETE FROM ['+cUS_Scores+'] ' + 'WHERE [SongID] = ' + InttoStr(ID) + ' AND ' + '[Difficulty] = ' + InttoStr(Level) +' AND ' + '[Player] = ? AND ' + '[Score] = ' + TableData.FieldByName['Score'], [TableData.FieldByName['Player']]); TableData.Next; end; except on E: Exception do Log.LogError(E.Message, 'TDataBaseSystem.AddScore'); end; TableData.Free; end; (** * Not needed with new System. * Used for increment played count *) procedure TDataBaseSystem.WriteScore(Song: TSong); begin if not Assigned(ScoreDB) then Exit; try // Increase TimesPlayed ScoreDB.ExecSQL( 'UPDATE ['+cUS_Songs+'] ' + 'SET [TimesPlayed] = [TimesPlayed] + 1 ' + 'WHERE [Title] = ? AND [Artist] = ?;', [UTF8Encode(Song.Title), UTF8Encode(Song.Artist)]); except on E: Exception do Log.LogError(E.Message, 'TDataBaseSystem.WriteScore'); end; end; (** * Writes some stats to array. * Returns true if choosen page has entrys *) function TDataBaseSystem.GetStats(var Stats: AStatResult; Typ: TStatType; Count: Byte; Page: Cardinal; Reversed: Boolean): Boolean; var Query: String; TableData: TSQLiteUniTable; begin Result := False; if not Assigned(ScoreDB) then Exit; if (Length(Stats) < Count) then Exit; {Todo: Add Prevention that only players with more than 5 scores are selected at type 2} // Create query case Typ of stBestScores: begin Query := 'SELECT [Player], [Difficulty], [Score], [Artist], [Title] FROM ['+cUS_Scores+'] ' + 'INNER JOIN ['+cUS_Songs+'] ON ([SongID] = [ID]) ORDER BY [Score]'; end; stBestSingers: begin Query := 'SELECT [Player], ROUND(AVG([Score])) FROM ['+cUS_Scores+'] ' + 'GROUP BY [Player] ORDER BY AVG([Score])'; end; stMostSungSong: begin Query := 'SELECT [Artist], [Title], [TimesPlayed] FROM ['+cUS_Songs+'] ' + 'ORDER BY [TimesPlayed]'; end; stMostPopBand: begin Query := 'SELECT [Artist], SUM([TimesPlayed]) FROM ['+cUS_Songs+'] ' + 'GROUP BY [Artist] ORDER BY SUM([TimesPlayed])'; end; end; // Add order direction Query := Query + IfThen(Reversed, ' ASC', ' DESC'); // Add limit Query := Query + ' LIMIT ' + InttoStr(Count * Page) + ', ' + InttoStr(Count) + ';'; // Execute query try TableData := ScoreDB.GetUniTable(Query); except on E: Exception do begin Log.LogError(E.Message, 'TDataBaseSystem.GetStats'); Exit; end; end; if (TableData.EOF) then begin TableData.Free; Exit; end; // Copy result to stats array while not TableData.EOF do begin Stats[TableData.Row].Typ := Typ; case Typ of stBestScores: begin Stats[TableData.Row].Singer := UTF8Decode(TableData.Fields[0]); Stats[TableData.Row].Difficulty := TableData.FieldAsInteger(1); Stats[TableData.Row].Score := TableData.FieldAsInteger(2); Stats[TableData.Row].SongArtist := UTF8Decode(TableData.Fields[3]); Stats[TableData.Row].SongTitle := UTF8Decode(TableData.Fields[4]); end; stBestSingers: begin Stats[TableData.Row].Player := UTF8Decode(TableData.Fields[0]); Stats[TableData.Row].AverageScore := TableData.FieldAsInteger(1); end; stMostSungSong: begin Stats[TableData.Row].Artist := UTF8Decode(TableData.Fields[0]); Stats[TableData.Row].Title := UTF8Decode(TableData.Fields[1]); Stats[TableData.Row].TimesSung := TableData.FieldAsInteger(2); end; stMostPopBand: begin Stats[TableData.Row].ArtistName := UTF8Decode(TableData.Fields[0]); Stats[TableData.Row].TimesSungTot := TableData.FieldAsInteger(1); end; end; TableData.Next; end; TableData.Free; Result := True; end; (** * Gets total number of entrys for a stats query *) function TDataBaseSystem.GetTotalEntrys(Typ: TStatType): Cardinal; var Query: String; begin Result := 0; if not Assigned(ScoreDB) then Exit; try // Create query case Typ of stBestScores: Query := 'SELECT COUNT([SongID]) FROM ['+cUS_Scores+'];'; stBestSingers: Query := 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT [Player]) FROM ['+cUS_Scores+'];'; stMostSungSong: Query := 'SELECT COUNT([ID]) FROM ['+cUS_Songs+'];'; stMostPopBand: Query := 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT [Artist]) FROM ['+cUS_Songs+'];'; end; Result := ScoreDB.GetTableValue(Query); except on E: Exception do Log.LogError(E.Message, 'TDataBaseSystem.GetTotalEntrys'); end; end; (** * Gets reset date of statistic data *) function TDataBaseSystem.GetStatReset: TDateTime; var Query: string; TableData: TSQLiteUniTable; begin Result := 0; if not Assigned(ScoreDB) then Exit; TableData := nil; try Query := 'SELECT [ResetTime] FROM ['+cUS_Statistics_Info+'];'; TableData := ScoreDB.GetUniTable(Query); Result := StrToDateTime(TableData.Fields[0]); except on E: Exception do Log.LogError(E.Message, 'TDataBaseSystem.GetStatReset'); end; TableData.Free; end; end.