unit UDataBase; interface uses USongs, SQLiteTable3; //-------------------- //DataBaseSystem - Class including all DB Methods //-------------------- type THandicapResult = record P1m: real; P2m: real; end; TStatResult = record Case Typ: Byte of 0: (Singer: ShortString; //best scores Score: Word; Difficulty: Byte; SongArtist: ShortString; SongTitle: ShortString; Date: ShortString); 1: (Player: ShortString; //best singers AverageScore: Word; SungTimes: Word); 2: (Artist: ShortString; //most sung song Title: ShortString; TimesSung: Word); 3: (ArtistName: ShortString; //most sung band TimesSungtot: Word); end; AStatResult = Array of TStatResult; TDataBaseSystem = class private ScoreDB: TSqliteDatabase; sFilename: string; public property Filename: String read sFilename; Destructor Free; Procedure Init(const Filename: string); procedure ReadScore(var Song: TSong; max, sum: integer); procedure AddScore(var Song: TSong; Level: integer; Name: string; Score: integer; TimeStamp: integer); procedure WriteScore(var Song: TSong); Function GetStats(var Stats: AStatResult; const Typ, Count: Byte; const Page: Cardinal; const Reversed: Boolean): Boolean; Function GetTotalEntrys(const Typ: Byte): Cardinal; function FormatDate(time_stamp: integer): String; function GetHandicap(P1: string; P2: string): THandicapResult; //for Handicap-Mode function GetAspect(Artist, Title: string; def: integer): integer; procedure SetAspect(Artist, Title: string; aspect: integer); end; var DataBase: TDataBaseSystem; implementation uses IniFiles, SysUtils, DateUtils, ULanguage; function TDataBaseSystem.GetHandicap(P1: string; P2: string): THandicapResult; const min = 3; var P1m, P2m, temp: real; P1c, P2c: integer; begin if not Assigned(ScoreDB) then Exit; //init Result.P1m := 1; Result.P2m := 1; P1m := 0; P2m := 0; P1c := 0; P2c := 0; try P1c := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT COUNT(`SongID`) FROM `US_Scores` '+ 'WHERE `Player` = "' + P1 + '";'); P2c := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT COUNT(`SongID`) FROM `US_Scores` '+ 'WHERE `Player` = "' + P2 + '";'); if (P1c>min) and (P2c>min) then begin P1m := ScoreDB.GetTableFloat('SELECT AVG(`Score`) FROM `US_Scores` '+ 'WHERE `Score` IN ('+ 'SELECT Score FROM `US_Scores` '+ 'WHERE `Player` = "' + P1 + '" ORDER BY `rowid` DESC LIMIT 10);'); P2m := ScoreDB.GetTableFloat('SELECT AVG(`Score`) FROM `US_Scores` '+ 'WHERE `Score` IN ('+ 'SELECT Score FROM `US_Scores` '+ 'WHERE `Player` = "' + P2 + '" ORDER BY `rowid` DESC LIMIT 10);'); end; except P1m := 0; P2m := 0; end; if (P1m>0) and (P2m>0) then begin if (P1m>P2m) then begin temp := (P2m/P1m) + (P2m/P1m)*0.2; if temp<=1 then Result.P1m := temp else Result.P1m := 1; end else begin temp := (P1m/P2m) + (P1m/P2m)*0.2; if temp<=1 then Result.P2m := temp else Result.P2m := 1; end; end; end; function TDataBaseSystem.GetAspect(Artist, Title: string; def: integer): integer; var ID: Integer; begin try ID := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT `ID` FROM `US_Songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Title + '"'); if ID = 0 then //Song doesn't exist -> Create begin ScoreDB.ExecSQL ('INSERT INTO `US_Songs` ( `ID` , `Artist` , `Title` , `TimesPlayed`, `Aspect` ) '+ 'VALUES (NULL , "' + Artist + '", "' + Title + '", "0", "'+ IntToStr(def) +'");'); Result := def; end else begin Result := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT `Aspect` FROM `US_Songs` WHERE `ID` = "' + IntToStr(ID) + '"'); end; except Result := def; end; end; procedure TDataBaseSystem.SetAspect(Artist, Title: string; aspect: integer); var ID: Integer; begin try ID := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT `ID` FROM `US_Songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Title + '"'); if ID = 0 then //Song doesn't exist -> Create begin ScoreDB.ExecSQL ('INSERT INTO `US_Songs` ( `ID` , `Artist` , `Title` , `TimesPlayed`, `Aspect` ) '+ 'VALUES (NULL , "' + Artist + '", "' + Title + '", "0", "'+ IntToStr(Aspect) +'");'); end else begin //Create new Entry ScoreDB.ExecSQL ('UPDATE `Us_Songs` SET `Aspect` = "' + IntToStr(aspect) + '" WHERE `ID` = "' + IntToStr(ID) + '"'); end; except end; end; (** * Format a UNIX-Timestamp into DATE (If 0 then '') *) function TDataBaseSystem.FormatDate(time_stamp: integer): String; var Year, Month, Day: word; begin Result:=''; try if time_stamp<>0 then begin DecodeDate(UnixToDateTime(time_stamp), Year, Month, Day); Result := Format(Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_DATE'), [Day, Month, Year]); end; except on E: EConvertError do //Log.LogError('Error Parsing FormatString "STAT_FORMAT_DATE": ' + E.Message); TODO end; end; //-------------------- //Create - Opens Database and Create Tables if not Exist //-------------------- Procedure TDataBaseSystem.Init(const Filename: string); begin //Open Database ScoreDB := TSqliteDatabase.Create(Filename); sFilename := Filename; try //Look for Tables => When not exist Create them if not ScoreDB.TableExists('US_Scores') then ScoreDB.execsql('CREATE TABLE `US_Scores` (`SongID` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL , '+ '`Difficulty` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL , `Player` VARCHAR( 150 ) NOT NULL , '+ '`Score` INT( 5 ) NOT NULL , `Date` INT NULL)'); if not ScoreDB.TableExists('US_Songs') then ScoreDB.execsql('CREATE TABLE `US_Songs` (`ID` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, '+ '`Artist` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `TimesPlayed` int(5) NOT NULL );'); //add column date to cUS-Scores if not ScoreDB.ContainsColumn('US_Scores', 'Date') then begin //Log.LogInfo('adding column date to "' + cUS_Scores + '"', 'TDataBaseSystem.Init'); TODO ScoreDB.ExecSQL('ALTER TABLE ' + '`US_Scores`' + ' ADD COLUMN `Date` INT NULL'); end; //add column aspect to cUS-Songs if not ScoreDB.ContainsColumn('US_Songs', 'Aspect') then begin //0=acoStretch; 1=acoCrop; 2=acoLetterBox ScoreDB.ExecSQL('ALTER TABLE ' + '`US_Songs`' + ' ADD COLUMN `Aspect` INT NULL'); end; finally //ScoreDB.Free; end; end; //-------------------- //Free - Frees Database //-------------------- Destructor TDataBaseSystem.Free; begin ScoreDB.Free; end; //-------------------- //ReadScore - Read Scores into SongArray // //sum: // 0=never // 1=only, if more then max entries (dynamic) // 2=always //-------------------- procedure TDataBaseSystem.ReadScore(var Song: TSong; max, sum: integer); var TableData: TSqliteTable; Difficulty: Byte; I: integer; PlayerListed: boolean; DateStr: string; num: array[0..2] of integer; //num entries easy, medium, hard begin if not Assigned(ScoreDB) then Exit; try //count num entries if(sum=1) then begin num[0] := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT COUNT(`SongID`) FROM `US_Scores` '+ 'WHERE `Difficulty` = 0 and '+ '`SongID` = (SELECT `ID` FROM `us_songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '" LIMIT 1);'); num[1] := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT COUNT(`SongID`) FROM `US_Scores` '+ 'WHERE `Difficulty` = 1 and '+ '`SongID` = (SELECT `ID` FROM `us_songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '" LIMIT 1);'); num[2] := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT COUNT(`SongID`) FROM `US_Scores` '+ 'WHERE `Difficulty` = 2 and '+ '`SongID` = (SELECT `ID` FROM `us_songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '" LIMIT 1);'); end; //Search Song in DB TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable('SELECT `Difficulty`, `Player`, `Score`, `Date` '+ 'FROM `us_scores` WHERE '+ '`SongID` = (SELECT `ID` FROM `us_songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '" LIMIT 1) ORDER BY `Score` DESC;'); //Empty Old Scores SetLength (Song.Score[0], 0); //easy SetLength (Song.Score[1], 0); //medium SetLength (Song.Score[2], 0); //hard // Go through all Entrys while (not TableData.EOF) do begin // Add one Entry to Array Difficulty := StrToInt(TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Difficulty'])); if ((Difficulty >= 0) and (Difficulty <= 2)) and (Length(Song.Score[Difficulty]) < max) then begin //filter player PlayerListed:=false; if (Length(Song.Score[Difficulty])>0) then begin for I := 0 to Length(Song.Score[Difficulty]) - 1 do begin if (Song.Score[Difficulty, I].Name = TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Player'])) then begin PlayerListed:=true; break; end; end; end; if (sum=0) or ((sum=1) and (num[Difficulty]<=max)) or ((sum=1) and (num[Difficulty]>max) and not PlayerListed) or ((sum=2) and not PlayerListed) then begin SetLength(Song.Score[Difficulty], Length(Song.Score[Difficulty]) + 1); Song.Score[Difficulty, High(Song.Score[Difficulty])].Name := TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Player']); Song.Score[Difficulty, High(Song.Score[Difficulty])].Score := StrtoInt(TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Score'])); DateStr := TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Date']); if DateStr<>'' then Song.Score[Difficulty, High(Song.Score[Difficulty])].Date := FormatDate(StrToInt(DateStr)) else Song.Score[Difficulty, High(Song.Score[Difficulty])].Date := '??.??.20??'; end; end; TableData.Next; end; // while except for Difficulty := 0 to 2 do begin SetLength(Song.Score[Difficulty], 1); Song.Score[Difficulty, 1].Name := 'Error Reading ScoreDB'; end; end; end; //-------------------- //AddScore - Add one new Score to DB //-------------------- procedure TDataBaseSystem.AddScore(var Song: TSong; Level: integer; Name: string; Score: integer; TimeStamp: integer); var ID: Integer; TableData: TSqliteTable; begin //ScoreDB := TSqliteDatabase.Create(sFilename); try //Prevent 0 Scores from being added if (Score > 0) then begin try //todo : wrapper shouldn't throw exceptions at all - this fixed a wine bug, thanks linnex! (11.11.07) ID := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT `ID` FROM `US_Songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '"'); if ID = 0 then //Song doesn't exist -> Create begin ScoreDB.ExecSQL ('INSERT INTO `US_Songs` ( `ID` , `Artist` , `Title` , `TimesPlayed` ) '+ 'VALUES (NULL , "' + Song.Artist + '", "' + Song.Title + '", "0");'); ID := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT `ID` FROM `US_Songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '"'); if ID = 0 then //Could not Create Table exit; end; //Create new Entry ScoreDB.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO `US_Scores` ( `SongID` , `Difficulty` , `Player` , `Score` , `Date` ) '+ 'VALUES ("' + InttoStr(ID) + '", "' + InttoStr(Level) + '", "' + Name + '", "' + InttoStr(Score) + '","' + InttoStr(TimeStamp) + '");'); { //Delete Last Position when there are more than 5 Entrys if ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT COUNT(`SongID`) FROM `US_Scores` WHERE `SongID` = "' + InttoStr(ID) + '" AND `Difficulty` = "' + InttoStr(Level) +'"') > 5 then begin TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable('SELECT `Player`, `Score` FROM `US_Scores` WHERE SongID = "' + InttoStr(ID) + '" AND `Difficulty` = "' + InttoStr(Level) +'" ORDER BY `Score` ASC LIMIT 1'); ScoreDB.ExecSQL('DELETE FROM `US_Scores` WHERE SongID = "' + InttoStr(ID) + '" AND `Difficulty` = "' + InttoStr(Level) +'" AND `Player` = "' + TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Player']) + '" AND `Score` = "' + TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Score']) + '"'); end; } except // katze! end; end; finally //ScoreDB.Free; end; end; //-------------------- //WriteScore - Not needed with new System; But used for Increment Played Count //-------------------- procedure TDataBaseSystem.WriteScore(var Song: TSong); begin try //Increase TimesPlayed ScoreDB.ExecSQL ('UPDATE `us_songs` SET `TimesPlayed` = `TimesPlayed` + "1" WHERE `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '" AND `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '";'); except end; end; //-------------------- //GetStats - Write some Stats to Array, Returns True if Chossen Page has Entrys //Case Typ of //0 - Best Scores //1 - Best Singers //2 - Most sung Songs //3 - Most popular Band //-------------------- Function TDataBaseSystem.GetStats(var Stats: AStatResult; const Typ, Count: Byte; const Page: Cardinal; const Reversed: Boolean): Boolean; var Query: String; TableData: TSqliteTable; DateStr: String; begin Result := False; if (Length(Stats) < Count) then Exit; {Todo: Add Prevention that only Players with more than 5 Scores are Selected at Typ 2} //Create Query Case Typ of 0: Query := 'SELECT `Player` , `Difficulty` , `Score` , `Artist` , `Title` , `Date` FROM `US_Scores` INNER JOIN `US_Songs` ON (`SongID` = `ID`) ORDER BY `Score`'; 1: Query := 'SELECT `Player` , ROUND (Sum(`Score`) / COUNT(`Score`)), COUNT(`rowid`) FROM `US_Scores` GROUP BY `Player` ORDER BY (Sum(`Score`) / COUNT(`Score`))'; 2: Query := 'SELECT `Artist` , `Title` , `TimesPlayed` FROM `US_Songs` ORDER BY `TimesPlayed`'; 3: Query := 'SELECT `Artist` , Sum(`TimesPlayed`) FROM `US_Songs` GROUP BY `Artist` ORDER BY Sum(`TimesPlayed`)'; end; //Add Order Direction If Reversed then Query := Query + ' ASC' else Query := Query + ' DESC'; //Add Limit Query := Query + ' LIMIT ' + InttoStr(Count * Page) + ', ' + InttoStr(Count) + ';'; //Execute Query //try TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable(Query); {except exit; end;} //if Result empty -> Exit if (TableData.RowCount < 1) then exit; //Copy Result to Stats Array while not TableData.Eof do begin Stats[TableData.Row].Typ := Typ; Case Typ of 0:begin Stats[TableData.Row].Singer := TableData.Fields[0]; Stats[TableData.Row].Difficulty := StrtoIntDef(TableData.Fields[1], 0); Stats[TableData.Row].Score := StrtoIntDef(TableData.Fields[2], 0){TableData.FieldAsInteger(2)}; Stats[TableData.Row].SongArtist := TableData.Fields[3]; Stats[TableData.Row].SongTitle := TableData.Fields[4]; DateStr := TableData.Fields[5]; if DateStr<>'' then Stats[TableData.Row].Date := FormatDate(StrToInt(DateStr)) else Stats[TableData.Row].Date := '??.??.20??'; end; 1:begin Stats[TableData.Row].Player := TableData.Fields[0]; Stats[TableData.Row].AverageScore := StrtoIntDef(TableData.Fields[1], 0); Stats[TableData.Row].SungTimes := StrtoIntDef(TableData.Fields[2], 0); end; 2:begin Stats[TableData.Row].Artist := TableData.Fields[0]; Stats[TableData.Row].Title := TableData.Fields[1]; Stats[TableData.Row].TimesSung := StrtoIntDef(TableData.Fields[2], 0); end; 3:begin Stats[TableData.Row].ArtistName := TableData.Fields[0]; Stats[TableData.Row].TimesSungtot := StrtoIntDef(TableData.Fields[1], 0); end; end; TableData.Next; end; Result := True; end; //-------------------- //GetTotalEntrys - Get Total Num of entrys for a Stats Query //-------------------- Function TDataBaseSystem.GetTotalEntrys(const Typ: Byte): Cardinal; var Query: String; begin //Create Query Case Typ of 0: Query := 'SELECT COUNT(`SongID`) FROM `US_Scores`;'; 1: Query := 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `Player`) FROM `US_Scores`;'; 2: Query := 'SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `US_Songs`;'; 3: Query := 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `Artist`) FROM `US_Songs`;'; end; Result := ScoreDB.GetTableValue(Query); end; end.