unit UCommandLine; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} type //----------- // TCMDParams - Class Reads Infos from ParamStr and set some easy Interface Variables //----------- TCMDParams = class private sLanguage: String; sResolution: String; public //Some Boolean Variables Set when Reading Infos Debug: Boolean; Benchmark: Boolean; NoLog: Boolean; FullScreen: Boolean; Joypad: Boolean; //Some Value Variables Set when Reading Infos {-1: Not Set, others: Value} Depth: Integer; Screens: Integer; //Some Strings Set when Reading Infos {Length=0 Not Set} SongPath: String; ConfigFile: String; ScoreFile: String; procedure showhelp(); //Pseudo Integer Values Function GetLanguage: Integer; Property Language: Integer read GetLanguage; Function GetResolution: Integer; Property Resolution: Integer read GetResolution; //Some Procedures for Reading Infos Constructor Create; Procedure ResetVariables; Procedure ReadParamInfo; end; var Params: TCMDParams; const cHelp = 'help'; cDebug = 'debug'; cMediaInterfaces = 'showinterfaces'; cUseLocalPaths = 'localpaths'; implementation uses SysUtils, uPlatform; // uINI -- Nasty requirement... ( removed with permission of blindy ) //------------- // Constructor - Create class, Reset Variables and Read Infos //------------- Constructor TCMDParams.Create; begin inherited; if FindCmdLineSwitch( cHelp ) or FindCmdLineSwitch( 'h' ) then showhelp(); ResetVariables; ReadParamInfo; end; procedure TCMDParams.showhelp(); function s( aString : String ) : string; begin result := aString + StringofChar( ' ', 15 - length( aString ) ); end; begin writeln( '' ); writeln( '**************************************************************' ); writeln( ' UltraStar Deluxe - Command line switches ' ); writeln( '**************************************************************' ); writeln( '' ); writeln( ' '+s( 'Switch' ) +' : Purpose' ); writeln( ' ----------------------------------------------------------' ); writeln( ' '+s( cMediaInterfaces ) + #9 + ' : Show in-use media interfaces' ); writeln( ' '+s( cUseLocalPaths ) + #9 + ' : Use relative paths' ); writeln( ' '+s( cDebug ) + #9 + ' : Display Debugging info' ); writeln( '' ); platform.halt; end; //------------- // ResetVariables - Reset Class Variables //------------- Procedure TCMDParams.ResetVariables; begin Debug := False; Benchmark := False; NoLog := False; FullScreen := False; Joypad := False; //Some Value Variables Set when Reading Infos {-1: Not Set, others: Value} sResolution := ''; sLanguage := ''; Depth := -1; Screens := -1; //Some Strings Set when Reading Infos {Length=0 Not Set} SongPath := ''; ConfigFile := ''; ScoreFile := ''; end; //------------- // ReadParamInfo - Read Infos from Parameters //------------- Procedure TCMDParams.ReadParamInfo; var I: Integer; PCount: Integer; Command: String; begin PCount := ParamCount; //Log.LogError('ParamCount: ' + Inttostr(PCount)); //Check all Parameters For I := 1 to PCount do begin Command := Paramstr(I); //Log.LogError('Start parsing Command: ' + Command); //Is String Parameter ? if (Length(Command) > 1) AND (Command[1] = '-') then begin //Remove - from Command Command := Lowercase(Trim(Copy(Command, 2, Length(Command) - 1))); //Log.LogError('Command prepared: ' + Command); //Check Command // Boolean Triggers: if (Command = 'debug') then Debug := True else if (Command = 'benchmark') then Benchmark := True else if (Command = 'nolog') then NoLog := True else if (Command = 'fullscreen') then Fullscreen := True else if (Command = 'joypad') then Joypad := True //Integer Variables else if (Command = 'depth') then begin //Check if there is another Parameter to get the Value from if (PCount > I) then begin Command := ParamStr(I + 1); //Check for valid Value If (Command = '16') then Depth := 0 Else If (Command = '32') then Depth := 1; end; end else if (Command = 'screens') then begin //Check if there is another Parameter to get the Value from if (PCount > I) then begin Command := ParamStr(I + 1); //Check for valid Value If (Command = '1') then Screens := 0 Else If (Command = '2') then Screens := 1; end; end //Pseudo Integer Values else if (Command = 'language') then begin //Check if there is another Parameter to get the Value from if (PCount > I) then begin //Write Value to String sLanguage := Lowercase(ParamStr(I + 1)); end; end else if (Command = 'resolution') then begin //Check if there is another Parameter to get the Value from if (PCount > I) then begin //Write Value to String sResolution := Lowercase(ParamStr(I + 1)); end; end //String Values else if (Command = 'songpath') then begin //Check if there is another Parameter to get the Value from if (PCount > I) then begin //Write Value to String SongPath := ParamStr(I + 1); end; end else if (Command = 'configfile') then begin //Check if there is another Parameter to get the Value from if (PCount > I) then begin //Write Value to String ConfigFile := ParamStr(I + 1); //is this a relative PAth -> then add Gamepath if Not ((Length(ConfigFile) > 2) AND (ConfigFile[2] = ':')) then ConfigFile := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + Configfile; end; end else if (Command = 'scorefile') then begin //Check if there is another Parameter to get the Value from if (PCount > I) then begin //Write Value to String ScoreFile := ParamStr(I + 1); end; end; end; end; { Log.LogError('Values: '); if Debug then Log.LogError('Debug'); if Benchmark then Log.LogError('Benchmark'); if NoLog then Log.LogError('NoLog'); if Fullscreen then Log.LogError('FullScreen'); if JoyStick then Log.LogError('Joystick'); Log.LogError('Screens: ' + Inttostr(Screens)); Log.LogError('Depth: ' + Inttostr(Depth)); Log.LogError('Resolution: ' + Inttostr(Resolution)); Log.LogError('Resolution: ' + Inttostr(Language)); Log.LogError('sResolution: ' + sResolution); Log.LogError('sLanguage: ' + sLanguage); Log.LogError('ConfigFile: ' + ConfigFile); Log.LogError('SongPath: ' + SongPath); Log.LogError('ScoreFile: ' + ScoreFile); } end; //------------- // GetLanguage - Get Language ID from saved String Information //------------- Function TCMDParams.GetLanguage: Integer; var I: integer; begin Result := -1; {* JB - 12sep07 to remove uINI dependency //Search for Language For I := 0 to high(ILanguage) do if (LowerCase(ILanguage[I]) = sLanguage) then begin Result := I; Break; end; *} end; //------------- // GetResolution - Get Resolution ID from saved String Information //------------- Function TCMDParams.GetResolution: Integer; var I: integer; begin Result := -1; {* JB - 12sep07 to remove uINI dependency //Search for Resolution For I := 0 to high(IResolution) do if (LowerCase(IResolution[I]) = sResolution) then begin Result := I; Break; end; *} end; end.