unit UAudioPlayback_SDL; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses Classes, SysUtils, UMusic; implementation uses sdl, UAudioPlayback_SoftMixer, ULog, UIni, UMain; type TAudioPlayback_SDL = class(TAudioPlayback_SoftMixer) private Latency: double; function EnumDevices(): boolean; protected function InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override; function StartAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override; procedure StopAudioPlaybackEngine(); override; function FinalizeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override; function GetLatency(): double; override; public function GetName: String; override; procedure MixBuffers(dst, src: PChar; size: Cardinal; volume: Single); override; end; { TAudioPlayback_SDL } procedure SDLAudioCallback(userdata: Pointer; stream: PChar; len: integer); cdecl; var Engine: TAudioPlayback_SDL; begin Engine := TAudioPlayback_SDL(userdata); Engine.AudioCallback(stream, len); end; function TAudioPlayback_SDL.GetName: String; begin Result := 'SDL_Playback'; end; function TAudioPlayback_SDL.EnumDevices(): boolean; begin // Note: SDL does not provide Device-Selection capabilities (will be introduced in 1.3) ClearOutputDeviceList(); SetLength(OutputDeviceList, 1); OutputDeviceList[0] := TAudioOutputDevice.Create(); OutputDeviceList[0].Name := '[SDL Default-Device]'; Result := true; end; function TAudioPlayback_SDL.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; var DesiredAudioSpec, ObtainedAudioSpec: TSDL_AudioSpec; SampleBufferSize: integer; begin Result := false; EnumDevices(); if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) = -1) then begin Log.LogError('SDL_InitSubSystem failed!', 'TAudioPlayback_SDL.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine'); Exit; end; SampleBufferSize := IAudioOutputBufferSizeVals[Ini.AudioOutputBufferSizeIndex]; if (SampleBufferSize <= 0) then begin // Automatic setting default // FIXME: too much glitches with 1024 samples SampleBufferSize := 2048; //1024; end; FillChar(DesiredAudioSpec, SizeOf(DesiredAudioSpec), 0); with DesiredAudioSpec do begin freq := 44100; format := AUDIO_S16SYS; channels := 2; samples := SampleBufferSize; callback := @SDLAudioCallback; userdata := Self; end; // Note: always use the "obtained" parameter, otherwise SDL might try to convert // the samples itself if the desired format is not available. This might lead // to problems if for example ALSA does not support 44100Hz and proposes 48000Hz. // Without the obtained parameter, SDL would try to convert 44.1kHz to 48kHz with // its crappy (non working) converter resulting in a wrong (too high) pitch. if(SDL_OpenAudio(@DesiredAudioSpec, @ObtainedAudioSpec) = -1) then begin Log.LogStatus('SDL_OpenAudio: ' + SDL_GetError(), 'TAudioPlayback_SDL.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine'); Exit; end; FormatInfo := TAudioFormatInfo.Create( ObtainedAudioSpec.channels, ObtainedAudioSpec.freq, asfS16 ); // Note: SDL does not provide info of the internal buffer state. // So we use the average buffer-size. Latency := (ObtainedAudioSpec.samples/2) / FormatInfo.SampleRate; Log.LogStatus('Opened audio device', 'TAudioPlayback_SDL.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine'); Result := true; end; function TAudioPlayback_SDL.StartAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; begin SDL_PauseAudio(0); Result := true; end; procedure TAudioPlayback_SDL.StopAudioPlaybackEngine(); begin SDL_PauseAudio(1); end; function TAudioPlayback_SDL.FinalizeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; begin SDL_CloseAudio(); SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO); Result := true; end; function TAudioPlayback_SDL.GetLatency(): double; begin Result := Latency; end; procedure TAudioPlayback_SDL.MixBuffers(dst, src: PChar; size: Cardinal; volume: Single); begin SDL_MixAudio(PUInt8(dst), PUInt8(src), size, Round(volume * SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME)); end; initialization MediaManager.add(TAudioPlayback_SDL.Create); end.