unit UAudioPlayback_Bass; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} implementation uses Classes, SysUtils, UIni, UMain, UMusic, UAudioPlaybackBase, UAudioCore_Bass, ULog, bass; type PHDSP = ^HDSP; type // Playback-stream decoded internally by BASS TBassPlaybackStream = class(TAudioPlaybackStream) private Handle: HSTREAM; public constructor Create(stream: HSTREAM); destructor Destroy(); override; procedure Reset(); procedure Play(); override; procedure Pause(); override; procedure Stop(); override; procedure FadeIn(Time: real; TargetVolume: integer); override; procedure Close(); override; function GetLoop(): boolean; override; procedure SetLoop(Enabled: boolean); override; function GetLength(): real; override; function GetStatus(): TStreamStatus; override; function GetVolume(): integer; override; procedure SetVolume(volume: integer); override; procedure AddSoundEffect(effect: TSoundEffect); override; procedure RemoveSoundEffect(effect: TSoundEffect); override; function GetPosition: real; override; procedure SetPosition(Time: real); override; procedure GetFFTData(var data: TFFTData); override; function GetPCMData(var data: TPCMData): Cardinal; override; end; // Playback-stream decoded by an external decoder e.g. FFmpeg TBassExtDecoderPlaybackStream = class(TBassPlaybackStream) private DecodeStream: TAudioDecodeStream; public procedure Stop(); override; procedure Close(); override; function GetLength(): real; override; function GetPosition: real; override; procedure SetPosition(Time: real); override; function SetDecodeStream(decodeStream: TAudioDecodeStream): boolean; end; type TAudioPlayback_Bass = class(TAudioPlaybackBase) private function EnumDevices(): boolean; protected function OpenStream(const Filename: string): TAudioPlaybackStream; override; public function GetName: String; override; function InitializePlayback(): boolean; override; function FinalizePlayback: boolean; override; procedure SetAppVolume(Volume: integer); override; end; TBassOutputDevice = class(TAudioOutputDevice) private BassDeviceID: DWORD; // DeviceID used by BASS end; var singleton_AudioPlaybackBass : IAudioPlayback; { TBassPlaybackStream } constructor TBassPlaybackStream.Create(stream: HSTREAM); begin inherited Create(); Reset(); Handle := stream; end; destructor TBassPlaybackStream.Destroy(); begin Close(); inherited; end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.Reset(); begin if (Handle <> 0) then begin Bass_StreamFree(Handle); end; Handle := 0; end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.Play(); var restart: boolean; begin if (BASS_ChannelIsActive(Handle) = BASS_ACTIVE_PAUSED) then restart := false // resume from last position else restart := true; // start from the beginning BASS_ChannelPlay(Handle, restart); end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.FadeIn(Time: real; TargetVolume: integer); begin // start stream BASS_ChannelPlay(Handle, true); // start fade-in: slide from fadeStart- to fadeEnd-volume in FadeInTime BASS_ChannelSlideAttributes(Handle, -1, TargetVolume, -101, Trunc(Time * 1000)); end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.Pause(); begin BASS_ChannelPause(Handle); end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.Stop(); begin BASS_ChannelStop(Handle); end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.Close(); begin Reset(); end; function TBassPlaybackStream.GetVolume(): integer; var volume: cardinal; begin BASS_ChannelGetAttributes(Handle, PCardinal(nil)^, volume, PInteger(nil)^); Result := volume; end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.SetVolume(volume: integer); begin // clamp volume if volume < 0 then volume := 0; if volume > 100 then volume := 100; // set volume BASS_ChannelSetAttributes(Handle, -1, volume, -101); end; function TBassPlaybackStream.GetPosition: real; var bytes: integer; begin bytes := BASS_ChannelGetPosition(Handle); Result := BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(Handle, bytes); end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.SetPosition(Time: real); var bytes: integer; begin bytes := BASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes(Handle, Time); BASS_ChannelSetPosition(Handle, bytes); end; function TBassPlaybackStream.GetLength(): real; var bytes: integer; begin bytes := BASS_ChannelGetLength(Handle); Result := BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(Handle, bytes); end; function TBassPlaybackStream.GetStatus(): TStreamStatus; var state: DWORD; begin state := BASS_ChannelIsActive(Handle); case state of BASS_ACTIVE_PLAYING: result := ssPlaying; BASS_ACTIVE_PAUSED: result := ssPaused; BASS_ACTIVE_STALLED: result := ssBlocked; BASS_ACTIVE_STOPPED: result := ssStopped; else result := ssUnknown; end; end; function TBassPlaybackStream.GetLoop(): boolean; var info: BASS_CHANNELINFO; begin if not BASS_ChannelGetInfo(Handle, info) then begin Log.LogError('BASS_ChannelGetInfo: ' + TAudioCore_Bass.ErrorGetString(), 'TBassPlaybackStream.GetLoop'); Result := false; Exit; end; Result := (info.flags and BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP) <> 0; end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.SetLoop(Enabled: boolean); var info: BASS_CHANNELINFO; begin // retrieve old flag-bits if not BASS_ChannelGetInfo(Handle, info) then begin Log.LogError('BASS_ChannelGetInfo:' + TAudioCore_Bass.ErrorGetString(), 'TBassPlaybackStream.SetLoop'); Exit; end; // set/unset loop-flag if (Enabled) then info.flags := info.flags or BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP else info.flags := info.flags and not BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP; // set new flag-bits if not BASS_ChannelSetFlags(Handle, info.flags) then begin Log.LogError('BASS_ChannelSetFlags: ' + TAudioCore_Bass.ErrorGetString(), 'TBassPlaybackStream.SetLoop'); Exit; end; end; procedure DSPProcHandler(handle: HDSP; channel: DWORD; buffer: Pointer; length: DWORD; user: DWORD); stdcall; var effect: TSoundEffect; begin effect := TSoundEffect(user); if assigned(effect) then effect.Callback(buffer, length); end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.AddSoundEffect(effect: TSoundEffect); var dspHandle: HDSP; begin if assigned(effect.engineData) then begin Log.LogError('TSoundEffect.engineData already set', 'TBassPlaybackStream.AddSoundEffect'); Exit; end; // FIXME: casting of a pointer to Uint32 will fail on 64bit systems dspHandle := BASS_ChannelSetDSP(Handle, @DSPProcHandler, DWORD(effect), 0); if (dspHandle = 0) then begin Log.LogError(TAudioCore_Bass.ErrorGetString(), 'TBassPlaybackStream.AddSoundEffect'); Exit; end; GetMem(effect.engineData, SizeOf(HDSP)); PHDSP(effect.engineData)^ := dspHandle; end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.RemoveSoundEffect(effect: TSoundEffect); begin if not assigned(effect.EngineData) then begin Log.LogError('TSoundEffect.engineData invalid', 'TBassPlaybackStream.RemoveSoundEffect'); Exit; end; if not BASS_ChannelRemoveDSP(Handle, PHDSP(effect.EngineData)^) then begin Log.LogError(TAudioCore_Bass.ErrorGetString(), 'TBassPlaybackStream.RemoveSoundEffect'); Exit; end; FreeMem(effect.engineData); effect.engineData := nil; end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.GetFFTData(var data: TFFTData); begin // Get Channel Data Mono and 256 Values BASS_ChannelGetData(Handle, @data, BASS_DATA_FFT512); end; {* * Copies interleaved PCM SInt16 stereo samples into data. * Returns the number of frames *} function TBassPlaybackStream.GetPCMData(var data: TPCMData): Cardinal; var info: BASS_CHANNELINFO; nBytes: DWORD; begin Result := 0; // Get Channel Data Mono and 256 Values BASS_ChannelGetInfo(Handle, info); FillChar(data, sizeof(TPCMData), 0); // no support for non-stereo files at the moment if (info.chans <> 2) then Exit; nBytes := BASS_ChannelGetData(Handle, @data, sizeof(TPCMData)); if(nBytes <= 0) then result := 0 else result := nBytes div sizeof(TPCMStereoSample); end; { TBassExtDecoderPlaybackStream } procedure TBassExtDecoderPlaybackStream.Stop(); begin inherited; // rewind if assigned(DecodeStream) then DecodeStream.Position := 0; end; procedure TBassExtDecoderPlaybackStream.Close(); begin // wake-up waiting audio-callback threads in the ReadData()-function if assigned(decodeStream) then DecodeStream.Close(); // stop audio-callback on this stream inherited; // free decoder-data FreeAndNil(DecodeStream); end; function TBassExtDecoderPlaybackStream.GetLength(): real; begin if assigned(DecodeStream) then result := DecodeStream.Length else result := -1; end; function TBassExtDecoderPlaybackStream.GetPosition: real; begin if assigned(DecodeStream) then result := DecodeStream.Position else result := -1; end; procedure TBassExtDecoderPlaybackStream.SetPosition(Time: real); begin if assigned(DecodeStream) then DecodeStream.Position := Time; end; function TBassExtDecoderPlaybackStream.SetDecodeStream(decodeStream: TAudioDecodeStream): boolean; begin result := false; BASS_ChannelStop(Handle); if not assigned(decodeStream) then Exit; Self.DecodeStream := decodeStream; result := true; end; { TAudioPlayback_Bass } function TAudioPlayback_Bass.GetName: String; begin result := 'BASS_Playback'; end; function TAudioPlayback_Bass.EnumDevices(): boolean; var BassDeviceID: DWORD; DeviceIndex: integer; Device: TBassOutputDevice; Description: PChar; begin ClearOutputDeviceList(); // skip "no sound"-device (ID = 0) BassDeviceID := 1; while true do begin // Check for device Description := BASS_GetDeviceDescription(BassDeviceID); if (Description = nil) then break; // Set device info Device := TBassOutputDevice.Create(); Device.Name := Description; Device.BassDeviceID := BassDeviceID; // Add device to list SetLength(OutputDeviceList, BassDeviceID); OutputDeviceList[BassDeviceID-1] := Device; Inc(BassDeviceID); end; end; function TAudioPlayback_Bass.InitializePlayback(): boolean; var Pet: integer; S: integer; begin result := false; EnumDevices(); //Log.BenchmarkStart(4); //Log.LogStatus('Initializing Playback Subsystem', 'Music Initialize'); if not BASS_Init(1, 44100, 0, 0, nil) then begin Log.LogError('Could not initialize BASS', 'Error'); Exit; end; //Log.BenchmarkEnd(4); Log.LogBenchmark('--> Bass Init', 4); // config playing buffer //BASS_SetConfig(BASS_CONFIG_UPDATEPERIOD, 10); //BASS_SetConfig(BASS_CONFIG_BUFFER, 100); result := true; end; function DecodeStreamHandler(handle: HSTREAM; buffer: Pointer; length: DWORD; user: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall; var decodeStream: TAudioDecodeStream; bytes: integer; begin decodeStream := TAudioDecodeStream(user); bytes := decodeStream.ReadData(buffer, length); // handle errors if (bytes < 0) then Result := BASS_STREAMPROC_END // handle EOF else if (DecodeStream.EOF) then Result := bytes or BASS_STREAMPROC_END else Result := bytes; end; function TAudioPlayback_Bass.FinalizePlayback(): boolean; begin Close; BASS_Free; inherited FinalizePlayback(); Result := true; end; function TAudioPlayback_Bass.OpenStream(const Filename: string): TAudioPlaybackStream; var L: Integer; stream: HSTREAM; playbackStream: TBassExtDecoderPlaybackStream; decodeStream: TAudioDecodeStream; formatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo; formatFlags: DWORD; channelInfo: BASS_CHANNELINFO; fileExt: string; begin Result := nil; //Log.LogStatus('Loading Sound: "' + Filename + '"', 'LoadSoundFromFile'); stream := BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, PChar(Filename), 0, 0, 0); // check if BASS opened some erroneously recognized file-formats if (stream <> 0) then begin if BASS_ChannelGetInfo(stream, channelInfo) then begin fileExt := ExtractFileExt(Filename); // BASS opens FLV-files although it cannot handle them if ((fileExt = '.flv') and (channelInfo.ctype = BASS_CTYPE_STREAM_MP1)) then begin BASS_StreamFree(stream); stream := 0; end; end; end; // Check if BASS can handle the format or try another decoder otherwise if (stream <> 0) then begin Result := TBassPlaybackStream.Create(stream); end else begin if (AudioDecoder = nil) then begin Log.LogError('Failed to open "' + Filename + '", ' + TAudioCore_Bass.ErrorGetString(BASS_ErrorGetCode()), 'TAudioPlayback_Bass.Load'); Exit; end; decodeStream := AudioDecoder.Open(Filename); if not assigned(decodeStream) then begin Log.LogStatus('Sound not found "' + Filename + '"', 'TAudioPlayback_Bass.Load'); Exit; end; formatInfo := decodeStream.GetAudioFormatInfo(); if (not TAudioCore_Bass.ConvertAudioFormatToBASSFlags(formatInfo.Format, formatFlags)) then begin Log.LogError('Unhandled sample-format in "' + Filename + '"', 'TAudioPlayback_Bass.Load'); FreeAndNil(decodeStream); Exit; end; // FIXME: casting of a pointer to Uint32 will fail on 64bit systems stream := BASS_StreamCreate(Round(formatInfo.SampleRate), formatInfo.Channels, formatFlags, @DecodeStreamHandler, DWORD(decodeStream)); if (stream = 0) then begin Log.LogError('Failed to open "' + Filename + '", ' + TAudioCore_Bass.ErrorGetString(BASS_ErrorGetCode()), 'TAudioPlayback_Bass.Load'); FreeAndNil(decodeStream); Exit; end; playbackStream := TBassExtDecoderPlaybackStream.Create(stream); if (not assigned(playbackStream)) then begin FreeAndNil(decodeStream); Exit; end; if (not playbackStream.SetDecodeStream(decodeStream)) then begin FreeAndNil(playbackStream); FreeAndNil(decodeStream); Exit; end; Result := playbackStream; end; end; procedure TAudioPlayback_Bass.SetAppVolume(Volume: integer); begin // Sets Volume only for this Application BASS_SetConfig(BASS_CONFIG_GVOL_STREAM, Volume); end; initialization singleton_AudioPlaybackBass := TAudioPlayback_Bass.create(); AudioManager.add( singleton_AudioPlaybackBass ); finalization AudioManager.Remove( singleton_AudioPlaybackBass ); end.