unit UAudioCore_Portaudio; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I ../switches.inc} uses Classes, SysUtils, portaudio; type TAudioCore_Portaudio = class private constructor Create(); public class function GetInstance(): TAudioCore_Portaudio; function GetPreferredApiIndex(): TPaHostApiIndex; function TestDevice(inParams, outParams: PPaStreamParameters; var sampleRate: Double): boolean; end; implementation uses ULog; {* * The default API used by Portaudio is the least common denominator * and might lack efficiency. In addition it might not even work. * We use an array named ApiPreferenceOrder with which we define the order of * preferred APIs to use. The first API-type in the list is tried first. * If it is not available the next one is tried and so on ... * If none of the preferred APIs was found the default API (detected by * portaudio) is used. * * Pascal does not permit zero-length static arrays, so you must use paDefaultApi * as an array's only member if you do not have any preferences. * You can also append paDefaultApi to a non-zero length preferences array but * this is optional because the default API is always used as a fallback. *} const paDefaultApi = -1; const ApiPreferenceOrder: {$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)} // Note1: Portmixer has no mixer support for paASIO and paWASAPI at the moment // Note2: Windows Default-API is MME, but DirectSound is faster array[0..0] of TPaHostApiTypeId = ( paDirectSound ); {$ELSEIF Defined(LINUX)} // Note: Portmixer has no mixer support for JACK at the moment array[0..2] of TPaHostApiTypeId = ( paALSA, paJACK, paOSS ); {$ELSEIF Defined(DARWIN)} array[0..0] of TPaHostApiTypeId = ( paDefaultApi ); // paCoreAudio {$ELSE} array[0..0] of TPaHostApiTypeId = ( paDefaultApi ); {$IFEND} var Instance: TAudioCore_Portaudio; { TAudioInput_Portaudio } constructor TAudioCore_Portaudio.Create(); begin inherited; end; class function TAudioCore_Portaudio.GetInstance(): TAudioCore_Portaudio; begin if not assigned(Instance) then Instance := TAudioCore_Portaudio.Create(); Result := Instance; end; function TAudioCore_Portaudio.GetPreferredApiIndex(): TPaHostApiIndex; var i: integer; apiIndex: TPaHostApiIndex; apiInfo: PPaHostApiInfo; begin result := -1; // select preferred sound-API for i:= 0 to High(ApiPreferenceOrder) do begin if(ApiPreferenceOrder[i] <> paDefaultApi) then begin // check if API is available apiIndex := Pa_HostApiTypeIdToHostApiIndex(ApiPreferenceOrder[i]); if(apiIndex >= 0) then begin // we found an API but we must check if it works // (on linux portaudio might detect OSS but does not provide // any devices if ALSA is enabled) apiInfo := Pa_GetHostApiInfo(apiIndex); if (apiInfo^.deviceCount > 0) then begin Result := apiIndex; break; end; end; end; end; // None of the preferred APIs is available -> use default if(result < 0) then begin result := Pa_GetDefaultHostApi(); end; end; {* * Portaudio test callback used by TestDevice(). *} function TestCallback(input: Pointer; output: Pointer; frameCount: Longword; timeInfo: PPaStreamCallbackTimeInfo; statusFlags: TPaStreamCallbackFlags; inputDevice: Pointer): Integer; cdecl; begin // this callback is called only once result := paAbort; end; (* * Tests if the callback works. Some devices can be opened without * an error but the callback is never called. Calling Pa_StopStream() on such * a stream freezes USDX then. Probably because the callback-thread is deadlocked * due to some bug in portaudio. The blocking Pa_ReadStream() and Pa_WriteStream() * block forever too and though can't be used for testing. * * To avoid freezing Pa_AbortStream (or Pa_CloseStream which calls Pa_AbortStream) * can be used to force the stream to stop. But for some reason this stops debugging * in gdb with a "no process found" message. * * Because freezing devices are non-working devices we test the devices here to * be able to exclude them from the device-selection list. * * Portaudio does not provide any test to check this error case (probably because * it should not even occur). So we have to open the device, start the stream and * check if the callback is called (the stream is stopped if the callback is called * for the first time, so we can poll until the stream is stopped). * * Another error that occurs is that some devices (even the default device) might * work at the beginning but stop after a few calls (maybe 50) of the callback. * For me this problem occurs with the default output-device. The "dmix" or "front" * device must be selected instead. Another problem is that (due to a bug in * portaudio or ALSA) the "front" device is not detected every time portaudio * is started. Sometimes it needs two or more restarts. * * There is no reasonable way to test for these errors. For the first error-case * we could test if the callback is called 50 times but this can take a second * for each device and it can fail in the 51st or even 100th callback call then. * * The second error-case cannot be tested at all. How should we now that one * device is missing if portaudio is not even able to detect it. * We could start and terminate Portaudio for several times and see if the device * count changes but this is ugly. * * Conclusion: We are not able to autodetect a working device with * portaudio (at least not with the newest v19_20071207) at the moment. * So we have to provide the possibility to manually select an output device * in the UltraStar options if we want to use portaudio instead of SDL. *) function TAudioCore_Portaudio.TestDevice(inParams, outParams: PPaStreamParameters; var sampleRate: Double): boolean; var stream: PPaStream; err: TPaError; cbWorks: boolean; cbPolls: integer; i: integer; const altSampleRates: array[0..1] of Double = (44100, 48000); // alternative sample-rates begin Result := false; if (sampleRate <= 0) then sampleRate := 44100; // check if device supports our input-format err := Pa_IsFormatSupported(inParams, outParams, sampleRate); if(err <> paNoError) then begin // we cannot fix the error -> exit if (err <> paInvalidSampleRate) then Exit; // try alternative sample-rates to the detected one sampleRate := 0; for i := 0 to High(altSampleRates) do begin // do not check the detected sample-rate twice if (altSampleRates[i] = sampleRate) then continue; // check alternative err := Pa_IsFormatSupported(inParams, outParams, altSampleRates[i]); if (err = paNoError) then begin // sample-rate works sampleRate := altSampleRates[i]; break; end; end; // no working sample-rate found if (sampleRate = 0) then Exit; end; // FIXME: for some reason gdb stops after a call of Pa_AbortStream() // which is implicitely called by Pa_CloseStream(). // gdb's stops with the message: "ptrace: no process found". // Probably because the callback-thread is killed what confuses gdb. {$IF Defined(Debug) and Defined(Linux)} cbWorks := true; {$ELSE} // open device for testing err := Pa_OpenStream(stream, inParams, outParams, sampleRate, paFramesPerBufferUnspecified, paNoFlag, @TestCallback, nil); if(err <> paNoError) then begin exit; end; // start the callback err := Pa_StartStream(stream); if(err <> paNoError) then begin Pa_CloseStream(stream); exit; end; cbWorks := false; // check if the callback was called (poll for max. 200ms) for cbPolls := 1 to 20 do begin // if the test-callback was called it should be aborted now if (Pa_IsStreamActive(stream) = 0) then begin cbWorks := true; break; end; // not yet aborted, wait and try (poll) again Pa_Sleep(10); end; // finally abort the stream Pa_CloseStream(stream); {$IFEND} Result := cbWorks; end; end.