unit UAudioCore_Bass; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses Classes, SysUtils, UMusic, bass; // (Note: DWORD is defined here) type TAudioCore_Bass = class public constructor Create(); class function GetInstance(): TAudioCore_Bass; function ErrorGetString(): string; overload; function ErrorGetString(errCode: integer): string; overload; function ConvertAudioFormatToBASSFlags(Format: TAudioSampleFormat; out Flags: DWORD): boolean; function ConvertBASSFlagsToAudioFormat(Flags: DWORD; out Format: TAudioSampleFormat): boolean; end; implementation uses UMain, ULog; var Instance: TAudioCore_Bass; constructor TAudioCore_Bass.Create(); begin inherited; end; class function TAudioCore_Bass.GetInstance(): TAudioCore_Bass; begin if (not Assigned(Instance)) then Instance := TAudioCore_Bass.Create(); Result := Instance; end; function TAudioCore_Bass.ErrorGetString(): string; begin Result := ErrorGetString(BASS_ErrorGetCode()); end; function TAudioCore_Bass.ErrorGetString(errCode: integer): string; begin case errCode of BASS_OK: result := 'No error'; BASS_ERROR_MEM: result := 'Insufficient memory'; BASS_ERROR_FILEOPEN: result := 'File could not be opened'; BASS_ERROR_DRIVER: result := 'Device driver not available'; BASS_ERROR_BUFLOST: result := 'Buffer lost'; BASS_ERROR_HANDLE: result := 'Invalid Handle'; BASS_ERROR_FORMAT: result := 'Sample-Format not supported'; BASS_ERROR_POSITION: result := 'Illegal position'; BASS_ERROR_INIT: result := 'BASS_Init has not been successfully called'; BASS_ERROR_START: result := 'Paused/stopped'; BASS_ERROR_ALREADY: result := 'Already created/used'; BASS_ERROR_NOCHAN: result := 'No free channels'; BASS_ERROR_ILLTYPE: result := 'Type is invalid'; BASS_ERROR_ILLPARAM: result := 'Illegal parameter'; BASS_ERROR_NO3D: result := 'No 3D support'; BASS_ERROR_NOEAX: result := 'No EAX support'; BASS_ERROR_DEVICE: result := 'Invalid device number'; BASS_ERROR_NOPLAY: result := 'Channel not playing'; BASS_ERROR_FREQ: result := 'Freq out of range'; BASS_ERROR_NOTFILE: result := 'Not a file stream'; BASS_ERROR_NOHW: result := 'No hardware support'; BASS_ERROR_EMPTY: result := 'Is empty'; BASS_ERROR_NONET: result := 'Network unavailable'; BASS_ERROR_CREATE: result := 'Creation error'; BASS_ERROR_NOFX: result := 'DX8 effects unavailable'; BASS_ERROR_NOTAVAIL: result := 'Not available'; BASS_ERROR_DECODE: result := 'Is a decoding channel'; BASS_ERROR_DX: result := 'Insufficient version of DirectX'; BASS_ERROR_TIMEOUT: result := 'Timeout'; BASS_ERROR_FILEFORM: result := 'File-Format not recognised/supported'; BASS_ERROR_SPEAKER: result := 'Requested speaker(s) not support'; BASS_ERROR_VERSION: result := 'Version error'; BASS_ERROR_CODEC: result := 'Codec not available/supported'; BASS_ERROR_ENDED: result := 'The channel/file has ended'; BASS_ERROR_UNKNOWN: result := 'Unknown error'; else result := 'Unknown error'; end; end; function TAudioCore_Bass.ConvertAudioFormatToBASSFlags(Format: TAudioSampleFormat; out Flags: DWORD): boolean; begin case Format of asfS16: Flags := 0; asfFloat: Flags := BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT; asfU8: Flags := BASS_SAMPLE_8BITS; else begin Result := false; Exit; end; end; Result := true; end; function TAudioCore_Bass.ConvertBASSFlagsToAudioFormat(Flags: DWORD; out Format: TAudioSampleFormat): boolean; begin if ((Flags and BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT) <> 0) then Format := asfFloat else if ((Flags and BASS_SAMPLE_8BITS) <> 0) then Format := asfU8 else Format := asfS16; Result := true; end; end.