UltraStar Deluxe 1.00 (by Ultrastar Deluxe Team) ----------------------------- -------------- Theme System -------------- Upd: New Ultrastar 0.5.1 Skin/Theme Sytem Upd: Add ability to 0.5.1 System to load third party Themes to add usability Upd: Add ability to change Positions and some other things relating to Covers within the Theme Upd: Add ability to add reflections to the Covers Upd: New Method for displaying Covers in a Circle. Looks better with many Songs. (Turn Off On within the Theme) Upd: Add Equalizer Object to SongScreen Upd: Add ability to add reflection to Buttons and Statics (Reflection = 1) Upd: Add ability to Group Buttons to a Buttonmenu, see Deluxe Theme Main Menu Tools Collection Upd: Add ability to Hide Buttons within Theme. Useful for example for Mainscreen Exit Button Upd: Add ability to give Texts a Width, so the Text breaks at the given Position. -------------- Recording Options -------------- Upd: Ultrastar 0.5.2 Recording Options added Fix: Write Soundcards more then one Time to Ini Fix: Use of more then one SingStar Mic. adapter now Possible(2 Soundcards with same Name Patch) -------------- Song Screen -------------- Upd: Added Playlist Support Upd: Song Search (with Screen interface) Upd: Jump to Letter Hotkey Upd: Menu in Songscreen similar to Singstars Upd: Ability to change Playernames before singing Upd: Ability to change Song Preview Volume Upd: Song Preview Fade in -------------- Party Mode -------------- Upd: Added Party Mode: 3 Teams possible with up to 4 Players => total of 12 Players Upd: Modi SDK: Possibility to create nearly any Modi with some Programming Skill Upd: 4 Custom Party Modi Plugins: Duell, Hold the Line, Until 5000, Blind Mode -------------- Effects -------------- Upd: New Perfect Note Effects Upd: Add Perfect Sentence Effect Upd: Golden Notes now with Singstar like Star Twinkle Effect, instead of just Yellow coloring Upd: Add Effect: Golden notes "Glow" when they are hit Upd: New Screen Fading Effect: Screen Blurs and "Flys" out of the Screen looks better with every Background. More possibility for Theme Creators -------------- Other -------------- Upd: Added Deluxe Theme: Theme that has a look similiar to PS3 Singstar. Upd: New Score Saving System (SQLite Based) Upd: Statistic Screen with general Statistics and some Tables: Best Scores, Best Singers, Most Popular Songs, Most Popular Bands Upd: Add some on Screen Error Messages helping new Peoples Upd: Add Advanced Screen with some new Options. Upd: Add a Question PopUp before exiting Upd: Add ability to scale Background Images in Singscreen to Fullsize Upd: Show real Note in Editor (C, F#, etc.) Fix: No crashes caused by corrupted Textfiles anymore. Added inGame Errormessage Popup and Jump Back to Songscreen. So even the Party Mode, isn't interuppted. Fix: Workaround for Cover and BG JPG Errors Fix: Videosize can now be changed again Fix: Bug in LineBonus Popup that can end up in a Memory Overflow Fix: Bug in SelectSlide with less then 3 Options, No Overlapping anymore. Automatic resizing Fix: Backgrounds can be used now in option Screens, too Fix: useless Memory usement when Song with Video is Played. When a Song with Video is played there was some Memory that was not freeed at the End of the Song. This could have caused too much Memory usement when many Songs with Video are Played. Fix: Some Changes in Memory usement and better Loading speed. Fix: Wrong Timings pressing T in Editor if 2 Notes from different Sentences overlap Fix: [Midi Converter]Notes are added more than once when a File is opened twice or the save button is pressed multiple times. Fix: [Midi Converter]Sentence Timings are calculated automaticly when Midi File is converted UltraStar 0.5.0 ultra-star.dl.am Mod X-Mas Edition (by Mota und Whiteshark) ----------------------------- Upd: New faster and Error resistant Header reader Upd: Bewertungs Bar (Singstar Like) Upd: LineBonus + Popups Upd: Skin beautified UltraStar 0.5.0 ultra-star.dl.am Mod r10 (by Mota und Whiteshark) ----------------------------- Fix: Minor Bug in Pause Method fixed. Fix: Fixed a Bug in Theme System Fix: New Note Texture Reading Upd: Numbers in SongSelection are now more meaningful Upd: Show Count of Songs in Category in Category Overview Upd: New Note Texture Upd: LanguageTag + Sorting Upd: Support for the Covers.ini from 0.5.1 - for all sorting options. The old behaviour without Covers.ini is also possible, just as well as a combination of both methods. UltraStar 0.5.0 ultra-star.dl.am Mod r9 (Release by Whiteshark) ----------------------------- Upd: BPM and VideoGap Can now be read, too. But there will be an Errormessage in Error.log Upd, Beta: Pause. Press P and the Song will be paused, press P again and it will be continued. Pause Display and Menu missing. UltraStar 0.5.0 ultra-star.dl.am Mod r8b (Release by Whiteshark) ----------------------------- Fix: Random Methods now work without Errors Fix: First Category is now shown at Startup. Fix: Music is played correctly after categorychange Fix: No wrong MP3 playing anymore Fix: After exit Singing Mode the Song is chossen in Song Screen Fix: Midi-konvertor Bug (Only Freestyle Notes instead of normal) Thx to: dennisthemenace and mota for Bug-Reports :P UltraStar 0.5.0 ultra-star.dl.am Mod r8a (Release by Whiteshark) ----------------------------- Fix: Themes could not be Selected (workaround: Only 4 Themes possible) Fix: Correct category is displayed after pressing Escape Upd: new Random functions: R + [Strg]: Random in all Categorys; R + [Shift]: Random Category Upd: Chossen Category is displayed in the top left UltraStar 0.5.0 ultra-star.dl.am Mod r8 (Release by Whiteshark) ----------------------------- Fix: Creatorbug fixed Fix: Tabs=on Preview Bug Upd: Theme System ready -Look for Themes at Startup -ThemeOptions Screen working Upd: New Theme Colors :) Upd: Little changes at Editor -Spaces in Header are corrected automaticaly -Header is not Case Sensitive anymore Upd: Skin Folder Cleaned up, There are 2 Skins now: Motas and the Original Skin Upd: Categorys have their own noCover Image Upd: Rating Text (Ultrastar, Singstar, etc.) can now be Translated Upd: Inomplete Languages are corrected with Entrys from the English Language File Upd: new Category System: -If a category is choosen only the Songs from this category are shown -Press Escape to leave a category -Press up or down to change the category. UltraStar 0.5.0 mota patch r7 (Release by Mota) ----------------------------- - New Note Texture. - other new grafics. - New rating "Ultrastar" with more than 9810 Points. - Textsize-Bug in editor fixed. UltraStar 0.5.0 mota patch r6 - 17.11.06 (Release by Mota) ---------------------------------------- - Editiorfunctions for Golden/Freestyle-Notes. (Press [G] or [F]) - Saving Methods of Editor changed - Changed Theme "SingStar". UltraStar 0.5.0 mota patch r5 - 16.11.06 (Release by Mota) ---------------------------------------- - Goldene Notes are displayed - Randomizing improved UltraStar 0.5.0 mota patch r4 (Release by Mota) ----------------------------- - Perfect-Star animation UltraStar 0.5.0 mota patch r3 (Release by Mota) ----------------------------- - Sorting Title2 and Artist2 -> Numbers in Category "#" UltraStar 0.5.0 mota patch r2 (Release by Mota) ----------------------------- - Cover for all Categorys and Sortings can be choosen UltraStar 0.5.0 mota patch (Release by Mota) -------------------------- - Cover for Edition sorting can be choosen UltraStar 0.5.0 (by Corvus5) -------------------------- - Original Code