From a7dac17f3530c2b36d52aa8ab4e095f460c29b34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tobigun <tobigun@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 22:15:30 +0000
Subject: 64bit patch for USDX, thanks to escaped and tronikku. Patch for SDL
 will be applied soon.

git-svn-id: svn:// b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
 Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas    | 1066 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 Game/Code/Classes/UServices.pas |  686 +++++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 897 insertions(+), 855 deletions(-)

(limited to 'Game')

diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas
index f078169f..5b37228e 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas
@@ -1,525 +1,541 @@
-unit TextGL;
-  {$MODE Delphi}
-  OpenGL12,
-  SDL,
-  UTexture,
-  Classes,
-  SDL_ttf,
-  ULog;
-procedure BuildFont;			                // Build Our Bitmap Font
-procedure KillFont;     		                // Delete The Font
-function  glTextWidth(text: pchar): real;     // Returns Text Width
-procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
-procedure glPrintLetter(letter: char);
-procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
-procedure glPrint(text: pchar);	                  // Custom GL "Print" Routine
-procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
-procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real);                     // Sets X And Y
-procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
-procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer); // sets active font style (normal, bold, etc)
-procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean); // sets italic type letter (works for all fonts)
-procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
-// Start of SDL_ttf
-function NextPowerOfTwo(Value: Integer): Integer;
-//Checks if the ttf exists, if yes then a SDL_ttf is returned
-function LoadFont(FileName: PAnsiChar; PointSize: integer):PTTF_Font;
-// Does the renderstuff, color is in $ffeecc style
-function RenderText(font: PTTF_Font; Text:PAnsiChar; Color: Cardinal):PSDL_Surface;
-procedure printrandomtext();
-// End of SDL_ttf
-  TTextGL = record
-    X:        real;
-    Y:        real;
-    Text:     string;
-    Size:     real;
-    ColR:     real;
-    ColG:     real;
-    ColB:     real;
-  end;
-  TFont = record
-    Tex:      TTexture;
-    Width:    array[0..255] of byte;
-    AspectW:  real;
-    Centered: boolean;
-    Done:     real;
-    Outline:  real;
-    Italic:   boolean;
-  end;
-  base:       GLuint;			                // Base Display List For The Font Set
-  Fonts:      array of TFont;
-  ActFont:    integer;
-  PColR:      real;  // temps for glPrintDone
-  PColG:      real;
-  PColB:      real;
-  UMain,
-  UCommon,
-  SysUtils,
-  MacResources,
-  {$ENDIF}
-  UGraphic;
-procedure BuildFont;			                // Build Our Bitmap Font
-  procedure loadfont(aID : integer; const aType, aResourceName: string);
-  var
-    stream:  TStream;
-  begin
-    stream := GetResourceStream(aResourceName, aType);
-    if (not assigned(stream)) then
-    begin
-      Log.LogError('Unknown font['+ inttostr(aID) +': '+aType+']', 'loadfont');
-      Exit;
-    end;
-    try
-      stream.Read(Fonts[ aID ].Width, 256);
-    except
-      Log.LogError('Error while reading font['+ inttostr(aID) +': '+aType+']', 'loadfont');
-    end;
-    stream.Free;
-  end;
-  Count:      integer;
-  ActFont := 0;
-  //Log.LogStatus( '' , '---------------------------');
-  //Log.LogStatus( 'Font' , '---------------------------');
-  SetLength(Fonts, 5);
-  Fonts[0].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'Font', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
-  Fonts[0].Tex.H := 30;
-  Fonts[0].AspectW := 0.9;
-  Fonts[0].Done := -1;
-  Fonts[0].Outline := 0;
-  //Log.LogStatus( 'FontB' , '---------------------------');
-  Fonts[1].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontB', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
-  Fonts[1].Tex.H := 30;
-  Fonts[1].AspectW := 1;
-  Fonts[1].Done := -1;
-  Fonts[1].Outline := 0;
-  //Log.LogStatus( 'FontO' , '---------------------------');
-  Fonts[2].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
-  Fonts[2].Tex.H := 30;
-  Fonts[2].AspectW := 0.95;
-  Fonts[2].Done := -1;
-  Fonts[2].Outline := 5;
-  //Log.LogStatus( 'FontO2' , '---------------------------');
-  Fonts[3].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO2', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
-  Fonts[3].Tex.H := 30;
-  Fonts[3].AspectW := 0.95;
-  Fonts[3].Done := -1;
-  Fonts[3].Outline := 4;
-{  Fonts[4].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture('FontO', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0); // for score screen
-  Fonts[4].Tex.H := 30;
-  Fonts[4].AspectW := 0.95;
-  Fonts[4].Done := -1;
-  Fonts[4].Outline := 5;}
-  loadfont( 0, 'FNT', 'Font'   );
-  loadfont( 1, 'FNT', 'FontB'  );
-  loadfont( 2, 'FNT', 'FontO'  );
-  loadfont( 3, 'FNT', 'FontO2' );
-{  Reg := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, 'FontO', 'FNT');
-  Reg.Read(Fonts[4].Width, 256);
-  Reg.Free;}
-  for Count := 0 to 255 do
-    Fonts[1].Width[Count] := Fonts[1].Width[Count] div 2;
-  for Count := 0 to 255 do
-    Fonts[2].Width[Count] := Fonts[2].Width[Count] div 2 + 2;
-  for Count := 0 to 255 do
-    Fonts[3].Width[Count] := Fonts[3].Width[Count] + 1;
-{  for Count := 0 to 255 do
-    Fonts[4].Width[Count] := Fonts[4].Width[Count] div 2 + 2;}
-procedure KillFont;     		                // Delete The Font
-//  glDeleteLists(base, 256); 		                // Delete All 96 Characters
-function glTextWidth(text: pchar): real;
-  Letter: char;
-  i: integer;
-//  Log.LogStatus(Text, 'glTextWidth');
-  Result := 0;
-  for i := 0 to Length(text) -1 do  //  Patched by AlexanderS : bug with wrong sliced text lines
-  begin
-    Letter := Text[i];
-    // Bugfix: does not work with FPC, probably because a part of text is assigned to itself
-    //text := pchar(Copy(text, 2, Length(text)-1));
-    Result := Result + Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)] * Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H / 30 * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
-  end;
-procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
-  Fonts[ActFont].Done := Done;
-  PColR := ColR;
-  PColG := ColG;
-  PColB := ColB;
-  glPrintCut(text);
-  Fonts[ActFont].Done := -1;
-procedure glPrintLetter(Letter: char);
-  TexX, TexY:   real;
-  TexR, TexB:   real;
-  FWidth:       real;
-  PL, PT:       real;
-  PR, PB:       real;
-  XItal:        real; // X shift for italic type letter
-  with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do
-  begin
-    FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
-    W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
-  //  H := 30;
-    // set texture positions
-    TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
-    TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024; // 2/1024
-    TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
-    TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
-    // set vector positions
-    PL := X - Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW /2;
-    PT := Y;
-    PR := PL + W + Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
-    PB := PT + H;
-    if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
-      XItal := 0
-    else
-      XItal := 12;
-    glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-    glEnable(GL_BLEND);
-    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
-    glBegin(GL_QUADS);
-    try
-      glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal,  PT);
-      glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL,        PB);
-      glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR,        PB);
-      glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal,  PT);
-    finally
-      glEnd;
-    end;
-    X := X + W;
-    glDisable(GL_BLEND);
-    glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-  end; // with
-procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
-  TexX, TexY:   real;
-  TexR, TexB:   real;
-  TexTemp:      real;
-  FWidth:       real;
-  PL, PT:       real;
-  PR, PB:       real;
-  OutTemp:      real;
-  XItal:        real;
-  with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do begin
-  FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
-  W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
-//  H := 30;
-  OutTemp := Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
-  // set texture positions
-  TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
-  TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024; // 2/1024
-  TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
-  TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
-  TexTemp := TexX + Start * (TexR - TexX);
-  TexR := TexX + Finish * (TexR - TexX);
-  TexX := TexTemp;
-  // set vector positions
-  PL := X - OutTemp / 2 + OutTemp * Start;
-  PT := Y;
-  PR := PL + (W + OutTemp) * (Finish - Start);
-  PB := PT + H;
-  if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
-    XItal := 0
-  else
-    XItal := 12;
-  glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-  glEnable(GL_BLEND);
-  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
-  glBegin(GL_QUADS);
-    glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal,  PT);
-    glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL,        PB);
-    glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR,        PB);
-    glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal,  PT); // not tested with XItal
-  glEnd;
-  X := X + W * (Finish - Start);
-  glDisable(GL_BLEND);
-  glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-  end; // with
-procedure glPrint(text: pchar);	                // Custom GL "Print" Routine
-//  Letter :       char;
-  iPos   : Integer;
-  if (Text = '') then     // If There's No Text
-    Exit;					        // Do Nothing
-  while (length(text) > 0) do
-  begin
-    // cut
-    Letter := Text[0];
-    Text   := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
-    // print
-    glPrintLetter(Letter);
-  end; // while
-  // This code is better, because doing a Copy of for every
-  // letter in a string is a waste of CPU & Memory resources.
-  // Copy operations are quite memory intensive, and this simple
-  // code achieves the same result.
-  for iPos := 0 to length( text ) - 1 do
-  begin
-    glPrintLetter( Text[iPos] );
-  end;
-function NextPowerOfTwo(Value: Integer): Integer;
-// tyty to Asphyre
- Result:= 1;
- asm
-  xor ecx, ecx
-  bsr ecx, Value
-  inc ecx
-  shl Result, cl
- end;
-function LoadFont(FileName: PAnsiChar; PointSize: integer):PTTF_Font;
- if (FileExists(FileName)) then
-   begin
-     Result := TTF_OpenFont( FileName, PointSize );
-   end
- else
-   begin
-     Log.LogStatus('ERROR Could not find font in ' + FileName , '');
-     ShowMessage(  'ERROR Could not find font in ' + FileName );
-     Result := nil;
-   end;
-function RenderText(font: PTTF_Font; Text:PAnsiChar; Color: Cardinal): PSDL_Surface;
-  clr : TSDL_color;
-  clr.r  := ((Color and $ff0000) shr 16  ) div 255;
-  clr.g  := ((Color and $ff00  ) shr 8   ) div 255;
-  clr.b  := ( Color and $ff    ) div 255 ;
-  result := TTF_RenderText_Blended( font, text, cLr);
-procedure printrandomtext();
-  stext,intermediary : PSDL_surface;
-  clrFg, clrBG       : TSDL_color;
-  texture            : Gluint;
-  font               : PTTF_Font;
-  w,h                : integer;
-font := LoadFont('fonts\comicbd.ttf', 42);
-clrFg.r := 255;
-clrFg.g := 255;
-clrFg.b := 255;
-clrFg.unused := 255;
-clrBg.r := 255;
-clrbg.g := 0;
-clrbg.b := 255;
-clrbg.unused := 0;
-  sText := RenderText(font, 'katzeeeeeee', $fe198e);
-//sText :=  TTF_RenderText_Blended( font, 'huuuuuuuuuund', clrFG);
-  // Convert the rendered text to a known format
-  w :=  nextpoweroftwo(sText.w);
-  h :=  nextpoweroftwo(sText.h);
-intermediary := SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, 32,
-			$000000ff, $0000ff00, $00ff0000, $ff000000);
- SDL_SetAlpha(intermediary, 0, 255);
- SDL_SetAlpha(sText, 0, 255);
- SDL_BlitSurface(sText, nil, intermediary, nil);
- glGenTextures(1, @texture);
-  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
-  glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, w, h, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, intermediary.pixels);
-      glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-      glEnable(GL_BLEND);
-        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
-        glColor4f(1, 0, 1, 1);
-      glbegin(gl_quads);
-        glTexCoord2f(0,0); glVertex2f(200,     300);
-        glTexCoord2f(0,sText.h/h); glVertex2f(200    , 300 + sText.h);
-        glTexCoord2f(sText.w/w,sText.h/h); glVertex2f(200 + sText.w, 300 + sText.h);
-        glTexCoord2f(sText.w/w,0); glVertex2f(200 + sText.w, 300);
-      glEnd;
-      glfinish();
-      glDisable(GL_BLEND);
-      gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
-SDL_FreeSurface( sText );
-SDL_FreeSurface( intermediary );
-glDeleteTextures(1, @texture);
-TTF_CloseFont( font );
-procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
-  Letter:       char;
-  PToDo:        real;
-  PTotWidth:    real;
-  PDoingNow:    real;
-  S:            string;
-  if (Text = '') then   			        // If There's No Text
-                Exit;					        // Do Nothing
-  PTotWidth := glTextWidth(Text);
-  PToDo := Fonts[ActFont].Done;
-  while (length(text) > 0) do begin
-    // cut
-    Letter := Text[0];
-    Text := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
-    // analyze
-    S := Letter;
-    PDoingNow := glTextWidth(pchar(S)) / PTotWidth;
-    // drawing
-    if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow <= PToDo) then
-      glPrintLetter(Letter);
-    if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow > PToDo) then begin
-      glPrintLetterCut(Letter, 0, PToDo / PDoingNow);
-      glColor3f(PColR, PColG,  PColB);
-      glPrintLetterCut(Letter, PToDo / PDoingNow, 1);
-    end;
-    if (PToDo <= 0) then
-      glPrintLetter(Letter);
-    PToDo := PToDo - PDoingNow;
-  end; // while
-procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real);
-  Fonts[ActFont].Tex.X := X;
-  Fonts[ActFont].Tex.Y := Y;
-procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
-  Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H := 30 * (Size/10);
-procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer);
-  ActFont := Style;
-procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean);
-  Fonts[ActFont].Italic := Enable;
-procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
-  Fonts[ActFont].AspectW := Aspect;
+unit TextGL;
+  {$MODE Delphi}
+  {$ASMMODE Intel}
+  OpenGL12,
+  SDL,
+  UTexture,
+  Classes,
+  SDL_ttf,
+  ULog;
+procedure BuildFont;			                // Build Our Bitmap Font
+procedure KillFont;     		                // Delete The Font
+function  glTextWidth(text: pchar): real;     // Returns Text Width
+procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
+procedure glPrintLetter(letter: char);
+procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
+procedure glPrint(text: pchar);	                  // Custom GL "Print" Routine
+procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
+procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real);                     // Sets X And Y
+procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
+procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer); // sets active font style (normal, bold, etc)
+procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean); // sets italic type letter (works for all fonts)
+procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
+// Start of SDL_ttf
+function NextPowerOfTwo(Value: Integer): Integer;
+//Checks if the ttf exists, if yes then a SDL_ttf is returned
+function LoadFont(FileName: PAnsiChar; PointSize: integer):PTTF_Font;
+// Does the renderstuff, color is in $ffeecc style
+function RenderText(font: PTTF_Font; Text:PAnsiChar; Color: Cardinal):PSDL_Surface;
+procedure printrandomtext();
+// End of SDL_ttf
+  TTextGL = record
+    X:        real;
+    Y:        real;
+    Text:     string;
+    Size:     real;
+    ColR:     real;
+    ColG:     real;
+    ColB:     real;
+  end;
+  TFont = record
+    Tex:      TTexture;
+    Width:    array[0..255] of byte;
+    AspectW:  real;
+    Centered: boolean;
+    Done:     real;
+    Outline:  real;
+    Italic:   boolean;
+  end;
+  base:       GLuint;			                // Base Display List For The Font Set
+  Fonts:      array of TFont;
+  ActFont:    integer;
+  PColR:      real;  // temps for glPrintDone
+  PColG:      real;
+  PColB:      real;
+  UMain,
+  UCommon,
+  SysUtils,
+  MacResources,
+  {$ENDIF}
+  UGraphic;
+procedure BuildFont;			                // Build Our Bitmap Font
+  procedure loadfont(aID : integer; const aType, aResourceName: string);
+  var
+    stream:  TStream;
+  begin
+    stream := GetResourceStream(aResourceName, aType);
+    if (not assigned(stream)) then
+    begin
+      Log.LogError('Unknown font['+ inttostr(aID) +': '+aType+']', 'loadfont');
+      Exit;
+    end;
+    try
+      stream.Read(Fonts[ aID ].Width, 256);
+    except
+      Log.LogError('Error while reading font['+ inttostr(aID) +': '+aType+']', 'loadfont');
+    end;
+    stream.Free;
+  end;
+  Count:      integer;
+  ActFont := 0;
+  //Log.LogStatus( '' , '---------------------------');
+  //Log.LogStatus( 'Font' , '---------------------------');
+  SetLength(Fonts, 5);
+  Fonts[0].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'Font', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+  Fonts[0].Tex.H := 30;
+  Fonts[0].AspectW := 0.9;
+  Fonts[0].Done := -1;
+  Fonts[0].Outline := 0;
+  //Log.LogStatus( 'FontB' , '---------------------------');
+  Fonts[1].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontB', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+  Fonts[1].Tex.H := 30;
+  Fonts[1].AspectW := 1;
+  Fonts[1].Done := -1;
+  Fonts[1].Outline := 0;
+  //Log.LogStatus( 'FontO' , '---------------------------');
+  Fonts[2].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+  Fonts[2].Tex.H := 30;
+  Fonts[2].AspectW := 0.95;
+  Fonts[2].Done := -1;
+  Fonts[2].Outline := 5;
+  //Log.LogStatus( 'FontO2' , '---------------------------');
+  Fonts[3].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO2', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+  Fonts[3].Tex.H := 30;
+  Fonts[3].AspectW := 0.95;
+  Fonts[3].Done := -1;
+  Fonts[3].Outline := 4;
+{  Fonts[4].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture('FontO', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0); // for score screen
+  Fonts[4].Tex.H := 30;
+  Fonts[4].AspectW := 0.95;
+  Fonts[4].Done := -1;
+  Fonts[4].Outline := 5;}
+  loadfont( 0, 'FNT', 'Font'   );
+  loadfont( 1, 'FNT', 'FontB'  );
+  loadfont( 2, 'FNT', 'FontO'  );
+  loadfont( 3, 'FNT', 'FontO2' );
+{  Reg := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, 'FontO', 'FNT');
+  Reg.Read(Fonts[4].Width, 256);
+  Reg.Free;}
+  for Count := 0 to 255 do
+    Fonts[1].Width[Count] := Fonts[1].Width[Count] div 2;
+  for Count := 0 to 255 do
+    Fonts[2].Width[Count] := Fonts[2].Width[Count] div 2 + 2;
+  for Count := 0 to 255 do
+    Fonts[3].Width[Count] := Fonts[3].Width[Count] + 1;
+{  for Count := 0 to 255 do
+    Fonts[4].Width[Count] := Fonts[4].Width[Count] div 2 + 2;}
+procedure KillFont;     		                // Delete The Font
+//  glDeleteLists(base, 256); 		                // Delete All 96 Characters
+function glTextWidth(text: pchar): real;
+  Letter: char;
+  i: integer;
+//  Log.LogStatus(Text, 'glTextWidth');
+  Result := 0;
+  for i := 0 to Length(text) -1 do  //  Patched by AlexanderS : bug with wrong sliced text lines
+  begin
+    Letter := Text[i];
+    // Bugfix: does not work with FPC, probably because a part of text is assigned to itself
+    //text := pchar(Copy(text, 2, Length(text)-1));
+    Result := Result + Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)] * Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H / 30 * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+  end;
+procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
+  Fonts[ActFont].Done := Done;
+  PColR := ColR;
+  PColG := ColG;
+  PColB := ColB;
+  glPrintCut(text);
+  Fonts[ActFont].Done := -1;
+procedure glPrintLetter(Letter: char);
+  TexX, TexY:   real;
+  TexR, TexB:   real;
+  FWidth:       real;
+  PL, PT:       real;
+  PR, PB:       real;
+  XItal:        real; // X shift for italic type letter
+  with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do
+  begin
+    FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
+    W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+  //  H := 30;
+    // set texture positions
+    TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+    TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024; // 2/1024
+    TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+    TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
+    // set vector positions
+    PL := X - Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW /2;
+    PT := Y;
+    PR := PL + W + Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+    PB := PT + H;
+    if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
+      XItal := 0
+    else
+      XItal := 12;
+    glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+    glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
+    glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+    try
+      glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal,  PT);
+      glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL,        PB);
+      glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR,        PB);
+      glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal,  PT);
+    finally
+      glEnd;
+    end;
+    X := X + W;
+    glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+    glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+  end; // with
+procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
+  TexX, TexY:   real;
+  TexR, TexB:   real;
+  TexTemp:      real;
+  FWidth:       real;
+  PL, PT:       real;
+  PR, PB:       real;
+  OutTemp:      real;
+  XItal:        real;
+  with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do begin
+  FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
+  W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+//  H := 30;
+  OutTemp := Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+  // set texture positions
+  TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+  TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024; // 2/1024
+  TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+  TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
+  TexTemp := TexX + Start * (TexR - TexX);
+  TexR := TexX + Finish * (TexR - TexX);
+  TexX := TexTemp;
+  // set vector positions
+  PL := X - OutTemp / 2 + OutTemp * Start;
+  PT := Y;
+  PR := PL + (W + OutTemp) * (Finish - Start);
+  PB := PT + H;
+  if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
+    XItal := 0
+  else
+    XItal := 12;
+  glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+  glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
+  glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+    glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal,  PT);
+    glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL,        PB);
+    glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR,        PB);
+    glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal,  PT); // not tested with XItal
+  glEnd;
+  X := X + W * (Finish - Start);
+  glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+  glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+  end; // with
+procedure glPrint(text: pchar);	                // Custom GL "Print" Routine
+//  Letter :       char;
+  iPos   : Integer;
+  if (Text = '') then     // If There's No Text
+    Exit;					        // Do Nothing
+  while (length(text) > 0) do
+  begin
+    // cut
+    Letter := Text[0];
+    Text   := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
+    // print
+    glPrintLetter(Letter);
+  end; // while
+  // This code is better, because doing a Copy of for every
+  // letter in a string is a waste of CPU & Memory resources.
+  // Copy operations are quite memory intensive, and this simple
+  // code achieves the same result.
+  for iPos := 0 to length( text ) - 1 do
+  begin
+    glPrintLetter( Text[iPos] );
+  end;
+function NextPowerOfTwo(Value: Integer): Integer;
+// tyty to Asphyre
+// FIXME: check if the non-asm version is fast enough and use it by default if so
+  Result:= 1;
+{$IF Defined(CPUX86_64)}
+  asm
+    mov rcx, -1
+    bsr rcx, Value
+    inc rcx
+    shl Result, cl
+  end;
+{$ELSEIF Defined(CPU386) or Defined(CPUI386)}
+  asm
+    mov ecx, -1
+    bsr ecx, Value
+    inc ecx
+    shl Result, cl
+  end;
+  while (Result <= Value) do
+    Result := 2 * Result;
+function LoadFont(FileName: PAnsiChar; PointSize: integer):PTTF_Font;
+ if (FileExists(FileName)) then
+   begin
+     Result := TTF_OpenFont( FileName, PointSize );
+   end
+ else
+   begin
+     Log.LogStatus('ERROR Could not find font in ' + FileName , '');
+     ShowMessage(  'ERROR Could not find font in ' + FileName );
+     Result := nil;
+   end;
+function RenderText(font: PTTF_Font; Text:PAnsiChar; Color: Cardinal): PSDL_Surface;
+  clr : TSDL_color;
+  clr.r  := ((Color and $ff0000) shr 16  ) div 255;
+  clr.g  := ((Color and $ff00  ) shr 8   ) div 255;
+  clr.b  := ( Color and $ff    ) div 255 ;
+  result := TTF_RenderText_Blended( font, text, cLr);
+procedure printrandomtext();
+  stext,intermediary : PSDL_surface;
+  clrFg, clrBG       : TSDL_color;
+  texture            : Gluint;
+  font               : PTTF_Font;
+  w,h                : integer;
+font := LoadFont('fonts\comicbd.ttf', 42);
+clrFg.r := 255;
+clrFg.g := 255;
+clrFg.b := 255;
+clrFg.unused := 255;
+clrBg.r := 255;
+clrbg.g := 0;
+clrbg.b := 255;
+clrbg.unused := 0;
+  sText := RenderText(font, 'katzeeeeeee', $fe198e);
+//sText :=  TTF_RenderText_Blended( font, 'huuuuuuuuuund', clrFG);
+  // Convert the rendered text to a known format
+  w :=  nextpoweroftwo(sText.w);
+  h :=  nextpoweroftwo(sText.h);
+intermediary := SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, 32,
+			$000000ff, $0000ff00, $00ff0000, $ff000000);
+ SDL_SetAlpha(intermediary, 0, 255);
+ SDL_SetAlpha(sText, 0, 255);
+ SDL_BlitSurface(sText, nil, intermediary, nil);
+ glGenTextures(1, @texture);
+  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
+  glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, w, h, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, intermediary.pixels);
+      glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+      glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
+        glColor4f(1, 0, 1, 1);
+      glbegin(gl_quads);
+        glTexCoord2f(0,0); glVertex2f(200,     300);
+        glTexCoord2f(0,sText.h/h); glVertex2f(200    , 300 + sText.h);
+        glTexCoord2f(sText.w/w,sText.h/h); glVertex2f(200 + sText.w, 300 + sText.h);
+        glTexCoord2f(sText.w/w,0); glVertex2f(200 + sText.w, 300);
+      glEnd;
+      glfinish();
+      glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+      gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
+SDL_FreeSurface( sText );
+SDL_FreeSurface( intermediary );
+glDeleteTextures(1, @texture);
+TTF_CloseFont( font );
+procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
+  Letter:       char;
+  PToDo:        real;
+  PTotWidth:    real;
+  PDoingNow:    real;
+  S:            string;
+  if (Text = '') then   			        // If There's No Text
+                Exit;					        // Do Nothing
+  PTotWidth := glTextWidth(Text);
+  PToDo := Fonts[ActFont].Done;
+  while (length(text) > 0) do begin
+    // cut
+    Letter := Text[0];
+    Text := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
+    // analyze
+    S := Letter;
+    PDoingNow := glTextWidth(pchar(S)) / PTotWidth;
+    // drawing
+    if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow <= PToDo) then
+      glPrintLetter(Letter);
+    if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow > PToDo) then begin
+      glPrintLetterCut(Letter, 0, PToDo / PDoingNow);
+      glColor3f(PColR, PColG,  PColB);
+      glPrintLetterCut(Letter, PToDo / PDoingNow, 1);
+    end;
+    if (PToDo <= 0) then
+      glPrintLetter(Letter);
+    PToDo := PToDo - PDoingNow;
+  end; // while
+procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real);
+  Fonts[ActFont].Tex.X := X;
+  Fonts[ActFont].Tex.Y := Y;
+procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
+  Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H := 30 * (Size/10);
+procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer);
+  ActFont := Style;
+procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean);
+  Fonts[ActFont].Italic := Enable;
+procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
+  Fonts[ActFont].AspectW := Aspect;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UServices.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UServices.pas
index 19561eeb..cb03248e 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UServices.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UServices.pas
@@ -1,330 +1,356 @@
-unit UServices;
-  {$MODE Delphi}
-uses uPluginDefs,
-     SysUtils;
-  TServiceManager
-  Class for saving, managing and calling of Services.
-  Saves all Services and their Procs
-  TServiceName = String[60];
-  PServiceInfo = ^TServiceInfo;
-  TServiceInfo = record
-    Self: THandle; //Handle of this Service
-    Hash: Integer; //4 Bit Hash of the Services Name
-    Name: TServiceName; //Name of this Service
-    Owner: Integer; //If < 0 [-(DLLMan Pluginindex + 1)]; 0 - undefined, On Error Full shutdown, If < 0 [ModuleIndex - 1]  
-    Next: PServiceInfo; //Pointer to the Next Service in teh list
-    //Here is s/t tricky
-    //To avoid writing of Wrapping Functions to offer a Service from a Class
-    //We save a Normal Proc or a Method of a Class
-    Case isClass: boolean of
-      False: (Proc: TUS_Service); //Proc that will be called on Event
-      True:  (ProcOfClass: TUS_Service_of_Object);
-  end;
-  TServiceManager = class
-    private
-      //Managing Service List
-      FirstService: PServiceInfo;
-      LastService: PServiceInfo;
-      //Some Speed improvement by caching the last 4 called Services
-      //Most of the time a Service is called multiple times
-      ServiceCache: Array[0..3] of PServiceInfo;
-      NextCacheItem: Byte;
-      //Next Service added gets this Handle:
-      NextHandle: THandle;
-    public
-      Constructor Create;
-      Function AddService(const ServiceName: PChar; const Proc: TUS_Service = nil; const ProcofClass: TUS_Service_of_Object = nil): THandle;
-      Function DelService(const hService: THandle): integer;
-      Function CallService(const ServiceName: PChar; const wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
-      Function NametoHash(const ServiceName: TServiceName): Integer;
-      Function ServiceExists(const ServiceName: PChar): Integer;
-  end;
-  ServiceManager: TServiceManager; 
-  ULog,
-  UCore;
-// Create - Creates Class and Set Standard Values
-Constructor TServiceManager.Create;
-  FirstService := nil;
-  LastService := nil;
-  ServiceCache[0] := nil;
-  ServiceCache[1] := nil;
-  ServiceCache[2] := nil;
-  ServiceCache[3] := nil;
-  NextCacheItem := 0;
-  NextHandle := 1;
-    debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Succesful created!');
-  {$ENDIF}
-// Function Creates a new Service and Returns the Services Handle,
-// 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)
-Function TServiceManager.AddService(const ServiceName: PChar;  const Proc: TUS_Service; const ProcofClass: TUS_Service_of_Object): THandle;
-  Cur: PServiceInfo;
-  Result := 0;
-  If (@Proc <> nil) or (@ProcOfClass <> nil) then
-  begin
-    If (ServiceExists(ServiceName) = 0) then
-    begin //There is a Proc and the Service does not already exist
-      //Ok Add it!
-      //Get Memory
-      GetMem(Cur, SizeOf(TServiceInfo));
-      //Fill it with Data
-      Cur.Next := nil;
-      If (@Proc = nil) then
-      begin //Use the ProcofClass Method
-        Cur.isClass := True;
-        Cur.ProcOfClass := ProcofClass;
-      end
-      else //Use the normal Proc
-      begin
-        Cur.isClass := False;
-        Cur.Proc := Proc;
-      end;
-      Cur.Self := NextHandle;
-      //Zero Name
-      Cur.Name := #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0;
-      Cur.Name := String(ServiceName);
-      Cur.Hash := NametoHash(Cur.Name);
-      //Add Owner to Service
-      Cur.Owner := Core.CurExecuted;
-      //Add Service to the List
-      If (FirstService = nil) then
-        FirstService := Cur;
-      If (LastService <> nil) then
-        LastService.Next := Cur;
-      LastService := Cur;
-      {$IFDEF DEBUG}
-      debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Service added: ''' + ServiceName + ''', Handle: ' + InttoStr(Cur.Self));
-      {$ENDIF}
-      //Inc Next Handle
-      Inc(NextHandle);
-    end
-    else debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Try to readd Service: ' + ServiceName);
-    {$ENDIF}
-  end;
-// Function Destroys a Service, 0 on success, not 0 on Failure
-Function TServiceManager.DelService(const hService: THandle): integer;
-  Last, Cur: PServiceInfo;
-  I: Integer;
-  Result := -1;
-  Last := nil;
-  Cur := FirstService;
-  //Search for Service to Delete
-  While (Cur <> nil) do
-  begin
-    If (Cur.Self = hService) then
-    begin //Found Service => Delete it
-      //Delete from List
-      If (Last = nil) then //Found first Service
-        FirstService := Cur.Next
-      Else //Service behind the first
-        Last.Next := Cur.Next;
-      //IF this is the LastService, correct LastService
-      If (Cur = LastService) then
-        LastService := Last;
-      //Search for Service in Cache and delete it if found
-      For I := 0 to High(ServiceCache) do
-        If (ServiceCache[I] = Cur) then
-        begin
-          ServiceCache[I] := nil;
-        end;
-      {$IFDEF DEBUG}
-      debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Removed Service succesful: ' + Cur.Name);
-      {$ENDIF}
-      //Free Memory
-      Freemem(Cur, SizeOf(TServiceInfo));
-      //Break the Loop
-      Break;
-    end;
-    //Go to Next Service
-    Last := Cur;
-    Cur := Cur.Next;
-  end;
-// Function Calls a Services Proc
-// Returns Services Return Value or SERVICE_NOT_FOUND on Failure
-Function TServiceManager.CallService(const ServiceName: PChar; const wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
-  SExists: Integer;
-  Service: PServiceInfo;
-  CurExecutedBackup: Integer; //backup of Core.CurExecuted Attribute
-  SExists := ServiceExists(ServiceName);
-  If (SExists <> 0) then
-  begin
-    //Backup CurExecuted
-    CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
-    Service := Pointer(SExists);
-    If (Service.isClass) then
-      //Use Proc of Class
-      // FIXME: "function ... of object" does not fit into an integer (2x pointers: object + function-code -> 8byte on x86) 
-      Result := Service.ProcOfClass(wParam, lParam)
-    Else
-      //Use normal Proc
-      // FIXME: will not work with x64 CPUs, pointers will be 64bit there  
-      Result := Service.Proc(wParam, lParam);
-    //Restore CurExecuted
-    Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;
-  end;
-  debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Service ''' + ServiceName + ''' called. Result: ' + InttoStr(Result));
-  {$ENDIF}
-// Generates the Hash for the given Name
-Function TServiceManager.NametoHash(const ServiceName: TServiceName): Integer;
-  { CL: Counter; EAX: Result; EDX: Current Memory Address }
-  Mov ECX, 14 {Init Counter, Fold 14 Times to get 4 Bytes out of 60}
-  Mov EDX, ServiceName {Save Address of String that should be "Hashed"}
-  Mov EAX, [EDX]
-  @FoldLoop: ADD EDX, 4 {jump 4 Byte(32 Bit) to the next tile }
-             ADD EAX, [EDX] {Add the Value of the next 4 Byte of the String to the Hash}
-  LOOP @FoldLoop {Fold again if there are Chars Left}
-// Function Returns Non Zero if a Service with the given Name Exists, otherwise 0
-Function TServiceManager.ServiceExists(const ServiceName: PChar): Integer;
-  Name: TServiceName;
-  Hash: Integer;
-  Cur: PServiceInfo;
-  I: Byte;
-  Result := 0;
-  // to-do : Write a Metbod (in ASM) to Zero and Add in one turn  (faster then this dirty hack ;)
-  //Zero Name:
-  Name := #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0;
-  //Add Service Name
-  Name := String(ServiceName);
-  Hash := NametoHash(Name);
-  //First of all Look for the Service in Cache
-  For I := 0 to High(ServiceCache) do
-  begin
-    If (ServiceCache[I] <> nil) AND (ServiceCache[I].Hash = Hash) then
-    begin
-      If (ServiceCache[I].Name = Name) then
-      begin //Found Service in Cache
-        Result := Integer(ServiceCache[I]);
-        {$IFDEF DEBUG}
-        debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Found Service in Cache: ''' + ServiceName + '''');
-        {$ENDIF}
-        Break;
-      end;
-    end;
-  end;
-  If (Result = 0) then
-  begin
-    Cur := FirstService;
-    While (Cur <> nil) do
-    begin
-      If (Cur.Hash = Hash) then
-      begin
-        If (Cur.Name = Name) then
-        begin //Found the Service
-          Result := Integer(Cur);
-          {$IFDEF DEBUG}
-          debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Found Service in List: ''' + ServiceName + '''');
-          {$ENDIF}
-          //Add to Cache
-          ServiceCache[NextCacheItem] := Cur;
-          NextCacheItem := (NextCacheItem + 1) AND 3;
-          Break;
-        end;
-      end;
-      Cur := Cur.Next;
-    end;
-  end;
+unit UServices;
+  {$MODE Delphi}
+  {$ASMMODE Intel}
+uses uPluginDefs,
+     SysUtils;
+  TServiceManager
+  Class for saving, managing and calling of Services.
+  Saves all Services and their Procs
+  TServiceName = String[60];
+  PServiceInfo = ^TServiceInfo;
+  TServiceInfo = record
+    Self: THandle; //Handle of this Service
+    Hash: Integer; //4 Bit Hash of the Services Name
+    Name: TServiceName; //Name of this Service
+    Owner: Integer; //If < 0 [-(DLLMan Pluginindex + 1)]; 0 - undefined, On Error Full shutdown, If < 0 [ModuleIndex - 1]  
+    Next: PServiceInfo; //Pointer to the Next Service in teh list
+    //Here is s/t tricky
+    //To avoid writing of Wrapping Functions to offer a Service from a Class
+    //We save a Normal Proc or a Method of a Class
+    Case isClass: boolean of
+      False: (Proc: TUS_Service); //Proc that will be called on Event
+      True:  (ProcOfClass: TUS_Service_of_Object);
+  end;
+  TServiceManager = class
+    private
+      //Managing Service List
+      FirstService: PServiceInfo;
+      LastService: PServiceInfo;
+      //Some Speed improvement by caching the last 4 called Services
+      //Most of the time a Service is called multiple times
+      ServiceCache: Array[0..3] of PServiceInfo;
+      NextCacheItem: Byte;
+      //Next Service added gets this Handle:
+      NextHandle: THandle;
+    public
+      Constructor Create;
+      Function AddService(const ServiceName: PChar; const Proc: TUS_Service = nil; const ProcofClass: TUS_Service_of_Object = nil): THandle;
+      Function DelService(const hService: THandle): integer;
+      Function CallService(const ServiceName: PChar; const wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+      Function NametoHash(const ServiceName: TServiceName): Integer;
+      Function ServiceExists(const ServiceName: PChar): Integer;
+  end;
+  ServiceManager: TServiceManager; 
+  ULog,
+  UCore;
+// Create - Creates Class and Set Standard Values
+Constructor TServiceManager.Create;
+  FirstService := nil;
+  LastService := nil;
+  ServiceCache[0] := nil;
+  ServiceCache[1] := nil;
+  ServiceCache[2] := nil;
+  ServiceCache[3] := nil;
+  NextCacheItem := 0;
+  NextHandle := 1;
+    debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Succesful created!');
+  {$ENDIF}
+// Function Creates a new Service and Returns the Services Handle,
+// 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)
+Function TServiceManager.AddService(const ServiceName: PChar;  const Proc: TUS_Service; const ProcofClass: TUS_Service_of_Object): THandle;
+  Cur: PServiceInfo;
+  Result := 0;
+  If (@Proc <> nil) or (@ProcOfClass <> nil) then
+  begin
+    If (ServiceExists(ServiceName) = 0) then
+    begin //There is a Proc and the Service does not already exist
+      //Ok Add it!
+      //Get Memory
+      GetMem(Cur, SizeOf(TServiceInfo));
+      //Fill it with Data
+      Cur.Next := nil;
+      If (@Proc = nil) then
+      begin //Use the ProcofClass Method
+        Cur.isClass := True;
+        Cur.ProcOfClass := ProcofClass;
+      end
+      else //Use the normal Proc
+      begin
+        Cur.isClass := False;
+        Cur.Proc := Proc;
+      end;
+      Cur.Self := NextHandle;
+      //Zero Name
+      Cur.Name := #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0;
+      Cur.Name := String(ServiceName);
+      Cur.Hash := NametoHash(Cur.Name);
+      //Add Owner to Service
+      Cur.Owner := Core.CurExecuted;
+      //Add Service to the List
+      If (FirstService = nil) then
+        FirstService := Cur;
+      If (LastService <> nil) then
+        LastService.Next := Cur;
+      LastService := Cur;
+      {$IFDEF DEBUG}
+      debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Service added: ''' + ServiceName + ''', Handle: ' + InttoStr(Cur.Self));
+      {$ENDIF}
+      //Inc Next Handle
+      Inc(NextHandle);
+    end
+    else debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Try to readd Service: ' + ServiceName);
+    {$ENDIF}
+  end;
+// Function Destroys a Service, 0 on success, not 0 on Failure
+Function TServiceManager.DelService(const hService: THandle): integer;
+  Last, Cur: PServiceInfo;
+  I: Integer;
+  Result := -1;
+  Last := nil;
+  Cur := FirstService;
+  //Search for Service to Delete
+  While (Cur <> nil) do
+  begin
+    If (Cur.Self = hService) then
+    begin //Found Service => Delete it
+      //Delete from List
+      If (Last = nil) then //Found first Service
+        FirstService := Cur.Next
+      Else //Service behind the first
+        Last.Next := Cur.Next;
+      //IF this is the LastService, correct LastService
+      If (Cur = LastService) then
+        LastService := Last;
+      //Search for Service in Cache and delete it if found
+      For I := 0 to High(ServiceCache) do
+        If (ServiceCache[I] = Cur) then
+        begin
+          ServiceCache[I] := nil;
+        end;
+      {$IFDEF DEBUG}
+      debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Removed Service succesful: ' + Cur.Name);
+      {$ENDIF}
+      //Free Memory
+      Freemem(Cur, SizeOf(TServiceInfo));
+      //Break the Loop
+      Break;
+    end;
+    //Go to Next Service
+    Last := Cur;
+    Cur := Cur.Next;
+  end;
+// Function Calls a Services Proc
+// Returns Services Return Value or SERVICE_NOT_FOUND on Failure
+Function TServiceManager.CallService(const ServiceName: PChar; const wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+  SExists: Integer;
+  Service: PServiceInfo;
+  CurExecutedBackup: Integer; //backup of Core.CurExecuted Attribute
+  SExists := ServiceExists(ServiceName);
+  If (SExists <> 0) then
+  begin
+    //Backup CurExecuted
+    CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
+    Service := Pointer(SExists);
+    If (Service.isClass) then
+      //Use Proc of Class
+      // FIXME: "function ... of object" does not fit into an integer (2x pointers: object + function-code -> 8byte on x86) 
+      Result := Service.ProcOfClass(wParam, lParam)
+    Else
+      //Use normal Proc
+      // FIXME: will not work with x64 CPUs, pointers will be 64bit there  
+      Result := Service.Proc(wParam, lParam);
+    //Restore CurExecuted
+    Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;
+  end;
+  debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Service ''' + ServiceName + ''' called. Result: ' + InttoStr(Result));
+  {$ENDIF}
+// Generates the Hash for the given Name
+Function TServiceManager.NametoHash(const ServiceName: TServiceName): Integer;
+// FIXME: check if the non-asm version is fast enough and use it by default if so
+{$IF Defined(CPUX86_64)}
+  { CL: Counter; RAX: Result; RDX: Current Memory Address }
+  Mov RCX, 14
+  Mov RDX, ServiceName {Save Address of String that should be "Hashed"}
+  Mov RAX, [RDX]
+  @FoldLoop: ADD RDX, 4 {jump 4 Byte(32 Bit) to the next tile }
+             ADD RAX, [RDX] {Add the Value of the next 4 Byte of the String to the Hash}
+  LOOP @FoldLoop {Fold again if there are Chars Left}
+{$ELSEIF Defined(CPU386) or Defined(CPUI386)}
+  { CL: Counter; EAX: Result; EDX: Current Memory Address }
+  Mov ECX, 14 {Init Counter, Fold 14 Times to get 4 Bytes out of 60}
+  Mov EDX, ServiceName {Save Address of String that should be "Hashed"}
+  Mov EAX, [EDX]
+  @FoldLoop: ADD EDX, 4 {jump 4 Byte(32 Bit) to the next tile }
+             ADD EAX, [EDX] {Add the Value of the next 4 Byte of the String to the Hash}
+  LOOP @FoldLoop {Fold again if there are Chars Left}
+  i: integer;
+  ptr: ^integer;
+  ptr := @ServiceName;
+  Result := 0;
+  for i := 1 to 14 do
+  begin
+    Result := Result + ptr^;
+    Inc(ptr);
+  end;
+// Function Returns Non Zero if a Service with the given Name Exists, otherwise 0
+Function TServiceManager.ServiceExists(const ServiceName: PChar): Integer;
+  Name: TServiceName;
+  Hash: Integer;
+  Cur: PServiceInfo;
+  I: Byte;
+  Result := 0;
+  // to-do : Write a Metbod (in ASM) to Zero and Add in one turn  (faster then this dirty hack ;)
+  //Zero Name:
+  Name := #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0;
+  //Add Service Name
+  Name := String(ServiceName);
+  Hash := NametoHash(Name);
+  //First of all Look for the Service in Cache
+  For I := 0 to High(ServiceCache) do
+  begin
+    If (ServiceCache[I] <> nil) AND (ServiceCache[I].Hash = Hash) then
+    begin
+      If (ServiceCache[I].Name = Name) then
+      begin //Found Service in Cache
+        Result := Integer(ServiceCache[I]);
+        {$IFDEF DEBUG}
+        debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Found Service in Cache: ''' + ServiceName + '''');
+        {$ENDIF}
+        Break;
+      end;
+    end;
+  end;
+  If (Result = 0) then
+  begin
+    Cur := FirstService;
+    While (Cur <> nil) do
+    begin
+      If (Cur.Hash = Hash) then
+      begin
+        If (Cur.Name = Name) then
+        begin //Found the Service
+          Result := Integer(Cur);
+          {$IFDEF DEBUG}
+          debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Found Service in List: ''' + ServiceName + '''');
+          {$ENDIF}
+          //Add to Cache
+          ServiceCache[NextCacheItem] := Cur;
+          NextCacheItem := (NextCacheItem + 1) AND 3;
+          Break;
+        end;
+      end;
+      Cur := Cur.Next;
+    end;
+  end;
cgit v1.2.3