From 9a393bf11f43ba649fa28c17408ea91c43c97a93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tobigun <tobigun@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 16:31:59 +0000
Subject: - cleanup - partition into logical sections - Mac app-bundle clean-up
 - log-dir stuff removed (log dir will be moved to the ~/.ultrastart/logs soon
 as we do not need special permissions as in /var/log)

git-svn-id: svn:// b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
 Game/Code/ | 125 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 60 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

(limited to 'Game/Code')

diff --git a/Game/Code/ b/Game/Code/
index fa2ba5d9..06826efd 100644
--- a/Game/Code/
+++ b/Game/Code/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Makefile for @PACKAGE_STRING@
 # @configure_input@
 # general definitions
 prefix = @prefix@
@@ -14,11 +14,9 @@ top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
 datarootdir = @datarootdir@
 VPATH = @srcdir@
 usdxrootdir = @usdxrootdir@
-logrootdir = @logrootdir@
 INSTALL_datadir = $(datarootdir)/$(INSTALL_PATH_SUFFIX)
-INSTALL_logdir = $(logrootdir)/$(INSTALL_PATH_SUFFIX)
@@ -104,8 +102,13 @@ USDX_SRC = $(USDX_PREFIX).dpr
 USDX_BIN = $(usdxrootdir)/$(USDX_BIN_NAME)
+# name of the modification timestamp filename 
 modfile = lastmod
+# general targets
 .PHONY: debug release recursive all recursive-all dependencies install install-local install-global install-data install-data-recursive install-exec uninstall uninstall-local uninstall-global uninstall-data uninstall-exec clean recursive-clean distclean recursive-distclean clean_obj clean_res dist debian-package update-modfile $(EXTRA_SRCDIRS)
@@ -126,12 +129,20 @@ recursive: $(EXTRA_SRCDIRS)
 	$(MAKE) -C $@ $(recursive-target)
+# build
 # clean old data before compiling, otherwise FPC might miss some changes.
 $(USDX_BIN): lastmod 
 	$(MAKE) clean_obj
 	mkdir -p "$(PCUNIT_DIR)"
+# install/uninstall
 install: all install-@install_type@
 uninstall: uninstall-@install_type@
@@ -148,17 +159,14 @@ uninstall-local:
 # global build
 install-global: install-data install-exec
-# TODO: to which user/group/rights must the logdir be set
-# "drwxrwxrwx" might be too dangerous
-#	$(MKDIR_P) $(INSTALL_logdir)
-#	chmod ??? $(INSTALL_logdir)
-	$(MAKE) RECURSIVE_SRC_DIR="$(usdxrootdir)/Themes" RECURSIVE_DST_DIR="$(INSTALL_datadir)/Themes" install-data-recursive
-	$(MAKE) RECURSIVE_SRC_DIR="$(usdxrootdir)/Sounds" RECURSIVE_DST_DIR="$(INSTALL_datadir)/Sounds" install-data-recursive
+	$(MAKE) RECURSIVE_SRC_DIR="$(usdxrootdir)/Artwork" RECURSIVE_DST_DIR="$(INSTALL_datadir)/Artwork" install-data-recursive
 	$(MAKE) RECURSIVE_SRC_DIR="$(usdxrootdir)/Languages" RECURSIVE_DST_DIR="$(INSTALL_datadir)/Languages" install-data-recursive
-	$(MAKE) RECURSIVE_SRC_DIR="$(usdxrootdir)/Skins" RECURSIVE_DST_DIR="$(INSTALL_datadir)/Skins" install-data-recursive
+	$(MAKE) RECURSIVE_SRC_DIR="$(usdxrootdir)/Sounds" RECURSIVE_DST_DIR="$(INSTALL_datadir)/Sounds" install-data-recursive
+	$(MAKE) RECURSIVE_SRC_DIR="$(usdxrootdir)/Themes" RECURSIVE_DST_DIR="$(INSTALL_datadir)/Themes" install-data-recursive
 	$(MAKE) RECURSIVE_SRC_DIR="$(usdxrootdir)/Resources" RECURSIVE_DST_DIR="$(INSTALL_datadir)/Resources" install-data-recursive
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) "$(usdxrootdir)/License.txt" "$(INSTALL_datadir)"
@@ -179,30 +187,35 @@ install-exec:
 	$(INSTALL) "$(USDX_BIN)" "$(bindir)"
 uninstall-global: uninstall-data uninstall-exec
-	rmdir "$(INSTALL_logdir)"
-# TODO: delete the directories created at the first execution of usdx too (like Screenshots/Playlists)
-	rm -rf "$(INSTALL_datadir)/Themes"
-	rm -rf "$(INSTALL_datadir)/Sounds"
+	rm -rf "$(INSTALL_datadir)/Artwork"
 	rm -rf "$(INSTALL_datadir)/Languages"
-	rm -rf "$(INSTALL_datadir)/Skins"
+	rm -rf "$(INSTALL_datadir)/Sounds"
+	rm -rf "$(INSTALL_datadir)/Themes"
 	rm -rf "$(INSTALL_datadir)/Resources"
-	rmdir "$(INSTALL_datadir)"
+	rm -f  "$(INSTALL_datadir)/License.txt"
+	-rmdir "$(INSTALL_datadir)"
 	rm -f "$(bindir)/$(USDX_BIN_NAME)"
+# Distributable source-package (TODO)
 disttmpdir = ./distdir
-# TODO: this needs some work
 #	$(MKDIR_P) $(disttmpdir)
 #	acm $(usdxrootdir) $(disttmpdir)
 #	$(MAKE) -C $(disttmpdir)/Game/Code distclean 
 #	tar cvzf $(USDX_TARNAME)-$(USDX_VERSION).tar.gz $(usdxrootdir)
 	@echo "Comming soon"
+# Debian package
 debpkgoutdir = $(usdxrootdir)/packages
 debpkgtmpdir = $(debpkgoutdir)/deb-package
@@ -228,66 +241,37 @@ $(debpkgname): all
 #	rm -rf $(debpkgtmpdir)
 rpm: all
-#	rpm 
 	@echo "Coming soon"
-macosx_bundle_path = ../../
+# Mac OS X app-bundle
+macosx_bundle_path = $(usdxrootdir)/
 macosx-app: all 
 # Create double clickable Mac OS X application.
 	@echo ""
 	@echo "Creating the Mac OS X application"
 	@echo ""
-	install -d $(macosx_bundle_path)/MacOS
-	install -d $(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources
-# Strip symbols and copy the binary.
-	install -s ../../UltraStar	$(macosx_bundle_path)/MacOS
+	$(MKDIR_P) $(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources
 # Put the icon file into its particular place. 
 # Must be done BEFORE info.plist is created.
-	install ../../Resources/Graphics/ustar-icon_v01.icns	$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(usdxrootdir)/Resources/Graphics/ustar-icon_v01.icns $(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/
 # the info.plist file
-	install MacOSX/Info.plist	$(macosx_bundle_path)/
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) MacOSX/Info.plist $(macosx_bundle_path)/
 # Copy the resources. 
-# This should be replaced by something like install-data and 
-# install-data-recursive and an adjusted prefix or so
-	install -d 				$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Artwork
-	install ../../Artwork/*			$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Artwork
-	install -d 				$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Languages
-	install ../../Languages/*		$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Languages
-	install -d 					$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Resources/Fonts/Bold
-	install ../../Resources/Fonts/Bold/*		$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Resources/Fonts/Bold/
-	install -d 					$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Resources/Fonts/Normal
-	install ../../Resources/Fonts/Normal/*		$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Resources/Fonts/Normal/
-	install -d 					$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Resources/Fonts/Outline\ 1
-	install ../../Resources/Fonts/Outline\ 1/*	$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Resources/Fonts/Outline\ 1/
-	install -d 					$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Resources/Fonts/Outline\ 2
-	install ../../Resources/Fonts/Outline\ 2/*	$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Resources/Fonts/Outline\ 2/
-	install -d 				$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Resources/Graphics
-	install ../../Resources/Graphics/*	$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Resources/Graphics/
-	install -d 				$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Resources/Sounds
-	install ../../Resources/Sounds/*	$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Resources/Sounds/
-	install -d 				$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Sounds
-	install ../../Sounds/*			$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Sounds
-	install -d 				$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Themes/Classic
-	install ../../Themes/Classic/*		$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Themes/Classic/
-	install ../../Themes/Classic.ini	$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Themes
-	install -d 				$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Themes/Deluxe
-	install ../../Themes/Deluxe/*		$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Themes/Deluxe/
-	install ../../Themes/Deluxe.ini		$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Themes
-	install ../../License.txt		$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/
-# the empty dirs
-	install -d $(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Covers
-	install -d $(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Logs
-	install -d $(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Plugins
-	install -d $(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Screenshots
-	install -d $(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources/Visuals
+	$(MAKE) install-global INSTALL_datadir=$(macosx_bundle_path)/Resources bindir=$(macosx_bundle_path)/MacOS
 # final messages
 	@echo ""
 	@echo "Mac OS X application created."
@@ -295,6 +279,10 @@ macosx-app: all
 	@echo "Have fun."
 	@echo ""
+# clean-up
 clean: recursive-clean clean_obj
 recursive-clean: recursive-target = clean
@@ -315,12 +303,19 @@ clean_obj:
 	find "$(PCUNIT_DIR)" -name "*.o" -o -name "*.ppu" -o -name "*.rst" -o -name "*.compiled" | xargs rm -f
 	rm -f "$(USDX_BIN)"
-	rm -f "$(RESOURCE_FILE)"
+# Resource-file
+	rm -f "$(RESOURCE_FILE)"
+# auto-update
 # FPC does not recognize changes correctly. E.g. sometimes changes in .inc-files or
 # conditional .pas dependencies are ignored which results in corrupted builds.
@@ -329,7 +324,7 @@ update-modfile:
 	test -e $(modfile) || touch $(modfile)
 	find . \( -name "*.pas" -o -name "*.pp" -o -name "*.inc" -o -name "*.dpr" \) -newer $(modfile) -exec touch $(modfile) \;
 	find $(USDX_LIB_DIR) -name "*.a" -newer $(modfile) -exec touch $(modfile) \;
 Makefile: config.status
cgit v1.2.3