From 4ce8b89fdaf829546449c0d1acab14df80c49d95 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: whiteshark0 <whiteshark0@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 12:58:11 +0000
Subject: Fixed some Bugs in Effect Engine: Perfect Note Stars was drawn 2
 Times Golden Note Extra twinkling stops and is redrawn until next Sentece or
 Note at the End of the Golden Note. Redrawing of Golden Note Twinkles at the
 next Sentence

git-svn-id: svn:// b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
 Game/Code/Classes/UDraw.pas           | 11 ++--
 Game/Code/Classes/UGraphicClasses.pas | 99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSing.pas     |  8 ++-
 3 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

(limited to 'Game/Code')

diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UDraw.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UDraw.pas
index 7447b6bf..952bad07 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UDraw.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UDraw.pas
@@ -425,11 +425,12 @@ var
       end; // with
     end; // for
-// eigentlich brauchen wir hier einen vergleich, um festzustellen, ob wir mit
-// singen schon weiter w�ren, als bei Rec.Right, _auch, wenn nicht gesungen wird_
-    with Player[NrGracza].Nuta[N] do
-      if not (Start+Dlugosc-1 = Czas.AktBeatD) then
-        GoldenRec.GoldenNoteTwinkle(Rec.Top,Rec.Bottom,Rec.Right);
+    // eigentlich brauchen wir hier einen vergleich, um festzustellen, ob wir mit
+    // singen schon weiter w�ren, als bei Rec.Right, _auch, wenn nicht gesungen wird_
+    // passing on NrGracza... hope this is really something like the player-number, not only
+    // some kind of weird index into a colour-table
+    GoldenRec.GoldenNoteTwinkle(Rec.Top,Rec.Bottom,Rec.Right, NrGracza);
   end; // if
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphicClasses.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphicClasses.pas
index 66264334..34a964b2 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphicClasses.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphicClasses.pas
@@ -29,8 +29,9 @@ type
    Particle      : array of TParticle;
    LastTime      : Cardinal;
    RecArray      : Array of RectanglePositions;
+   TwinkleArray  : Array[0..5] of PerfectNotePositions; // store position of last twinkle for every player
    PerfNoteArray : Array of PerfectNotePositions;
-   DelayAfterKillall : Integer;
+   KillallTime   : Cardinal; // Timestamp set when Killall is called
    constructor Create;
    procedure Draw;
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ type
    procedure KillAll();
    procedure SaveGoldenStarsRec(Xtop, Ytop, Xbottom, Ybottom: Real);
    procedure SavePerfectNotePos(Xtop, Ytop: Real);
-   procedure GoldenNoteTwinkle(Top,Bottom,Right: Real);
+   procedure GoldenNoteTwinkle(Top,Bottom,Right: Real; Player: Integer);
 var GoldenRec : TEffectManager;
@@ -48,6 +49,10 @@ var GoldenRec : TEffectManager;
 uses sysutils, Windows,OpenGl12, UThemes, USkins, UGraphic, UDrawTexture, UTexture, math, dialogs;
+  KillallDelay: Integer = 100;
 Constructor TParticle.Create(cX,cY: Real; cTex: Cardinal; cLive: Byte; cFrame : integer; cRecArrayIndex : Integer; cStarType : Integer);
@@ -111,8 +116,15 @@ end;
 constructor TEffectManager.Create;
+var c: Cardinal;
   LastTime := GetTickCount;
+  KillallTime := LastTime;
+  for c:=0 to 5 do
+  begin
+    TwinkleArray[c].xPos := 0;
+    TwinkleArray[c].yPos := 0;
+  end;
@@ -214,27 +226,41 @@ if not(LastParticleIndex = -1) then
 procedure TEffectManager.KillAll();
+var c: Cardinal;
 //It's the kill all kennies rotuine
   while Length(Particle) > 0 do
+  for c:=0 to 5 do
+  begin
+    TwinkleArray[c].xPos:=0;
+    TwinkleArray[c].yPos:=0;
+  end;
-procedure TeffectManager.GoldenNoteTwinkle(Top,Bottom,Right: Real);
+procedure TeffectManager.GoldenNoteTwinkle(Top,Bottom,Right: Real; Player: Integer);
 //Twinkle stars while golden note hit
+// this is called from UDraw.pas, SingDrawPlayerCzesc
   C, P, XKatze, YKatze: Integer;
+  CurrentTime: Cardinal;
-  DelayAfterKillall:=10;    // To be used later, for the screen change issue
-  For P := 0 to high(RecArray) do  // Are we inside a GoldenNoteRectangle?
-    begin
-      if ((RecArray[P].xBottom >= Right) and
-          (RecArray[P].xTop <= Right) and
-          (RecArray[P].yTop <= (Top+Bottom)/2) and
-          (RecArray[P].yBottom >= (Top+Bottom)/2)) then
+  CurrentTime := GetTickCount;
+  //delay after Killall
+  if (CurrentTime > (KillallTime + KillallDelay)) then
+    // make sure we spawn only one time at one position
+    if (TwinkleArray[Player].xPos < Right) then
+      For P := 0 to high(RecArray) do  // Are we inside a GoldenNoteRectangle?
+      begin
+        if ((RecArray[P].xBottom >= Right) and
+            (RecArray[P].xTop <= Right) and
+            (RecArray[P].yTop <= (Top+Bottom)/2) and
+            (RecArray[P].yBottom >= (Top+Bottom)/2)) then
+          TwinkleArray[Player].xPos:=Right;
           for C := 1 to 8 do
             Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Top) , ceil(Bottom));
@@ -243,21 +269,26 @@ begin
           exit; // found a GoldenRec, did spawning stuff... done
-    end;
+      end;
 procedure TEffectManager.SaveGoldenStarsRec(Xtop, Ytop, Xbottom, Ybottom: Real);
   P : Integer;   // P like used in Positions
   NewIndex : Integer;
+  CurrentTime: Cardinal;
-  For P := 0 to high(RecArray) do  // Do we already have that "new" position?
-    begin
-      if ((ceil(RecArray[P].xTop) = ceil(Xtop)) and (ceil(RecArray[P].yTop) = ceil(Ytop))) then
-        exit; // it's already in the array, so we don't have to create a new one
-    end;
+  CurrentTime := GetTickCount;
+  //delay after Killall
+  if (CurrentTime > (KillallTime + KillallDelay)) then
+  begin
+    For P := 0 to high(RecArray) do  // Do we already have that "new" position?
+      begin
+        if ((ceil(RecArray[P].xTop) = ceil(Xtop)) and (ceil(RecArray[P].yTop) = ceil(Ytop))) then
+          exit; // it's already in the array, so we don't have to create a new one
+      end;
-// we got a new position, add the new positions to our array
+  // we got a new position, add the new positions to our array
       NewIndex := Length(RecArray);
       SetLength(RecArray, NewIndex + 1);
       RecArray[NewIndex].xTop    := Xtop;
@@ -266,6 +297,7 @@ begin
       RecArray[NewIndex].yBottom := Ybottom;
       RecArray[NewIndex].TotalStarCount := ceil(Xbottom - Xtop) div 12 + 3;
       RecArray[NewIndex].CurrentStarCount := 0;
+  end;
 procedure TEffectManager.SavePerfectNotePos(Xtop, Ytop: Real);
@@ -275,27 +307,32 @@ var
   RandomFrame : Integer;
   Xkatze, Ykatze : Integer;
+  CurrentTime: Cardinal;
-  For P := 0 to high(PerfNoteArray) do  // Do we already have that "new" position?
-    begin
-      if ((ceil(PerfNoteArray[P].xPos) = ceil(Xtop)) and (ceil(PerfNoteArray[P].yPos) = ceil(Ytop))) then
-        exit; // it's already in the array, so we don't have to create a new one
-    end;
+  CurrentTime := GetTickCount;
+  //delay after Killall
+  if (CurrentTime > (KillallTime + KillallDelay)) then
+  begin
+    For P := 0 to high(PerfNoteArray) do  // Do we already have that "new" position?
+      begin
+        if ((ceil(PerfNoteArray[P].xPos) = ceil(Xtop)) and (ceil(PerfNoteArray[P].yPos) = ceil(Ytop))) then
+          exit; // it's already in the array, so we don't have to create a new one
+      end;
-// we got a new position, add the new positions to our array
+  // we got a new position, add the new positions to our array
       NewIndex := Length(PerfNoteArray);
       SetLength(PerfNoteArray, NewIndex + 1);
       PerfNoteArray[NewIndex].xPos    := Xtop;
       PerfNoteArray[NewIndex].yPos    := Ytop;
-    for P:= 0 to 2 do
-      begin
-        Xkatze := RandomRange(ceil(Xtop) - 5 , ceil(Xtop) + 10);
-        Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Ytop) - 5 , ceil(Ytop) + 10);
-        RandomFrame := RandomRange(0,14);
-        Spawn(Xkatze, Ykatze, Tex_Note_Perfect_Star.TexNum, 16 - RandomFrame, RandomFrame, -1, 2);
-    end;
+      for P:= 0 to 2 do
+        begin
+          Xkatze := RandomRange(ceil(Xtop) - 5 , ceil(Xtop) + 10);
+          Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Ytop) - 5 , ceil(Ytop) + 10);
+          RandomFrame := RandomRange(0,14);
+          Spawn(Xkatze, Ykatze, Tex_Note_Perfect_Star.TexNum, 16 - RandomFrame, RandomFrame, -1, 2);
+      end;
+  end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSing.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSing.pas
index d684dc3c..ae5b239c 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSing.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSing.pas
@@ -1121,16 +1121,14 @@ begin
 //PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod End// }
-//GoldenStarsTwinkle Mod
-  GoldenRec.KillAll;
-//GoldenStarsTwinkle Mod End
 //Called on Sentence Change S= New Current Sentence
 procedure TScreenSing.onSentenceChange(S: Cardinal);
-  //Dummy
+  //GoldenStarsTwinkle Mod
+  GoldenRec.KillAll;
+  //GoldenStarsTwinkle Mod End
cgit v1.2.3